A half million rabbit lovers cannot all be crazy. Bugs Bunny, Thumper, Peter Cottontail, Brer Rabbit—these shy but clever little herbivores have long appealed to the human imagination. Because so many people have abandoned their pet rabbits, rabbit colonies exist across the United States and Canada, overwhelming local governments and volunteer efforts. Most people do not realize the smart and interactive pet that a bunny is, when kept indoors with the family. Some people might conclude wild rabbit and domestic rabbit as one kind of species because of the similarity of their look. "Firstly, wild rabbits have a larger brain-to-body size ratio than domestic rabbits. Wild or domestic, rabbits deserve a life free from cruelty. The European rabbit is one of the most recently domesticated animals, exhibiting distinct morphological, physiological, and behavioral differences from their wild counterparts. Rabbit is one popular pet, but many people have can’t differentiate his beloved pet is a domestic rabbit or the wild one. Releasing domestic animals into the wild is animal abandonment and is a crime. Important instincts and physical characteristics that protect rabbits in the wild have been lost. Nearly silent, wild rabbits warn each other of danger by thumping the ground using their powerful hind legs (which is how Thumper got his name). - Rabbit Facts Today's domestic rabbit is an entirely different animal from the creature that was first captured and corralled in Ancient Rome. Despite their extraordinary ability to reproduce, many wild rabbits … In the 1950s, the disease myxomatosis was introduced to curb their numbers and the rabbit almost became extinct, however, it is once again a common animal of the British countryside although it can be a serious pest for farmers for eating and damaging crops. This comparison is similar to how humans are described as, “book smart” or “street smart.” When it comes to survival, a wild rabbit is much more intelligent than a domesticated pet. If your domesticated rabbit escaped his hutch, he would instinctually dig a burrow like his European ancestors, Oryctolagus cuniculus.That extent is about as far as a domesticated rabbit's survival skills would go. But rabbit colonies exist much closer to home and are on the increase. The male is called a buck and the female is a doe; a young rabbit is a kit or bunny. A domestic rabbit or domesticated rabbit (Oryctolagus), more commonly known as simply a rabbit, is any of the domesticated varieties of the European rabbitspecies.Rabbits were first domesticated in the Middle Ages and are used as sources of food, fur, and wool, as research subjects, and as pets. Wild and pet rabbits are equally intelligent, but in different ways. All breeds of domestic rabbit originate from the European. Domesticated Rabbits and Basic Instincts . Secondly, domestic rabbits have a reduced amygdala and an enlarged medial prefrontal cortex . There are more than 100 types of rabbits and hares, both domestic and wild, from snowshoe hares to Flemish giants. So different, in fact, that it is no longer physicallly capable of reproducing with the European wild rabbit it was derived from. Rabbits are clearly the third most popular pet nationwide, after dogs and cats (as evidence they are also the third most euthanized animal in shelters).

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