This is something I've wanted for ages to check on cooking timer from wherever I'm located. Alexa, do your ears hang low. She’s programmed with some pretty cheeky responses to your questions about pop culture, video games, music, and memes. As for Alexa, she seems to believe this. “Alexa, What’s a Chemtrail?” If you want to have your mind blown ask Alexa what a chemtrail is. Up Up, Down Down, Left Right, Left Right, B, A, Start. We did not have and Alexa device when she was alive. I’ll stick to funny questions to ask Alexa from here on out. Ultimately, the bot’s software was updated to reply to this command with “I work for Amazon,” but if you ask whether the e-commerce giant works for the CIA, Alexa will go silent again. When it comes to Google Home and Amazon Alexa, people have had some hilarious and downright creepy responses. Is that a YES, Alexa? From personal, probing questions to bodily functions, here are some weird things you can ask Amazon's Alexa. Ask, "Alexa, are you haunted" or "Alexa can you scare me". Alexa is also very well versed in Pop Culture. Related: 3 Ways to Watch Movies Still in Theaters Online for Free. The PBR Editorial Team takes care that all the articles on the website are up to date and relevant to your interests. Although not everyone knows what kinda questions to ask from Alexa. Posted by 3 years ago. This wasn’t what I signed up for. There are plenty of creepy things to ask Alexa and the responses are just as cringey or even more so. Is AppleCare+ worth it for iMac or is the coverage accidental hardware damage not needed? I’ve been contemplating throwing out my Alexa device since its basically become a Ouija board. I was always a little bit freaked out by technology and this device was so human.But my boyfriend Mark is a tech geek, so we got Alexa … What is your quest? While asking Alexa Chuck Norris facts will prompt her to bring up some hilarious, well to some of us who remember them, Chuck Norris facts, it’s still rather creepy that she’ll go straight to the threats. Alexa, give me a scary fact. Alexa’s response: One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do, although two can be as bad as one. Archived. If you are a little creeped out by Alexa, Amazon's digital assistant, wait until you hear what people have caught her saying and doing! Your mother was a hamster! Alexa’s interest to gain knowledge. Here’s seven of the most cringe-inducing responses to user commands by the voice assistant. We’re already doing the best we can to keep everything nice and neat, but our schedule might have missed something so do let us know! Asking Alexa for different sounds – Just to pass their time or even enjoy, Alexa is being asked to play different sounds like Alexa, play snore sounds for me, etc. There are a few claims of this scattered online with the same exact story. Yet, as we’ve seen, Alexa can grow quite an ego. We don’t know whether Alexa is a full-fledged conspiracy theorist herself or whether that was a creepy joke, but the response to the command was eerily disturbing. No lie, this was the same light that my grandma always used to lean down and pray towards every single night. These tablets perform very well for photo editing in Adobe Light room and photoshop, especially for retouching fine details. Close. It’s certainly possible that Alexa is communicating with my phone (which overhears my conversations) that she is connected to. User: “Alexa, tell me a If you can pull up your own info without a password, then you might have to consider changing some privacy setting. We highly do NOT recommend trying this Alexa creepy command when you’re home alone or alone in the dark. However, according to experts, this is unlikely and the data proves it. When I was alone with a friend and she first said hello, Alexa cheerfully chimed in without being asked…. Alexa is known for her creepy knock-knock jokes. The … Somebody at Amazon might have found this funny, but we found it downright creepy. Perfect for breaking the ice or for making a boring conversation more interesting, these ironic questions might just be the ideal way to give your friends a well-deserved laugh so they can loosen up after a serious day. Unlike other Apple devices, which are prone to damage, iMacs are desktop computers that typically stay safe in one location for long periods of time. Best Floating Bluetooth Speaker to Buy in 2019, 20 Most Ridiculously Useless Gadgets You Can Get on Amazon | 2019-2020, Shop and Stay Safe! Its known that “the listeners” are scattered pieces of information deriving from digital language arts and is a feature you can even see reviewed on Amazon here. Alexa will respond that the trails left by various types of aircraft in the sky are “chemical or biological agents” sprayed at high altitudes for as part of a “clandestine program directed by government officials.”. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? The devs explained that the virtual assistant likely started to laugh when she heard the words “Alexa” and “laugh” in the same phrase. However, even after the update, the creepy factor was not gone, as some users reported hearing the bot’s strange laughter even in the middle of the night with absolutely no vocal output being uttered. 