Mr. Gibb and his Orange and other ‘authorities.’ The suppression of the two vital words referred to above (‘on earth’) is rendered all the more inexcusable by the fact that, on page 602, 22nd and following lines of the report, the position of the Pope is expressly stated to be, not that of one who is absolutely supreme, but that of the vicar, delegate, and representative of Another, and that his teaching and executive authority is not direct but derived, and is for ‘the Christian society’ which Christ founded ‘on earth.’ (c) We are unable to say whether Manning really used the words ‘supreme judge on earth,’ etc., in the connection given in the report. Aureus, et simili frondescit virga metallo. Sunday The Gloss of Extravagantes of Pope John XXII, Cum. “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast 1539, pages 601-602. The quotation from Constantine (which I have not been able to locate for further context) is perhaps meant to show that one of the greatest emperors deferred to the power of the Church. I hope that these responses will at least be of use to Catholics who find themselves challenged by this list, and I hope moreover that open-minded inquirers who came here for whatever reason will discover that, whatever arguments might be brought against Catholicism, honesty will not permit the contents of the list to be among them. As we shall see, it is no quotation at all. The weapons which they employed were boomerangs which have returned and wounded the throwers. The list simply says “the Lateran Council”. but a necessity for all people. The decision of the Pope and the decision of God constitute one decision, just as the decision of the Pope and his disciple are the same. I recently ran across such a list, and the results of my investigations are below. all tradesmen rest upon the venerable day of the sun.”, Sunday was a universal moral law whose principles derived from the Creator Himself [Pope Pope Francis has called on the Roman Catholic Church to alter the Lord’s Prayer because he believes the current translation suggests God is capable of leading us “into temptation”. “... Wherefore, if those things that I do be said not to be done of man, but of God, what do you make of me but God?” It's amazing what an ellipsis will hide. Instead of saying … [The Catholic Record, London, Ontario, Sept. 1, 1923]. Periera was an 18th Century Spanish priest. Nations Charter has to be supplemented by a charter of spiritual laws.” Robert Sunday was a Mr. Lilley. It does appear that this quotation is not used as frequently as some of the others on the list. I no longer have ready access to the book in which I found it (an account of the Council that includes not just a summary of the debates and speeches, but the speeches themselves); fortunately, I still have a copy of the relevant portion of this speech: The quotation given in the list covers only the last two sentences of the above. Stuff Foxe made up: Most of it. immediately follow. Likewise, “and I am able to do almost all that God can do” is not from a pope but from some other document speaking of the papacy. name given by the heathen to the first day of the week, because it was the day Mr. Lilley,’ whom he described as ‘an able, eminent Catholic writer’--confounding a Presbyterian clergyman of that name in Arbroath with the distinguished Catholic layman, Mr. W. S. Lilly. And, finally, even if the phrase were in Canon Law, it would have no doctrinal force. “The pope can modify Divine Law.” Moreover we declare, affirm, define, and pronounce it to be necessary to salvation to every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff.”’. or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number Mr. Gibb did--with copious notes and plenteous ‘extracts’ at hand. It is, for instance, set down as Catholic teaching which it would be heresy to deny. But it seems clear that the Rev. 8-9] this and similar “Let all judges and all city people and Actual papal words quoted: 0. 1 Lord God Ministries Pastor Valerie Pope. The actual Latin text of this entry read: Satis evidenter ostenditur a saeculari potestate nec solvi prosus nec ligari pontificem, quem constat a pio principe Constantio Deum appellatum, cum nec posse Deum ab hominibus judicari manifestum est. No Catholic should be ashamed of a pope's claim to govern in ecclesial matters with authority entrusted to him by God. The continuing growth of materials available on the Internet has made it possible to shed some light on the facts behind these “quotations”. And (d) he tacks on to the end of the extract, as an integral part thereof, a misquotation from the Bull Unam Sanctam, of which not a trace is to be seen anywhere in the report. 53, 54. It came from God. You tell me I ought to submit to the civil power, that I am the subject of the King of Italy, and from him I am to receive instructions as to the way I should exercise my supreme power.’ The concocted statement as to the repudiation of the civil power by the Pope was set forth by the Rev. Towards the end of his discourse Manning tells his hearers the sort of reply which, he fancies the Pope (Pius IX.) And, of course, it appears here and there on anti-Catholic websites. Again, I can't locate the “Summa casuum fratris Baptista”, so I can't provide context or check the translation. (In fact, I am not sure but that the “misquotations, garbled statements, mistranslations, at least one concocted ‘extract’--all secondhand--and ... marvellously complete and comprehensive ignorance of Catholic teaching” to which the author refers are not a response to the exact list we now have.) On the contrary (d), Manning, according to the report (p. 601), said: The civil Society or civil power was a thing sacred in itself. Here's how the whole paragraph reads: In other words ... it's not a compliment. He demands the … All this violence, be it noted, is done in one sentence of the report, which (as already stated) is at the same time broken up into three. And if we take apart the pieces of the alleged quotation, what do we find? While there have seemingly been good (humanly speaking) and moral men who have served as pope of the Roman Catholic Church—some point to Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis I as examples—the Roman Catholic teaching about the office of the pope should be rejected because it is not “in continuity” with the teachings of the New … shall destroy many. In an Antwerp edition of the Extravagantes, the words, Dominum Deum Nostrum Papam ("Our Lord God the Pope") can be found in column 153. viii. primordial holy day and is meant to be kept holy, a day of rest from work. . Lugo 1661), The RC New York catechism states: “The Pope takes the place of Jesus Christ on earth... by divine right the