WT: 0.5 Size: SMALL WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL I do it to farm Seb keys. WT: 0.4 Size: SMALL STR: +15 STA: +12 HP: +50 (3) Casters, when charmed, will spend their mana nuking your target. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Slot: FACE WT: 2.5 Size: MEDIUM Remember two things: Level 9-14: Kite in Western Badlands. It's dropable and pretty cheap. Lull crit resists have a smaller aggro radius than a DD song or a throwing weapon. WT: 4.5 Size: SMALL Note that chants are dots, and on unfeared mobs that are moving, dots only do 2/3 of their normal damage. Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG Slot: EAR WT: 1.0 Size: TINY Slot: NECK The Velious Drums of the Beast is amazing because it is main-hand, allowing you to equip a weapon or a resist shield in your offhand, and generally reduces the need to swap instruments. Slot: BACK SECONDARY Those that would like to avoid the crowds should stick to classic content during this level range. Once you Mez the target, you can refresh the Mez without the target ever waking up to damage you - as long as you land another Mez before 18 second is up. Lull is a pretty easy ability to understand: it makes the aggro radius of the Mob smaller. STR: +10 DEX: +10 CHA: +15 INT: +10 Haste: +40% Slot: SHOULDERS Slot: WRIST STR: +9 DEX: +13 CHA: +9 As noted before, you can also selectively aggro or fear kite in a traditional group, if the healers mana is low, or if a particularly hard caster comes along. Race: ALL, Slot: FINGER Registered Member. AC: 8 WT: 2.8 Size: SMALL They will never be an efficient target for CH. When Charm fades, the mob is aggroed on you, but very lightly, meaning it will run to your healer if he is sitting and near the mob when charm breaks. (2) Your mobility is your biggest advantage. Playing multiple songs is known as "twisting", and your "twist" depends entirely upon what you are doing at that moment. DEX: +7 MANA: +15 Find the best Bard build guides for S11 Patch 11.4. If you would like to solo while LFG The Overthere is a great place to do so. WT: 3.5 Size: SMALL Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP AC: 12 Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM For this reason, some bards carry around a set of negative charisma gear in order to make lull crits more likely. Bards can be Humans, Wood Elves, and Half Elves. All Instrument Types: 18 WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Slot: RANGE PRIMARY SECONDARY So what makes Bards unique is the sheer arsenal of songs available and the ability to cast on the move. Easy, simple, and safe as long as you don't run into other mobs, but slow XP. STR: +10 CHA: +7 HP: +70 WT: 4.5 Size: SMALL Because of the multiple roles that Bards can play, there will be different optimal gear sets depending on the role at the moment. Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 23 WT: 0.1 Size: TINY AC: 5 Bards CAN do more DPS in a group role that most people realize, but more on that later. WT: 19.4 Size: SMALL Class: WAR RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM HP: +65 WT: 3.2 Size: MEDIUM Class: ALL Slot: HEAD HP: +65 MANA: +65 AC: 2 Effect: Song of the Deep Seas (Combat) Slot: RANGE PRIMARY SECONDARY Percussion Instruments: 24 WT: 1.0 Size: MEDIUM INT: +9 Slot: HANDS hide. Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG Slot: SHOULDERS Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 20 Race: HUM ELF HEF, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP 20 damage and magic damage absorb per pulse, which can more than double with a lute equipped). Assuming only one mob is low-HP, then all need to do is charm the other mob, and the low-hp mob will start running away. SV MAGIC: +10 WT: 0.0 Size: SMALL STA: +6 WT: 4.0 Size: TINY WT: 0.1 Size: MEDIUM What Bards get instead are their songs. Slot: BACK WT: 0.0 Size: MEDIUM This page was last modified on 5 November 2020, at 08:15. The unique thing about Bard songs are they all take 3 seconds to cast, they all can be cast while moving at full speed, and they all cost no mana (with two exceptions). DMG: 19 The Bard will eat some experience, but this is offset by the incredible ease of getting kill credit. Any recommendations or gear guides I should be looking at? A good Bard avoids taking hit where other classes are forced to stand still. Slot: FACE AC: 6 DMG: 12 AC: 45 Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY WT: 7.0 Size: LARGE CHA: +2 AGI: +2 