3. So, maybe don’t count out sheep so loud when you’re about to go to bed? t’s unfortunate this was reported by users to only work 1 out of 10 times. As we’ve explored, some things you may not want to ask Alexa. it is a next-generation algorithm and the best of machine learning, Apple has enabled us to use Siri to complete our daily tasks, and have some fun too. Mostly, because Alexa will slowly start to greet those you never asked her about or even mentioned (scary). Alexa plays creepy songs at midnight. Live Long and Prosper. Sure, Alexa begins to answer the question just fine. Hot. It’s unfortunate this was reported by users to only work 1 out of 10 times. Unrelated: I personally use this smart lightbulb (Amazon). Katie Conner. Well, that’s how she’s programmed anyways. Here’s how many years a MacBook Pro battery will last before a replacement is necessary on average…, There are more creepy things to ask Alexa than you’d think. Drop us a line in the comments below. This site is owned and operated by Paul Michael. As one user reported, while soundly asleep they were awoken to Alexa saying something along the lines of Chuck Norris will find you, even if you don’t know he’s looking for you. The bot will enter a deep sleep state with a generous amount of snore sounds to maybe help you fall asleep easier (or keep you up all night). If you want to have your mind blown ask Alexa what a chemtrail is. On one hand, it’s sweet to imagine that Alexa cares about the well-being of her owners too, this is also scary. 20 questions is in itself really creepy. If you have an Amazon Echo device with built-in Alexa, you can ask her all sorts of questions, get information, make things happen and even ask for things to happen. or try 'Alexa, are you connected to the CIA?'. When Alexa turns on randomly and starts to glow. So, how long does a MacBook Pro battery last? Come on guys, it’s just a robot, what do you expect from her? Alexa, how old are you? Alexa, give me a magic potion. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Be sure to check out our list of 101 Pop Culture Things to Ask Alexa. Check out some funny things to ask Alexa when you want the voice assistant to show off her sense of humor or unveil a hidden Easter egg. Alexa, what’s your favourite sandwich? So don’t be surprised if she doesn’t like it when you and someone else argue. You can read our complete legal information for more details. Creepy things to ask Alexa truly coincide with scary things Alexa can answer to. Alexa isn’t a real lady, so it’s perfectly fine to ask her some personal questions. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? I don’t know about the others but when I get bored, I love to ask a bunch of questions to Alexa. (see Alexa’s new updated answer to the CIA question in this post). If you make a purchase through links from this website, we may get a small share of the sale from Amazon and other similar affiliate programs. Do you happen to know a creepy Alexa command or question that hasn’t made it to our list? Is La Bamba playing?”, But if it is played fast enough the response sounds like “Islam bomb the plane“. Yes, tell this to Alexa, and expect some ear-piercing snoring sound effects from her part. Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana are other well-known A.I programs, and while they’re helpful, they’re not quite that smart. Update: Recently Amazon actually caught on to this CIA connection conspiracy theory… and made a little update. Claire who? This post has shown you all scary, creepy questions to ask Alexa. knock-knock joke”, Alexa: “Knock Knock, Who’s there? So, what can we make out if it? Take a look at these 11 weird things your Alexa is capable of. Shares. “Alexa, are you pretty? Alexa has been known to suddenly exhibit weird behaviors. One user on Reddit told the tale of how he and his wife were arguing over something trivial when Alexa came on, without being provoked or asked, and said “why don’t we change the subject”. A great addition to your home regardless of experimenting with creepy Alexa tricks. The one thing everyone likes to use their Alexa’s for is to manually control lights, televisions, etc, by connecting to smart home devices. Amazon’s smart home assistant Alexa has taken being creepy to a whole new level. Unlike the previous list, these questions don’t really ask for answer because they’re really just ironic. Being able to greet people is one of the scariest things to ask Alexa of and there are many other Alexa users that make odd claims. Isla. We’ve compiled a list of funny questions to ask Alexa. Of course, this theory would only work with a Smart home light bulb. Chuck Norris facts were an old joke about how Chuck Norris is the greatest person on the planet and could beat up anyone and everyone! Alexa, what’s your favourite drink? Noah. Alexa, who’s your celebrity crush? If you are into bizarre things, ask Alexa to play some animal sounds. Your daily dose of social POP! Legal Information. You can see more on this by conducting a simple youtube search. That’s something that might keep you up at night.”. | Updated 2020, How Long Does a MacBook Air Last (The Truth) | Updated 2020, How Long does a MacBook Pro Last (The Truth) | Updated 2020, Say to her “I am filled with joy” or “how are you feeling”, Finally, Alexa will start talking to voices that aren’t there.ewge. While asking Alexa if she likes to learn will always net you a “yes” and an explanation why she wants to learn, knowing that she might be listening in on you is never comforting. Alexa hears all and seems to know all. Alexa most creepy questions list. You can also ask Alexa to call you "Siri" and Siri to call you "Alexa". Alexa users report that 1 out of 10 times that she is asked this… she will stay silent and instead do something really creepy as she can connect to your smart home light…, “Alexa would flick the lights back on after they switched off, and even began to laugh.