Not being yourself. Feeling smothered by someone. Fear of failure. Leaving yourself out and not being in control of yourself. AIDS: Massive fear, major self rejection, self blame, self depreciation. LUPUS (Very primitive type of collagen (connective tissue) disase. Guilt, shame, lack of love for the self. LOW BACK INJURY: Most dominant value or issue of one’s life is being threatened, for example, family, relationships or finances. Is a virus, and isn’t a spiritual problem. Mental fears weaken the masculing essence. Deep secret or grief eating away at the self. ELBOWS: Are we opening our arms to embrace the world? Carrying guilt, shame or blame from the past that is destroying your self esteem, self respect & self worth. Although shingles usually resolves in a few weeks to months, 20 percent of people aged 60 to 65 who get shingles will develop post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN), a nerve pain syndrome that can cause long-lasting pain—for months or even years—after a shingles … “There are so many things changing in our world that it’s hard to be able to track them down and figure out how they could be related to shingles,” Harpaz says. 3) Read the “Biology of Belief” so you get an understand the influence you have over your body. Hopelessness, futility, confusion, cannot fulfil purpose. THYROID (produce hormones for growth & cell regeneration & repair, regulates metabolism, blood calcium levels & oxygen consumption, important for nerve growth): GOITRE (Swelling of thyroid gland): Feeling that you are being choked by too many responsibilities & overwhelmed by life. Sty: Anxiety defect. Do you live up to the image your mother instilled in you? The more distal. Something irritating you that you need to externalise. The same is true for theories (and some supporting evidence) linking climate change, agricultural pesticides, and antibiotic resistance to the steady rise of shingles, he says. Shingles: Waiting for the other shoe to drop. It is called surrender. A separation between reality & your inner perception, or separation between yourself & the divine. Unwilling to let go of sexual inhibitions. An event considered unlovable that causes guilt & you’re constantly reminded about it daily. Fear in not believing in what you do and say. Storing emotions of loneliness. ULCERS: Eating at you, trouble doing something to resolve an issue. UTERUS (Home of creativity, symbol of womanhood & femininity): Anger at the self. Wanting to please a parent, no matter what the child does, can’t get appreciation from parents. Chen points out that stress may also to play a role. Not loving yourself, hence self destruction. Swelling of lymph glands. Anger with mother or father. COLD FEET: Emotional uncertainty, withdrawal or resistance to what lies ahead. Shingles, or herpes zoster, occurs when the dormant chickenpox virus is reactivated in nerve tissues. Being disappointed in yourself & overly critical of yourself. ENDOMETRIOSIS/OVARIAN CYSTS (create menstrual problems & hinder pregnancy): Deep conflict of being fulfilled as a woman or expressing your femininity, or wanting to be a mother or not. DIVERTICULITIS: Holding onto issues with the mother. Withdrawing behind the cloudiness creates the illusion that nothing is changing. Not knowing how to get what you want. (See back problem) Strokes: Unresolved Rage and Anger, and it can be inherited. Chickenpox and shingles are caused by similar viruses, both belonging to the herpesvirus family. ANGINA: Perception of a loss or something missed. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Self righteous & dogmatic thinking, critical of others. Burden of taking everything on for others. Fear about financial survival and about what lies ahead. Unwilling to hear something. Feeling hopelessly stifled. It lies dormant inside the human body — often hiding in the nerve cells of the spinal column or the brain. When the virus erupted, it went straight to the location on my head where my skull had been compressed. “We’ve looked at this explanation, and it doesn’t hold up,” Harpaz says. Shingles   is an especially unpleasant illness It causes a painful and unsightly skin rash, as well as potential long-term complications, the most common one being a condition known as postherpetic neuralgia (PHN),   which is characterized by a burning sensation where the shingles rash once That's why it's important to understand what causes chickenpox, who's … Rigid joints become useless because they have lost their purpose, which is movement. Trying to live up to parent’s authority. Back when humans lived in small hunter-gatherer communities, Harpaz explains, viruses that depended on human hosts would have died out quickly if they infected everyone en masse. Your femininity has been repressed or abused. Trying to push or force some issue in one’s life. Child can be overwhelmed by the parents. Block between male & female sides of one’s parents, one’s self or one’s children. Unwilling to step forward. SWOLLEN ANKLES: Holding of emotional energy, frustration or resistance to letting go. HAEMOPHILIA: Not loving yourself for the things you believe you have done. Diminishes a maturing teenager’s sexuality, keeps the body like a child and undeveloped. Low self worth and low self esteem. The shingles were caused by stress of unrelenting (there’s that word again) uncertainty