Smoke Tree (Cotinus) – This is another beautiful tree, usually grown in the form with dramatic purple leaves is left alone by these pesky critters. In each geographic area, there are browse plant species representing these three classifications, and knowing the 1 st choice plants will allow you locate prime deer feeding areas. You may also spot deer hoof prints in soil—they look like an upside down heart. Spartan Juniper (Juniperus chinensis) – As well as making wonderful clipped specimens, this tough juniper grows into a beautiful drought-resistant hedge that animals leave alone. Here are some ideas for beautiful flowering trees that deer and mice will leave alone. As a hunter trying to optimize the chance of success or a landowner wishing to improve land for deer, you should be observant of deer activity and learn to identify the foods on which deer … Forest foods deer eat The white-tailed deer is our most popular game animal, enjoyed by 700,000 Michigan hunters and countless others interested in photographing or simply viewing these animals. Arrowwood Viburnum (Viburnum dentatum) 04 of 10. 03 of 10. Sorry, no Japanese maples are deer resistant. The stems and leaves of the silky dogwood tree (Cornus amomum) remain a favorite food for deer, especially in the winter. Since we are surrounded by woods and the deer use our property as a cut-through, we’ve pretty much given up on planting anything new and what we do have, we fence in so they can’t get to it. Male deer also cause damage by rutting or rubbing their antlers along the stems or trunks of trees and stripping off bark. gray dogwood Cornus racemosa height Up to 8 ft. I use a commercial deer repellent concentrate containing rotten eggs and capsaicin (hot pepper). We’ve even tried deer fencing and they managed to bend the gardening stakes that I have the 7’ fence up with. As mentioned earlier, deer will eat most anything, or at least try it out to see if it is to their liking, if they are hungry. They do not like anything sharp in their mouths. Boxwood (Buxus) 02 of 10. Are you in a similar area? The ability for your habitat improvements to attract, hold, protect and define deer usage will be determined by the difference in the level of quality of your own habitat, compared to the surrounding lands. Spray repellents aren’t systemic, so you need to treat new foliage / flower buds as they emerge. What do deer eat regionally? Use plants and shrubs as taste-based repellents. adroll_version = "2.0"; Hang in there. Making hydrangeas that bloom on old wood especially susceptible to deer damage, as it could ruin the following year's blooms. adroll_adv_id = "RK545AVNKVEJFFRYPAE7DC"; The confusion arises because there being several species of Thuja, and they show different resistance. The article has been amended to reflect your valued input. Put deer guard around any new tree regardless, Just looking for a few trees that deer might not eatdana. Livings. What parts of the eye are similar to a camera? Voles are close relatives of mice, and they are also known for their characteristic tunnels under the lawn, where they eat grass roots. Deer eat not only hostas and many other perennials in summer but the winter foliage of many evergreen trees and shrubs, like arborvitae and yews. Not “deer- proof”! Spray them with a motion-activated sprinkler. Russian Sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia) 07 of 10. Since the bark of apples is a favorite of mice as well, finding a substitute for them is a good idea. Fragrant clusters of flat topped creamy-white flowers attract butterflies in spring. Thuja standish x plicata 'Green Giant', Virescens Arborvitae. Hahaha. As a general rule, evergreen trees that tend to be ignored by deer include species of juniper, pines, firs and spruces. As winter turns to spring, many gardeners are out inspecting their gardens, and all too often they are finding plants damaged by winter. are desirable for their bright spring blooms, colorful fall foliage and ease of care. In fall they are stocking up for winter. Crape-Myrtle (Lagerstroemia) – With so many varieties is many colors, these are prime choices if deer are your problem. How do you clean a Vicks ultra quiet cool mist humidifier? I have a city green space behind my new house that is a nursery and day care for the resident does. Deer like the nutritious nuts that come from chestnuts and acorns as well. Spread Coffee Grounds Around