W elcome to the online home of the 90th Infantry Division Preservation Group. During this time the 90th Light was involved in numerous blocking efforts to help stem the British advance. It was a well-trained unit originally formed in Potsdam in 1941 from specialist soldiers with previous experience in the deserts of the Middle East and North Africa. After the fall of Libya, the Anglo-American advance on Tunisia encroached from both the northwest and the east. Each step the 90.leichte helped establish blocking lines to prevent the Allies from overtaking the retreating and battered remnants of the Axis forces. It fought for the remainder of the North African campaign, finally surrendering to the Allies in Tunisia in May 1943. The division surrendered at Enfidaville on May 12th, 1943 and the 90th Light survivors went into Allied captivity thereafter. The history of the 90.leichte-Afrika-Division is shorter than most typical German divisional units because it existed for only two years. The 90th Infantry Division was activated in summer 1917, just months after the United States entered World War I. In addition, much-needed armor had been pulled from the front and moved to Egypt for rest and refit. see photos for details. From July 1st until July 8th the 90.leichte fought from near Tell El Eisa as the northernmost German division and pushed east coming up against Ruweistat Ridge, south of El Alamein. During World War II, the "Tough Ombre" division landed at Utah Beach on D-Day (June 6, 1944) as part of the massive Allied invasion of western Europe. Although the division was not as weak as it had been at El Alamein the previous fall it was still seriously short of men and material, amounting to approximately 5700 men. The division played a major role in most of the actions against the Allied 8th Army in the western desert and eventually surrendered to the Allies in Tunisia in 1943. The operation was aimed at breaking out of the Gazala positions and finally taking Tobruk. The remainder of its personnel surrendered to the Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB) in Italy in April 1945. It was with these initial German blocking forces that the origins of the 90th Light Africa Division can be traced. 90th Light Infantry Division Werner Mork 1943 In the northern part of the island of Sardinia in September of 1943 the German “guests” left this isle in haste. British forces too were exhausted and battered after their retreat. The 90.leichte moved along the interior route through Cyrenaica from Gazala to Mechili, Msus, Agedabia, Marsa El Brega and finally to the defensive positions at El Agheila. Through its five-year existence it was redesignated several times, although always known colloquially as the Africa Division. Obergefreiter and later Unteroffizier Hans Wiechers served for the majority of World War Two in the German Army. It consisted of subunits with various combat specialties like mountain and desert warfare, night attack, infiltration, and so on. When the Axis arrived at El Agheila the British didn’t expect much in the way of a counter-attack but Rommel wasn’t about to remain idle. The window was slowly closing; the Germans were on the offensive but their chances of success fading. In August of 1941 that unit became simply the “Division for Special Use Africa” (Division z.b.V Afrika). This was desert warfare at its most classic; swirling and unrelenting. The 90.leichte fought at El Adem south of Tobruk, at Sidi Rezegh, in the Knightsbridge position in which fierce fighting took place, and most famously at Bir Hacheim as the southern flank of Rommel’s drive to outflank and encircle the British line. As such, the Africa Division was reconstituted as the 90th Panzergrenadier Division in Sardinia during July 1943. On November 18th, 1941 the British launched Operation Crusader to clear German and Italian units from the frontier and relieve Tobruk. Articles with unsourced statements from November 2014, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, Military units and formations established in 1941, Infantry divisions of Germany during World War II, https://military.wikia.org/wiki/90th_Light_Infantry_Division_(Wehrmacht)?oldid=4685541, Division z.b.V. The history of the 90th Light Infantry Division is brief lasting a mere two years, from 1941 to mid-1943 where they entered captivity after the fall of Tunisia. As a very unique and interesting aside, the 361st Reinforced Africa Regiment was created from former German Foreign Legionaries who had served France before 1940. As the demands for more troops in North Africa became more des-perate, the division was split into a small fortress division and a mobile Light Division… It was this disaster that the Germans were landed in February 1941 when Rommel arrived in Tripoli with his blocking forces intended to reverse Axis fortunes. fully embroidered, cut edge construction. 361st Reinforced Africa Regiment that became part of the division upon formation was created from former German Foreign Legionaries who had served France before 1940. On November 8th Operation Torch was launched and the Western Allies landed a large Anglo-American force in Morocco and Algeria. The division that would become famous later as 90th Light Division started its life as a formation of odds and sods, thrown together quickly out of whatever was available while a much more important war raged in the east. It had literally been bleed white during the previous 5 weeks of fighting and the clashes south of El Alamein inflicted even great losses on the division. Afrika to the 90.leichte-Infanterie-Division. Original Items: One-of-a-kind set. Abrams | Jan 1, 1999 He was assigned to the 90th Light Infantry Division was a light infantry division of the German Army during World War II that served in North Africa as well as Sardinia and Italy. The division moved north from Le Mans Aug 11, following the 2nd French Armd Div. During this time in July 1942, the division was renamed from 90.leichte-Infanterie-Division to the 90.leichte-Afrika-Division (mot). 8/15/2020 - Updated Books about the 90th; 3/29/2020 - Posted Winter 2020 Newsletter; 3/29/2020 - Reunion Cancelled. Afrika changed names when it became simply Division z.b.V Afrika. 1-16 of 24 results for Books: "90th infantry division" A History of the 90th Division in World War II, 6 June 1944 to 9 May 1945 (Divisional Series, 50) by Lt. Joe. The 90th Light Infantry Division was created in August 1941 as Division z.b.V. Norderstedt, Germany. By the winter of 1940, the Italian offensive had come to a grinding halt. The 90th’s enlisted replacements had reached more than 100 percent of the division’s authorized strength by July 22. The 90.leichte continued to serve as a blocking force at Homs and finally at Tripoli, the last bastion of the Germans in all of Libya. In the process, it lost thousands of men and left an elite battle record second to none. The 90.leichte continued to suffer appalling losses in these battles. The abbreviation z.b.V. It was a stunning defeat for the Axis. The 288th Armored Infantry Unit was originally known as the 288th Special Unit, or “Sonderverbande 288” and was essentially a WWII version of a regimental sized special operations unit.

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