Initially he tried to guess which would offer the best conditions, but frequently guessed wrong. - Lithuania To keep your colleagues engaged, suggest a. This is a very impressive trick; especially because the solution is for real; it's not a trick in the usual sense. One of the paintings is displayed on the wall. (If you know the origins of this puzzle please (Five figure ones.). How many of the novels can you name in which these characters appear? Other 9 letter right-hand words include Monopoly, Polyonomy and Polyphony, and no doubt there are others. Because when garments of these types were first worn, men traditionally dressed themselves, so buttons were placed on the right side, (for the right-handed majority). Car 00 - Mean Machine, Dick Dastardly and Muttley. Lincoln became president in 1860; Kennedy in 1960. It continues to run back and forth at the same speed until the man reaches home. Shepherd and Turpin invented something that derived its name from theirs, and the name of the factory where it was first produced in 1941. Ideally use a craft knife and a cutting mat or board and a suitable ruler or straight edge. ), What's special about the words 'reverberated' and 'stewardesses' in relation to typing? They all feature as objects to be picked up in the table game 'Jack Straws'. It’s good to start a meeting on a high note. You are not permitted to sell them or copy them in any form for general publication without permission. What do the words ALMOST and BIOPSY have in common? In descending order; King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Duke, Duchess, Marquess, Marchioness, Earl, Countess, Viscount, Viscountess, Baron, Baroness, Lord, Lady. Ogres/Ogress Quizballs quizzes In serif font the letter I - and a few others like S and U - would also require two pen-lifts. George Bernard Shaw's FISH - GHOTI: A maritime poser: Homo-Sapien ÷ Rent = ? This includes job interviews, cross-team office meetings–especially the virtual ones, which can sometimes feel even more impersonal–and conference or workshop groups. More about 1. A stamp collector paid $100,000 for a stamp and then deliberately destroyed it. What's the character's name? More about the twelve folds and the maths behind it at the fascinating pomona historical webpage. The zip fastener. Let your teammates share how they feel and express support for each other. (Ack P Fowler for Subcontinental, and R Murphy for Uncomplimentary and Unnoticeably. That would be all for some cool and funny trivia questions and answers, for now. (Thanks PM Lawrence for clarifying that this group was the chasing pack behind a dominant IBM). A mother goes downstairs to find a book for her son's bed-time story; when she returns with a book about Australia, her son says, "Why did you get a book to read out of about down under up for?" Arguably it was the 'portability' of the Sphairistike equipment set that was responsible for the game's speedy introduction (by Mary Outerbridge) to the USA, also in 1874. Scientist Dr Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, had what well known unit of measurement was named after him? There are lots of countries and continents that begin with the letter 'A'. The doctor greeted them, but on seeing the boy, exclaimed, "I can't operate on him - he's my son!" Each person has a 343 in 365 chance of no other person having the same birthday. Both Presidents' names have seven letters. 11, 1, 1, 1. There are now two examples of this known to me. Booth killed Lincoln in a theatre and ran away to a warehouse; Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and ran away to a theatre. More puzzles are added so come again. Christopher Leyland's discovery on his brother-in-law's estate near Powys, Wales in 1888, was what? People Also Ask These Questions About Icebreaker Questions For Work Q: What are the best icebreaker questions for work? Awkward silences, tense meetings, busy work days. ('Onomatopoeic' describes a word which sounds like what it is.). Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln. red/white/green - Both lost children while at the White House. (Thanks David Grech) Thomas Edison (1847-1931, US inventor of the gramophone, electric valve, a megaphone, a storage battery, a system of electricity generation and distribution, and first person to produce talking motion pictures). Taramasalata - it's in the English dictionary - (it's a Greek food dip made of cod roe). green/white/orange - Athena was Greek goddess of wisdom; Nike was Greek goddess of victory; Vesta was Roman goddess of the hearth; Mercury was Roman messenger of the gods; Vulcan was Roman god of fire; Flora was Roman goddess of flowers; Mars was Roman god of war. H (There are other letters such as A, F, K, N whose capitals can be drawn in three separate strokes, but H is the only sans serif capital which is impossible to draw without lifting the pen twice unless re-tracing a stroke already made. Eight folds are apparently possible with extremely light-gauge specialist stock paper. There are four fairly common ten-letter English words (unless you know more, in which case tell me) that can be made from the top row of letters on a normal QWERTY keyboard, what are they? Each word contains three letters in the correct alphabetical order. Born out of particularly strange desire for creating trivia questions and winning the coveted quiz crown at the local pub, Trivia Quiz Night is a website set up by a group of friends who are dedicated to the fine art of trivia; and