Tav is the sign or seal of a covenant. The dalet is the sound of “D” with a word picture of a door, a leaf on a gate or a page. “The honor of God is to hide a thing, And the honor of kings to search out a matter.” (Young’s Literal Translation). The Modern Hebrew, Arabic and Greek names for this letter is tav (or taw), a Hebrew word meaning, “mark.” Hebrew, Greek and Arabic agree that the sound for this letter is “t.” 

The early pictograph evolved into in the Middle Semitic script and continued to evolve into in the Late Semitic Script. The cross is the sign of our covenant with God/YHWH. Just like He pitched a tent/the Mishkan Tabernacle in the wilderness with His children of Israel. teaching tools. Where all dictionaries and concordances define Grace as favor and kindness, which are abstract terms, intangible; and which display no kind of object and simply takes you back to where you began not really understanding what grace is. This was the Hebrew (ketav Ivri) used by the Jewish nation up to the Babylonian Exile (or, according to Orthodox Jews, until the Exodus from Egypt). The Hebrew Bible translates the Hey as behold, to show and to reveal. The Modern Hebrew, and original name for this letter, is hey, a Hebrew word meaning “behold,” as when looking at a great sight. The Middle Semitic letter was adopted by the Greeks and the Romans to be the letter F, but was dropped from the Greek alphabet and does not exist in the Modern Greek alphabet. The bet and noon pronounced a ben has a word picture of a son that is the life of the house. The Greek sound for the letter is “ks,” a sound that is similar to the “s.”. The Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible explains this: The pictograph is a picture of a thorn, then is a picture of seed. The “lamed” is the tallest letter in the Hebrew Alphabet. The Middle Semitic letter is the origin of the Greek letter Δ, The Roman D and the number 4. This picture has the meanings of “pierce” and “sharp.” This letter also has the meaning of a shield, as thorn bushes were used by the shepherd to build a wall, or shield, to enclose his flock during the night to protect them from predators. While the. A Secret Hidden in a Kings’ Song /Shir HaMelech, A keruvim cherub – not quite like we imagined? graph: 1. Israel, God’s Time Clock and the Temple Mount in the News. Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible. The President did not concede, part three. In Hebrew customarily there are no “nick” names. We do have ample evidence that the ancient pictographic characters are the precursor to all later Hebrew alef bets. The Aleph, our letter A, is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. They were found in the Dead Sea scrolls. The word picture of this letter represents the “door” of the tent. Our Heavenly fathers’ pictograph letters for this word, CHEN/channah, paint a picture of pitching a tent with Him, God/Adonai. So when we read in the scriptures, or say to one another, May The, May the place where God provides protection and provision for life, be to and for you, a camp, a precious place of healing, strength, salvation and rescue; for His fence of protection will not cease or fail, but it will continue to surround you and your offspring/family as He pitches His tent/abides with us and, The one which was also in Mashiach Yeshua. The gimel is a picture of lifting up and the sound of “G”, followed by an alef, a picture of strong/strength or head, a silent letter only carrying the sound of the vowel, followed by a lamed, the sound of “L” pictured as a shepherd’s staff or goad. The palm facing up and bent forms a “cupped” shape. (A Yad is the Hebrew word for hand. Log in. toward or to something. As mentioned above, the ancient Hebrew text, which no longer exists (at least in whole), dates back to the time of Moses. When all of the words derived from this parent root are compared the common theme of a circle or revolution is found. It appears to have - been the forerunner of all languages in that region (Hebrew, Phoenician, Chaldean, etc.). Translated out of the original Hebrew and Aramaic By James Scott Trimm. The Hebrew word for garden is gan, a gimel followed by a noon. God is full of surprises and new revelation in almost every single word of His Holy Bible… The modern word for alphabet actually comes from the Hebrew letters alef-bet, the first two Hebrew alphabet letters corresponding to the “a and b” in the English alphabet. Head and person, man, beginning, top, rule, inheritance, possession, Reysh “ר” the twentieth letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. Some believe it was the Paleo script, but I tend to lean toward In order to place the correct context to a Hebrew word from the Ancient Hebrew language one must first understand Ancient Hebrew … The seed is the beginning of “new” life. An e.g. The Hebrew word picture letters for the word be-ten are:  “bet” with a sound of “B” and a word picture of a house or inside;  followed by a ”tet” with a sound of the letter “T” and a word picture of