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP While at lower levels you can tank two mobs while you refresh charm, at higher levels this is an easy way to die. Always turn walk on before fights with dragon fear, equip your drum, and good luck on the pixels! Aggro and Fear kiting is a great basis for any duo because you can do it with anyone. Slot: WRIST There are a few consumables you want on you at all times. A normal twist while charming is just Charm -> Selos -> Hp Regen, with some dots maybe thrown in. AC: 7 Haste: +34% AC: 12 AC: 29 Race: HUM ELF HEF, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM AC: 11 WT: 0.0 Size: TINY Sort by. SV DISEASE: +5 SV POISON: +5 Slot: RANGE PRIMARY WT: 19.4 Size: LARGE A recommended twist is then Snare -> Fear -> FR dot -> CR dot. Slot: WAIST WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Slot: WRIST WT: 0.1 Size: TINY SV FIRE: +15 SV DISEASE: +15 SV COLD: +15 SV MAGIC: +15 SV POISON: +15 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM STR: +10 DEX: +15 STA: +20 CHA: +10 AGI: +15 HP: +100 Don't embarrass your tanks or your casters, help them, even if it means standing in the back playing heal, mana, buff, and haste songs. It would be great to upgrade your Lute, but the only Lutes with good modifiers are no-drop (one from Maestro in Hate, the other from VP). Race: HUM ELF HEF, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP One last tip: before you start fear kiting, pull the mob where you want it and mez it. SV FIRE: +7 SV DISEASE: +7 SV COLD: +7 SV MAGIC: +7 SV POISON: +7 Race: HUM ELF HEF, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Class: ALL The exceptions are some Wind songs like invis and water breathing, and the Velious mana/hp regen song you receive at 34 which requires a Lute equipped. Class: BRD Class: SHD BRD NEC WIZ MAG ENC WT: 5.0 Size: SMALL Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM WT: 2.0 Size: TINY DMG: 14 WT: 0.0 Size: TINY Also in case the enchanter dies, or if the enchanter's pet breaks it is considered polite to mez his mob while he recharms. DEX: +5 CHA: +7 Some notes on newbie zones based on starting city: Western Antonica. apply in groups. On my Bard, I only carry 4 bags. WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL STR: +15 DEX: +15 STA: +15 HP: +100 STR: +5 STA: +9 AGI: +9 Slot: SHOULDERS AC: 10 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP CHA: +1 WT: 0.5 Size: MEDIUM Repeat so that all 8 song slots have their own macro. DMG: 15 Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG I also, whenever possible, Tash the mob to reduce resists (seriously, buy an Orb of Tishan ASAP). Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP STR: +10 STA: +15 HP: +100 MANA: +100 SV MAGIC: +7 I just started on the server a couple weeks ago and also rolled a bard. STR: +15 WIS: +15 INT: +15 HP: +100 MANA: +100 Class: BRD A few Stinging Wort potions are a good idea and necessary for certain raiding guilds to keep yourself alive (or a Soulfire). For the player looking to acquire the best gear from Kunark, check out this guide. WT: 3.0 Size: MEDIUM I'll list a few items here. Slot: HANDS AC: 7 Nitro & Electric Engines. STR: +10 WIS: +10 INT: +10 HP: +100 Class: BRD Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Class: ALL STR: +5 DEX: +5 AGI: +5 HP: +30 AC: 40 STR: +10 DEX: +10 STA: +10 CHA: +10 WIS: +10 INT: +10 AGI: +10 HP: +100 MANA: +100 Slot: LEGS Really, any class with SoW can pull in most outdoor zones. WT: 0.0 Size: TINY AC: 15 Ideally, you want to charm mobs in pairs, and get them both as close to 0% hp as possible before you kill them both. Race: HUM ELF HEF, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Class: BRD Keep your distance by backing up - Selos should be on, and you have time to recharm, even with a resist or two. Start recharming your target, and if you are too early, just hit your charm macro again (it will stop the song and cast the new one). STR: +7 DEX: +7 STA: +7 AC: 40 Slot: SECONDARY The armor has a lot of FR and very low AC, which is why most tanks don't want it (except the pants, which I believe is BIS for warriors in Kunark). Class: ALL except MNK NEC WIZ MAG ENC Race: ALL, Slot: FINGER Worn Haste is not a priority for Bards, but some pieces (especially cloaks and velious belts) have Bard stats or resists and the haste is simply a bonus. WT: 0.0 Size: TINY SV FIRE: +5 SV DISEASE: +5 SV COLD: +5 SV MAGIC: +5 SV POISON: +5 WT: 2.0 Size: MEDIUM AC: 6 