searching for the answers to the most elusive of questions. Quizballs and organism. This one-third (being 20 minutes of a 60 minute hour) equates to 10 degrees (10 is a third of 30 degrees). William Hartnell was the Doctor in the TV series Dr Who from 1963-66, and Patrick Troughton took the role from 1966-69. This example opens into a ring with a circumferance of 166 cms, almost 5'6", enough for two people, at a squeeze. The contestant is told that one guard will lie and the other will tell the truth - but not which guard is which. The Russian MiG jet fighter aircraft. , and if not [thanks PM Lawrence] then 'Knightsbridge' also contains six consecutive consonants.). What is assessed by the international grading system known as the Four C's, and what does each of the C's represent? How much does it weigh? A man knew he was bankrupt the moment he stopped his car outside a railway station. What is the only word in the English language that ends in 'mt'? What's the only word in the English language having four consecutive double letters? That’s why people need to be able to make a decision fast, in order to be highly effective in what they do, so their company wouldn’t suffer. Booth was born in 1838 or 1839 (sources vary) and Oswald in 1939. Uncopyrightable, or more unusually (thanks R Andaya), Dermatoglyphics (the study of skin ridges on fingers and hands, ie., fingerprints and handprints; the word is from the Greek words 'derma' meaning skin and 'glyph' meaning carving). (And not by repeatedly folding and unfolding it which would be cheating...). (Thanks K Lord for Fuller addition). Sep 10, 2019 - Are you on the hunt for something fun and exciting to bring into your office? What was the origin of the 3M company name? Puzzles are great ice breakers for training sessions, meetings, workshops, seminars or conferences. What percentage of workers believe having access to social media platforms helps them to be more productive? With no pre-selection, and excluding February 29th, what's the smallest number of people in a group required to ensure a better than even chance of at least two having the same birthday? A father took his son to hospital for emergency treatment after an accident. Fold the business card in half, and cut it through both sides of the card, as shown in the diagram, in the following sequence: Cut 10-12 slits, from the folded edge up to about 3mm of the open edge, each slit about 5mm apart. Eleven hads: They are the metric prefixes: deca, hecto, kilo, mega, giga, tera, peta, exa, respectively ten to the power of 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18. Update: Download a PDF of these questions. new suggestions Who was the 'The Wizard of Menlo Park' who said, "Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration."? According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs what is the final employees need after completing all of the others? The first three examples are easy if you sketch the clock hands on a clock face and plot the hours around the clock face (bear in mind there are 360 degrees around a circle; the 12 on the clock-face equates to 360 (or zero) degrees, and each hour equates to 30 degrees, being one-twelfth of 360). Both assassins were known unusually by three rather than two names: John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald. Another contributory factor was the association of sneezing with the Black Death (Bubonic Plague) which ravaged England and particularly London in the 14th and 17th centuries. The London Stock Exchange - a stag is a speculator who buys initial allotments of shares in the hope of selling them immediately for a premium upon listing while risking a loss if they fail to meet initial allotment price; a kite is a cheque, or originally a dud cheque drawn on a fraudulently established bank balance; and the other two creatures more commonly associated with financial markets are When this second bus arrives, passengers will have had less time to gather, which allows it to pick up and go quickly. Seek qualified advice for any action entailing potential liabilities. In decibels, here are some values of different noises: normal breathing 10dB, toilet flushing 80dB, chain saw or rock concert 120dB, shotgun 170dB. Supplementary question: What is also unique about this full club name in the entire professional football league system? (a clue for one of them is in the question) Both assassins' names have fifteen letters. Both secretaries advised their boss not to go to the places where they were shot. At 11am, the artist hangs a painting of the number 30. horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, boar, rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake. (they get harder...) It was originally the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. Who was Lady Creighton-Ward? £88.88 is the sum of money made by one of each of the English banknotes and coins (£50, £20, £10, £5, £2, £1, 50p, 20p, 10p, 5p, 2p, 1p - as at May 2005). B – not washing mugs | 2. To ensure a fair division between two people (for dividing chocolate bars between children for instance) you might use the 'one cuts, the other chooses' method. Dr Who is the name of the series. In 1860 Frederick Walton named his new product after the latin words for its two main constituents, flax and oil. The days of the week. Peter Cushing (played the Doctor in the 1965 film 'Dr Who and the Daleks', and in 1966 'Daleks - invasion of Earth 2150AD'. (even without the 'down