My spouse and I desire to honor you with our marriage, please give us the strength to do that. Prayer points for family breakthrough. I desire to become more like you in this way. 30 Midnight Prayer Points For Financial Breakthrough, 30 Powerful Thanksgiving Birthday Prayers. Lord, today give you myself, my spouse, and my marriage. We’re going to share something extremely important—Spiritual Warfare in Marriage. Am finding myself loosing love and hope. You will not suffer emotional break down in your marriages anymore. We read all the feedback given, but it often helps to follow up with questions. Lord, you are a patient God. Direct them to the Word and spend time in prayer together. So come together and pray. Some struggle more than others but at the end of the day all struggle. If they aren’t, and one is stronger than the other, it will be very difficult to move forward and grow. Come into my life. 7. The following prayer for a troubled marriage . Please help us to honor you with how we spend our money. But the devil being subtle often turns little issues to big issues in marriage, he stirs up big troubles from irrelevant issues and this results into major conflict in the hone. Keep me from this temptation and protect me from opportunities to sin. Help us to raise our children in a way that honors and glorifies you as our Heavenly Father. Put a hedge of protection around me and open my heart to the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Grow our compassion for one another and help us to reflect you not just as individuals but as a couple as well. Principles For Effective Prayer 5. Give me the eyes to see, ears to hear, and compassion to understand their needs. Today we shall be engaging 30 warfare prayers against divorce. When we pray through this area and ask God for opportunities to practice patience, we are asking for an opportunity to practice grace and endurance that will bring spiritual fruit in the relationship. Let every satanic force or demonic human agents causing deadlocks in the settlement of my marriage issues be melted away, in the name of Jesus. The Biblical Answer. Prayer … When experiencing spiritual warfare, prayer is the most spiritual deadliest weapons to breakthrough and conquer the battle against the enemy. In those times, praying for perseverance, the willingness and grit to see that difficult season through to the end despite its hardship, is very important. I also ask that you would give me the eyes to see how my spouse is serving me. To have a heart of service is to practice selflessness, and putting your spouses needs and desires above your own. Do Spiritual Warfare … Below are some ideas to get you started on this new journey of prayer. Putting On the Full Armor of Father God 10. … You are almighty and powerful and ruler overall. To come back to salvation so that we can have peace and happiness at home in Jesus name. #7 Prayer “praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication” (Ephesians 6:18a ESV). Help me to follow your example. Spiritual Warfare.qxp:Spiritual Warfare 10/20/10 11:08 AM Page 5. One of the blessings of marriage is the opportunity to start a family. Lord, help me not to fall into this kind of sin. This manual in PDF format only. If you are already finding this to be true, this will be a very important area to cover in prayer. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. “No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.” Dear God, we thank You for the gift of marriage and for being the source of love. Help us to keep our focus on you and not on money. Amen. Christian Prayer Networks: Definition & Examples, The Essentials Of Community With Jeremy Cearbaugh. Use this as an opportunity to increase the spiritual fruit of our marriage and make us better followers of you. So be sure to pray for the perseverance to work through the season together as a couple. Help us to seek your will for our lives together, unified in the marriage covenant you blessed us with. L PRAYER FOR MARRIAGE oving heavenly Father, I thank You for Your perfect plan for our marriage. Prayer For Family. I want to reflect your values in my marriage and do not want to bring hardship and destruction through sexual immorality and adultery in my life. Holy Spirit, take the control over all subsequent meetings and dialogues to resolve my marriage issues in Jesus name, 13. Marriages with issues of childlessness, 3. Prayer brings out the … Spiritual warfare in your marriage is not about praying for God to whip your spouse into shape because they have failed you! It can be as simple, or as complicated as you choose and is super important to developing, or continuing to develop, a good relationship with your spouse. Children are a huge blessing and are part of God’s design. Help us to have the patience to get there. Lord, my spouse and I give you this conflict. Open my eyes to see the opportunities to serve my spouse today. Lord, you are so good. Life is a warfare and the devil will always contend with every good thing God has done in your life. Lord, help us learn to endure. You are also inviting him into that conflict to help you handle it in a way that honors him. There are plenty of other areas to be praying over as prayer warriors in your marriage, however, I hope this gives you a good place to start, especially if you are having trouble finding the words to say. There are a million ways to fall into temptation, however, in this case, we are looking to pray against sexual immorality and adultery. Through prayer, use God’s Word and other spiritual warfare as weapons to protect your marriage, asking God to give you wisdom in building a successful marriage that stands … Prayer to Tear Down Strongholds Lord of Heaven’s Armies, help me to fight for my marriage. Heavenly Father, I pray that You will hide him in the secret place … Spiritual Warfare Prayers: Purpose and Application 7. It is