WT: 5.0 Size: SMALL Slot: HEAD AC: 30 SV FIRE: +3 SV DISEASE: +3 SV COLD: +3 SV MAGIC: +3 SV POISON: +3 Under keyboard settings, Hotbar 1 slot 1 is linked to button #1 on my keyboard, Hotbar 1 slot 2 is linked to #2 on my keyboard, Hotbar 1 slot 3 is linked to #3 on my keyboard, etc. The Bard Kunark Armor has some nice click effects. Race: ALL, Slot: LEGS WT: 0.5 Size: TINY Effect: Shield of the Eighth (Must Equip/Can Equip, Casting Time: Instant) SV MAGIC: +5 AC: 55 WT: 5.5 Size: MEDIUM WT: 4.5 Size: TINY Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 29 SV FIRE: +7 SV DISEASE: +7 SV COLD: +7 SV MAGIC: +7 SV POISON: +7 Slot: PRIMARY Unless your guild's enchanters are on strike, don't even think about mezzing a mob: enchanters get very mad at Bards that try to CC in Hate/Fear. CHA: +9 Finacol’s Secret Bard Guide to EverQuest - 1.2. WT: 6.0 Size: SMALL HP: +55 SV MAGIC: +9 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM 1 year ago. Even if you generate enough aggro for the mob to come at you, the snare component means you can basically just aggro kite the mob until the Tank regains control. WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL The way that I set up my songs is to put my normal twist in slots 1-4, and my CC/utility songs in slots 5-8. Bards' level 2 song is by far the best AE spell for this method, as it costs little mana and is fired off every tick, even while moving. He's a nasty caster, there are adds around the room, and fear-kiting is a pain underwater. WT: 4.5 Size: SMALL STR: +10 DEX: +10 HP: +30 STR: +3 Bard's ability to play a song without it fizzling references their ability score, just all other casters. SV FIRE: +8 SV DISEASE: +8 SV COLD: +8 SV MAGIC: +8 SV POISON: +8 Slot: EAR Effect: Fingers of Fire (Must Equip, Casting Time: 4.0) at Level 40 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP The click is an inst-cast Bard song that stacks with HP regen song and adds some Str, HP regen and damage absorb. STR: +3 AGI: +5 Your DPS rotation will depend on your level, but probably Self Haste -> HP Regen -> Slow/Snare (lvl 23) -> Damage Shield (like lvl 25 Psalm of Warmth). STR: +5 DEX: +5 STA: +5 CHA: +5 WIS: +5 INT: +5 AGI: +5 HP: +50 MANA: +50 Class: BRD Learning how to play a Bard well requires knowing all your songs, knowing the strengths of others in your group, and having a rather advanced knowledge of P99 mechanics including aggro and threat. WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL WT: 1.1 Size: MEDIUM AC: 6 AC: 10 Once charm breaks, mez the higher hp mob. Class: BRD AC: 20 You have two main spells for CC. Class: BRD Class: WAR CLR PAL SHD BRD WT: 1.8 Size: MEDIUM SV FIRE: +35 SV DISEASE: +35 SV COLD: +35 SV MAGIC: +35 SV POISON: +35 I sometimes call this "yo-yo" kiting. Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Class: ALL AC: 16 WT: 0.5 Size: TINY STR: +10 CHA: +5 WIS: +10 AGI: -5 SV FIRE: +20 SV COLD: +20 SV MAGIC: +10 Bard Single-Target Mez lasts 18 seconds, and it checks to MR. You get your first single-target mez at 28. It's much easier just to fear him, snare him, use Chant DDs, and wait for fear to break. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP STR: +10 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Fear Kiting is great for casters especially. The Boots and Gloves will be hard to replace. By playing with the aggro radius of mobs, Bards can create some nifty pulls. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Slot: BACK Slot: LEGS Bards get to dual wield, but there are very few Bard instruments that you can hold along with a melee weapon. Slot: EAR WT: 0.0 Size: TINY I put autoattack in Hotbar 1 slot 9, and Assist in Hotbar 1 slot 10. STR: +10 DEX: +15 STA: +12 HP: +100 MANA: +60 STR: +6 CHA: +3 Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 23 Slot: FACE The first one is that if you equip that instrument while playing that song, you will somehow improve its effects, which depends on the modifier on your particular instrument. WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP Remember when you Mez-Melee that dots break mez. WT: 0.0 Size: TINY You will eventually learn which resists are needed for which fights. Slot: ARMS Class: BRD Slot: WAIST WT: 4.9 Size: MEDIUM Class: BRD Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 23 Shaman: Very good leveling class but very gear / plat dependent. One last note: if after level 35 you want to mez/melee a caster, you can mez him, play your lvl 35 