Despite sharing an animal family, domestic and wild rabbits have evolved to become genetically incompatible and can't produce offspring. Not only do wild and domestic rabbits differ physically, their social and behavioural characteristics are vastly different. Wild rabbits have a smaller, narrow head, while domestic rabbits have rounded heads and chubby cheeks. place your index finger between the rabbit's ears and grasp the base of the head with your thumb on one side and your other three fingers on the other. By Natalie Riggs on September 8, 2018 Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. American: American: American : American fuzzy lop: American fuzzy lop: American fuzzy lop Wild rabbits have no interest in humans and will bolt, alarmed, if they see one. Domestic rabbits have wide, round eyes and chubby cheeks. Domestic rabbits vary in size from 2 lbs. Moreover, “by digging burrows, eating native plants, and taking up niche space already occupied, releasing domesticated rabbits into the wild can actually damage native wild rabbit populations or other species that eat the same things, live in the same areas, etc.,” she explains. On the other hand, domesticated rabbits are often used to people, so may approach you – even if found outside. Rabbits and hares have a strong fight-or-flight instinct. One is the domestic rabbit which is the one you can adopt as a pet. to over 20 lbs. The indoor buns we’re used to come in different shapes and sizes. For the most part, the majority of wild rabbits look pretty much the same. A domestic rabbit will be noticeable by its droopy lop ears, spotted coat or albino fur. What should you do if you see a domesticated rabbit running loose? North American wild rabbits build their nests above ground, usually inside protective bushes or wooded areas, and live relatively solitary lives. A domestic rabbit will be noticeable by its droopy lop ears, spotted coat or albino fur. Rabbits and hares look similar, so people often mistake them for one another. Wash your hands well in general, but particularly when interacting with animals. Size. Is that bunny outside a wild cottontail or a neighbor’s lost BFF? By two weeks of age rabbits start showing an interest in nibbling grass and herbage. A wild rabbit would have a lifetime of famil-iarity with the area, plus reflexes and instincts domestic rabbits lack. There are tons of different breeds, so their appearance isn’t nearly as consistent. We still see this color often in our domestic rabbits (see Figure B). These animals can either be a definitive host of the various worms or an intermediary host. She has published fiction, humor and public-interest pieces in a variety of regional magazines and she also draws cartoons. Differentiate Between a Dunnock & a Sparrow, The Difference Between Human Fleas & Dog Fleas. In my opinion they have just as good a chance as any other rabbit. They may not be able to find a place to dig a burrow to cool off.” She also notes how they are more susceptible to parasites. This is the easiest way to differentiate a wild rabbit from a domestic rabbit. Ears can be upright or flop over and they have a much more full or round body shape,” Dr. Wilkinson explains. You can buy from Small Pet Select anywhere in the world! Baby wild rabbits are typically found with a little white patch of fur on their foreheads, although some domestics can be found with a similar obvious spot. They are also native to Europe, Southeast Asia and Africa. Regardless of the next steps, capturing a “stray” domestic rabbit will almost certainly save his life. Wild bunnies are smaller than domestic rabbits, with adult Cottontails weighing up to 1.81 kg and domestic rabbits reaching more tha Be aware though; some domesticated rabbits also have upright ears when attentive. The bottom line is, any loose domestic rabbit you encounter needs your help. If the ears are upright, the rabbit may be wild. Please refer to the handout Care of Rabbits for more information on diet for domestic, pet rabbits. Distinguish Male Apart From Female Bantam Chickens→. They are always in lean body condition.” Unlike domestic rabbits, wild rabbits all look pretty similar. The best course of action is to try and trap the rabbit and get him to safety. Is that rabbit safe to eat? It means that it’s essential to separate the rabbits into same-sex groups before three months of age. Please spread the love and share this with your friends!Every little bit helps. While some may still wear the camouflage outfit of their European ancestors, predators will easily spot those with light-colored coats. Your house bun has come a long way from her wild ancestors. It boils down to how lucky they are I guess. Domestic rabbits look a bit different from wild rabbits. Dr. Wilkinson suggests reaching out to the House Rabbit Society because as national rescue/education organization with local chapters all over the USA, there may be a group within a few hours of your home. “Domesticated rabbits haven’t developed a ‘balance’ with fleas, ticks, and internal parasites like wild animals may have, which can cause them to become very sick or die if infested.”