coupled with a weakened immune system that triggers the virus, lying dormant since childhood, to erupt. Harpaz’s own research has found that, indeed, rates of immunosuppression are increasing among American adults. Shingles is known to be a relapse from the chickenpox virus. Shingles Definition Shingles, also called herpes zoster or zona, gets its name from both the Latin and French words for belt or girdle and refers … Spiritual Meaning and Causes of Vertigo Dizziness. It’s mostly seen in young kids, anyone who’s over 50 years old with a weakening system, or AID sufferers. HANDS: Giving & receiving. However, emotional stress does wear away at the immune system, attacking it’s ability to defend the body against all kinds of illnesses. Feeling that your life isn’t valuable. They have lost the belief that there is someone watching over them. TESTICULAR CANCER: (TESTICLES STORE CREATIVE FORCES) Repression or expression of creative forces in one persona. Unable to stand alone. Can’t hold on or can’t release. Not clear on purpose. future & not embracing that which is ahead of you. RHEUMATOID HANDS: Not able to give because hands can’t open, desire to hit out at something. Isolating & locking yourself inside because of fear in coming out. Believing that having a child is the only way life will have any meaning for you. Hatred of the body & of the feminine side. Fear of the ageing process and of inevitable change taking place, and that you are no longer in control of your body. Deceased Appearing In Dreams. But rates of shingles among those age 30 to 50 don’t seem to be leveling off. Cannot love something in their life. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE ( Blood = life energy within a body, movement/circulation of love & vitality through the body): Increased pressure. PARKINSONS DISEASE: Fear of breaking society’s rules, conditions & myths. “I don’t think this is driving higher rates, but it could be a factor.”. POLIO: (Muscle Wasting): Withdrawal from motor expression, trying to do something that one believes is not possible & having a feeling of futility about ever acccomplishing it. ADDISONS DISEASE: Needing to maintain control over everything. Weight of emotional burden too great. Resenting the fact that you don’t know what to do with your life. Inner weakness & desire to pull back, unable to stand without feeling dizzy or overwhelmed. Not loving yourself, & not realising that all the love you need is inside you. PANCREAS (Neutralises acid chyme from the stomach as it enters the small intestine & secretes insulin & glucagon in carbohydrate metabolism): • HYPERGYCAEMIA/DIABETES: Unwilling to listen to anyone, not willing to be directed. Since the uterus is where a woman nurtures new life, there may be conflicts about nurturing, for example, giving to others while feeling unnourished yourself. INTERNAL BLEEDING: Hiding of internal sorrow. We want to reach out & touch, but fear of insecurity is holding us back. Having an intense hatred of yourself. Victim mentality. All your plans and goals have become obsolete. See more ideas about shingles remedies, shingling, remedies. BRAIN TUMOURS: Deep core value system screwed up. OBESITY: Put up physical barriers to let no one in because they don’t want to face what is going on. Value systems are rigid. Although shingles can occur anywhere on your body, it most often appears as a single stripe of blisters that wraps around either the left or the right side of your torso.Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. Herpes is another Acceleration-Related physical manifestation. ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: Calcification, rigidity, scar tissue. “So, if you vaccinate children and they’re no longer getting chickenpox, that means adults are no longer exposed, and so there’s no opportunity to have immunity against [shingles] boosted,” Harpaz explains. BRITTLE BONE DISEASE: Entire core & foundation of one’s existence is threatened. Getting a bump or a bruise every once in a while is just a normal part of life. Feeling that you have been emotionally hit in the guts. Trying to please others but feeling bitter about it. Thinking that you’re not doing things your way. LEG INJURY: Not having a leg to stand on. An eruption of all the conflicting & tormented feelings locked inside. Perception of being humiliated in a social environment. BULIMIA: Conflict between wanting to be perfect and love for life, and self hate and guilt. What is twisting and distorting you? Anger & frustration because life seems to have lost its sweetness. ANAEMIA: Decreased number of red blood cells, issues with the masculine side. Not working on priorities. No love or joy in one’s life. Resisting the flow of life. The body fighting against itself, rejection of self. Ingratitude for the experiences and lessons of the day. Feeling guilty about what you don’t want to face, you fear you will be found out about. It’s also known as the herpes zoster virus. We break when there is resistance to movement. STOMACH (Function of digestion, absorption, churns & breaks down food. Longing to stop and take time out. Stress can suppress immune function and trigger outbreaks of cold sores and other herpes virus–related symptoms. Fear of new, can’t break it down. BEDWETTING: Over-dominant parent, child trying to seek attention. BLADDER (Body’s way of releasing emotions that are finished with & no longer needed): Don’t want to let things out, paralysed will, timid, wishy-washy. EPILEPSY: Overwhelming brain noise with thousands of secondary associations of a major lie that is perceived unforgivable. LEUKAEMIA: Disconnected with the feminine side. SHINGLES: High overwhelming stress, something you don’t want to face that is totally humiliating you. Believing you are not worthy of loving or living. Stiff, inflexible thinking. Low self worth, wanting to be directed. COLD HANDS: Withdrawing feelings from an activity or feeling fearful of being involved. or resentment towards men. A problem of non use, person is shutting off – “I’m not going to deal with this anymore”, many times because of spouse. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit , get … Not living up to parent’s expectations. A common cold is called common because it is common not to express how we feel. Emotionally run down & overwhelmed. BONE FRACTURE: Inflexibility, resistance to going with the flow. The immune system is effected here. Seeking attention. Sexual fears. ADRENAL GLANDS (Body’s ability to deal with stress): Defeatism, victim mentality, no longer caring for self. Someone or something getting under your skin, or feeling overexposed. I write about health and science. Spirit is known for coming in from the back as they don’t want to startle you. But after the introduction of the childhood chickenpox vaccine, in 1996, rates of the infection dropped by more than 70 percent, according to a recent analysis in the journal Vaccine. Unwilling to express something or to take action. There is no allopathic medicine to address the symptoms of vertigo, but there is a real cure. Sharon’s pre hip replacement operation exercises. The muscle tremor is a reaction to your guilt in not understanding that you teach what you need to learn. Trying to keep the world at a distance. The former is caused by the Varicella zoster virus, which is associated with Herpes zoster, the virus responsible for shingles. Jan 28, 2017 - Explore Musette Bennett's board "SHINGLES REMEDIES", followed by 269 people on Pinterest. Trying to get attention through anger, resentment & didn’t get attention, therefore, bitterness. Dislike of being driven. MENINGITIS (Meninges protect the brain): Core issue deals with absolute feeling of hoplessness and complete overwhelm. Usually the time when people are visited by the dead is not to long after they die. Perhaps an interest in the spiritual for the first time in your life. Extreme elation or depression about creativity particularly sexual creativity. Research from Europe backs up this “external boosting” theory and concludes that it could cause an uptick in shingles cases among adults in their thirties and early forties. Write on Medium. “The way the virus is quiescent for decades and then reactivates — it’s unusual, but it makes sense from the perspective of the virus’ survival,” says Rafael Harpaz, MD, a medical epidemiologist with the CDC’s Division of Viral Diseases. TB. Someone or something is having a strong influence on you, therefore, creating doubt & undermining sense of identity or purpose. Feeling sexually abused or exploited. NOSE BLEEDS: Damage to a blood vessel because not satisfied with yourself, therefore, pushing yourself too hard to show that you can do things just as well as others. Total self depreciation. VITILIGO: Skin pigmentation. The fear of helplessness, sickness, loneliness. When you get chickenpox and recover from it, the virus can remain dormant in your nerve roots for years. SWEATY HANDS: Nervous, anxious, scared about what you are doing. Indecisive. SMALL INTESTINES (Assimilation and absorption of nutrients): IRRITABLE BOWEL: Refusal to take charge. Unexpressed guilt, shame or history of abuse. Still, it’s typically the back right or back left. JAW PROBLEMS: Generalised stress, wanting to express & holding back. “I hate myself, I don’t want to look at myself.”. Dreaming of a loved ones who have passed on is not as uncommon as we think. Rejection of one’s feminine side. In the stress of not getting what you want, you revert back to the reptilian stage of evolution which means a destruction of the Basal Ganglia, resulting in decreased motor control. Trying to please everyone. FEVER: Not wanting to be told what to do and it makes you boil inside. Known medically as herpes zoster, shingles is a cousin to the viruses that cause oral and genital herpes, and it springs from the same virus that causes chickenpox, Harpaz explains. A deep yearning for meaning, purpose, spiritual connection, and revelation. PINS AND NEEDLES OR NUMBNESS: Person doesn’t want to feel. Talking too much, gossiping, rage of being left out. Repressed grief and unshed tears. (Red blood cells have an aggressive function because they transport oxygen for the body to function). ASTHMA: Inabiltiy to inhale, have inspiration for life. As the ‘highest’ actually ‘living’ tissue of the body, the scalp reflects CONTACT WITH HIGHER TRUTHS. Harpaz has spent years studying the bug. If anything, shingles is a harsh reminder that mind and body are not separate. “The chickenpox vaccine is an attenuated, live version of [the virus that causes chickenpox],” Kawai explains. Refusal to allow anything nourishing to touch you on the inside. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. ANKLES: Important for grounding, stability & mobility. Sinus Problems: Irritation to one person, someone close. No support for one’s purpose. Have you gone emotionlly. JUVENILE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: Fear of the loss of a parent, or support of a parent. SINUS: Irritation at one person. Advice: Follow your heart and the way will open up for you. lang says. SHINGLES: High overwhelming stress, something you don’t want to face that is totally humiliating you. Fear of taking over a fatherly, authority role. Feeling guilty about what you don’t want to face, you fear you will be found out about. Whole reason for being here is threatened. Shingle definition is - a small thin piece of building material often with one end thicker than the other for laying in overlapping rows as a covering for the roof or sides of a building. Shingles turns up more often in women than in men, but not by much. CELLULITE: Not appreciating one’s own body. This type of disorder is an inner spirit problem. You perceive that your partner is rejecting you. Mind filled with doubts and fears, fear of dying. RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: Overly self-critical or judgmental attitude & low self esteem. [As a quick side note, I just want to say that I’m glad to be posting on my blog once again after a long absence. Too sensitive. 24. Crying or grieving that is being repressed. Longing to be loved and nurtured so person reduces their size so as to reduce the demand for that love. Can’t put your foot down about some issue, won’t take a stand for your truth. Scattered mind. The condition, which can’t be cured, tends to resolve by itself and usually doesn’t recur, says Wilbur Chen, MD, an associate professor of medicine and infectious disease physician at the University of Maryland. INFERTILITY: A woman’s unwillingness to be like her mother. BREAST CANCER: Not appreciating one’s nurturing side. Not expressing something & wishing you could. Paracetamol or Ibuprofen if they arise. Sweetness/bitterness issue. Not. Spiritual Meaning of Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Shingles is a condition that indicates a fear of the future that also involves negative thoughts. The eruptions represent the longing for release to accept yourself & find your inner beauty. Not able to commit to something, going around in circles. Issues relating to femininity, sexuality, motherhood. Stuck in self-wrongness persona. Divided loyalties. When Life Gives You Shingles, Make Lemonade. After you've had chickenpox, the virus lies inactive in nerve tissue near your spinal cord and brain… AUTISM/CEREBRAL PALSY: Infatuation by parents of the child being a genius. I hadn’t learnt my lesson, but my body wasn’t going to put itself through it all over again. The person perceives there is no light in their life. Inflexible thinking. Anal retentive. Shingles is a viral infection that causes a painful rash. PROSTATE: Sexual pressure or sexual guilt. “It can be life-shattering,” Harpaz says. From the late 1940s to the early 2000s, the prevalence of shingles among Americans younger than 50 more than quadrupled, Harpaz’s data shows. Skin: Protects our individuality. So what else could explain the worldwide rise in shingles cases — a rise that continues apace among younger adults? Trying to please everybody but holding all their bitterness inside. Menopause is a stopping of blood flow and may mean you have stopped loving yourself, as if your feelings are drying up inside.Hot flushes may indicate the fire of anger or fear, and so the body is burning the past releasing all the old ways. GOUT (Increase uric acid in joints & uric acid is removed by urine): Anger and being stuck – since joint is inflamed. Fear and guilt about being unsociable and not outflowing one’s own emotions. A conflict between your inner world and the world around you. At least anecdotally, shingles seems to be increasingly common among people in their twenties and thirties — a group that, historically, suffered from vanishingly low rates of the disease. ): Person has self wrongness persona that can’t face things & can’t prioritise or order things. Feelings of guilt, shame or repressed sexual feelings. Issues about your sexuality. Can’t swallow. Trying to please everyone but didn’t get attention. Conflict inside yourself about how you will do & what you will say or what you will accomplish. You are “seized” by emotion. When our beliefs are being questioned, there is nothing to hold us upright. Can be associated with financial difficulty or fear of having material security reduced. HERNIA: Wakening or collapse because because one tries to cope with too much at once and strains under the weight. LUNG: Frustration, grief, not being able to do things your way. Extreme fear or guilt about sexual expression or suppression. This refers to shingles that occurs in the cranial nerves around the eye, and it can lead to permanent vision loss, pain, or scarring. Spondilyosis, osteoarthritis: Result of injury to possibly compromised tissue. KIDNEY (Fluid balance, filtration of blood, excretory function): KIDNEY STONES: Condensed thought patterns and emotions that have not been shed, solidifying. The Metaphysics of Specific Disease Conditions. Not expressing love & joy with other people. Would rather not have a menstrual cycle or