mana drain song, and remez until he is totally OOM. DEX: +4 STA: +4 HP: +50 DEX: +3 HP: +30 Class: BRD Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP HP: +100 MANA: +100 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Class: BRD CHA: +10 AGI: +10 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP AC: 50 A major benefit of Lulling though is that it does not require Line of Sight. This guide will cover one set of raid armor which comes from the Temple of Veeshan. Slot: HANDS Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 24 WT: 15.0 Size: MEDIUM AC: 16 Bring X3 back to the group, then wait for X1 to have a charm break. The Bard is always referred to as the "Jack of All Trades," which can make learning the class rather difficult. Bards really don't need junk buffs nearly as much as other classes since they can stack songs to occupy the top slots, but you may want either Bracer of the Hidden or a Goblin earring for junk buff purposes. Slot: BACK The Lute of the Howler clicks a werewolf illusion, which if you have never killed named mobs in Velks, allows you to move around without aggro. Class: ALL STR: +20 WIS: +20 INT: +20 HP: +75 MANA: +75 WT: 9.0 Size: MEDIUM WT: 6.0 Size: SMALL STR: +5 AGI: +4 Then, simply mez the other mob, back your charmed pet up right before mez lands, and have it attack the mob your tank is on. Slot: ARMS Class: WAR CLR PAL SHD BRD When you camp your Dark Elf mask in LGuk, you don't have room to fear kite. For soloing and raiding, the drum is really the most important thing. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP AC: 6 Effect: Velium Shards (Must Equip, Casting Time: 3.0) at Level 35 Slot: RANGE PRIMARY SECONDARY Charges: 5 This will become important when you start charming. SV FIRE: +8 WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL SV FIRE: +10 SV DISEASE: +10 SV COLD: +10 SV MAGIC: +25 SV POISON: +10 Class: ALL Some will always be on your casting bar, and some you will swap in and out depending on whether you are soloing and what role you are filling in a group. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Finally, a few gate pots and a WC cap are a good idea for fast mobilizations. Before your tank breaks mez on a mob, it helps to have it either rooted by another group member, or snared. CHA: +15 AC: 25 AC: 10 STR: +8 DEX: +8 CHA: +8 AGI: +8 WT: 5.5 Size: MEDIUM SV FIRE: +10 SV DISEASE: +10 SV COLD: +10 SV MAGIC: +10 SV POISON: +10 Effect: Enduring Breath (Worn) STR: +10 STA: +10 WIS: +10 INT: +10 HP: +100 Completing this quest will give you a Mastercrafted drum, lute, and horn. Slot: CHEST Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY Slot: NECK STR: +5 AGI: +9 Effect: Firefist WIS: +8 MANA: +35 Slot: SECONDARY DMG: 5 SV DISEASE: +10 SV POISON: +10 STR: +5 STA: +5 CHA: -10 INT: +5 The Ragefire Armor set has two useful clickies. STR: +4 DEX: +4 STA: +4 CHA: +4 WIS: +4 INT: +4 AGI: +4 HP: +75 MANA: +75 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP HP: +35 Bards get two levitate songs, but you really don't want to use them most of the time. Most likely your group has a Tank, Enchanter, and a Healer. STR: +3 DEX: +3 STA: +3 CHA: +3 WIS: +3 INT: +3 AGI: +3 Class: ALL Class: WAR CLR PAL SHD BRD Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 22 WT: 3.8 Size: SMALL Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Class: ALL I normally recast charm if my casting bar hits 50% and the mob hasn't broken charm yet. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Slot: WRIST A Bard can literally just play these three songs and kill it, expending no mana in the process. AC: 20 AC: 13 Class: ALL In order to gain full xp from a mob while soloing, you need to deal over 50% of the damage to that mob. 1-17: Field of Bone-XP here is PHENOMENAL. Also, all the best drums in Kunark and Velious are droppable. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM STR: +4 CHA: +6 INT: +6 AGI: +4 SV FIRE: +5 SV COLD: +5 SV MAGIC: +5 This is a version of Aggro kiting. AGI: +15 HP: +30 STR: +5 AC: 35 After awhile you develop an intuition for when Charm is going to break. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Race: ALL, Refer also to Magelo Blue:Bard PreRaid Velious, MAGIC ITEM MAGIC ITEM DEX: +5 MANA: +50 This means that at the most, every 18 seconds you will have a charm break. DEX: +5 WIS: +5 HP: +10 Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY If you don't know, ask a Raid Leader what resists are necessary. AC: 20 Instead, just snare the low-hp mob, and wait for charm to break. Slot: BACK Class: BRD STR: +15 DEX: +15 AGI: +15 HP: +100 It works exactly how fear kiting always works: snare the mob, then fear the mob. Haste: +21% Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Harmonic Dagger procs a stun, which can be helpful for Tanking or Fear Kiting, but you really don't need help generating aggro. You can easily tank in Solb and COM with this setup, and probably even KC through 60 if you have sufficient heals and dps. STR: +4 CHA: +4 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM All you do is twist a DPS rotation, and when you get low on HP, keep the mob mez-locked and twist in HP regen. Most often each new song is something entirely different added to a Bard's arsenal. The same can be done my DSing one or both mobs (with a Singing Steel Bracer or Ragefire Vambraces), slowing one mob, or meleeing a bit with the other mob charmed. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Levels 1-5 YOUR NEWBIE ZONE. Class: BRD Race: HUM ELF HEF, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP CHA: +13 I apologize if I am missing a few pieces of gear, EQ is a big game I can't get absolutely everything documented! A succesful lull reduces the mobs aggro radius. Race: ALL except IKS, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM SV POISON: +10 For the late 20s I recommend Crypt of Dalnir or City of Mist if you're LFG. SV FIRE: +13 SV COLD: +13 SV MAGIC: +13 Slot: WAIST Slot: RANGE Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Paineel: erudite evils: clerics, necromancers and shadowknights WT: 0.1 Size: TINY WT: 0.5 Size: TINY Slot: EAR I find that 100 dex leads to less song fizzles, but I have not tested this formally. This is where a Bard runs around in circles with a giant pack of mobs, and plays a PBAOE song (usually his lvl 18 song) just out of range of the mobs. Class: ALL Class: ALL WT: 1.8 Size: SMALL Again - I fear kite all the time. Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM Slot: HANDS Class: BRD This gives the tank time to pick it up before it damages the Bard. WT: 6.0 Size: SMALL Class: BRD The SS Breastplate is a clicky 100-point self heal (6 second cast time) which can be useful but is not a game breaker. The main one is an IVU potion for getting around certain areas. Effect: Avatar (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) Kunark Leveling Guide 25 - 35. SV FIRE: +15 SV DISEASE: +15 SV COLD: +15 SV MAGIC: +15 SV POISON: +15 SV FIRE: +35 Class: ALL Class: ALL This way, I can swap out an instrument without opening the inventory screen or a bag. I count 10, level 35-36. Race: ALL except IKS, MAGIC ITEM AC: 10 DEX: +3 INT: +5 You will need to experiment with these tactics a bit to get it right. The other main clickies that Bards get are their illusion masks. AC: 20 everquest ranger bow guide … WT: 0.1 Size: TINY WT: 5.8 Size: LARGE Class: MNK BRD ROG AC: 4 You want Dex and Cha as high as possible for your soloing, and enough Strength to not be overweight all the time. DMG: 10 AC: 4 WT: 0.3 Size: SMALL AC: 10 You can speed up your leveling time tenfolds with a good powerleveler. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP This is lower than even starter instruments, but it requires no insturment equipped. Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY AC: 10 This thread is archived. DEX: +5 CHA: +1 The SS bracer is an 8-pt DS. Bard: Ears – Opalline Earring Fingers – Golden Star Ruby Ring, Electrum Star Ruby Ring, Platinum Fire Wedding Ring Neck – Cape of Midnight Mist, Gypsy Medallion Head – Crested Helm, Blackened Iron Coif, Skull-shaped Barbute, Executioners Hood Face – Mask of Deception, Leering Mask, Dented Brass Mask So if you are using any dot songs, you need to stop them about 18 seconds BEFORE you need to mez the mob. Some of these songs you will likely never use. Once your charm on the stronger mob breaks, it will forget you ever dotted it, but it will take full damage. If you have SoW you can also pull with a dot. Class: BRD Race: HUM ELF HEF, MAGIC ITEM AC: 16 STR: +12 WIS: +12 INT: +12 Pre ~45, a recommended twist is Snare - Fear - Jonathan's Whistling Warsong (self haste) -> HP Regen (assuming you took some hits). Class: ALL Slot: FINGER Effect: Truesight (Worn) Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM You won't use it often. Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD DRU BRD ROG WT: 5.0 Size: SMALL Symphonic Saber has nice stats and procs a aggro reducer, useful if you are slowing mobs while meleeing. Use it a lot. Race: ALL, Slot: FINGER Slot: BACK So unless the mobs are facing away from you, you can't sneak pull safely as a Bard. AC: 15 Race: ALL except IKS, MAGIC ITEM If he starts casting on me, I will charm him - Bard charm only takes 3 seconds to cast, far shorter than most higher levels spells. If there is not, I charm the first caster. AC: 17 Effect: Agilmente's Aria of Eagles (Must Equip, Casting Time: 3.5) at Level 45 This makes fear kiting safer at higher levels, and allows you to more comfortably do a 4-song twist without having to worry about either snare or fear resists. Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SV FIRE: +5 SV DISEASE: +5 SV COLD: +5 SV MAGIC: +5 SV POISON: +5 The mobs hit harder, they can quad, and they will bash interrupt you. Race: ALL except BAR TRL OGR IKS, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP Melodious Truncheon procs an irrestible 'mez' that lasts a fraction of a second, which is useful for interrupting casters. Race: ALL except IKS, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Slot: WAIST Of course, if you have a shaman slowing, a wizard could probably tank, and Bards can hold aggro better than almost any other class. Class: WAR RNG SHD BRD ROG Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG Anyone can contribute. SV POISON: +5 AC: 16 STR: +8 DEX: +8 AGI: +8 Class: CLR DRU BRD SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC Class: ALL SV FIRE: +7 SV DISEASE: +7 SV COLD: +7 SV MAGIC: +7 SV POISON: +7 WT: 5.0 Size: LARGE Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP If one mob is decisively winning, you can try to assist the weaker mob. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Now technically the range on the PBAOE fear is larger than the melee range on a mob, and once you figure this out, you can snare/fear safely without taking a hit. SV COLD: +10 You snare the mob, then either keep your distance or fear it. DMG: 11 Class: ALL Class: ALL Effect: Shield of Flame (Must Equip, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 45 This will be much Race: ALL except IKS, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Race: ALL except IKS, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM DMG: 13 Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 19 WT: 0.0 Size: LARGE Also in panic situations, I prefer to charm BEFORE I mez additional mobs. Class: WAR CLR PAL SHD BRD Class: ALL Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG DMG: 14 STR: +6 DEX: +6 STA: +6 CHA: +6 WIS: +6 INT: +6 AGI: +6 HP: +30 MANA: +30 STR: +10 DEX: +15 STA: +15 CHA: +15 INT: +15 MANA: +40 Slot: ARMS It adds a lot of DPS. STR: +5 STA: +4 CHA: +4 HP: +20 You can play almost all your songs without an instrument equipped, but they would simply be more effective if you had the correct instrument equipped. If you are poor, then all you truly need to buy while leveling is an Orb of Tishan and the best instruments you can afford. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Race: ALL except IKS, MAGIC ITEM You have to charm the stronger mob because you dotted it, and if you charm the weaker mob, it will likely be unable to gain aggro. Class: BRD ROG Slot: WAIST Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG Those two mobs will run at the group, but you can either recharm it or otherwise CC those mobs when they arrive. WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Slot: WRIST Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Slot: HEAD Bard Lulls only last for 18 seconds, so you need to move quickly when you are Lulling more than one mob in a split. STR: +5 STA: +9 If you don't have a tank or a healer, these are methods to xp with very little risk of taking damage. Slot: EAR Class: BRD WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL SV FIRE: +20 use it when you can. WT: 0.6 Size: SMALL Open your macros page and create this macro: Drag and drop that to Hotbar 1 slot 1. There are some other procs you might find helpful. In most cases, mob X3 will still aggro due to how aggro mechanics work with charmed pets. Slot: NECK It is extremely helpful to acquire a Journeyman's Walking Stick or an Orb of Tishan, both of which proc a MR debuff. I personally prefer to wear a fungi for passive regen. SV FIRE: +2 SV COLD: +2 SV MAGIC: +3 Slot: HANDS AC: 25 SV MAGIC: +25 SV POISON: +25 AC: 21 Of course, you can use