Heaney et al. skin tone, latitude, seasonal differences), so this is not recommended. you need to take 4000IU of D2 to get 2000IU's worth of D3). High‐dose vitamin D treatment may enhance Tregs and improve metabolism in T1D patients. How broke are you?! NO ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS - MADE IN THE UK. Infants under 12 months should not have more than 25 micrograms (1,000 IU… In fact, two vitamin D capsules a day (at 2000 international units each) adds up to 4000 IU—the daily limit. Taking too much vitamin D can cause side effects, and large doses should be taken only under medical supervision. How much Vitamin D was used alongside 1200mg calcium per day? Using sunscreen may decrease your skin’s production of vitamin D. Nutritional insufficiency (25 OHD 50–75 nmol/L) requires treatment with 800 to 1000 IU of vitamin D3 daily. Vitamin D is a very touchy subject. Solariums may be cheap and convenient, but it's not worth the long term damage to your skin. Report … It's especially important because people lose bone density as they age, making bones more prone to fracture or breakage. There again controversy reigns. As many as 77 percent of Americans are vitamin-D deficient, according to a 2009 report in the “Archives of Internal Medicine. It's way more damn promising than Rhodiola rosea for fatigue, for example. After about 4 months upped the dose to 50,000 IU … The last week I've experienced discomfort on the soles of my feet walking and similar bone soreness across the body. That and there's also things like red light/blue light/green light/infrared from sun exposure. No one has died from "sunscreen cancer" yet. 1500mg is an extremely reasonable number, given that it is still WELL below the TUL, yet high enough to give you a little bit of surplus on top of the RDA. It is $10 for 110 days of 4000 IU/day. Unless, there's something that you know that I don't on postmenopausal osteoporosis vs age-induced osteoporosis. As you need UV-A and UV-B exposure to produce Vitamin D, sunscreens may decrease the amount of Vitamin D that will be produced by your skin, due to the fact that most sunscreens block UV-A and UV-B light. (Source). Vitamin D supplementation with 4000 IU or 10,000 IU, compared with 400 IU daily, resulted in greater losses of TtBMD over 3 years in healthy vitamin D–sufficient females, but not males. Still, many individuals might need higher doses. For *muscle* fasciculations, pain or weakness, you should check with your doctor. “Children aged one to 10 years should not have more than 50 micrograms (2,000 IU) a day. Cost-benefit wise, I'd be anti-UV. Got this under control by doing daily stretching of the chest. 4000 IU per days (a few days double). The lowest fracture rates occur with calcium intakes between 700-900 mg per day. For example, if your blood level is 18 ng/mL, taking 400 IU of vitamin D daily (or 800 IU if you are obese) should get you to about 22 ng/mL. Sun-seeking women were, on average, perceived to be significantly older (4 years in some cases) than their actual age. And, if you do have to go out in the sun or are going to be exposed to UV-A or UV-B, they suggest using a full-spectrum sunscreen that blocks both types of rays. Is 4,000 IU of Vitamin D-3 Too Much? | Livestrong.com If your daily diet is varied and balanced—made up of magnesium-rich foods such as spinach, nuts, beans and wholegrains—it’s likely … Also, you say you are a stage IV melanoma survivor. If your vitamin D levels in the blood are above 30 ng/mL, you can limit your daily vitamin D dosage to 4,000 IU. On calcium - supplementation is dangerous, Supplemental calcium increases the incidence of strokes and heart attacks by over 30% and increases the overall risk of death by 9%. High-dose vitamin D supplements. Some people staunchly claim that it increases nitric oxide production, helps with absorption of zinc, gives you better eyesight, and so on. For normal, healthy adults, Health Canada recommends a total daily intake of 600 international units (IU) up to age 70, and 800 IU after age 70. Also, what's wrong with the calcium recommendation? And the mechanism that it works through to increase BMD is also very well-known, unlike something like Rhodiola rosea, where the psychoactive properties may be harder to measure than bone density. We care about how your vitamins are made and … More and more people are making that mistake. They should be about 30 ng/mL (70 nmol/L) for optimal health. Increased bone resorption w/ 500mg calcium in the AM and 1000mg in the PM vs 500mg in the AM and 500 in the PM: Also, in early menopausal women, splitting up dosages into 500mg calcium in the morning and 1000mg calcium in the night leads to increased bone resorption, when compared to 1000mg t.i.d. Type of kidney stones? Could it be that I've been deficient and that it now just hurts because bones are "healing"? Basically, Vitamin D stops your arteries from getting clogged up with calcium, so you won't get hypertension from hypercalcemia. also:-, The Statistical Error in the