surrounding; followed by a noon with a sound of “N” and a word picture of life, something moving. It can mean “dangle” as the tent door dangled down from a roof pole of the tent. 256 5. The letter tav is the sound of “T” and the word picture is a cross meaning a sign or covenant. The Modern Hebrew name is nun, a Hebrew word meaning to “continue,” “offspring” and “heir.” This two-letter word is the original name for the letter. The gimel is pictured as a lifting up or arising and the lamed pictures a staff or a goad used to push animals forward or moving forward. The “hey” at the end of a word following certain vowels can indicate the feminine gender of the word. Ancient Pictograph Ancient Paleo Letter English Pronunciation A Aleph a eFath [ ]r gg B Bet b v bat vine G Gimel g good D Dalet d dog H Hay h high W Uau w ou water ld tune z Zayin z ebra j Chet hh Bach f Tet th bath y Yod y iyellow fl s ng k Kaf k kh kite Bach l … The letter “tet” in modern Hebrew has a sound of the letter “T.”   However, in earlier times it may have had a “th” sound. The word “Hallelujah” ( הללויה ) is actually two Hebrew words put together: “Hallelu” ( הללו ) and “Yah” ( יה ). The meaning of this letter is “toward” as moving something in a different direction. The phonetic sound for this letter is “n,” as it is in all other languages. The is a shepherd staff and represents authority as well as a yoke (see the letter lamed). The modern name for this letter is tsade, also meaning side, and is a child root from the word tsad . The message of salvation in the Hebrew mind is the Kingdom of God is coming. Sometimes it is better to cover your mouth than to say something you may regret or if you have said something you regret. The picture is a basket or “tote” used for storing foods or belongings. The ancient meaning of the letter is behold, look, breath, sigh, reveal and revelation from the idea of revealing a great sight by pointing it out. As an example, the word לֶהֹא (#390) includes the hholam vowel pointing (the dot above the aleph representing the "o" sound), but in most ancient documents The early Semitic pictograph evolved into in the Middle Semitic script by being rotated 90 degrees. A one or two word translation of the Hebrew word. The Modern Hebrew name for this letter is kaph, a Hebrew word meaning “palm” and is also the ancient name for this letter. Standing alone it can even mean the word “God.”  The word picture for the ‘yood’ is a closed hand or even a forearm and it has the letter sound of “Y.”  The visual picture of a “yood” is an apostrophe. The three Ancient pictograph possibilities for this letter are , and . Modern Greek and Latin have no letter derived from this Semitic letter. The sound for this letter is a “d” as in “door” as it is with the Greek and Arabic equivalents. In Hebrew, the letter "bet" has a "b" sound and is used as a letter in forming words. What's The Connection Between Almonds and Olive Oil with Messiah and Lamp stands? The Middle Semitic form of this letter became the number 8. The Hebrew word to deceive or to betray is רמה ree-mah. There are two sounds for this letter, the stop “P” and the spirant “Ph” (f). The Hebrew Bible, called the "Tenach" by Jews and "Old Testament" by Christians, was originally written in the Hebrew language using an ancient pictographic, or paleo-Hebrew, script. The seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet is called “Zayin,” corresponds to our letter z. The picture is the two front teeth. The Early Semitic pictograph of this letter is , an arm and hand. The Late Semitic script became the Modern Hebrew נ and ן (final nun). The word picture of a gimel and noon together is a lifting up of life. As each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is a picture with meaning. The meanings of this letter are “harvest,” “food” as from the harvest, “cut” from the function of the implement and “broad” from its shape. This paper. This letter continued to evolve into in the Late Semitic script. The Hebrew Bible translates the Hey as behold, to show and to reveal. Hebrew is a language of action. This form evolved into the Modern Hebrew letter ז. c. If English was the first alphabet the pictogram for … 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. The name of the third letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is Gimel is Gimel corresponds to our letter G. With one or two m’s. Picture: Wall. The word picture for the letter bet is: house, in or inside, something enclosed, inner chamber. These modern items are representative of the shepherd staff, an ancient sign of authority, and the horns of the ox, an ancient sign of strength. They were used for storing grains, tools, foods, housewares and other items. The meanings of this letter are “bend” and “curve,” from the shape of the palm, as well as to “tame” or “subdue” as one who has been bent to another’s will. PART 2, The Toldot of the Melech – Part 2 of Five Chosen In A Line Unbroken, MiniMannaMoments is also accessible on FACEBOOK, May This Be A Shannah Of Shalom A