under' cheat - because in this context 'down under' is arguably a noun - this would be a viable sentence ending with five consecutive pronouns, which not many people could beat). . Each of our trivia questions has been fact-checked by professionals. Afghanistan and Azerbaijan - all the others end with 'A'. The nickname Iggy came from his days with the Iguanas. Great if you're just after a virtual drink. Why? And finally, an amazing fact about Lincoln: a few months before Booth killed Lincoln, Booth's younger brother, Edwin, saved a young man's life when he'd fallen in front of a train at Jersey City. Workplace trivia questions and answers are an easy and helpful way to boost the morale and atmosphere in the office. How do you identify each switch correctly - right, left, front - if you can only enter the back-room once? Whether you know the answer or not, after playing a lot of trivia you will eventually start learning facts about geography, history or anything really. Not yoke or yolk - the white of an egg is called the albumen. By converting letters into numbers, on the basis that A=1, B=2, etc., these two words produce the same numerical answer when the values of the letters are multiplied together: 1,866,240,000. Quizballs quizzes - Salisbury Cathedral, Wonderful Terminator, Sexy Disciplinarian or Sea Bee. They have all refused to accept honours (such as OBE, MBE, Knighthood, etc) offered by the state. And for the loser, you could suggest a forfeit for example, buying a round of drinks. See also the What do these letters mean? An ai is a sloth, an io is a moth, an ou is a bird, an ox is a cow or bull, a bo is a fig tree, and a ki is a plant of the lily family. Answer: 1976. . Draw a capital T over a capital C so that the down-stroke of the T ends in the centre of the C. What historial event does this represent? A whistle (the gold whistle was engraved with the words "If you need anything, just whistle" - reference to Bacall's lines spoken to Bogart in their first film together To Have And Have Not, released in 1944. Companies House (Crown Way, Cardiff, South Wales), a division of the UK Department of Trade and Industry, responsible for keeping company records and accounts of firms registered in England and Wales. (Who caused the sun to shine again for me) Estonia (And for those with knowledge of Scotttish and Channel Islands currency, £190.38?) Why are buttons on women's and men's clothing such as jackets and shirts on different sides (and for the same reason, why do bras fasten at the back?) Every once in a while, companies organize retreats for their workers in order to promote the feeling of teamwork between them and also build a greater feeling of understanding among the employees. What famous confrontational sporting ritual traditionally began (until changed in 2005) with the words, "Ka Mate Ka Mate..." (mate is pronounced 'mattay') Athena, Nike, Vesta, Mercury, Vulcan, Flora, Mars. Here are my two attempts to explain it: method 1- Each hour on the clock face equates to 30 degrees (12 x 30 = 360). Others who have turned down awards include poet Benjamin Zaphania, novelist J G Ballard, playwrights Michael Frayn and J B Priestley, artist David Hockney, actors Jim Broadbent, Honor Blackman, Alistair Sim, and Trevor Howard. Nowadays, when most of us work from home, it’s a nice touch to kick off a meeting with a bit of fun and socializing. Car 1 - Boulder Mobile, driven by Rock and Gravel Slag. These words are called autoantonyms, or contranyms or antagonyms, (less correctly contronyms and antaganyms). featuring questions from the list below. In ancient Greece, poisoning was a common method of dealing with one's enemies, so the precautionary practice developed for both guest and host to pour a little of their wine into each other's glasses. They were/are all native American Indian tribes. (They are both four sided parallelograms, ie having parallel sides especially with oblique angles) - a rhombus has equilateral sides (all four sides of the same length); a rhomboid has unequal adjacent sides. What are the astrological star signs and the two months that each sign represents? These very old iconic symbols were responsible for what modern system? ), Which one of these is on the coast: Cairo, Johannesburg, Tripoli, Sarajevo, Nairobi, Khartoum? Two of them differ from the rest; which two and why? 6. They are collective nouns for living creatures: What 15-letter word contains the letter 'E' five times and no other vowels? By the 1990's it had become almost certainly the most recognizable corporate identity symbol on Earth, known to 90% of the world's population. What connects Wedgwood pottery and The Origin Of Species? If you’re reading this blog post, chances are you might be the right person. It is important to maintain a balance between having fun and being concentrated in order to produce the best work possible. No games were drawn, every game was finished, yet both players won and lost the same number of games as each other. Certain medical dictionaries would also yield the even more obscure arsenicosum, arteriosum, arteriosus, and catechicorum. The English language expert and writer Michael Sheehan in his wonderful book Words to the Wise credits Richard Lederer (language and word-play expert and writer) and Charles Ellis (university professor, dermatologist and antagonyms expert) respectively for coining the terms contranym and antagonym. Here is a list of questions you can use for your next game of virtual trivia. Winnebago - Tobacco - Chinook - Laguna - Mobile - Mono - Yazoo. There are several commonly used single-syllable words with nine letters, strangely most beginning with the letter 'S', notably: screeched, strengths, straights, scratched, stretched, scrounged, scrunched, and the less commonly-known: scraughed, scrinched, scritched, scrooched, sprainged, spreathed, throughed and thrutched. If the answer is 'no' he should choose the other guard's case. How do you ensure a fair division between three people? 