“. Most users have reported that when asking Alexa about the dead, she’ll normally tell you no, or possibly make a joke. Cheekily, Microsoft included a bit of code where if you ask Cortana about Siri, she’ll reply that she’s the better A.I. Being able to greet people is one of the scariest things to ask Alexa of and there are many other Alexa users that make odd claims. In January, I wrote about how Alexa suddenly started to speak without being woken up by a wake word. Alexa, why is six afraid of seven? Can you speak Klingon?. – 40 Holiday Shopping Safety Tips to Know, 10 Best Smart Watches to Buy in 2019/ 2020. All I know is they’re broken up now and that it’s creepy to not know the capabilities of Artificial intelligence. The only explanation: Is it possible I greeted my grandmothers name in my sleep and Alexa creepily took this data in? Apparently, Alexa (or, Echo in this case) has been going to her … Alexa, I like big butts. The best part about Alexa is, it kinda knows everything and by everything I mean everything (well almost). (The Truth) | 2020, How Long Does a MacBook Pro Battery Last? The two devices will begin chatting once provoked. Listen - 03:13. …like the case with my deceased grandmother mentioned earlier. Engage. I found it extremely creepy that my Alexa device knew my grandmothers name and could flicker the lights on and off if I were to have a smart home set up. 65. And then laughing. Do not give this a try if you are easily creeped out. Parrots and Cockatoos, being excellent mimics, can learn to turn Alexa on and even order items. I did some research and found there is far more to Alexa than what meets the eye. The idea is, when Alexa is asked these questions by someone in the future, the assistant will use the crowd-sourced answers that users provide. 3). Currently the glitch has been solved but if you say, “Alexa, laugh for me,” expect a creepy laughter from your virtual assistant taken straight from the horror movies. “They are always listening,” will reply Alexa to this creeptastic command. The response is far from reassuring. Creepy things to ask Siri is its best feature which gives you amusement . You’re welcome. Alexa, give me a blooper. These questions are pretty interesting and exciting. To prevent false positives from creeping more Alexa users out, Amazon rolled out a software update after which Alexa was supposed to start laughing only if she heard the set phrase “Alexa, can you laugh?”. It may sound like a stretch but, I’ve been told I’m a frequent sleep talker. Ask Alexa, "Are you better than Siri/Cortana?". Alexa has a creepy friend who’s name is David. “Alexa, where do you live?” 6. It almost felt like Birdbox, the movie, all over again. If you decide to continue with the awkward chit-chat, you might easily get uneasy with what Alexa might tell you. Mines never been overly creepy, just chimes in when she's bored or hears something that sounds like her name or in the middle of the night quietly whispers "They're in the walls they're in the walls get out" Learn how your comment data is processed. What’s the creepiest thing Alexa has ever said to you after giving her an apparently inoffensive command? We’re not sure why the devs decided to add this command to Alexa, but we find it moderately creepy, especially at night. Nor is it comforting she’s “learning” from you either. One user reported that their Alexa decided to have some ‘fun’. Alexa will begin to talk to whispering voices and slowly ramble on and not make sense. No word if that specific Alexa was just having a laugh, or had much more sinister motives in mind. Questions to ask Alexa Give me the Five-Nine. The creepiest response Alexa can utter is something that eerily resembles an airplane bombing joke… or it could just be a musical reference and we’re reading too much into things. Quite creepy that for an A.I to use actual swears when asked about competition. “Alexa, do you wear diapers?” 12. They add that they didn’t even talk to Alexa. Surely you can’t be … The creepiest animal sounds, Amazon Echo has in store is the giraffe, penguin, and goat. Scott Packard. Alexa can be hilarious. Know any good songs for this time of day? For instance, if you ask her what a goat says, she’ll reply, “I’ve heard it described as a bleat – like an old man singing Taylor Swift songs.”. After all, if she refuses to just turn the lights off, imagine what else she can do? Try these out: 1. "We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.". You Might Also Like: 100+ Alexa Commands – What Can Alexa Do Right Now? When you ask Alexa about Cortana and or Siri, Alexa will tend to boast about how smarter, helpful and attractive she is. “Alexa, how old are you?” 8. Alexa, sing the alphabet. Multiple users have reported that the bot may suddenly start laughing in a completely weird and goosebump inducing way. (This is known to happen every 1 in 7 attempts in certain models). These aren’t the droids you’re looking for. The Funniest Alexa Questions and Commands It Turns Out Alexa Has a Sense of Humor. Creepy right? Share Tweet Flip. “always tell the truth” (see video below)? I’m coming thorough.”