not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit saith the Lord. Please bring our children close to you. He is ever borrowing people for money because he is lazy to get a job and support the family. Please grant them grace for my faults and endurance for when I again fall short. This is not a biblical view of marriage. This warfare … In these seasons it can be even harder to extend grace to your spouse and can cause extra tension that wouldn’t be there otherwise. However, as wonderful as they are, they also present challenges to a marriage that should also be addressed through prayer. It's really not much about your spouse at all. Help us also to become more and more selfless daily. I also thank you for my spouse. But to get through it, you may need some extra prayer as you engage in battle against the things that culture says are important or against sin issues in your home. Email. Amen. 19. Heavenly Father, Your warrior prepares for battle. It is my prayer that the good Lord shall certainly use this program to turn situation around in your marriage. A Warrior's Prayer With the Armor of God. Pray that you instill a love for Jesus in the hearts of your children and pray for their salvation. Our culture has become increasingly casual about these sins, and no longer treats them with the seriousness that God does. Praise Jesus please pray for my husband to stop cheating on me and stop taking alcohol but come back to do the work of God like before. Amen. Daily Prayer of Binding and Loosing 9. To be equally yoked is for each spouse to be at similar “levels” in their faith. Click this link to join Now, . Help us to recognize the blessing of that companionship. God will settle you as you call unto Him in faith today. Intro: Heading off into our day with prayer. 12. When we encounter conflict, it is vital that we respond, not with anger or bitterness, but with prayer. Help us to work through any conflict that may arise in this area in a way that honors you. Lord, we come before you today to pray over my sin struggle. Lord, thank you for the good work that … Thank you for this blog post. 6. Marriage is hard. 5. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. whose husband has left home . We want to honor you in our marriage and how, as a couple, we handle conflict. This is, by far, the most important thing to be praying over in your marriage. As long as the couples are sincere with each other, they will disagree on a thing or two from time to time. Jesus needs to be the priority for both spouses individually, and also corporately. Lord, today I lift up our finances to you. 2. Amen. Depending on when you got saved, or your awareness of this concept when you got married will influence how this plays out in your lives. I was told to pray also and keep going into warfare for my marriage after 10 years of prayer and no change at all from my husband. Holy Spirit, put the right words in my mouth to help me resolve my marriage issues in Jesus name. Daily Prayers of Consecration 8. 1. Marital robbers, assigned … I know that a marriage functioning in Your will is fulfilling and beautiful. It has to do with the issue of spiritual warfare within marriage. Zech 4:6. This spiritual warfare prayers for marriage problems will set the pace for the total restoration of your marriage. Please help us to resolve this matter in a way that is glorifying and honoring to you. We pray that you would destroy all the plans against this marriage… We also pray against the love of money. We pray that you would give them your Holy Spirit and that they would pursue you with their lives daily. We desire your will and your character to be lived out in our marriage. 4. The Weapons of Spiritual Warfare 4. Help us to maintain and continue to grow towards being equally yoked. 15. There’s no way around it. 20. Should Christians Believe In Karma? I arrest every creator of deadlocks and paralyse them, in the name of Jesus. We trust that your ways are higher than our ways, and desire to honor you in this time and grow in whatever ways you need us to grow. was written for a wife . It is taking the initiative to help them without expecting reward or holding it over their head. There are some that appear to be worse than others but at the end of the day it is all sin. Lord, I lift up myself to you today. Warfare Prayers and Decrees Over Family Prayer Manual. Lord, today I give you my marriage. Amen. For some people, this comes quite naturally while for others, it may be more of a struggle. Every spirit of rebellion and strife in my marriage be put to shame, in Jesus’ name. Today we are going to resist the devil in our marriages by engaging 20 spiritual warfare prayers for marriage problems. We desire to be used by you but recognize that unless we are both growing together with you we will not be successful. However, sometimes this is easier said than done. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. Help me to recognize and be thankful for all the ways that my spouse has been serving me throughout the week. Help me to encourage prayer and time in the Word during these moments and remember your place in the center of our marriage. Without patience, you and your spouse will struggle to tolerate each other’s weaknesses or shortcomings, and they will instead spark anger and tension in your relationship. We are not fighting men, but evil forces of a dark age!” (Brutal Warfare… Help us to work for our marriage together and not our individual interests. I bind the spirit of hatred and lack of compromise, in Jesus’ name. Pray over this area of your life, and allow God to dictate how you proceed. While all of the fruits of the Spirit are crucial to a Christ-centered marriage this one will get you a long way. The Bible consistently expresses the need for unity in marriage, that the two individuals would become one flesh.

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