Thanks, but I’ll have to pass on that one!!! Well today I’ve got quite a few of them for you! 9. It’s translated variously in English as demon… Neither type of spirit was considered to be yōkai. Kanji is symbolic, or logographic. Gross! Typically they are the guys with red skin, horns, a pointed tail, and sometimes the lower half is even that of a beast’s. [27][28] However, since there have already been those from the Edo period like Sekien Toriyama who created many new yōkai, there is also the opinion that it is unreasonable to criticize modern creations without doing the same for classical creations too. “鬼滅 Kimetsu” Meaning. The kamishibai from before the war, and the manga industry, as well as the kashi-hon shops that continued to exist until around Showa 40 (the 1970s), as well as television contributed to the public knowledge and familiarity with yōkai. Sometimes she will ask passing men to hold her baby for her for a moment. From 1975 onwards, starting with the popularity of kuchisake-onna, these urban legends began to be referred to in mass media as "modern yōkai. One politician was hoping some of its popularity would rub off, it seems, and borrowed the logo for a campaign poster. 〇点、〇時. In Western cultures, demons are usually portrayed as evil creatures, but in Japan they aren’t always malevolent like that. Read them all and then let me know in the comments! What does she do with the men she seduces? Japanese Translation. Japanese folklorists and historians explain yōkai as personifications of "supernatural or unaccountable phenomena to their informants." Kanji Symbols . 悪魔 (akuma) – Demon, Devil, or Fiend. Translation for: 'animal demon' in English->Japanese (Kanji) dictionary. [13] The yōkai that appear in these literature were passed on to later generations. Other times they are shown as benevolent nature spirits… Yeah, not so much like the anime! It is usually used in standard Kanji phrases such as 零下. and they bite people’s heads off and drink their blood. The phrase 河童の川流れ (kappa no kawa nagare) translates as “even a kappa can drown” and it is a Japanese expression that means “even experts make mistakes.”, A 絡新婦 is a type of spider youkai that can change its appearance into that of a seductive woman. 鬼 means Oni, 滅 means to overthrow, and 刃 stands for a sword. Always love learning a little more about other cultures, Demon seems so simple to us, but wow so many different ways of saying it in Japanese, I guess they just have more defined demons than us, so many different kinds. Here’s a better question: anyone finish it?! Yōkai (妖怪, ghost, phantom, strange apparition) are a class of supernatural monsters and spirits in Japanese folklore. That is one of the reasons why it can be interpreted as meaning either word. Also, in Meiji 41 (1908), Kyōka Izumi and Tobari Chikufuu jointedly translated Gerhart Hauptmann's play The Sunken Bell. Furthermore, in the suburbs, and other regions, even when living in a primary-sector environment, there are tools that are no longer seen, such as the inkstone, the kama (a large cooking pot), or the tsurube (a bucket used for getting water from a well), and there exist yōkai that are reminiscent of old lifestyles such as the azukiarai and the dorotabo. ... Japanese Kanji Flashcards, by Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki. (Series 1): 1919 But when writing numbers in Kanji, the Japanese nowadays always simply use the number "〇", e.g. A correctly sized t-shirt will emphasize the dignity of your figure and hide the flaws.You can combine them with jeans, dress pants and various jackets for different st One last thing on 鬼: there is a Japanese game similar to Tag that kids play called 鬼ごっこ (onigokko) and the kid who it the 鬼 is “it”. 惡魔 is a common way to say demon, fiend, evil spirit, devil, or Satan in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja. But there’s no way I can believe that the spider one isn’t evil!!! What do one of these 悪魔 look like? Here’s where it gets weird: They are amassed from the bones of people who have died of starvation! [9] During and following the Edo period, the mythology and lore of yōkai became more defined and formalised.[10]. devil, demon, fiend. *cough* cough*. For example, the word for 'demon' is written as あくま and pronounced a-ku-ma. 疫 Epidemic – 4,082 votes (1.96 percent) The top ten results reveal the coronavirus and its damaging effects have been plaguing people’s minds in Japan this year, with eight of the characters related to the pandemic. Miscellaneous information. [8], Over time, phenomena and events thought to be supernatural became fewer and fewer, with the depictions of yōkai in picture scrolls and paintings beginning to standardise, evolving more into caricatures than fearsome spiritual entities. 