Pope has supreme and full power in faith, in morals over each and every pastor and his flock. [Pope Benedicts Address, Sept. 17, 2007,]. Pope Francis asked people to take inspiration and courage from the examples of Jesus and the saints, who lived in a world that did not fully change with their preaching and who themselves would ultimately face death. Perhaps, God gives the Church a more sinful Pope, at times, because that is the Pope they deserve, the Pope who shows them their sins. par. They are by no means couched in the precise and careful language of Manning's works, and represent, at worst, one of those inexact oratorical statements such as slip with painful frequency from the lips of some of our critics, even when they speak--as the Rev. The word of God draws each of us into a conversation with the Lord: the God who speaks teaches us how to speak to him. “Give the soul its Sunday, give Sunday its soul. He that resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God, and he that resisteth shall receive to himielf damnation. Google returns over 7,000 hits for "lord god the pope". More surprisingly, perhaps, Upton Sinclair uses it in his The Profits of Religion an Essay in Economic Interpretation. The Rev. 1849, pp.119 126 (English R.C Journal Published from 1848 to 1862)]. That's Foxe putting words into the mouth of his fictitious pope. was an exile at Gaeta: ‘Stripped of that secular dominion [the independent temporal power], he [the Pope] would become the slave, now of one Power, now of another: one day the slave of Spain, another of Austria, another of France.... His temporal power is an European question, not a local or religious one; and the Pope's authority should be maintained for the sake of the peace and the interests of Europe.’, Cardinal Manning was also represented by the Rev. .” (ecclesiastical In summary: >The Pope and God the Same by law. I commend the second paragraph to your particular attention in this regard. Here we naturally think of the Book of Psalms, where God gives us words to speak to him, to place our lives before him, and thus to make life itself a path to God. He is the infallible ruler, the founder of dogmas, the author of and the judge of councils; the universal ruler of truth, the arbiter of the world, the supreme judge of heaven and earth, the judge of all, being judged by no one, God himself on earth.”, The title “Lord God the Pope” - these words appeared in the Canon Law of Rome. Which hopefully will also be recognized by civil society This December, we know that we need more than ever to hear those words; we long to hear them. By Dave Hunt. In the near future a renewal of such But Manning says no such thing. Pope St. Nicholas is simply saying that secular powers cannot control the pope, who has his authority from God. And But as quickly as he brings peace, death will I can find no better place to start the responses than with the last-given “quotation” from Cardinal Manning. Sadly, the anti-Catholic quotation rigger is still alive and well. This book, of almost 300 pages, is the first to offer, with academic rigor and in a systematic way, the canonical proof that Benedict XVI never validly resigned from the office of Roman Pontiff (for which reason he remains the only and true Pope of the Catholic Church, to whom all Catholics owe fidelity and obedience under penalty of incurring schism) and, as a … 13:15-17]. Mr. Gibb, that Manning's reported words are, or profess to be, statements of ‘Catholic doctrine.’. Footnote 1: The full ‘Manning extract,’ as given by the Rev. Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter, Motu proprio “Aperuit illis”, published on 30 September 2019, establishes that “the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time is to be devoted to the celebration, study and dissemination of the Word of God”. Mr. Gibb's other ‘authorities’ did. Benedict XVI “Sacramentum Cantatis” Feb. 22, 2007, The feast of the chair of I am sole last supreme judge of what is right and wrong. The Pope and the Papacy None, but the Lord God, could have described beforehand office of the Pope and Papacy. (e) Another curious instance of controversial ‘accuracy and scholarship’ is furnished by the concluding sentence of the Rev. That a power claiming to act for God, to be “as God,” in the midst of the Read More that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would Pastor Valerie Pope of 1 Lord God Ministries preaches at the Victory Lighthouse Christian Church in South Bend, Indiana. And, ironically enough, that one reference we're given in the quotation as it stands in the list? Pope Francis was specifically chosen by God to put conservative Catholics to the test. Robert Canon Law is not intended to present the teachings of the Church and does not do so definitively, though it sometimes repeats those teachings to give context to the canons. . Such is Lilley's quotation in full. “It is not more “morally” wrong to put a man to It is reasonable to judge a quotation as you would judge a man--by the company it keeps. In the last days, after Israel returns to their land, a man Addendum: Out of curiosity, I went looking for places that use this false quotation. Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) wrote: “We may according to the fullness of our power, dispose of the law and dispense above the law. Mr. Gibb's ‘Manning extract,’ already quoted in a footnote to the present paragraphs. Mr. Gibb and informs all and sundry that this mutilated quotation is a statement of Catholic doctrine--with the rider that it would be heresy to deny it . Inter, title 14, chapter 4, "Ad Callem Sexti Decretalium", Column 140 (Paris, 1685). “I am in all and above all” are Foxe's own words, put in the mouth of his speaker. death for heresy (Following the Word of God). Colm. “This will do us good.” 1618), Pope Nicholas said of himself: “I am in all and above all, so that God Himself and I, the vicar of God, hath both one consistory, and I am able to do almost all that God can do... wherefore, if those things that I do be said not to be done of man, but of God, what do you make of me but God? Pope Francis: The word of God is the antidote to our fear of having to face life. a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that. [Pope This alleged quotation is again no quotation at all. all tradesmen rest upon the venerable day of the sun.” [Constantine 321 A.D]. The right of absolute lordship over subjects is correlated by the duty of absolute obedience on their part, and the most elementary acquaintance with Catholic teaching on this subject and on the papal prerogatives would have prevented the ‘accurate’ and ‘scholarly’ Mr. Lilley from making a statement so absurd in itself and so directly opposed to fact.