. If you haven't been in my shoes, don't say "take them to a shelter." Domesticated rabbits wouldn’t even be able to reproduce with the little guys you might see in your garden. Wild rabbits are much smaller than domestic rabbits, with adult Cottontails weighing up to 1.81 kg (4 lb) and domestic rabbits reaching more than 4.54 kg (10 lb), according to breed. There are tons of different breeds, so their appearance isn’t nearly as consistent. Even the most adventurous bunnies don’t stand a chance if released into the wild. While it’s comforting to think they may ask some cottontails for tips to living on the wild side, unfortunately this is wishful thinking. No wild rabbit native to the U.S. has floppy ears. Thanks to domestication and generations of human care, your rabbit wouldn’t survive long if left to her own devices. Outdoor cottontail rabbits are extremely skittish and won’t willingly approach you. Dealing with burrowing. Rabbits are not pack animals, and their mothers do not raise them, with exception of checking on them every so often in the wild. Unless from a nearby home, they are displaced. Dr. Wilkinson mentions cars, wild animals, and loose dogs/cats as common threats. Cottontail rabbits, pros at life on the streets, only live for about 1-3 years. If appearance alone doesn’t clear up any doubt, behavior will seal the deal. Reluctance to leave "home base" is why you can figure most stray domestics have not willingly left home. You can attempt to find the sex of a rabbit that is a few days old. The underside of the tail is white, they have upright ears, and their legs are long and thin. Hares will probably get far away. You may be able to approach them and scoop them up, especially if tempted with a yummy treat. The other is the wild rabbit, Cottontails or Hares which live outdoors. Most of the world's wild rabbits live in the Western hemisphere. A good rule of thumb is, if you have to chase a baby rabbit to catch him or her, the rabbit is fine! I think I'd be doing them a huge favor by freeing them in the wild; they can't last any less than a wild rabbit. Kelsey Bankert began writing professionally in 1997. Once the rabbit is captured, you can have it scanned for a microchip for free at a vet or animal shelter. Tularemia is a disease caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis. According to Stacey Leonatti Wilkinson, DVM, DABVP from Avian and Exotic Animal Hospital of Georgia, “Native cottontails are always small (around 2-3 pounds) with a brown coat (agouti pattern). The underside of the tail is white, they have upright ears, and their legs are long and thin. Few game species can match the eastern cottontail for fine eating, but before you put that rabbit on the stove, take a minute to inspect it to make sure it’s healthy. Physical Traits of Wild Rabbit Image: skeeze from Pixabay. Bankert earned a Master of Arts in history from San Diego State University. If you follow the below mentioned few steps, you can find the sex of your rabbit easily. Make every effort to find his human counterpart by placing ads and fliers up in the neighborhood, knocking on doors of nearby houses, and reporting as found to local shelters and exotic vets. While your bunny and her friends descend from the European rabbit, they have lost the instincts and physical traits necessary to get by in the wild. By 2 weeks of age they will have a full coat of fur. “Some are skittish if they haven’t been handled much, but nothing like a wild rabbit. This is a bit of a trick question. The rabbit or hare may bite you. Although domestic and wild rabbits share similarities in appearance, the two are very different. Wild rabbits, especially Cottontails, grow to a particular size. Domestic rabbits, however, belong to the Oryctolagus cuniculus genus and hail from Europe. Also, unfortunately, it's not uncommon for people to abandon pet rabbits outdoors, and domestic rabbits do need our help. Domestic rabbits are actually descendant from the European hare, which exhibits extremely different social behaviours from the wild Cottontail rabbit. It is a wild bird called a red junglefowl (Gallus gallus), but these birds are the closest wild relatives of modern domestic chickens. America is home to 14 species of wild rabbits, including cottontails, which are classified in either the Lepus or the Sylvilagus genus. Most wild rabbits in The United States are cottontails, who are brown with white tails. Many animal shelters aren’t equipped with pet rabbit supplies to care for exotic pets, but they may be able to point you in the direction of a rabbit rescue. “When it’s over 80 degrees, rabbits are extremely prone to heat stroke. By 6 - 8 days the eyes and ears open and they have thin fluff. You can usually tell if a rabbit is wild or domestic by looking at its physical traits. “They vary from the true dwarf rabbits like a Netherland dwarf, which is about 2 pounds, to the giant breed rabbits like the Flemish Giant or French Lop, which can be around 12-16 pounds. They may also emit a high-pitched scream. Wild rabbits are a light brown colour, called Agouti. Wild rabbits are much smaller than domestic rabbits, with adult Cottontails weighing up to 1.81 kg (4 lb) and domestic rabbits reaching more than 4.54 kg (10 lb), according to breed. One might compare the wild and domestic rabbits to the wolf and dog. If the person who finds the rabbit cannot keep it and cannot locate the owner, then the best option is to find it a home,” Dr. Wilkinson admits. Most of the world's wild rabbits live in the Western hemisphere. Below is the email for wild rabbit questions: (wild) (If links above did not answer your question). The indoor buns we’re used to come in different shapes and sizes. Let’s take a look! Wild and domestic rabbits exhibit wildly different behaviour when encountering humans. The natural, or "wild" coloring of hares, cottontails, and European rabbits is the same: known as "agouti" coloring. If you want a memento