Your Garden. Many smaller, shrubby plants are also resistant to deer, including Boxwood for hedges and edging, adding another big plus mark to that valuable plant. June 3rd, 2020, 07:38 AM. Vancouver island Canada In winter they are surviving. The following trees and shrubs are landscape favorites and don't appeal to deer: Ash, Barberry, Boxwood, Butterfly Bush (Buddleia), Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus), Cotoneaster, Dogwood, Forsythia, Grape Holly (Mahonia), Hawthorn, Heavenly Bamboo (Nandina), Holly, Japanese Kerria, Japanese Maple, Juniper, Lilac. Graceful, gentle herbivores, deer browse on leaves and twigs of bushes, trees and perennials, and graze on grasses and annual plants. There is no doubt that a nice food plot will attract and hold deer in an area. David and others have “captured” the deer. Herbs such as sages, ornamental salvias, and lavender, as well as flowers like peonies and bearded irises, are just “stinky” to deer. Deer also turn their noses up at fragrant plants with strong scents. Buddleja davidii (butterfly bush)* Buxus. The deer get a few branches and we get the rest the deer cannot reach on their hind legs. Natural Browse Plot Deer Movements. Appreciate any help. The only slight concern is for slugs, but only on plants that are in too much shade or getting too much water. 06 of 10. Once spring/summer arrive, we can take the fencing down, as they tend to remain in the woods where there is natural food and stay away from our house. After only two years, this spring, the deer didn’t touch any of my plants except a few leaves on one hosta. Wildlife biologists classify browse plants into three categories: 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd choice. Sometimes the damage is merely cosmetic, and the plant can recover. For shady areas Hemlock (Tsuga) makes a beautiful hedge that will be left alone by deer. Mention planting for deer, and most hunters automatically assume you are talking about food plots. Frequently fawns will try new things, then once they get an upset stomach they learn. Rather than trying to keep out the wildlife, a better approach is to modify what you plant. Reply Arbor Day Tree Care & Landscape Design Blog » How to Create Clumps of Birch Trees July 7, 2010 at 12:47 pm I have deer issues wanting to eat leaves off my Dog Wood Trees causing growth problems..The man who mows my grass hates to mows around the shrubs in my yard causing growth issues as well. Similarly, do deer eat dogwood trees? It’s Sept. on Vancouver island so keep spray on hand.. When winter approaches and food sources become less available, feeding on leaves, stems, and buds of woody plants becomes more apparent. What deer love to eat isn't necessarily what they do get to eat all the time. Hours of effort have gone into compiling this list and supplying well-marked deer resistant plants for home landscaping. Click to see full answer. ... We had the deer do the same thing at my place in South Bruce County. I shockingly saw it with my own eyes! Since this is one of the parents of the popular Green Giant Cedar, that plants resistance to deer is well-documented. Probably didn’t like it so will find something they like better in the future. The only thing the deer do not bother is ornamental grass at any stage of growth. As the semi-dwarf apple trees grow higher I prune off all lower branches. Thank you, Hi Bucky Deciduous trees that exhibit deer resistance include Paw Paw, Black Tupelo, Mimosa, Red Maple, Japanese Maple, Black Locust, Sweetgum, Mulberry and Black Walnut. We’re also new to this. Deer typically graze all the foliage to 4 or 5 feet above the ground – sometimes even more. Dogwoods surround the orchard. Deer adore fruits and nuts. Deer may seem harmless enough, but leave them alone in the garden and they can wreak havoc on your favorite plants. Similarly, how do you keep deer away from shrubs? Certain high-protein crops, such as peas, soybeans, turnips, alfalfa, sorghum, kale, or corn, are also attractants that the animals enjoy feeding on. Juniper (Juniperus sp.) Squirrels, opossum, quail and wild turkeys all eat parts of the magnolia tree, as do deer, which munch on the tree's twigs, leaves and buds. Repellents and barriers are both useful in many instances but the combination of the two is best, as deer are wily and can get over all but the tallest fences. Although there are many deer-resistant flowering