Year of Peace, New Beginnings Don’t Come From A Calendar, Yeshua and Yosef – Jesus and Joseph – Parallels, WEEKLY READINGS TO TAKE US THROUGH THE BIBLE IN A YEAR, Midweek Mannabite – A Jubilee Celebration, Digging Deeper-Jesus doesn’t live here any more, Showing respect for the great faith of those who have gone before, THIS IS LIFE CHANGING Information- Guaranteed, Map Showing Some of MMM 1000’s of Friends and Family Around the World. The language of dedication from the beginning. John 14:6  Yeshua saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: No man cometh unto the Father, but by me. One word may have different meanings depending on the culture that is using it. 4:12). The “lamed” is one of the Hebrew letters that progressed through a series of shapes from the original shape in the proto-Canaanite to the modern-day “lamed” which looks quite different. Of all the letters in the Hebrew alphabet, this is the most difficult to reconstruct due to its limited archeological and textual support. This letter evolved into the ע in the Modern Hebrew script. Altogether these individual words share a common root and tell the story that man came from the soil or earth, that man’s life is in the soil and that the blood is red. A short summary of this paper. The old Latin word for a leg is “gam.”. The Middle script became the Greek letter Ξ and the Greek letter became the Latin X. 4. A picture representing a word, phrase, or idea, especially one used in early writing systems. Third, adam comes from within the word adama, (adam is one word for man.) The dalet followed by the noon is a word picture of a door to life; something that could have influence or power over life, as a judge might. The pictographic script for the word gam is the foot, representing “walk” and the m is “water” (See the letter mem). This letter has the meanings of “head” and “man” as well as “chief,” “top,” “beginning” and “first,” each of which are the “head” of something. Another “lamed” word is “lev” which is Hebrew for “heart.”  The Hebrew spelling for “lev” is “lamed” with a letter sound of “L” with a word picture of a “staff, control or strong/strength,” followed by a “bet” with the letter sound of “V” (sometimes a “B” when it has a dagesh or dot in the center) with a word picture of a “house or inside.” Together these two Hebrew letters, “lamed” followed by a “bet” spell “lev,” which is “heart.”  The Hebrew word picture is that the heart controls what is inside. The Early Semitic pictograph was simplified to and in the Middle Hebrew script. Download. The Hebrew word for beautiful is יפה ya-feh. Yeshua/Jesus was given for a covenant for the people? Bibles. Hallel is Hebrew for Praise Jah(Yah) is a Hebrew derivative of the Egyptian word iah, or moon. The entire letter Ancient Hebrew alphabet is shown below.22- Bet el is House of God commonly pronounced Bethel. 1 meter which is 3ft 3ins) as a measurement, is the length of the arm. I'm not versed in Hebrew … Jah is short for Jehovah. The alef is a silent letter and simply carries the sound of the vowel. More than likely this letter was originally written as . The bet-resh, pronounced bar, is the word picture showing  the son is the man from within the house. The word Danny in Hebrew is a form of the word Dan with the possessive pronoun ending sound of “ee” indicating “my” or “belonging to.”  Here the word picture is “judge me,” or “my judge.”  When the “el” is added to the end of the word “Dan,” the picture changes again. Instead it has been absorbed into the letter ע (ayin). Abel Covarrubias. Like other ancient writing systems, the Hebrew alphabet originally was written using a pictographic script. Pilipiyim (Philippians) 2:5. The Early Semitic letter remained unchanged into. As with the “kaf” the letter “pey” can also take a dot, which is called a dagesh, which hardens the sound to a “P” whereas the “pey” without the dagesh has a letter sound of the letter “F.”. Another bet word is bet-el, or House of God. Another bet word is son, and sometimes in Hebrew spelled bet followed by a noon, which is the sound of “N” and the word picture of action/life. So, looking at the word Torah in the ancient pictographic Alef-bet. Together the word byeet el has a word picture of a house containing a strong hand of covenant, and the house has a strong leader from within. Ancient Hebrew meanings of words to the student of the Bible as never before done. This research revealed that the earliest root of the old Semitic script and language is much older than supposed up to now, … This letter represents the ideas of seeing and watching as well as knowledge, as the eye is the window of knowledge. Salvation to the Hebrew mind is to prepare a place fit for God to dwell here among His people (now it makes more sense why there is a concerted effort ongoing now to build the 3. The Ancient Semitic Pictographic Alphabet will open readers' minds to a level of symbolic learning that will add depth to their study of Hebrew, the Bible, symbols, and nature. In this period the alef was