焰 could also be written as 焔. Supernatural beings from Japanese folklore, harvnb error: no target: CITEREF近藤瑞木・佐伯_孝弘2007 (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREF小松和彦2015 (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREF小松和彦2011 (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREF宮田登2002 (, 草双紙 といわれる 絵本 で、ジャンルごとにより表紙が色分けされていた。黄表紙は大人向けのもので、その他に赤や青がある。, "Toriyama Sekien ~ 鳥山石燕 (とりやませきえん) ~ part of The Obakemono Project: An Online Encyclopedia of Yōkai and Bakemono", Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things, Nachrichten der Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens, Database of images of Strange Phenomena and, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction,ōkai&oldid=1005496156, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Articles with German-language sources (de), Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Akuma. It may not be clear from the character, but the lower right “dot” is a small 厶; it is a residual tail – compare 离.. Etymology []. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs. Anyway, the character that the show gets its name from is 犬夜叉 (inuyasha). I'm confused. Yōkai often possess animal features (such as the kappa, depicted as appearing similar to a turtle, and the tengu, commonly depicted with wings), but may also appear humanoid in appearance, such as the kuchisake-onna. To go into a little more detail, 夜叉 are sometimes depicted as demonic warriors, which fits right in line with the character. By the way, if you’ve ever played Street Fighter then I’m sure you’re familiar with the character named Akuma. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs. And if that wasn’t enough, it is said that they have some magical powers as well. They are excellent at martial arts and are even said to be the ones who transmitted the arts of Budo to men. 悪魔. She was awarded a Master of Japanese Translation in 2014, which included a linguistics dissertation entitled Cracking the ON Yomi Code. The kanji for demon — 鬼, read as oni or ki — is said to depict a person who has morphed into something grotesque or supernatural. The appalling design of this Japanese Demon Ring will give you a scary look and will repulse the good vibes. This Destroy Kanji is featured on the back of Tanjiro’s new slayer uniform. Kanji to Romaji converter. Some yōkai resemble inanimate objects (such as the tsukumogami), while others have no discernible shape. Thus, with the development of a publishing culture, yōkai depictions that were treasured in temples and shrines were able to become something more familiar to people, and it is thought that this is the reason that even though yōkai were originally things to be feared, they have then become characters that people feel close to.[24]. The characteristics of yōkai range diversely from malevolent and mischievous entities believed to cause misfortune and harm, to those who are considered to bring good fortune to those who encounter them. The word 妖怪 is made up of the kanji for “calamity” 妖 and the kanji for “apparition” 怪. I’ll start off with the three big groups of demons: Akuma, Oni, and Youkai. Thus, the modernization of society has had a negative effect on the place of yōkai in classical Japanese culture. The characteristics of yōkai range diversely from malevolent and mischievous entities believed to cause misfortune and harm, to those who are c… Demon Slayer is a comic that made a huge craze written and illustrated by Koyoharu Gotōge. What got you interested in Japanese Demons and language? In the Edo period, many artists, such as Toriyama Sekien, invented new yōkai by taking inspiration from folk tales or purely from their own imagination. Where have I heard of that before… *cough* *cough* Pokémon!!! I learned to count but not much more than that. Are any of you familiar with the popular series Yo-Kai Watch? This is the word that is used to refer to demons from Western cultures and in particular to the devil Satan. 鬼 Demon – (this kanji makes up the “ki” part of Kimetsu no Yaiba or Demon Slayer) – 4,840 votes (2.33 percent) 10. You’re playing a JRPG and you’re going up against all manner of beasts and brutes! 