would rather not be working. Shingles: Anxiety and fear disorder, which comes from a constant secretion of histamine. MULTIPLE SCEROSIS: MS restricts and limits movement indicating that the expression of feeling is being suppressed. Bitterness, especially towards father. Invalidating the self. Insecurity. Resistant & hardening of one’s attitude towards life or expression of feeling. Churning it over in your mind. It is far better for 30 days. Unfulfilled expectation of spouse. Very scattered consciousness trying to do too many things in order to please too many people. “So I’m skeptical stress is the cause,” he says. An infection implies that something is irritating you and making you angry, such as having to be intimate, or being intimate with the wrong person. Resenting monthly reminder of being feminine. Perception that not receiving joy or love from the mother. • HYPOGLYCEMIA: Listening to everyone’s opinion, will do whatever the person is told by others. The discharge indicates discharging unacceptable feelings. Finding it hard to flow with nature, preferring to be in control & dominate instead of submitting. Insecurity. VERTIGO/DIZZINESS: Confusion, spinning around in consciousness. Something you want to get rid of because there is too much to deal with. Not expressing our deeper feelings. By lying in wait, shingles allows new generations of carriers to be born. Anger, hardness. Frustration of not finding a way of pleasing the parents. I am being threatened. ACNE: Not wanting to face up to new things, so living in the past. APPENDICITIS (Appendix aids the immune system and is a filter connected to the intestinal tract): Breakdown of the ability to filter incoming reality and to protect ourselves from that reality. AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE: The immune system attacks itself. So maybe the saying is supposed to say something about lemons rather than shingles, but the lesson is the same. “This is all speculation, but I think you could point to social media and modern culture and the emotional and physical and spiritual stress a lot of younger adults are feeling,” Chen says. At least for me. This can follow the death of a loved one or an emotional shock. “Shingles can happen among healthy young adults with no other underlying diseases and who are otherwise athletic, and sometimes we think it might be stress-induced,” he says. Not assimilating and completely scattered. ANOREXIA: Low self worth because of guilt and shame. Need to release blockage to become unstuck. Bleeding due to anger. Elbowing someone out of the way or elbowed out of the way. Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. INFLAMATION: Resistance to what is happening, a build up of angry emotions. THRUSH (Yeast-like organism which infects warm damp areas): The yeast is kept in check by the acid/alkaline balance in the vagina, but if balance is upset due to emotional causes or because of antibiotics killing the natural flora, the the yeast flourishes causing a white, foul smelling discharge. But we’ll keep looking.”. Feelings not being expressed, creating a build-up of inner pressure. Being inflexible and not knowing your direction. MENSTRUAL PROBLEMS (painful menstruation, irregular cycles, cramps, increased & heavy menstrual flow, amenorrhoea, continual menstruation): Desire to get pregnant or a fear of parenthood. As with all things herpes zoster, Harpaz has checked out the data. Frightened about the future. A desire to keep everything the same by blocking your creative forces. Again, his findings suggest stress alone isn’t to blame. “So those who have had the vaccination can still develop shingles later in life.”. An internal breakdown triggered by unexpressed pressure that overloads the circuit. How to use shingle in a sentence. “My general sense is that more young people are undergoing organ transplants or surviving cancers — so they’re surviving, but they’re immunocompromised,” says UMD’s Chen. Fear of opening to the. This is how it works: Emotional Stress does not cause shingles because the virus already lies dormant in the body. VASCULAR PROBLEMS: Relates to circulation, which is giving & receiving joy. Not living for yourself & blocking yourself from living your purpose. LIVER- HEPATITIS, CIRRHOSIS, CANCER ( the liver detoxifies): Anger & primitive emotions. Allowing yourself to be controlled by what society thinks about you, thus no inner peace resulting in a weakened immune system. Anger & resentment with the female. A major lie that is life threatening to them that they feel extreme fear and guilt about. Should You Eat Protein Before or After Working Out? Struggling to prove yourself as a woman, would rather be a man. STUTTERING/DYSLEXIA: Inferiority complex and needing self acceptance. Anger, irritation or frustration with ourselves or someone else. Can’t exhale, so can’t get enough life. “I have been an author on papers where it seemed to show stress both was and wasn’t a factor,” he says. Holding onto anger backs up to liver. Inner longing to release what is being restrained. Then, after decades of inactivity, it can remerge as a painful, blister-pocked skin rash. Fear. HYPOTHRYROID (Slowing down of thyroid activity resulting in depression, tiredness, weight increase, low body temperature): Losing the will to live.

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