She’ll even point it out to you on your map. Canderous will be waiting for you. If you ask him about himself this will open up a quest to come back later and speak with him. Taris has 34 codex entries: 7 bestiary, 5 datacrons (see below), 1 epic enemy, 7 locations, 7 lore, 4 organizations, and 3 persons of note. Though Malak failed to kill his target, the planet was decimated. The Talinn district was covered by decayi… Please answer fast, I need to know this Thanks Kill the two Torture Droids and then press the Cage Release to let the man free. You can also visit Zax the Hut in the Lower City to claim the bounty for some extra credits. Taris was a very diverse ecumenopolis, that was covered in both urban sprawl and wastelands. The majority of the cityscape was destroyed, and much of what wasn't collapsed into the planet's undercity. If you give them 20 credits you’ll get light side points. Ice is a tougher battle. Zaalbar will give you a life debt and vow to follow you wherever you go. You’ll have to go out for another heat and try to beat his time. If you join in the the duels you’ll be faced against increasingly tougher and tougher opponents. Luckily he knows the codes to disable the security system protecting the Ebon Hawk. [1], Three centuries ago the ecumenopolis of Taris fell to orbital bombardment by Darth Malak, as the Sith Lord attempted to ensure the death of Jedi Bastila Shan. Which didn't help at all. Most of the doors here are low security. The man you saved will tell you he was stealing uniforms to give to Gadon in the Lower City. Take out the two droids and the Sith. This is probably by far the easiest Datacron to find on Taris mainly because it requires absolutely no special tactics or strategy to get to. When you open the door you’ll be faced with the Sith Governor. Kill the Rakghoul and then go back and talk to Gendar. To get a GTN, you can craft one, buy one from the GTN, or buy one from the Cartel Market. In the Barracks you’ll find a Sith Captain. Click on “Switch to Give Item” and place a grenade in there with the synthesized odor. They flickered by too quickly. Continue down the hall to the north until you come to a room with yellow tubes. Her wookie friend, Zaalbar, has been captured. Around the corner from the rec center you’ll find some Vulkar Sentries guarding a door. In the room to the west you’ll have to face three Sith and a Technician. You can buy it for 2,000 credits or persuade her to sell it to you for half price. The Ebon Hawk is located to the south and the Throne room is in the center. There’s two versions, a big one and a small one. I did as little as possible. Unregistered. Matrik is also located in the apartment complex. I think it's like, "vehicle vendor" or "speeder vendor" or something. To the south east corner near the locked sewer entrance is a body with the Rakghoul Serum. Taris is the first real location in Knights of the Old Republic that you’ll be able to explore. Willpower +2 Datacron . Have a chat with any of the characters that you need to in order to continue their quests such as with Carth or Bastila. He will offer you the choice to go and with with him and the Vulkars. Head north to the pool. A woman named Shaleena will intervene. She won’t be skilled enough to recover them just yet. Don’t go too fast in your first run because no matter what time you get someone will beat it. Question for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. You’ll be able to save some of them and the others will turn into Rakghoul. He should barely get a shot off at you. He will claim you cheated by using an accelerator. To get the most Dark side points first promise you won't tell Davik for money. You’ll gain more light side points for this. However, the ruins scattered across Taris are populated by rakghoul hordes and other horrors. Along the way you’ll meet Canderous talking with some Vulkars. Head towards the gate and you’ll see a boy running from Rakghoul. var today = new Date(); I hope you’ve made it this far! Levels 16-20 and 32-36, Taris is the fifth planet orbiting a star in the Outer Rim. Level up the T3-M4 droid and make sure you equip him with any droid weapons and upgrades you’ve found along the way. Inside the Cantina a couple of Rodians are talking nasty to a Twi’lek dancing girl called Mission. The core Taris loop isn't very long if you have no intention of doing the side shit. You’ll take damage for as long as you’re in the Hangar due to the Sith bombardments so go quickly up into the Ebon Hawk. On the Empire side, they can be picked up at the Drill Control Center in Makeb from T4-M7 and Z1-3C droids. Use the accelerators on the ground to speed up your swoop bike. Then cross a pipe, follow another wall and jump down onto a platform area and fall through the hole in the floor. Galactic History 23: The Sith Order Begins, Galactic History 26: Naga Sadow's Deceptions, Galactic History 27: The Great Hyperspace War, Galactic History 52: Exar Kun Faces Korriban, Taris on the Star Wars: The Old Republic Holonet,, Republic Re-Colonization Efforts Have Begun, Swamplands, Modern