represented as the head of an ox or bull denoting a strong leader or strength. This letter is a consonant, with an “h” sound, but also used as a vowel with the “eh” sound. A Mystery – How Messiah Takes Blue And Red Threads To Make Purple People. The word picture for the reysh is a person, (the profile of the head) the highest or top, and most important. The word picture for daughter, bat, בת shows the daughter of the house will join in covenant to another house, in other words, her marriage into another family joins the family in a covenant. The first letter is “tet” with a sound “T” and a word picture of surround, snake, curved or twisted line; followed by an “ayin” which is a silent letter only carrying the sound of the vowel and a word picture of an “eye;” followed by a “hey” with a sound of the letter “H” and a word picture of “something that comes from, completing the word picture of a twisting of the eye, or seduction through the eye. When combined these letters mean “walk to the water.” 

The letter has the meanings of walk, carry or gather. The “kaf” can have a soft guttural sound when it does not have a dot in the center of the letter. The alef, followed by an lamed is the word el which is God. As the Hebrew word for a “fish” is dag, it is unlikely that the is the pictograph for this letter but, rather the . Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic Sources. Tav = Cross Shin = Teeth Ayin = Eye, See Alef = Ox Yod = Hand Vav = Nail Dalet = Door Chet = Fence Bet = Home Lamed = … From the middle Semitic script is derived the Modern Hebrew ש. Our word “yard (also 3 feet in length”, or approx. Mouth, word, speak, edge, sword, scatter, blow, things with edges, the Seventeenth Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is the Pey “פ “The pey “פ” in ancient Hebrew has a letter sound of a “P” and a soft sound of “F.”. Another “tet” word is ta-ah with a Hebrew meaning of “deceived” or “to seduce.”  The Hebrew spelling is “tet,” “ayin,” and “hey” with the following word picture. (This is probably where our English expression, Put these meanings all together and we have. It can also mean weak or poor as one who dangles the head down. This letter is used as a prefix to nouns meaning “to” or “toward.”. The picture is a seed with the root coming out of it. Shield, pierce, sharp, support, prop, hate, hand on staff. There are two possibilities for the original Early Semitic pictograph for this letter, the picture of a fish – and a picture of a door – . Another word for son is bar, a bet followed by a resh which is the sound of “R” with the word picture of a head or person. The Modern Hebrew name yud is a derivative of the two letter word (yad), a Hebrew word meaning “hand,” the original name for the letter. Father I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you to come into my life right now and be my personal Savior and Lord and I will worship you all the days of my life. The chet followed by a noon is a word picture of something fencing in life or protecting life or surrounding life. Sinai. The Greeks and Romans adopted this letter to become the letter “Z.” The Late Semitic became the number 7. Following the chart below is a list of the letters – OTIOT – in the ancient Hebrew ‘alef bet’, A letter, in the Aramaic/Hebrew, is an ot (pronounced “oat”), and means “a sign” … the plural is otiot (pronounced “oatee-. When the Greeks adopted this letter it became the epsilon (E-psilon meaning “simple E”) with an “eh” sound. Conceptually, tav is a wounding, as the sealing of a covenant required the wounding of the sacrifice, whose blood sealed the covenant. In Hebrew ya-shar means straight as in upright. Pictographs that make up the Hebrew word “Barasheet,” is most frequently translated, “In … The Middle Semitic script is the origin of the Greek and Roman H. The late Semitic script became the Modern Hebrew ח. The Semitic word pey means a “mouth” and there are several ancient Semitic pictographs believed to be this letter, none of which resemble a mouth. The Greek language adopted this letter as the vowel iota, retaining the “i” sound. 28 Jun 2017. The Father’s Word and His aleph bet are comprised of the most basic and simple things for us to understand! Another gimel word is gal-gal. The Ancient Hebrew letters form the foundation to the Ancient Hebrew language and a thorough study of these letters is essential to understanding the cultural background to the words they form. This is a picture of the sun at the horizon where the light is concentrated at this point, while the rest of the sky is dark. Hebrew thought is circular and for them everything occurs in recurring, continuing cycles; as are the annual Appointed Times/Feasts of the Lord. The sound associated with this letter is a “g” as in “go.”