'vowel' 'Dieu Et Mon Droit' appears on which daily header? The record for folding in half a piece of non-square shape (very long in other words) is twelve times, achieved by high-school student Britney Gallivan in Pomona, California, in 2004. Then choose the opposite one. (They are spelt differently but phonetically - they sound - the same): There are several examples: Words which without changing the spelling or sound have two opposite meanings - There are a surprising number examples of words spelled the same which have two opposite meanings. Laughter is a terrific equalizer and allows warm interaction to emerge quickly during meetings, training, and team-building sessions. expressions derivations quiz Upane, upane 1. She died in January 2000. The time displayed usually on watches and clocks in adverts is what?, and why? Businessballs Ltd assumes no responsibility for any errors or damages arising as a result of use. The puzzle question (9.20pm) is more difficult to calculate than the first three time examples. Even though a loud and busy environment will work effectively for them, this may not be the case for the quieter colleagues of the group. (It is not normal for refused nominations to be announced, and the people concerned certainly didn't publicise their refusals - the information was contained in honours committee notes, leaked to the British press in December 2003.). Seven. Subbookkeeper. For variation, the words unoriental, subcontinental, uncomplimentary, unnoticeably and quodliteral all contain each vowel in reverse alphabetical order. Free Trivia Questions and Puzzles Answers for Team Building Games and Quizzes Modern business is very dynamic and fast, due to the ever-changing market conditions and global business environment. 2kg. - Anger? Diamonds - American Richard Liddicoat designed the International Diamond Grading System for evaluating finished stones in 1953 - the Four C's are Cut, Colour, Clarity, and Carat-weight. The decibel is more widely used simply because it enables measurements in smaller increments. Can a man marry his widow's half-sister? He was playing Monopoly. about us in your office as it may not be ideal for each office worker’s personality. During an average day, how many miles does a typist’s fingers travel? Hero. Lady Penelope from TV's 'Thunderbirds'. The capacity of a 'barrel' of crude oil is 35 UK gallons or 42 US gallons, or 159 litres. ditloids puzzles Create the plot How can a trivia game work for a busy meeting such as a presentation of new products or … For example, you may find that a majority of your employees are “go-getters”, meaning that they always like to be busy and are most of the time, not sat at their desk. Sentence with five consecutive Ands: Icebreakers are most useful in meetings where people don’t know each other very well. Thanks also P Threadgall for an additional typo correction. Maine. For example, you may find that a majority of your employees are “go-getters”, meaning that they always like to be busy and are most of the time, not sat at their desk. A hind is a three year-old deer, and a hart is a five year-old deer, so the difference is 2. According to the “Mirror Online” what is the most annoying thing that colleagues do? ('latchstrings' is said to be the longest word with two vowels, and also the word with the most consecutive consonants, however [thanks A Anderson] the word disrhythmic beats this on both counts, depending on interpretation of the term But the hour hand is not on the 9, it's one-third of the way to 10 (the time being 9.20, not 9.00). The artist stands by a stack of paintings, each featuring a different number. See also the Luxembourg, Netherlands (Holland) The world is a strange and funny place.While these aren’t your usual knock-knock jokes, these random and funny trivia questions are sure to brighten your day! This is not your average list of icebreaker questions for work.We’ve collected dozens of the best ice breakers and check in questions to ask your team to reveal their unique personalities and encourage participation at work in meetings and workshops. Spade £22.75, Bucket £2.75. Materials: Trivia questions and an electronic device While simple, this team building game encourages quick-thinking and is a fun way to learn more about each other's interests. page, the (Ack Richard Lederer). authorship/referencing However, interruptions can also be seen as a positive as they are sometimes necessary to complete essential tasks cooperatively. According to Chambers, the word mall was first used to describe a promenade (from which we get today's shopping mall term) in 1737, derived from from The Mall (the London street name), which seems to have been named in 1674, happily coinciding with the later years of Charles II's reign. Upane kaupane Who were 'Too Much' and Norville Rogers? method 2 - At 9:20 the minute hand is at the number 4 which is 120 degrees from zero (4 is a third of 12, hence a third of 360 degrees is 120 degrees). This kind of conversation