Ruins, Frequent Rainfall, Razed by Sith Lord Darth Malak 300 years ago during the Jedi Civil War. From here on out the path you will be taking to the Datacron is laid out before you. ? Use whatever style suits you and blast or chop them to pieces. Tell him you have the Taris Launch Codes and agree to join forces. This is how you get out. But GTN has some cheap ones too. Posted: jul 15, 2008 2:17 pm. Wait to see who wins or just join in the battle and kill them all. Stay and fight with them. Targeting is difficult with the mine in the way so you may want to disable that first. Luckily she has a big wookie friend, Zaalbar, that helps her out. Visit the other rooms if you like. She seems friendly and will join your party later on. How do u get off Taris i've tryed every thing but i still can't get off the planet. Feel free to go inside and explore all of the rooms. She can’t do it herself and needs your help. He’s so strong that he will just slice through most enemies. Check his remains for the Taris Launch Codes. Brejik has equipment that resists damage from melee attacks. To get a personal bank, you can either craft one, buy one from the GTN, buy one from the Cartel market, or get one from the Security Key vendor. Any help would be much appreciated! Taris. You can break into them and talk with the residents inside or steal items from the empty apartments. You should have 2 ranged characters currently (Carth and Mission). You’ll need to infiltrate the Sith Military Base and find the codes. One person activates the console; the other person is launched into the air. Kill the Sith and grab the Sith Base Passcard from the footlocker. Kandon has a lot of loot on him including another hair trigger upgrade. Have a look at all the cameras to get the basic layout of the Estate. No-one actually dies in the dueling ring as there are safety features to ensure you don’t get seriously injured. Once everyone passes out from the Taris Ale search one of the backpacks for the Sith Armour. They will use blasters so make sure all of your characters turn on their Energy Shields. Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Have a look at the computer near here and slice into the computer. Gadon will give you security papers to get down there in exchange for your Sith Armour. As soon as you enter the Lower City you’ll stumble right into a fight between the Vulkars and the Hidden Beks. If you like playing Pazaak talk to Uriah and buy some of his rare cards. So if you’re going to tackle this questline, best to get the Maelstrom/Foundry piece first before you find out if you’re going to lose all the pieces you’ve dug up. Go back to Zax for the 300 credits. With the western section complete head back to the east and then north. You can agree with him to stage his death by going to the Upper City equipment shop and buying the permacrete detonator for 50 credits. When you are taken to your guest quarters have a look at the map. Go to the footlocker and take out the few items inside, then head out to the Upper City. The stun ray and flame thrower are really powerful weapons to have in a battle but they have limited uses. taris star wars News When Darth Charnus learned of the … yup from what I can see I dug up some more information from the original forums thanks to peanuts991 curious about this he says: (update 1 jan)"looking through the integrity of the files ive been able to test and change scripiting titles coding etc by dds or tga and doing this affects the mod neither way"(found out … To get a personal bank, you can either craft one, buy one from the GTN, buy one from the Cartel market, or get one from the Security Key vendor. If you want to gain light side points say that you’ll help him out and give him 100 credits to pay Davik back. Head down the corridor to the right, which leads west and take out the Vulkar Guards. Equip your Sith Armour and go to the northern part of the city. You can have a look at all the security cameras are to get some idea of the layout of the Vulkar Base. You’ll get two medpacs and a few extra credits. Head down the elevator to the basement. There’s two versions, a big one and a small one. Once a thriving ecumenopolis, it was reduced to a post-apocalyptic swamp three centuries ago by Darth Malak. He tells you about the Sith having a Rakghoul serum and wants to get a hold of it so he can create a cure. They were indecipherable, just clips and fragments, but they tormented her every dreaming moment. I am trying to get the most out of my Jedi levels, so am trying to get off Taris as low level as possible. Gadon is the leader of the Hidden Beks. On your way out Gurney will suggest that you take the Rakghoul serum to Zax instead as he’s able to offer a much greater reward. So make sure you keep any droid items you may want to use on that character. I won’t explore every room in detail as you’ll figure it out as you go along. Talk with him and pay him 200 credits to have the bounty removed. Luckily Davik was having a droid like that being built by Janice Nall. Walk into the small village and talk to both Gendar and Rukil.