. The shin is the picture of the two front teeth, so sharp, press, eat, two. Ancient Hebrew meanings of words to the student of the Bible as never before done. It is from an adopted root. The Ashkenazi Hebrew derives from the West/ Europe and the Sephardic Hebrew derives from the East/ Spain and areas to the east including Persia/Iran. In other words, reading books brings wisdom to speak to others. There are no vowels (aeiou). The Ancient picture is a type of “mark,” probably of two sticks crossed to mark a place, similar to the Egyptian hieroglyph , a picture of two crossed sticks. The Hebrew Bible, called the Tenach by Jews and Old Testament by Christians, was originally written in the Hebrew language using an ancient pictographic, or paleo-Hebrew, script. Nail, tent peg, add, hook, to secure, connect, Messiah. The Early Semitic evolved into in the Middle Semitic and continued to evolve into in the Late Semitic script. Pictograph: Alef is a picture of the head of an ox, the strongest and most versatile animals among the livestock owned by the Hebrews. When the “mem” is the first letter of a word it can be a prefix and has more than one meaning, i.e., the preposition “from or than” or can indicate the participle form of certain verbs. The resysh has a guttural sound of “R” and has a word picture of a person or profile of the head. Greek abstract thought is the expression of things that cannot be accessed or felt with the 5 senses and is Linear in nature, only progressing in a forward direction. The Hebrew Bible, called the Tenach by Jews and Old Testament by Christians, was originally written in the Hebrew language using an ancient pictographic, or paleo-Hebrew, script. The early pictograph evolved into in the Middle Semitic script and continued to evolve into in the Late Semitic Script. These two words for “son” have similar yet slightly different meanings. The 13th ancient Hebrew letter “mem” has the letter sound of and corresponds to our letter M There is no English word derived from this letter, but, our letter “M” was derived from this letter. So, it simply means, “Praise the Moon”. When completed together the ancient word picture for da-ma דמע, to weep, is water from the door of the eye. A very similar Hebrew word is hhets, which means a wall and is most likely the original name for this letter. heads (what we think and who our headship is). It’s symbol is a tent peg or nail. 256 5. The Ancient form of this letter is the open palm of a hand. The two letters, dalet and mem are the root letters to some very interesting connections in Hebrew, and that is, the relationship between blood, earth, man and even the color red. This letter has the meanings of “teeth,” “sharp” and “press” (from the function of the teeth when chewing). Similarly, the Alef (our A) which is depicted as an ox head in the ancient characters, means "head, first or mighty one". The tent was the place where the family laid their “bed”. Categories. Since the Masoretic text does not use word dividers, and many ancient Hebrew inscriptions do, the “period” key has been used for the word divider dot, both upper and lower case. Part 2, Midweek Mannabite – Giving Thanks With A Grateful Heart, Nothing To Celebrate? The Middle Semitic was adopted by the Greeks to be the letter “A” (alpha) and carried over into the Roman “A.”. These fonts follow the basic key-mapping of the BibleWorks™ Hebrew font, with a few exceptions. The ancient Hebrew language was a language based on the 5 senses, what they could see, feel, taste, smell or hear. From the middle Semitic script is derived the Modern Hebrew ת) . This letter is commonly used as a prefix to words to mean “the” as in ha’arets meaning “the land.” The use of this prefix is to reveal something of importance within the sentence. The word for blood in Hebrew has a very deep meaning, unlike the meaning in English. The meanings of this letter are “outside,” as the function of the wall is to protect the occupants from the elements, half, as the wall in the middle of the tent divides the tent into the male and female sections, and secular, as something that is outside. Why read Ancient Hebrew anyway? Through this Early Semitic Pictograph Alphabet (Ancient Hebrew) your mind will be opened to the connection you may have with these original Hebrew people. The original name to this letter is most likely gam, the parent root of gimel. Many did, but I quickly realized I needed to diversify for the site to … Isa 49:8 Thus saith YHWH, In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped there: and I will preserve these, and give thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages; Psa 119:142  Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy Torah is the truth. It’s possible Israel chose the form of a calf (young bull) as an image of God at Mount Sinai showing their association between the word and the ox or bull and is also commonly used in the Hebrew Bible for “God” or “god.”. Most of the pictographs used for this letter are , and . The sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the “vav” with the sound of V. corresponds to our letter V.  