Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), Plans are underway for the Confirmation Retreat, February 22-23, 2014. Dear Nephew: At the request of your mother, I am writing this letter to you regarding my faith journey. Write that you are glad he is having such an experience. Grades 11 12 Confirmation St Mary Catholic Community. I know it should be inspiring and encouraging. Thank you for writing a letter to one of the retreatants. Views from the Choir Loft Archive Catholic Liturgy Blog. The Devil hates the good fruit that retreats bring, so he constantly preys on retreatants. Write that you are glad he is having such an experience. In order for this to happen, we are asking that one or both parents write a letter of encouragement to their son/daughter. My girlfriend wants me to write her a retreat letter. Ask those writing letters to just write from the heart about the importance of their Catholic/Christian faith, and to encourage the confirmation candidate to continue growing in their faith journey. Helpful Guidelines for writing Palanca Sample letters attached One letter from each parent/sponsor written with the guidelines outlined below. It seems like only yesterday that your mother excitedly told me that she was pregnant with you after many years of waiting. Catholic retreat letters sample. I dont know how to start it off though. I love you so much. I’ll keep this short, like I always do in every retreat letter I write. Each letter should be brief – no longer than one typed sheet of paper. Do I just jump into the inspiring and encouraging things? Start with Love. You can briefly mention your personal experience and how the retreat worked for you. Think about what kind of Palanca (prayer, sacrifice or work of mercy) you want to … Reassure the retreatant you will be thinking about her and praying for her, if it is a spiritual retreat . 1. Grades 11 12 Confirmation St Mary Catholic Community. If you think their priorities stray from concentrating on Him, show them Love in your letter. We would ask that all letters be submitted no later than two (2) days prior to the beginning of the retreat to allow for adequate time to process the letters. Sample Catholic Retreat Letter In All Things Charity A Pastoral Challenge for the New. Welcome to the Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton. You can briefly mention your personal experience and how the retreat worked for you. I hope you’re having fun. Express your feelings to the retreatant. On letter day, some leaders ask attendees to find a private place for reading. Starting early also give you a chance to collect these letters in time for the retreat. Parent Support Letters: One of the most meaningful parts of the retreat weekend is when we present the confirmation candidates with surprise letters of support and affirmation from home. I love you. Express your feelings to the retreatant. Some resources that offer online examples of retreat letters include, the Good Men Project and My Domestic Church. What do you write in a retreat letter? Though Ican’t promise that I won’t hurt you in the future, but I can assure you that I’ll be facing all of it and take full responsibility for it. Pray before writing the Palanca and allow the Holy Spirit to guide your words. I am honored to be doing so. However, even if late, we will make every effort to see that the retreatant receives your note. I'm not too big on the whole God thing so I don't know a whole lot about the religious side. If the letter’s receiver begrudgingly went to the retreat, they need your love now. Children, youth and adults who attend Catholic retreats hope to receive letters from parents and grandparents. During the retreat, the candidates will be given the I am confident that it will be a wonderful and meaningful weekend for your child. Your arrival was and continues to… St Gabriel Church Home. Retreat Letter - Saint Xavier High School. I’m sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you. But this isn’t going to be about the men’s retreat itself but instead a portion of the retreat where unbenounced to the men, the facilitators solicited letters from friends and relatives. What do you write in a Catholic retreat letter? Happy Retreat! Confirmation Retreat Support Letters PLEASE KEEP THIS CONFIDENTIAL!!!! Like Dear (her name), I hope your retreat is going well.... Now I'm stuck.

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