To start building a productivity app, ask what features an app could have to make your daily schedule easier and go from there. Prove your React knowledge to employers. This practice lies at the core of being an effective React developer—knowing how to build apps on your own and utilizing the right tools in the React ecosystem to do so. Think about what type of media or entertainment mosts interests you and see if you can build a simple platform around it, where users can login and save the content that they like. Finally, every e-commerce app needs a checkout process where users can either purchase their products anonymously or once they are authenticated. I really love this library. React 5 React Projects You Need In Your Portfolio. Popular examples: WhatsApp, Viber, Discord, Messenger, Slack. What's great about building a productivity app first is that it provides a good introduction to app building because of the relative simplicity of many of its features. If you know react then react native is quite easy to learn. But still, there is numerous content online that teaches the basic core steps of app development, along with the source code. I guess what I was referring to is how "complete and finished" the apps actually look. The majority of messaging apps are on mobile devices or tablets. Wish your kind response, Some comments have been hidden by the post's author - find out more. Made with love and Ruby on Rails. Many developers run into this problem when they reach this intermediate stage of learning React or any other JavaScript library. An app that is focused around a certain kind of media. On top of that, it's the kind of app you likely know best regarding how it should function. What do I mean by entertainment? See the step-by-step process of designing and assembling an advanced project. Don't get me wrong they're all great ideas individually, and I would be super impressed to see any of them on a developers portfolio I was interviewing; but by no means would I ever expect, or think that a developer NEEDS to create all of this. How do you bridge the gap between knowing the fundamentals of React and becoming a professional developer? All projects are 100% free! Expand your portfolio of projects by building a complex app with the latest web technologies. Sorry about that! great job Reed. You can start with something simple, such as a text editor to write formatted text with markdown easily and then expand upon it. You don't need to do so. Start of simple (like making AJAX calls, client polling the server for updates, etc), then once it’s working, you can go into WebSockets for real-time stuff, and add in cool styles, make it responsive, whatnot. with Helder Burato Berto Posted on September 16, 2019 (Updated on September 30, 2020) Let’s discuss a structure to start new projects or when you need to scale large projects. ), React Native or React Native Web to build as a mobile app or hybrid app (web + mobile), Firebase, AWS Amplify, or Hasura (using GraphQL subscriptions) to send messages in realtime, Cloudinary or Firebase storage for sending messages with image or video content, npm package emoji-mart for a slick Slack-like emoji picker for users to include in their messages, Create React App for web or React Native for mobile, npm package react-markdown to display markdown in your app UI, npm package react-codemirror2 for writing code in your notes, npm package react-draggable for re-ordering list content by clicking and dragging. Some great examples of this, respectively, would be Netflix, Audible, and Soundcloud or Spotify. Web Developer Portfolio Projects 1. Build a portfolio-ready project with React and Typescript. If these examples look too daunting to build yourself, remember what you know as a React developer—to break applications down into composable components. Tech Stack & Features. Hey Travis! Another app like YouTube is centered upon user interactions through likes, comments, and subscriptions. In this article, we'll go through 5 different types of apps that you should be looking to build after the basic todo app. I didn't realize how many people used it when I stopped supporting it. You've put in the work and now you have a solid understanding of the React library. Popular examples: YouTube, Netflix, Audible, Spotify, Tiktok. Integrate React and Redux together with Typescript. You've made a great deal of progress... but now what do you do? Unfortunate (or fortunately) in web development and the apps business in general, looks(how pretty the app looks) matter more than we think. but unfortunaly where i live pratically doesn't exist jobs with svelte requirement. Prove your React knowledge to employers. Popular examples: Todoist, Notion, Things, etc. Every application must be built piece-by-piece, component-by-component. You could speak to me personally if you want real answers to these questions. More is not always better. App examples: Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit. For each type of app, I'll cover popular examples that you can use as inspiration, the tools I would recommend to build each feature, along with a short demo of such an app that I've personally made using React. After that, create a React JS project using “create-react-app” CLI, now name the project whatever you want for now I’ll name it as “React-Portfolio”. You need more – something to teach you how to build a large, interesting app. Knowledge is wealth, not money. Check those projects ideas. 1. After you've learned the basics of React, you need to get comfortable building apps with the skills you've gained. My personal portfolio built using React and Bootstrap. We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers. Messaging apps are huge. Food delivery applications such as UberEats and Doordash, which require the location of the person ordering the food come to mind. And once you've got that down, you can add profiles for each of your users, where they can personalize their account as well as manage the users they're following. So If you are just starting then I’ll suggest you first learn react js and then come into react native. It doesn't matter how many apps we build, its about to know - how apps are built. I've added it to my list to revisit, hopefully soon! We also have thousands of freeCodeCamp study groups around the world. An app that is focused around a certain kind of media. You just need to have a little determination to learn it. We strive for transparency and don't collect excess data. That in multiple cases, only one may need to be built (see the social media app section) or that one app can incorporate several of these app types (entertainment app section). Regardless of what's being sold, whether it's physical or virtual, every e-commerce app will consist of some storefront with the product or service details. Complete firebase integration is included. Then add the ability to save text as individual files on your computer. I've tried to reach you via Twitter but couldn't Are you planning to bring back up Fohkuhs? All of these React Native project ideas are perfectly eligible to add to your portfolio. React with Hooks ; create-react-app; JSX; CSS; Using no classes