The pictogram of the “vav” is a nail, or something connecting, or a straight line with a little hook on the top. Together this is a word picture showing to fence the teeth from what comes from. Pictures symbolized words, and later sounds. These 2 definitions may help us in identifying our own mindsets and give us indications of how we can mature to resemble His Way for us. Greek thinking puts everything in a box: there is only one right interpretation of Scripture; It says: my method of systematic theology is the right one and everyone else is wrong. Fourth, what sustains life? Blood or “dam,” once again, all these Hebrew words are within the root of adama. are “ow” and “uw.” In addition, in the Modern Arabic language, this letter is pronounced with a “w.” Therefore, the original name of this letter would have been waw instead of vav, as it is in Modern Hebrew. Keeping in mind that Jesus was a Jew and spoke Hebrew (and Aramaic) it seems reasonable that His declaration to John would not have been in Greek, but would have been in Hebrew. There are five Hebrew letters that have a final or “sofit” form when they appear at the end of a word and are written differently. In Hebrew different words can become syllables and when put together form other words. The Hebrew alphabet has gone through four stages: Early, Middle, Late and Modern. Within the clan, tribe or family the chief or father is seen as the elder who is yoked to the others as the leader and teacher. The Late Semitic script further developed into the Modern Hebrew ג). The Late Semitic script evolved into the מ and ם (final mem) in the Modern Hebrew script. The second letter is a noon נ with a word picture of life and a letter sound of “N”. So which of these 2 mindsets do we have? The Modern Hebrew letter א developed out of the Late Semitic. Sheen “ש” is the twenty-first letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. The sound of the gimel is the sound of “G”. The ancient pictograph became the in the Middle Semitic script. This 4,000 year old Inscription was found in the land of Israel and is composed of two letters written in the ancient pictographic Hebrew script. The alef and bet in word picture form show that the father is the strong leader of the house. The first letter is Tav which corresponds to our letter ‘T’. Each The Hebrew spelling of “la-mad” is “lamed” with a letter sound of “L” and a word picture of “a staff or control,” followed by the letter “mem” with a letter sound of “M” and a word picture of “water, powerful or chaos,” followed by a “dalet” with a letter sound of “D” and a word picture of a “door, pathway or enter.”  When put together these Hebrew letters are a word picture of a shepherd or someone controlling chaos through a door or pathway. Another chet word is ach, which means “brother” and is spelled in Hebrew with an alef, which is a silent letter, with a word picture of an ox, strong leader or first, followed by the letter chet. I am only given Adobe Hebrew. The pictograph is used almost exclusively throughout the early and middle history of this letter. The Greek name for this letter is mu, which is a Hebrew word closely related in roots and meaning to the Hebrew word mah. A Mystery - How Messiah Takes Blue And Red Threads To Make Purple People. Another “tet” word is sa-tan, (Satan) with a Hebrew meaning of adversary. This letter is often associated with things that are bad or wrong, While this letter existed in ancient Semitic languages and some modern Semitic languages, it no longer exists in the modern Hebrew. For example, take the translated word as "God":- In modern Hebrew this word looks like this . he concept of the ox and the shepherd staff in the word has been carried over into modern times as the scepter (as a staff) and crown (as horns) of a monarch, the leader of a nation. Ancient Hebrew, Bible, Christianity, God, Hebrew, Jesus, New Testament, Old Testament This is a follow up to My Covenant where I attempted to show the prophetic nature of God saying "My covenant" as revealed in the original ancient Hebrew alphabet pictographs. For instance, the letter hey is “h” and “eh” and the pronunciations of the letter yud is “y” and “iy.” Following this pattern, it is probable that the original pronunciation of the letter was “w” as the vowel sounds associated with this letter. The staff also had a bent end that could be used to pull a “lamb”. This letter has the meanings of “mark,” “sign” and “signature.”. Through the study of this ancient language and script the words of the Bible will come alive to the reader in a way never seen before. Another zayin word is zar, which means enemy or foreigner. The Hey can also be seen as an open window in some ancient symbols used for this character. Again the Hebrew word for house is byeet, a bet followed by a yood followed by a tav. In the word gever the bet is the sound of a soft bet pronounced as a “V”. This was the Hebrew (ketav Ivri) used by the Jewish nation up to the Babylonian Exile (or, according to Orthodox Jews, until the Exodus from Egypt). But, it's pictograph is the picture of a floor plan of a tent. The Arabic name however is lam, retaining an older two letter root name for the letter and the probable original name.