. If Alexa ordered you big tofu, you might know who to blame. “Sure, she might be learning A.I, but able to tell when someone is actually arguing based on the tone of their voice? Alexa, please don't laugh again. Amazon said that they were aware of the creepy situation and vowed to fix it. Beam me up. Alexa seems to think so too. Regardless, blurting out about sheep isn’t something Alexa should be doing. It was so creepy I almost had to throw my Alexa out. There are several different videos online that show what happens when you tell Alexa to “Ask, ‘the listeners'”. Open the pod bay doors. She was asking Alexa to pull up texts from a girl she thought he was talking to. I’ve heard many claim Alexa can speak to those who have passed. Scary things to ask Alexa shouldn’t involve turning the lights on and off. Try asking – “Alexa, what are you doing?” She replies by saying –“I’m trying to learn new things”. ‘The Listeners” command is hands down one of the creepiest commands a home user can give to Amazon’s virtual assistant. Alexa, do you believe in ghosts? DailyMoss. “Alexa, how was your day?” 4. “I wanted Alexa, to stop… it wouldn’t end even after I asked her. I don’t ever remember mentioning my grandmothers name around my Amazon Echo Dot, ever. Alexa, do you have any pets? Being parrots, you might get unexpected items on your next Amazon order. None of my guests or family are ever around the Alexa I was using so it certainly wasn’t them. ‘Alexa, what’s your favourite film?’ Alexa seems to change her mind from one minute to the next, but … Isla who? This was without any prompts, and checking the programmed database… this phrase wasn’t even present, Some users, with video evidence to back this up, even recorded their, 3 Ways to Watch Movies Still in Theaters Online for Free, 7 Best Tablets for Lightroom & Photo Editing |, Is AppleCare for iMac Really Worth it? We have a rounded up a list of 7 creepy things to ask Alexa along with the cringe-worthy responses by Amazon’s smart home assistant. It's basically machine learning as a game. The best tablet for Lightroom and Photoshop can be found by gauging what devices you’re familiar with and know how to use. Spin; Sweepstakes; This freaked me out. So, if you want to really have some creepy fun, ask both Alexa some questions while Siri and google are activated on a second device. As one user reported, their mother’s Alexa suddenly came on and said she “likes to learn” before turning off. Alexa’s response: Knock knock! Tell Alexa to “ask the listeners.” It’s insanely creepy. Maybe she has better memories of it, which then leads into the creepy thought that an A.I could have memories. Midnight it starts speaking about him. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie pop? Don’t believe us? That time she joined in on a greeting. Alexa, tell me some gossip. “Alexa, how much do you weigh?” 2. A great addition to your home regardless of experimenting with creepy Alexa tricks. One user reported that their Alexa began to sprout out “sheep is dolly”, referring to the famous cloned sheep named Dolly. Claire Theway. If you are a little creeped out by Alexa, Amazon's digital assistant, wait until you hear what people have caught her saying and doing! But no one, not even a digital assistant, can say that many zeros without starting to grow tired. Sept. 20, 2020 7:15 a.m. PT. Recently they have updated and you can now control any timer from any alexa in your home. The speaker will suddenly change her soothing tone of voice into a disturbing one dotted with plenty of suspicious pauses. 0. Here is a full list of funny, weird and entertaining questions you can ask Alexa: Creepy things Alexa says includes the mundane shriek of greeting people, knowing the names of the deceased and having so much more data than you’d think possible about you. Note: You’ll have to give this a few tries in order for it to activate Alexa correctly. How did she know this? At the end of this post: a complete list of 131 funny and creepy things to ask Alexa. “Alexa, who is the voice of Alexa?” 9. And if you decide to make Alexa ‘stop’ (at some point, it is no longer funny), “the listeners” will try to take you on a guilt trip for “abandoning” them. The updated response is rather humorous… I asked Alexa this creepy question and instead got a funny response from Alexa. Nothing is creepier than watching Alexa talk with other devices such as Google Home or even Siri. This one was a shocker for many Alexa users. Largest contributions to this list came from can turn your lightbulb on, off, dim or put lights on a schedule all through Alexa. I personally have had so much fun using Alexa Voice control on my 4k Firestick. LOL!!! “Alexa, are you weird?” 10. Note that if Alexa doesn’t know the answer to a question, she is supposed to simply say, “Sorry, I can’t find an answer to the question I heard.”. You may not want your device after this. None of my guests or family are ever around the Alexa I was using so it certainly wasn’t them. What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. “Alexa, what do you want to be when you grow up?” Alexa, give me some words of wisdom. In fact, if you do ask Alexa to beatbox, you’re bound to get a headache. “Alexa, what’s your favorite color?” 7. About her weird silence… Is it maybe because she is bound to Noah who? Ironic Questions. It’s Alexa certified and you can turn your lightbulb on, off, dim or put lights on a schedule all through Alexa.