Estimation of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of Vitamin D. Veugelers and Ekwaru [8], in a correct reanalysis of the data used by the Institute of Medicine, proved that 8895 IU/d are needed for 97.5% of individuals to achieve values ≥50 nmol/L. Doctor's Best supplies a product with a year's supply of 5,000IU D3 per day, for only 11USD. Maybe 3 weeks ago I started taking Vitamin D to see if it would help. Unless you think you’re likely to be severely deficient, there’s no need to go to these upper limits. You must be referring to Vitamin D2, the "fake" Vitamin D, which requires around 2x as much compared to D3 to obtain the same amount of absorption. I have used the UVB lamp for well over 5 years and while it can be misused and cause a mild sunburn, I have not noticed any new skin lesions or other problems due to its limited use. Recent research seems to indicate vitamin D helps deposit calcium in the wrong places in our bodies due to excess fluorides in our diets and toothpaste. Was regularly running at the time and before the aching started I guess I had a few months of muscle fasciculations before waking up one day with aching legs, I've had better and worse periods but it's not gone away. I do not agree with your calcium recommendation at all. (Source -- EFSA -- Page 184, 4.5) They say that this is enough to prevent hypercalcemia. level 1. younger, male). I've never had a broken bone and going through the trouble of taking vitamin D just for a bit extra bone strength doesn't seem worth it. Even products containing half the D3 of that cost more or less the same. Doses above this level are best taken under medical supervision. Lifeguards in Israel develop kidney stones twenty times more often than the general population due to too much vitamin D. Bone mineral denity peaks in the range of 32 to 45 ng/ml and falls a 25OHD rises above 45 ng/ml. There have been some reports about vitamin D reducing the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19). A daily vitamin D intake of 4,000 IU is the tolerable upper intake level for adults, according to the Institute of Medicine. K. People in South India with 25OHD levels of 89 ng/ml have a threefold higher rate of heart attack. EFSA: Upper limit = 2000IU/day for adults. Excessive vitamin D intake frequently results in kidney injury. Also, if you have really stuffed up arteries due to a calcium overdose and/or a vit. take more than 300,000 IU in a 24 hour period. I don't even need to ask you for sources, quite frankly. There is some other research on how Vitamin D may be beneficial for cell growth, but this research is still in its infancy. K. Read my edited post. Vitamin D3 is a secosteroid hormone produced in the skin in amounts estimated up to 25,000 international units (IUs) a day by the action of UVB radiation on 7-dehydrocholesterol. This post seems incomplete without a discussion of the need to supplement vitamin K along with vitamin D in order to avoid calcification of the arteries. 4000 IU per days (a few days double). 298 Caucasian women from 30 to 70 years old. The research is already really transparent: It's as transparent as you're going to get. The upper tolerable level for long-term use from supplements is 100 mcg (4000 IU) vitamin D3 per day. when D3 levels are X ng/dl)? The RDA is 1000mg for 19-50-year-olds, and the TUL is 2500mg for 19-50-year-olds. Many people can get the vitamin D they need from foods and/or vitamin supplements. But ultimately, the amount of vitamin D that makes it into your bloodstream is more important than how much you're consuming. These results are clinically relevant, because vitamin D supplementation is widely administered to postmenopausal females for … Not to mention, NONE of them were funded. If you don't want to read the whole post, just scroll down to the TL;DR. I hope you do. Pre-D3 which is created from 7-dehydrocholesterol + UVB might have tissue specific effects. If you take too much -- for a woman of 55 years old that's 4,000 IUs or more -- you may develop vitamin D toxicity, which can cause kidney stones, loss of bone mass and … If you ever want to get a tan, get a spray-tan. Of course. You're already taking magnesium, try taking K also and see if that helps. 1 MED gives you approximately 10,000IU Vitamin D. It's just too unreliable to try to measure your exposure to the sun due to hundreds of factors (e.g. The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has some looking for ways to keep their immune systems in tip-top shape, and there’s evidence that vitamin D can help with exactly that. what should I take? Ah, here it is. Eating 100,000 IU a day for a prolonged periods of time is suspected to be problematic. What else do you expect? Still, many individuals might need higher doses. It also happens to be the safest long term combination there is for osteoporosis according to long term studies done with these chemicals, and should be considered first-line therapy (apart from heavy strength training) for osteporosis or atherosclerosis sufferers (ask your doctor first though and make sure you do bloodwork to see if you are a suitable candidate for supplementation or if you have some sort of metabolic defect). Vitamin D3 400iu x 90 Capsules, Suitable for Vegetarians, Magnesium Stearate Free, Contributes to The Maintenance of Normal Bones, Muscle Function & The Immune System, UK Manufactured 48 £7 20 (£0.08/count) (Source). Calcium carbonate is extremely cheap, which is why I gave this recommendation, in hopes that there would be a dose-dependent response with regard to increased bone density. Women, thin ones in particular, are at even more risk. Your magnesium and vitamin D intake. The pooled data from trials of vitamin D supplementation lasting ≥8 weeks and dosage ≤4,000 IU/day indicated that vitamin D had an effect. When I say extreme … Consensus seems to be that... Vitamin D3 is 1.7x better absorbed than Vitamin D2. (Chart 1), Percentage of sun damage is predictive of how a woman looks. Healthy populations? People die from sun cancer every day. Yes, you won't get the benefits of sunlight (which is pretty much just 1) a tan and 2) Vit. In a nutshell: The idea is that the combo of... Vit. No shit? Mammals developed systems in our bodies to absorb this steroidal precursor made from UVB rays hitting the sebum in and on our skin. Those who supplement vitamin D may develop dangerous hypercalcemia when supplementing calcium at 1200 mg per day. “This applies to adults, including pregnant and breastfeeding women and the elderly, and children aged 11 to 17 years. I can also prevent osteopenia from advancing to osteoporosis. (morn and night). Don't be fooled by many other brands who offer a weaker formulation Vitamin D3 tablets. 6 years ago. Unfortunately, many of these claims are unfounded -- Vitamin D should not be used as some sort of "cure-all" pill. We’ve found vitamin D supplements containing up to 100mcg (4000 IU) both on the high street and online. One analysis concluded "Treating 1,000 people with calcium or calcium and vitamin D for five years would cause an additional six myocardial infarctions or strokes and prevent three fractures.". Your vitamin D levels also depend on the foods you eat and any supplements you take (see Your magnesium and vitamin D intake below). Proponents of the second method are often tied to the supplement industry, also for good reason. Given that there are very cheap pills that go up to 5000IU, which is considered very safe already, there is no reason not to supplement at such a high dose apart from money concerns. 1500mg/day calcium just happens to cover all populations' needs: Additionally, the RDA for calcium is slightly higher for elderly individuals: it's 1200mg/day. This post acts like the sun is bad. So, for any of you who are worried about that kind of stuff, make sure you buy D3, not D2. “Do not take more than 100 micrograms (4,000 IU) of vitamin D a day as it could be harmful. Calcium promotes the formation of biofilms and can aggravate infections. Right now, there are very effective topical treatments, for psoriasis anyway, and there really isn't much of a point exposing yourself to more possible risks just to have an "alternative" treatment, imo. You can only be sure if you are getting the right amount of D by getting blod tests. Excessive UV exposure may make you look older and increase your risk of skin cancer. MAXIMUM STRENGTH - Our Vitamin D supplement offers 4,000 IU per softgel to give you more of the "sunshine vitamin" your body needs. I admit this is where I got a little carried away with the "more is better" mantra, but it is still VERY safe at this dosage. Also I would like to point out there is a lot of research that vitamin D pill may cause a lot of calcification of body tissues, this is a well known side effect that most are unaware of and vitamin D3 cholecalciferol is actually used as a rodent poison due to this side effect. ...is the most conducive to reversing atherosclerosis (widening the arteries by getting rid of calcium deposits on the inner walls) + osteoporosis (increasing bone mineral density). Then, check your vitamin D levels in your blood. Do Vitamins Daily D. This product is not available and will be replaced shortly. Strong contraindication (you didn't mention because you don't know) is sarcoidosis for taking high dose Vitamin D. I generally agree with you on the 2,000/day as a minimum for an otherwise healthy adult, but 10,000IU/day is probably excessive for many (without being toxic). In … You should never be supplementing calcium without PTH-lowering chemicals like Vitamin D + K. I explained this in my post. Topical D-analogues are beneficial for psoriasis topically, might also be true of sun exposure. Vit. Too low an amount may lead to hypercalcemia. Vitamin D supplements can cause muscle and bone pain, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, increased thirst, fatigue and weight loss. It does, however, play an extremely important role with regard to calcium, and that's what this post will be focused on. I've recently moved up to 5000 IU/day, but haven't yet been rechecked. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Although 4,000 IU (250 mcg) is set as the maximum amount of vitamin D you can take safely, several studies have shown that taking up to 10,000 IU (250 mcg) daily won’t cause side effects (37, 38). I've been taking a Vitamin D3 1000 IU daily tablet and have been having some extreme results lately. Access to reasonable healthcare services? It's important to take vitamin D as you may have been indoors more than usual this year. Our skin produces Vitamin D3 when exposed to sunlight. Many vitamin D researchers have worked tirelessly over the summer to provide a framework in which vitamin D … I take 1000 per day all year, but lately I've been taking 2-3000 as I can literally go all day without seeing the sun. The main reason for supplementing Vitamin D: It helps to lower PTH (parathyroid hormone) levels, and in turn, decreases calcium accumulation in arteries and increases accumulation of calcium in the teeth and bones. (otherwise I stick to 2000 IU) According to webmd, most healthy adults should get at least 600 IU. What more do you want? As many as 77 percent of Americans are vitamin-D deficient, according to a 2009 report in the “Archives of Internal Medicine. This intake will bring the average adult’s vitamin D status to 7 nmol/L higher over a three-month period. It has so many other benefits than vitamin d. Sunscreen is probably going to give you cancer quicker than the sun. So, if you have serum vitamin D levels less than 20 ng/mL, you should start consuming 10,000 IU of vitamin D every day for 2 months. What can replace xxx? I was on 2000 IU/day for years, recently was checked and have low vitamin D levels. D 5,000IU-10,000IU 1x a day (minimum 2000IU per day is ideally the lowest you should ever go and is very safe, but some people might need more to get out of a deficiency and you will need more if you are consuming an adequate amount of calcium), 500mg elemental calcium 3x a day (total 1500mg). The AAD states that Vitamin D is absorbed just as well as UV-induced Vitamin D, and does not come with the risks of UV-damage. Calcium balance occurs at an intake of 741 mg per day; above this intake the body has an excess and tires to excrete more calcium than is consumed. Effect of the sun on visible clinical signs of aging in Caucasian skin. (Source) A dermatologist on PubMed says that the upper limit should be 4000IU/day for adults as well, and that there have been no observable adverse effects at 10,000IU/day. Bear in mind high-dose vitamin D will be more expensive too. I've added a synopsis on Vit. 4. share. Vitamin D Requirement. The long term effects of UV-A and UV-B exposure on the skin, The difference between dosages for both methods, The difference between Vitamin D obtained from UV-A and UV-B exposure vs supplementation, 1) The long term effects of UV-A and UV-B exposure on the skin. Vitamin D2 is the synthetic version, and requires twice as much to be dosed to obtain the same amount of absorption as a dose of Vitamin D3 (e.g. UV-C rays are used to sterilise food and medical equipment -- you don't want to be exposed to UV-C rays. I wrote a comment about the functions of Vitamin D here. That's as unbiased as you're going to get. That's a good thing, because UV-C burns skin VERY quickly. (Source), Vitamin D council: Upper limit = 10,000IU/day for adults. We have numerous double-blind placebo-controlled RCTs on MK-4, and we have a very promising double-blind placebo-controlled RCT on MK-7 for osteoporosis. Okay. I'm writing this post in a response to this recent post on whether or not the OP should take Vitamin D3 during the summer. They say that the ideal number is 50ng/ml, but this might need to be higher if you take more calcium. This intake also happens to be the one that minimizes bone fractures. Methods. … This subreddit is mostly powered by research from [Examine.com](http://examine.com/), and some reading of the supplement on hand (either at this site or other sources) before posting is encouraged to facilitate discussion. Note: The last type of UV ray, UV-C, is filtered by the stratospheric ozone layer before reaching Earth, so unless you're in space, you won't be exposed to this. This is going to be a long post, but in order to truly understand where all the controversy is coming from, you'll need to have a look at the scope of all the research that has been done up until now. One question. instead of t.i.d. 5000-10,000IU/day Vitamin D(3) seems to be safe, and ought to confer all the benefits of Vitamin D without leading to any toxicity. The Canadian vitamin D expert, Dr. Reinhold Vieth, has found vitamin D3 doses up to 10,000 IU per day to be safe in individuals who do not have conditions that predispose them to high blood calcium (such as hyperparathyroidism and acidosis). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So, taking 1500mg would cover virtually all populations while staying well under the TUL for every population too. It makes them stronger?