鬼 noun. Anyone here seen the hit anime Inuyasha? But the kanji has a range of meanings beyond the “density” of the crowded places to stay away from. [29] There has been much criticism that this mixing of classical yōkai with newly created yōkai is making light of tradition and legends. Pictogram – a man or figure with an ugly face and tail.Compare 異 (“different, strange”), where the 田 also derives from a face.. Type the english word and we will try to find a japanese kanji for it: Find. Natalie Hamilton is a translator and teacher. Both are pronounced “honō” in Kunyomi and “en” in Onyomi. I loved that anime as a kid! These are the ones that look similar to the Western culture’s ogre. Elements of the tales and legends surrounding yōkai began to be depicted in public entertainment, beginning as early as the Middle Ages in Japan. But I thought I would keep it to just a few today so that you can enjoy them all. In this comic, “Oni” has different characteristics compared to … This Japanese Keyboard enables you to easily type Japanese online without installing Japanese keyboard.You can use your computer keyboard or mouse to type Japanese letters (Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana) with this online keyboard. So just what is the Japanese word for Demon? [14] However, despite the literature mentioning and explaining these yōkai, they were never given any visual depictions. Yōkai are also referred to as ayakashi (あやかし), mononoke(物の怪) or mamono (魔物). Think of these as “demon families” if you will. Today, several such yōkai (such as the amikiri) are mistaken to originate in more traditional folklore.[2]. In Buddhist paintings such as the Hell Scroll (Nara National Museum), which came from the later Heian period, there are visual expressions of the idea of oni, but actual visual depictions would only come later in the Middle Ages, from the Kamakura period and beyond. … A lot of my reasons for learning Japanese have to do with Japanese Video Game, Anime, and Manga. They usually wear loincloths or clothing made out of tiger-skin, and they typically wield a large iron club with a spiky ball design on them called a 金棒 (kanabou). Example Kanji lookup. As for me, I just finished Final Fantasy XV the other day (I highly recommend it) and the monsters that came out at night were known as “Daemons” in English, but the Japanese word that is used for them is シガイ (shigai) lit. The next major change in yōkai came after the period of warring states, in the Edo period. Akuma devil, Satan, evil spirit, fiend, daemon. Demon In Japanese Kanji like Oni S Kanji Shoryuken and Demon Kanji NeatoShop, also Demon Kanji Oni Ki Demon Kanji Tattoo And T Shirt are the example about it. Parents use these kinds of stories to warn their kids about the dangers of going too far into streams and lakes. [6] The ritual for converting ara-mitama into nigi-mitama was known as the chinkon (鎮魂) (lit., "the calming of the spirits" or a "Requiem"). "[25] This terminology was also used in recent publications dealing with urban legends,[26] and the researcher on yōkai, Bintarō Yamaguchi, used this especially frequently. Medieval Japan was a time period where publications such as Emakimono, Otogizōshi, and other visual depictions of yōkai started to appear. Unfortunately a lot of the enriching nuances of the Japanese language get lost when it’s translated into English, so knowing Japanese let’s me fully experience the things that I love! Now you know about a lot of the different demons in Japanese folklore and legends. There are two Kanji characters for “flame.” One is 炎, and another is 焰. Hmm, that concept sounds familiar. They are also frequently depicted in ukiyo-e, and there are artists that have drawn famous yōkai like Utagawa Kuniyoshi, Yoshitoshi, Kawanabe Kyōsai, and Hokusai, and there are also Hyakki Yagyō books made by artists of the Kanō school. Well, the word “demon” is a little generic and is used to describe all kinds of different beings. There was one episode when Goku was traveling along Snake Way on his way to meet King Kai, and he falls off. They are said to lure people into the water where they drag them down under and drown them. 惡魔 is a common way to say demon, fiend, evil spirit, devil, or Satan in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja. Categories depending on the source of mutation: Reincarnation or afterworld related mutation, Miscellaneous or appearance compounding more than one category, First century: there is a book from China titled, Shōtoku 6 (1716): In the specialized dictionary, Meiji 33 (1900): Performance of the kabuki, This page was last edited on 7 February 2021, at 23:36. The 妖怪 is a pretty popular type of monster in lot of manga. As a result, kashi-hon shops that handled such books spread and became widely used, making the general public's impression of each yōkai fixed, spreading throughout all of Japan. Apparently you are supposed to hear a loud ringing in your ear before one comes to get you. But 鬼 relates more to the red or blue demons that can be found in Japanese folklore. The word 'yōkai' is made up of the kanji for "bewitching; attractive; calamity" and "spectre; apparition; mystery; suspicious. The men soon discover that the baby is actually thousands of her spider eggs that then burst open on him! Kanji fail — Japanese parents shocked to learn their baby girl’s name has inappropriate meaning; Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba desserts are some of the most beautiful anime sweets ever【Photos】 Kyoto man arrested for opening packs of Demon Slayer key chains until finding one he wanted On the back of the shirt is a large kanji character in white, ”滅” (metsu, meaning extermination), representing the "metsu" in the Demon Slayer Corps name in Japanese which is kimetsutai (鬼滅 … The folklorist Tsutomu Ema studied the literature and paintings depicting yōkai and henge (変化) (lit., "changed things/mutants"), dividing them into categories as presented in the Nihon Yōkai Henge Shi and the Obake no Rekishi: In other folklorist categorisations, yōkai are classified, similarly to the nymphs of Greek mythology, by their location or the phenomena associated with their manifestation. Like the number of strokes or the relative frequency of occurrence of a character in modern Japanese. More Japanese words for demon. [9] Publications included: In this way, yōkai that were mentioned only in writing were given a visual appearance in the Middle Ages. The word 悪魔 is made up of the kanji for “bad” 悪 and the kanji for “demon” 魔. Things like binbogami, yakubyogami, and shinigami were talked about, and shinigami were even depicted in classical rakugo, and although the shinigami were misunderstood as a kind of Japanese yōkai or kami, they actually became well known among the populace through a rakugo called "Shinigami" in San'yūtei Enchō, which were adoptions of European tales such as the Grimm fairy tale "Godfather Death" and the Italian opera "Crispino" (1850). Kimetsu no Yaiba is written as 鬼滅の刃 in Japanese. The concept of yōkai, their causes and phenomena related to them varies greatly throughout Japanese culture and historical periods; typically, the older the time period, the higher the quantity of phenomena deemed to be supernatural and the result of yōkai. See more ideas about kanji tattoo, symbolic tattoos, chinese symbol tattoos. Search kanji by their meaning, reading or kanji itself. In this period, toys and games like karuta and sugoroku, frequently used yōkai as characters. Stereotypically, they are conceived of as red, blue or white-colored, wearing loincloths of tiger pelt, and carrying iron kanabō clubs. However, most Japanese can get by with using about 2,000 different kanji in everyday communication. They are some kind of ogre or troll in Japanese folklore, present in Japanese arts, literature, and theater. Demon: 4,840 votes: 10. “corpse.”. The Japanese expression 鬼に金棒 (oni ni kanabou) originates out of this image of a kanabou wielding ogre and it means “to be undefeatable.”. Yōkai play a role in attracting tourism revitalizing local regions, like the places depicted in the Tono Monogatari like Tono, Iwate, Iwate Prefecture and the Tottori Prefecture, which is Shigeru Mizuki's place of birth. It was in this era that the technology of the printing press and publication was first started to be widely used, that a publishing culture developed, and was frequently a subject of kibyoshi[22] and other publications. The word 犬 means “dog” and it is combined with 夜叉 which is a type of demon. Oni (鬼). Some well-known examples of these are the gashadokuro and the jubokko. On the other hand, the yōkai introduced through mass media are not limited to only those that come from classical sources like folklore, and just as in the Edo period, new fictional yōkai continue to be invented, such as scary school stories and other urban legends like kuchisake-onna and Hanako-san, giving birth to new yōkai. Search the dictionary of 12190 japanese kanji. In children's books and in beginner Japanese language books you'll often see Kanji with Hiragana written above it - this is called Furigana, and is used as a way to help readers pronounce the somewhat crazy world of Kanji. They roam around after midnight (Ocarina of Time, anyone?) The word 悪魔 is made up of the kanji for “bad” 悪 and the kanji for “demon” 魔. Sometimes they’re just hanging around, minding their own business, doing their own thing. 악마 (惡魔, angma, “demon; devil; fiend”) 마귀 (魔鬼, magwi, “devil; demon ghost”) 마녀 (魔女, manyeo, “witch, sorceress”) 마술 (魔術, masul, “magic”) If you like this page, you can tweet or blog about it: Feel free to email your comments and requests to me: Feel free to email your comments and requests to me: Many specific demons will fall into one of these three groups depending on its nature. It’s the one for “ogre.” His original name meant “Great Ogre” or “Great Demon.”