shrubs, azaleas are not one of them. Magnolia – Both the deciduous and evergreen types of magnolia, with their spectacular flowers, are left alone by deer to bloom in gorgeous white or pinks. ), and they have been known to cause severe damage to these beautiful flowering annuals. This listing is based on thousands of observations in deer wintering areas over many years from all parts of New York State. There is another shrub they won’t touch I call it the fire bush because of its colors with little white flowers. Forsythia – Deer won’t bother this cheerful favorite, as it welcomes in spring some of the earliest flowers in your garden. Kousa dogwood trees take 5-7 years before they produce flowers and fruit. 5) Both perennial geraniums and Pelargoniums (annual geraniums) are extremely pest resistant. Flowering Dogwood (Cornus) – Smothered in white or pink blooms, all the many kinds of these beautiful trees will generally be left alone, as also will the fruits. How do you do a herringbone double crochet stitch? I just planted two 7 ft flowering dogwoods, with beautiful white flowers yesterday, and this morning woke to find the deer ate the bottom 10 flowering stems off of one of the trees. They do have a pretty large leaf though also. Your fences need to be 10 feet high, and get dogs that chase them off. Top Deer-Resistant Flowering Trees Crape-Myrtle (Lagerstroemia) – With so many varieties is many colors, these are prime choices if deer are your problem. Any small tree, bush or shrub is always a tasty nibble as they pass by. The fawns will chew on things that are “deer resistant” and then spit it out. No, Deer. Deer are often the cause of damage to trees by two ways, eating or rubbing or both. Daylilies (Hemerocallis spp.) Holly (Ilex) – Almost all hollies are left alone by deer. These animals have different feeding preferences, so it is a good idea to first of all identify the problem. Otherwise accept that we’re all just trying to make a living. Replaced with astilbe. The pollen produced by magnolia flowers is very high in protein, making it attractive to beetles . They didn’t claim “deer proof”. All in all, there are lots of plants to choose from that deer will normally leave alone. If you anticipate mouse or vole damage, repellant sprays can sometimes help, but these are less reliable for deer, and they need frequent re-spraying. Deer often target impatiens (Impatiens spp. They love to eat the new growth and ripe fruit from my apple trees. . Most everything has survived except hostas “deer candy”. For fifteen years my orchard has been heavily visited by deer all year and almost every day/night. Fall planting season is just around the corner, so we’ve decided to provide a comprehensive guide for deer-resistant species. We have been in Maine for 10 years. longpointer. Carol- They will chew newly planted azaleas to the ground but leave the old ones that came with the house alone. Agreed, NOTHING is deer proof. What about Lions Head Japanese Maples. You can try scare tactics (hanging strips of alumnum foil or shiny CD's from the branches, or liquid repellants (Ropel or Deer Away), or you drape your dogwood with bird netting to act as a barrier until the deer get the message that they can't eat the foliage. 5 Deer-Resistant Flowering Trees Garden Design Containers Garden Tips Plant Perfect Edibles Life & Style View All While it is true that a hungry deer will graze on anything in its path, these five rather spectacular flowering trees are not on their preferred menu. Kousa dogwoods are considered small to medium sized trees. If not, consider planting dogwood trees as your first attempt at land management. Thuja Green Giant – Because it has genes from the Redcedar, this plant, the best hedging plant you can grow, is also resistant to deer. Which just goes to show how unpredictable they are, and why this article is ‘deer resistant. These can include trees and shrubs from your landscape. A landowner showed me where numerous Alternate Leaved Dogwood trees have been chewed, basically killing the trees. As most gardeners know, deer eat almost anything. Of course, we can hardly blame the animals, who only want to survive, but when we see plants chewed to the ground, stripped off lower foliage, or with no bark left, it is hard not to seek revenge. But planting trees and shrubs can also be an excellent way to improve the hunting on your property, whether you own, lease, or