of encountering a wild rabbit or hare, settle for a photograph. (See above for wild rabbits). Ears. Wild and domestic rabbits both come from the family of animals called Leporidae, but that is where many of their similarities end. Rabbits more than 5 inches in length need no assistance unless they are sick or injured. What happens when a pet rabbit is released into the wild? If they aren’t having it, try a live trap with some apple inside. “If a person does manage to catch one, they will often fight, twist, and kick repeatedly in an effort to get free. Young rabbits can start breeding at the age of 12 weeks. Wild rabbits are a light brown colour, called Agouti. While sharing obvious characteristics, they are very different creatures. They can be difficult to tell apart if you've never researched it and while you think you're saving an abandoned baby bunny, you could be causing its death if you bring it in and confine it. Rabbits may live with their mate in the wild which is why they are capable of coexisting with another rabbit; however, they … After exposure to the virus an incubation period of between 2 and 3 weeks takes place with rapid deterioration following the onset of symptoms. To avoid tularemia in both rabbits and humans, the following guidelines should be observed: Avoid contact with animals which we either don't know or which look unwell and potentially infected. “Unfortunately most found domestic rabbits are intentionally released rather than escaped. “As a completely different species, they aren’t able to interact, communicate effectively, or understand each other,” Dr. Wilkinson says. The fur of a domestic can look a lot fluffier or softer than the fur of an adult cottontail which will appear more coarse and sleek. Wild rabbits are light brown in colour, whereas a domestic bunny usually has a spotted coat or albino fur, with droopy lop ears. Pet rabbits are an entirely different species than the cottontail rabbits that are native to the United States. European wild rabbits, however, build complicated and massive underground warrens, where they engage in a complex social hierarchy. Domestic rabbits are actually descendant from the European hare, which exhibits extremely different social behaviours from the wild Cottontail rabbit. Know the Rabbit’s age. Identify your Rabbit Breed. They are always in lean body condition.” Unlike domestic rabbits, wild rabbits all look pretty similar. Have you seen a suspected pet rabbit running wild? As you can imagine, a spotted coat isn’t exactly ideal for life in the wild. Wild rabbits have a smaller, narrow head, while domestic rabbits have rounded heads and chubby … This fight reflex is more likely in rabbits. Wild rabbits have a smaller, narrow head, while domestic rabbits have rounded heads and chubby cheeks. Bunny bites can be painful, and you never know what diseases a wild animal is carrying. Domesticated rabbits are used to having rabbit food and timothy hay provided for them, and may not be able to find food on their own. Typically, an abandoned rabbit does not have a high chance of survival due to the lack of survival skills and camouflaging coat. Despite the cases of infection being rare, rabbits are highly susceptible to the rabies virus. Wild rabbits don't live long. Finally, both domestic and wild rabbits will cause a lot of damage on your lawn, yard or garden as these animals try to scratch or scrape soil so as to make a hole. While cottontails always have short brown hair, domestic rabbits can have varying hair coat colors, patterns, and lengths. Because domestic rabbits descend from European rabbits, they too have a strong sense of community and social hierarchies. How do you tell if a rabbit is wild or domestic? The easiest way to tell them apart is by their physical appearance. Wild cottontails cannot be kept as pets or education animals because of this; they are far too easily stressed to live a comfortable life in captivity,” Dr. Wilkinson warns. It’s not common to find an owner. Domestic rabbits however, unless they have been abused by a human, will approach them with only minimal caution. While domestic rabbits are social and prefer to live in groups, the wild rabbits are more likely to do their own thing anyway. ; Keep the rabbits indoors. Domestic and wild rabbits, cottontails, and hares can suffer from different endoparasites (internal parasites), one of them being worms. It can be transmitted by various means, but a common path of infection in humans is through contact with infected … You may still be able to pick them up, especially if tempted with a treat,” she says. Indoor bunnies just aren’t prepared for outdoor hazards. By 3 weeks of age they are regularly leaving the … They are super speedy and almost impossible to catch without a trap. To get the best service, choose the store closest to you: Avian and Exotic Animal Hospital of Georgia. You may reach for domestic/pet rabbit questions. Feral rabbits are different than wild rabbits that belong in nature. Dr. Wilkinson points out how pet rabbits are especially at risk in hot weather. ; Don't drink water of unknown origin or from the wild. If that still fails, Dr. Wilkinson recommends calling animal control, a local House Rabbit Society branch, or rescue group for help. Tagged with: behavior. Feral rabbits are domesticated rabbits that have been abandoned or escaped outdoors and in the rare case have thrived and created a colony. Some domestic rabbits, however, do wear the colour of their ancestors.

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