. For example, the classical yōkai represented by tsukumogami can only be felt as something realistic by living close to nature, such as with tanuki (Japanese raccoon dogs), foxes and weasels. Now you’ve got a pretty good understanding on three ways you can classify demons. Translation for: 'demon slayer' in English->Japanese (Kanji) dictionary. Since yōkai are introduced in various kinds of media, they have become well known among the old, the young, men and women. It could refer to an ogre, an evil spirit, or any number of monsters from the underworld. If you look “Kimetsu” up in most Japanese dictionaries, you won’t find anything. The word 悪魔 is used as part of some other words like 悪魔の宴 (akuma no utage) meaning either “Black Sabbath” or a “Witches Sabbath.”. The 餓者髑髏 are spirits that take the form of giant skeletons – 15x bigger than a person! 餓者髑髏 (gasha dokuro) – Also Known as Odokuro, Get My eBook (Secrets to Learning Japanese) for Free. The magic is used primarily for tricks and deception and it is said that many ninjas received their magic from these Tengu. [15], Yamata no Orochi was originally a local god but turned into a yōkai that was slain by Susanoo. • Millions of unique designs by independent artists. If you look at a Kanji dictionary, it says that “焔” is a 俗字(zokuji) of “焰.” 俗字 means that the character is not a standard, but it is a shape that people have been used. Yokai can also be derived as something strange or unusual. Oni (鬼 (おに)) is a kind of yōkai, demon, ogre, or troll in Japanese folklore. This is the word that is used to refer to demons from Western cultures and in particular to the devil Satan. #3 Get My eBook (Secrets to Learning Japanese) for Free. It’s used in the word 悪魔払い (akuma barai) which means “exorcism.” And it is also a part of a movie’s name that you’ve probably heard before: 悪魔のいけにえ = The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Supposedly a Shinto charm can ward them off… I’ll take 10! [12] In the Heian period, collections of stories about yōkai and other supernatural phenomena were published in multiple volumes, starting with publications such as the Nihon Ryōiki and the Konjaku Monogatarishū, and in these publications, mentions of phenomena such as Hyakki Yagyō can be seen. Yokai is often referred to as a Japanese spirit or Asian ghost, like the Hanako-San legend or the story of the ‘Slit-mouthed girl’, both of which hail from Japanese legend. How Do You Say Little Brother in Japanese? It is the most common means of written communication in the Japanese language, with more than 50,000 different symbols by some estimates. But in the original game his name was actually Gouki and it was spelled 豪鬼. Judging by his name, you would think it means “demon” and you would be correct. But you might also see his name written in katakana as サタン. Or you’re watching an anime and the main hero is fighting against the denizens of hell! : "恋" [Hiragana] for KUN-reading, e.g. He then summons them to battle against other Youkai. 炎 is more common today. This Kanji is not in common use in modern Japanese. Learn How to Talk About Bros! They are a type of Crow-People who live deep in the forest. The radical of this Kanji is 雨. It’s a role playing video game where the main kid goes around and captures different types of Youkai using his special watch. Remarks. Literature such as the Kojiki, the Nihon Shoki, and various Fudoki expositioned on legends from the ancient past, and mentions of oni, orochi, among other kinds of mysterious phenomena can already be seen in them. [4] According to Japanese ideas of animism, spirit-like entities were believed to reside in all things, including natural phenomena and objects. Some other useful information about this kanji. Kup Anime Zenitsu Kimetsu No Yaiba Japanese Kanji demon slayer kimetsu no yaiba poduszki zaprojektowany przez WeRanimeOtaku oraz inne produkty demon slayer … 惡魔 is a strange choice for a wall … While there were religious publications such as the Jisha Engi (寺社縁起), others, such as the Otogizōshi, were intended more for entertainment, starting the trend where yōkai became more and more seen as subjects of entertainment. How many of them have you heard of before? 魔 【マ】 demon, devil, evil spirit, evil influence, -crazed person, -obsessed person, fiend 魔女 【マジョ】 witch 病魔 【ビョウマ】 demon of ill health, disease Find your thing. Learn What it is and How to Play. With the Meiji Restoration, Western ideas and translated western publications began to make an impact, and western tales were particularly sought after. "[17] Kappa and inugami are sometimes treated as gods in one area and yōkai in other areas. It just kind of depends…. Her new kanji textbook The Kanji Code has… The 烏天狗 are totally badass! From these examples, it can be seen that among Japanese gods, there are some beings that can go from god to yōkai and vice versa.