hunt by permission. Azaleas (Rhododendron spp.) Dogwood (Cornus) – Speaking of color, the bright red and yellow winter twigs of these shrubby relatives of the flowering dogwood are also ignored. All rights reserved The Tree Center 2021. There are two easy ways to protect new trees from deer. So no hosta is truly safe. based on 16291 ratings and reviews, Preorder Today And Save 10%. Deer don’t like to walk on the sharp rock plus it is a great mulch for my plants, decorative (interspersed with lava rock) and offers some fire protection too. The following is a partial listing of tree and shrub species that are eaten by deer in the winter, arranged in order of quality and preference. Deer are creatures of habit. Deer should be discouraged immediately when they first appear. Deer often eat from but do not destroy dogwood- every generation tries it once. Very few trees or other plants can be called deer-proof or deer-resistant. adroll_language = "en_US". Serviceberry (Amelanchier) – This native shrub has beautiful white flowers in early spring, and edible berries, but it is usually left alone by deer. We live inMN and have a Pagoda d Dogwood that the deer seem to love! Yes gardening with deer is best done with tall fencing. But, HUZZAH and HOORAY. Cold and ice is one thing, but when animal damage is spotted, it can be particularly demoralizing. My hounds are lazy and watch them walk by! Click here for a list of deer resistant trees. Deer, rabbits, and other furry pests leave them alone completely. The more I read reports of claimed deer resistance of Thuja plicata Green Giant, a western Arborvitae variety, the more it irritates me, This tree is absolutely not resistant in winter to deer here in RI, My three certified 5 foot specimens were decimated in the classic deer browse 18 inch to 56 inch zone. 4.7/5 Planted more closely, and trimmed from time to time, they make tough hedges and screening plants. Large animals like deer can cause extensive damage to plants, including hedges and windbreaks. … If they are hungry, deer will eat just about everything. They have never eaten any of them. Except that this article does have a list of “deer-proof” trees which includes flowering dogwood. New growth will often come in spring, but then suddenly die as the roots starve. Some gardeners use the trees to provide food for deer so they stay away from other areas of their garden. I’m in the heart of deer country. How big do Kousa dogwood trees get? It can be frustrating to landscape in an area where deer are present, as they will eat many trees and shrubs -- sometimes killing them. The following is a list of landscape plants rated according to their resistance to deer damage. In spring they are ravenous. Some hostas are marketed as containing a degree of deer resistance, but as with all deer resistant plants, when these critters are hungry enough, they'll eat anything. Why did McDonald's discontinue the steak egg and cheese bagel? I live in zone 5. Unfortunately, the shrubs are as desirable to deer as they are to humans. Other shrubs that are normally ignored include the following garden-worthy plants. So far they have been deer-proof. Don't Miss: 8 Off-Season Land Management Tips for Deer Hunters Editor's Note: This was originally published December 17, 2008. We have several dogwoods in our yard and honestly get whole herds of deer. While no plant is deer-proof, there are many that are deer-resistant or seldom damaged by deer. Winter Deer Foods. Any yearling will try something once to see if it makes them sick. Not impressed and very disappointed… we live in the mountain region 1000ft above sea level just outside Gosford on Central Coast NSW Australia, Well, probably most things are tastier than a tough old gum tree! I’m looking for evergreen tree that deer won’t rut up or eat. We live in Woodstock NY. They love pecans, hickory nuts and beechnuts acorns in addition to acorns. Landscape shrubs are not the preferred food for white-tailed deer, but deer will still eat them in a pinch. I’ll follow it as best as I can. Deer do like dogwoods so if you have deer in the area, that is probably what is happening. What Kind of Bushes Can I Plant That Deer Like to Eat?. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Methods of Deer Tree Protection. Follow label instructions for diluting and applying. Reading is fundamental. Plants that typically attract deer include red clover, chicory, and orchard grass. Preferred or Best Liked Green Giant Arborvitae. The list was compiled with input from nursery and landscape professionals, Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Cooperative Extension personnel, and Rutgers Master Gardeners in northern New Jersey. New to this great site! Daffodils, foxgloves, and poppies are common flowers that have a toxicity that deer avoid. ‘ and not ‘deer proof’! Sometimes nibbling the plant clear down to the ground. White Cedar, Thuja occidentalis, found in Eastern states, is often eaten by deer, but Western Redcedar, Thuja plicata, is normally left alone. has a Shopper Approved rating of No wonder, with their spiny leaves. But there’s good news. Well written. I just can’t thing of it’s proper name at the moment. Both American holly and the different kinds of Japanese holly are notable for being ignored. so, your claims that they are deer proof and will be left alone are false. The deer in our area have tasted everything we have planted. Deer will eat most anything, when hungry and food supply is diminished in the forest…….lumber operations in the NE have removed many cone bearing trees. Stately Boxwood Repels Deer Buxus sempervirens is a plant deer don't like to eat because its evergreen foliage is aromatic (but please note, not all fragrant plants are resistant to deer.). We have researched, studied and selected plants and trees that are so-called “deer resistant”. Turning to flowering trees, besides the issue of winter damage, some trees have fruit that attractive deer, or even moose and elk. Remember bucks in the rut can be dangerous. Others use the tree to welcome deer to their wildlife-friendly yards. ... Also, the swamp is not your typical cattail and dogwood type swamp, it’s mostly medium height grasses with a few willow clumps scattered throughout – so you can see deer … As far as herbs go, most that are fragrant or fuzzy-leaved are very deer resistant, except for basil and valerian. If you find bark stripped from the base of trees, this is mice or vole damage. They eat the bark of young trees, as well as any twigs, buds, acorns and berries they can reach. Ok ginkos are very slow growing and gawky when young but do turn into a beautiful tree. Colorado Blue Spruce (Picea pungens) – Not only wonderful with its dramatic steely blue needles, these trees are left alone. Deer resistant? 10 Best Deer-Resistant Shrubs for Landscaping 01 of 10. Deer eat these how I have no idea. I invaded their territory, so I abide them & am careful what & where I plant anything. Thanks for the feed-back (but sorry about your Serviceberry!) We’ve seen them chew on a Spruce tree, a Holly bush, even Lilacs that they are supposedly not supposed to ever touch! . There may be lots of plants loved by your wild neighbors, but there are plenty more that they avoid. Sorry about your trees, you must be in BC to be growing flowering dogwood in Canada, I am thinking. Beautiful maroon autumn leaves; few insect or disease problems. Andromeda (Pieris japonica) Bluebeard (Caryopteris) Dorling Kindersley / Getty Images. Deer Resistant Evergreens for Privacy Screens. special note Only member of the dogwood family that may form a small tree with horizontal branches and a tiered, umbrella-like canopy. A couple of favorite fruits are apples, blueberries, blackberries and persimmons. When replacing damaged plants, the line of least resistance suggests that the obvious solution is to choose plants that will be ignored next winter. I have never had any animal damage to my dogwoods. Here in Wyoming, USA, and in many other US states, the deer population is rising due to many factors, some include; decreasing numbers of natural predators, and more restrictions on deer hunting, thus leaving more deer around looking for something to eat in the winter time! A couple of favorite fruits are apples, blueberries, blackberries and persimmons. I’m sorry your trees were foraged. Code: spring10. Cistus. Really enjoy the thread of conversation. Check out our list of the top deer-resistant trees for your growing zone now on Gardener's Path. We mix a solution of water, egg, milk, liquid soap, cayenne pepper, fresh garlic, minced onion and oil of clove. Spring is challenging and until the grass and weeds on our acreage show up, the deer munch on anything green. It also includes Serviceberry trees – this morning I found deer had been snacking on my new Serviceberry.