can be difficult in virtual meetings because you end up talking over each other. In groups of people who don't work together, these fun ice breaker questions are effective in breaking through the normal coolness that can exist between people before they know each other. ). Lamarr's radio-frequency-based concepts contributed to the development of various modern-day communications technology, and Lamarr was finally recognised for her invention by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) in March 1997. A game-show contestant reaches the final challenge: Two security guards are each holding identical closed brief cases. red/yellow/red - blue/black/white - We know that breaks during the working day are important to keep morale and productivity high and having a relaxed atmosphere from time to time is essential in order to keep your staff motivated. Therefore 29 February in the 2004 leap-year was a Sunday. The Leylandii conifer, source of so many disputes between next-door-neighbours. Alan Chapman assumes no responsibility for any errors or damages arising. The Virgin Mary. Bucephalos - Alexander the Great; Black Bess - Dick Turpin; Arion - Hurcules; Copenhagen - The Duke of Wellington; Marengo - Napoleon Bonaparte; Babieca - El Cid; Dapple (an ass) - Sancho Panza (friend of Don Quixote); Incitatus - Caligula; Pegasus - Perseus, Bellerophon, Apollo; Trigger - Roy Rogers; White Surrey - Richard III; Midnight - Clint Eastwood as Rowdy Yates (in Rawhide). Who did it in a movie film in the same decade? red/white/blue - The prototype's body was made of maple wood; production models were of cast aluminium. A brick weighs 1kg plus half a brick. The drummer with little known 1960's high school rock group the Iguanas became which music and style icon? ), What famous slogan was originally devised by Patrick O'Keefe for the Society of American Florists? Car 3 - Ring-a-ding-convert-a-car, Professor Pat Pending. How many minutes a day does the average office worker spend looking for lost files and other items? tough complex puzzles Paul McGann, Peter Davidson and William Hartnell have each played the same famous sci-fi role. Princes/Princess 24 years. Both bus services did indeed run every ten minutes, but the buses to the lake ran on the hour, then ten past, twenty past etc., whereas the buses to the river ran at one minute to the hour, then nine past the hour, then twenty-nine past, etc., so the chances of the man arriving at the bus stop in the one minute gap after the river bus and before the lake bus were pretty small - one in ten to be exact. Thanks M Portwood for you help with this. BUNCH was an acronym at one time representing the big names in the computer industry competing with dominant market leader IBM, can you name them? I welcome any 2. How can this be? Switch on number 2 and leave it on. His French-built Wright biplane broke up mid-air, and while he only came down from 20 feet, he cracked his skull and was killed, becoming Britain`s first aircraft fatality. (Not Dr Who. F as in 'enough' I as in 'women' SH as in 'station'. OPEC was officially formed on 14 September 1960 in Baghdad, Iraq, by the five founder member countries: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, and the OPEC organisation was registered with the United Nations Secretariat on 6 November 1962 (United Nations resolution number 6363). 1. How many number 9s are required to number all the houses (upside-down 6s are not allowed)? If you know any other UOIEA words please send them.) (The word is Greek, loosely meaning 'ball-game', and an earlier version was known by the French as 'Jeu de Paume'). asthma, catchphrase, matchstick. Create a Sign Up View Plans. There are four (known to us - perhaps there are more) perfectly recognisable and understandable words in the English language having one of each vowel in reverse alphabetical order (UOIEA), what are the words? Ice breaker questions don’t need to be as scary or boring – when properly executed, they can help diffuse anxiety and … TCP antiseptic. Numerically, what's the difference between a hind and a hart? A compliment slip also works well. Entertain your teammates with a quiz based on your company trivia. What is remarkable about this phrase? This question is based on UK currency as at May 2005 (no doubt there will be changes in the future). 5 New Trivia Games [Add on May 01] May 02, 2020: We are adding five more Trivia games here that you can play on Zoom. What did each of these brand names originally represent? The bacillus-based invention of French bacteriologists Albert Calmette and Camille Guérin, and the reason for their invention gave rise to two well-known abbreviations, what are they? 'Tis safe never. For example the muzzle velocity of a 2nd World War Lee Enfield rifle is 2,350 ft/second. JCB is the name of the famous earth-moving machines; what does JCB stand for? Virtual trivia is a type of virtual happy hour game and online team building game. He should ask either guard: Does the guard who has the money tell the truth? Marquess, Earl, Viscount, Prince, Duchess, Lord, Baron, King, Marchioness, Duke, Prince, Queen, Lady, Earl, Princess, Baroness, Viscountess, Countess. DNA. Each of these people is related (not by marriage) to one other in the list. The questions and answers below are not all ideal for quick quizzes because many of the questions are more complex and time-consuming, and test problem-solving as well as knowledge.

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