it on yourself or your party, and it stacks with your damage songs. WT: 2.5 Size: SMALL STR: +10 STA: +10 HP: +100 STR: +5 DEX: +5 STA: +5 CHA: +5 WIS: +5 INT: +5 AGI: +5 HP: +20 MANA: +20 This was you can snare and fear the mob safely, and avoid a hit while you are trying to land two spells. Up until now I've just leveled via kiting with Dissonance but I'm looking to start grouping with some friends and have no idea what kind of gear/weapons I should be upgrading to. Class: ALL Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM (2) It gets rid of an annoying caster pet. So, Lulling as a splitting technique, especially for crowded rooms, can be a dangerous proposition. WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Slot: BACK Class: WAR CLR PAL SHD BRD STR: +5 Race: HUM ELF HEF, MAGIC ITEM » Welcome: Relive the Classic Everquest Experience as it was from 1999 to 2001. (1) You need to know your songs Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY AC: 17 WT: 1.0 Size: TINY STR: +15 DEX: +15 STA: +15 AGI: +15 HP: +100 It's a fast way to XP, but you don't really gain any useful Bard skills applicable to grouping. STR: +15 DEX: +15 STA: +10 HP: +100 If there are more than 3 mobs, then you just have more to try and mez. SV FIRE: +5 SV DISEASE: +5 SV COLD: +5 SV MAGIC: +5 SV POISON: +5 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM WT: 1.5 Size: MEDIUM As mentioned above, some songs generate smaller aggro radiuses than a thrown weapon or a body pull. WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL AC: 5 AC: 22 Class: BRD This allows you to cycle through mobs you want to mez / snare / etc. I almost never use travel song: I use Selos with my Levi cloak when outdoors. At this point get the quest from Mandy at the Newport Bard Guild. STR: +3 DEX: +3 STA: +3 CHA: +3 WIS: +3 INT: +3 AGI: +3 That means that, if you want to equip a drum, you need to take off both your weapons, which requires an additional inventory slot. Some people may want to allocate to Stamina. If, instead, you pulled X2, then you would also aggro mobs X1 and X3. WT: 0.2 Size: SMALL Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 24 WT: 0.5 Size: MEDIUM You will also use Snare and Selos. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL The other one continues to run into camp for the tank to pick up. WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL Class: WAR CLR PAL SHD BRD WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM DMG: 8 Your role will depend on what it needed most. The only thing that really matters is an Orb of Tishan. CHA: +10 HP: +10 For low leveling I always use the Project1999 guides. AC: 12 Race: HUM BAR ERU ELF HIE DEF SV FIRE: +10 SV MAGIC: +10 Class: ALL AC: 40 Class: BRD Post~45, I find I do more damage from using dots with my drum than with melee (pre-epic). AC: 19 Class: BRD WT: 3.7 Size: MEDIUM Learning how to play a Bard well requires knowing all your songs, knowing the strengths of others in your group, and having a rather advanced knowledge of P99 mechanics including aggro and threat. SV FIRE: +6 SV DISEASE: +6 SV COLD: +6 SV MAGIC: +6 SV POISON: +6 AC: 21 AC: 9 STR: +8 STA: +8 HP: +30 DEX: +8 CHA: +5 AGI: +8 Lull has a resist check based on the level difference between the Bard and the Mob, and the Charisma of the Bard. Class: BRD Then X1 will arrive a little bit later. Slot: NECK Slot: HANDS It's especially good with charm pet classes or rogues. WIS: +15 INT: +15 HP: +35 MANA: +50 Effect: Illusion: Dark Elf (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 6.0) at Level 15 STR: +5 STA: +5 SV MAGIC: +10 Getting stunned while CCing multiple mobs can be a problem, and Bards don't have an AOE stun to buy time like an Enchanter. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Slot: PRIMARY SECONDARY DMG: 13 AC: 5 Class: ALL Before beginning, it is important to understand a little bit about how aggro transfers in EQ. Class: WAR RNG BRD ROG Goblin Gazughi Ring is useful for insta-breaking charm. Brass doesn't matter at all except for AOE kiting and occasionally to mana drain. Sometimes you need to fight in close quarters. DMG: 16 Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM NO DROP You really can't go wrong picking any race. Class: BRD ROG HP: +35 MANA: +25 Class: BRD Often you will need to adjust your twist during a fight to deal with a new situation. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM

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