this project gives you a perfect entry point into functional react and will definitely help you in 2020. React js is an amazing library to learn for frontend. Unlike learning React itself, where you can find dozens of articles to dive deeper into any related concept, the process of building an app is largely a self-directed activity without much guidance. You can start with something simple, such as a text editor to easily write formatted text with markdown and then expand upon it. For example, if you like home goods, you might take a look at what Crate & Barrel or Williams-Sonoma have built for their sites. In this article, we'll go through 5 different types of apps that you should consider building after the basic todo app. The Dream Client Site. What you'll learn. This is a great article. These projects will definitely lighten up your portfolio. If I had to recommend only one app for you to add to your portfolio, it would be a social media app. The Smart Coder. React native looks tempting to learn at first, but if you know react js then it will be very easy for you. You likely have a free messaging service like WhatsApp or Viber on your phone, or one built into your social media platform like Facebook Messenger. How do you bridge the gap between knowing the fundamentals of React and becoming a professional developer? Chances are, you'll be using React for just a fraction of what it's capable of - in such cases, writing your own JS is usually more fun and optimal. You can make a tax-deductible donation here. One of the simplest mobile applications you can build with React … But what apps should you be building with React to level-up your ability as a developer? It is tempting to build an impressive, large-scale e-commerce platform like Amazon, but I would recommend working on something smaller and more focused. Great example project ideas! For inspiration, you can check out some of the best UberEats clone app in the market. E-commerce apps are ubiquitous and I bet that you'll be called upon to build one at one time or another in your career as a developer. If you have a project idea that you would like to see me do, send me a message! Something unique, something more than another to-do list. In fact, I’m already creating that social media app as I post this. I'm a rails developer with 6+ years of experience and I'm currently learning React. audio track, video, movie, etc. Time to build an awesome project for your portfolio! Looking forward to it. Prove your React knowledge to employers. There are a number of features common among almost all social media apps: the ability for users to make posts with text and/or media files, a live feed of those posts, enabling other users to like and comment on posts, as well as user authentication. When I speak of productivity apps, I'm referring to note-taking apps, apps for managing teams and task lists. You've put in the work and now you have a solid understanding of the React library. The layout is very intuitive and the instructions provided along with the template will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. This practice lies at the core of being an effective React developer—knowing how to build apps on your own and utilizing the right tools in the React ecosystem to do so. Unlike learning React itself, where you can find dozens of articles to dive deeper into any related concept, the process of building an app is largely a self-directed activity without much guidance. Prove your React knowledge to employers. Here's The Blueprint to Follow. Food delivery applications such as UberEats and Doordash, which require the location of the person ordering the food, come to mind. They know most of the library itself as well as the JavaScript to use it effectively, but they don't know the next step to take. Showing you how at, Learn to code for free. Any messaging app is going to consist of a conversation with two or more people where messages are sent in realtime. They know most of the library itself as well as the JavaScript to use it effectively, but they don't know the next step to take. Even the process of reading code itself will make you a better developer. The example projects make use of React components, many hooks, an external API, and of course some styling via CSS. The #1 Trick In Learning React That Separates Success From Failure, 10 JavaScript Concepts You Need to Master React (+ Cheatsheet), A Complete Introduction to State For JavaScript Developers, The React Cheatsheet for 2020 ‬ (+ Real-World Examples), 5 React Projects You Need In Your Portfolio , How To Build a React Project with Create React App in 10 Steps, How To Fetch Data in React: Cheatsheet + Examples, React Hooks Cheatsheet: The 7 Hooks You Need To Know, Create React App or Next.js to make a dynamic UI of posts, likes, and messages, Firebase, AWS Amplify, or Hasura (using GraphQL with subscriptions) for realtime data, Serverless functions like AWS Lambda or Firebase Functions for notifications, Cloudinary or Firebase storage for uploading pictures or video, Create React App or Gatsby for the storefront and displaying products, Stripe with the package react-stripe-elements for handling payment processing, Serverless function like Netlify / AWS Lambda to handle checkout process, Algolia for lightning-fast product searching, Snipcart for easily creating a cart and managing cart products, Create React App, Next.js, or Gatsby to create the app UI, npm package react-player for playing media, Cloudinary or Firebase storage for media uploading, Algolia for searching media by name (i.e. Generally speaking, anything that helps you accomplish a certain task or be more productive. audio track, video, movie, etc. I doubt a person who knows how to build an ecommerce, social media and a chat app will not be able to build the productivity or entertainment app. I am a full-stack MERN developer and I really enjoy coding with react js. It is also included with reusable react components and modern mono repo … You need more – something to teach you how to build a large, interesting app. I appreciate Reed, for starting this initiative. after you get the message “Interesting Zone”, move inside the project directory $ cd React-Portfolio Folder structure for this project! Loving the series! This probably the easiest type of app with which to begin, considering there are so many tutorials of basic productivity apps out there. So if you are looking for the best project ideas to build your React Native portfolio, this is a great place to get some inspiration. You can provide optional inputs to the components called ‘ props ’. With practice, you'll get a better sense of how what tools you'll need for each feature as well as the common patterns behind building apps in general. Focus on building out one feature at a time. i want to skip parts that i already familiar with. My special priority goes to ecommerce apps which will contain most of the features. I really don't understand who has time for this? Thanks for your posting. Finally, you will have your own developer portfolio created in react completely ready. Hi friends,Today we are going to create a react portfolio project app for beginners.