[18]. One's ancestors and particularly respected departed elders could also be deemed to be nigi-mitama, accruing status as protective spirits who brought fortune to those who worshipped them. [25], During the 1970s, many books were published that introduced yōkai through encyclopaedias, illustrated reference books, and dictionaries as a part of children's horror books, but along with the yōkai that come from classics like folklore, Kaidan, and essays, it has been pointed out by modern research that there are some mixed in that do not come from classics, but were newly created. Search Kanji for demon, result: 魔. For example, before the Edo period, there were plenty of interpretations about what the yōkai were that were classified as kappa, but because of books and publishing, the notion of kappa became anchored to what is now the modern notion of kappa. The word 'yōkai' is made up of the kanji for "bewitching; attractive; calamity" and "spectre; apparition; mystery; suspicious." Those terms will pop up a lot, but there are also some specific types of demons that you might find interesting. How are these Japanese demons called? She turned her focus to Japanese study while living and working in Japan’s rural Oita Prefecture on the JET Programme. She wraps them in her web, poisons the, and then eats them! Also, including other kinds of publications, other than yōkai born from folk legend, there were also many invented yōkai that were created through puns or word plays, and the Gazu Hyakki Hagyo by Sekien Toriyama is one example of that. Demon Kanji NeatoShop Hiragana as well as Katakana have two different creating systems that are in fact really comparable, however there are distinctions in between both. Later on I will talk about some specific demons from Japanese folklore. And if you thought that was good, it gets even better. One site tells me the symbol is マ, and the pronunciation is "ma." Another site says "ma" means demon, and "aku" means bad, and "akuma" would be "bad demon," but isn't that redundant? Yōkai (妖怪, ghost, phantom, strange apparition) are a class of supernatural monsters and spirits in Japanese folklore. Anime Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is box office smash in Japan. What is the Hanafuda Card Game? "[1] Yōkai are also referred to as ayakashi (あやかし), mononoke (物の怪) or mamono (魔物). They are typically portrayed as hulking figures with one or more horns growing out of their heads. Unlike the 鬼 which are big physical brutes, the 妖怪 are more supernatural types of monsters like ghosts, spirits, apparitions, and so on. There are tons and tons of them in total! This is the Original design. For examples, tales of yōkai extermination could be said to be a result of emphasizing the superior status of human society over yōkai. Yōkai are indexed in the book Sogo Nihon Minzoku Goi (綜合日本民俗語彙, "A Complete Dictionary of Japanese Folklore")[11] as follows: The ancient times were a period abundant in literature and folktales mentioning and explaining yōkai. This is a symbol of the dark side. 悪魔 noun. Either way, you need to know what they’re called and the different kinds you might run into. In addition to that, they use katanas (Japanese swords) to fight their enemies and even their large beaks when they have to. As a result, even for those born in the first decade of the Showa period (1925–1935), except for some who were evacuated to the countryside, they would feel that those things that become yōkai are "not familiar" are "not very understandable." Why so many? Plus they have powers of invisibility and indestructability. [27] Furthermore, there is a favorable view that says that introducing various yōkai characters through these books nurtured creativity and emotional development of young readers of the time.[28]. Yōkai are typically described as having spiritual or supernatural abilities, with shapeshifting being the most common trait associated with them. 惡魔 is a strange choice for a wall … Animals, objects and natural features or phenomena were also venerated as nigi-mitama or propitiated as ara-mitama depending on the area. Ever watched Dragon Ball Z? Are these (悪魔) the kanji symbols for demon, and is the Japanese pronounciiation akuma? For example, Arifumi Sato is known to be a creator of modern yōkai, and Shigeru Mizuki, a manga artist for yōkai, in writings concerning research about yōkai, pointed out that newly created yōkai do exist,[27][28] and Mizuki himself, through GeGeGe no Kitaro, created about 30 new yōkai.