Cinar, V., et al. 1983 Feb;113(2):462-9. This important vitamin can improve your resistance to infection and assist in the growth and repair of body tissues, including muscle. The more free testosterone one has, the greater the potential for muscle growth. Yes, this study was done in rats. 1997;65(5):1460-1464. Effects of zinc on mucosal copper binding and on the kinetics of copper absorption. Another 2010 study from the Karolinska Institute reported that women using multivitamins had a 30% reduced risk of a heart attack. Researchers from Georgia Health Sciences University discovered that tears in muscle membranes would not heal—unless the muscle cells were treated with vitamin E. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, which means it stops free radicals from causing further damage to cells, such as muscle cells. The more testosterone that is free from SHBG, the more testosterone there is to encourage muscle growth. Peters, U., et al. Psychopharmacology 220(2): 351-365, 2012. I’ve already reached goals that I never thought I’d be able to reach with all of my health issues. This concept is hard to grasp for "experts" with a science background that consists of little more than perusing Magnesium, zinc, and chromium nutriture and physical activity, Acute and chronic resistive exercise increase urinary chromium excretion in men as measured with an enriched chromium stable isotope, Piperine, An Alkaloid Derived From Black Pepper, Increases Serum Response Of Beta-Carotene During 14-Days Of Oral Beta-Carotene Supplementation, Testosterone levels in athletes at rest and exhaustion: effects of calcium supplementation, Association of vitamin D status with serum androgen levels in men, Effect of vitamin D supplementation on testosterone levels in men, Vitamin D3 Is More Potent Than Vitamin D2 in Humans, (you can have Pre JYM and Pro JYM in any order or drink together), (you can have Post JYM and Pro JYM in any order or drink together), (scramble eggs cook in olive oil or even butter), 2 cups cooked oatmeal (1 cup dry oats before cooking), 1 large piece of fruit (apple, orange, banana, etc. Not only are they underdosed for the hard-training individual, but they often aren't even provided at an adequate dose for the average couch potato. Cyanide occurs naturally in many plants—everyday fruits and vegetables. Clarkson P. M. and Haymes E. M. Trace mineral requirements for athletes. Shirakawa, H., et al. Pilz, S., et al. The role of vitamin K in soft-tissue calcification. I don't think that's too much to ask. One of the ways that muscle grows is by replacing damaged muscle cells with new muscle cells, called satellite cells. On top of all this, the study was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, which is a journal of the American Medical Association (AMA)— known to be staunch supporters of the pharmaceutical industry, and strongly opposed to the supplement industry for obvious reasons. What's great about beta-carotene is that if the body's vitamin A sources are low, then—and only then—does it convert into active vitamin A. Rubin, M. A, et al. Haskell, C. F., et al. QJM. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press; 2001:258-289. Am J Clin Nutr. There's no debating the fact that supplements like creatine and beta-alanine are critical for maximizing results, but a good multivitamin should be at the top of your supplement list. Prenatal iron supplements impair zinc absorption in pregnant Peruvian women. Another 2003 study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that in 130 adults, those taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement for one year had significantly less infection, such as respiratory and urinary tract infections, influenza and gastrointestinal infections, and a lower rate of illness-related absenteeism, than those receiving a placebo. Since athletes are often deficient in selenium this dose is well above the RDA of 55 mcg. 3(4): 2000. ZMA JYM by JYM is a testosterone booster that contains Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin B-6 and black pepper extract. The four micronutrients missing from Vita JYM, for important reasons, and that you will want to supplement with at a separate time of day are: Calcium, vitamin D, zinc and magnesium. Kilic, M., et al. (PubMed). This is due to the fact that the "heme" in hemoglobin is iron. Vitamin D does not necessarily interfere with any other micronutrients and no other micronutrients interfere with vitamin D uptake, with the exception of phosphorous, which can interfere with the conversion of vitamin D into its active form (and is left out of Vita JYM for that reason). Although the RDA for vitamin C is only 90 mg for males and 75 mg for females, it requires a larger dose to optimize its benefits. 10 mcg Vanadium (as amino acid chelate): This mineral may be important in promoting the effects of insulin, which can help to increase muscle growth and fat loss. In fact, a 2010 study from France reported that male competitive cyclists receiving a multivitamin for three weeks showed better cycling performance than those getting a placebo. They often claim that if you eat a well-rounded diet then you don't ever need a vitamin and mineral supplement. A 2010 study from Harvard reported that supplementing with multivitamins, especially those including vitamins A, C, and E reduced the risk of colon cancer. Is supplementation required? Only about half of the synthetic vitamin E is treated the way natural vitamin E is by the liver—and the rest is predominantly excreted. Use of supplements of multivitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin E in relation to mortality. 1997 Jun;23(6):341-9. Use of supplements of multivitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin E in relation to mortality. 150mcg of Iodine (as potassium iodide): Iodine is critical for maintaining thyroid function. These free radicals prevent muscle tears from healing. Under Th1, zinc and nitrogen monoxide (NO) collectively protect against viruses, AIDS, autoimmunity, diabetes, allergies, asthma, infectious diseases, atherosclerosis and cancer. * Vita Jym is an exclusive … Anyone who recommends that you take methylcobalamin is not telling you anything that is backed up with real science. Another problem with most multivitamins sold today is that while they include minerals that shouldn't be in there, they also completely skip out altogether on other critical micronutrients. Am J Clin Nutr. Int J Sport Nutr. 2010 Jul-Aug;(4):66-9. Buy the full range of Jym … Check Price. The body requires so little vitamin K1 that just about everyone gets enough from their diet. This supplement comes with a low price tag and is helpful in supporting and … The bottom line is that you definitely should be supplementing with a multivitamin/mineral supplement to boost overall health, brain function, athletic performance, and even fat loss and muscle recovery and growth. Evidence suggests that you should get copper and zinc at a 1:10 ratio for optimal health. 3mg of Copper (as copper gluconate): Copper is important in the maintenance of bone, nerve, and cardiovascular health, as well as immune function. Davidsson, L. Are vegetarians an 'at risk group' for iodine deficiency? Ingredients Label. I used it for a reason in Vita JYM and that reason is its superiority as a vitamin B12 supplement, not to mention its safety. So no, there are no joint recovery ingredients; there are no fat-loss specific ingredients; there are no men's health specific ingredients. It interferes with manganese and calcium absorption. 1994 Jun;4(2):104-19. Articles Shop All Pre-Workout Post-Workout Protein Fish Oil Vitamins and Minerals Testosterone Support Fat Burners … 3000mcg of Beta-carotene (Vitamin A): Vitamin A is well known to be critical for maintaining the health of your eyes, skin, teeth, bones, and mucous membranes—including your respiratory tract. Butler, C. C., et al. This provides you the amount of vitamin A you need for optimal results without running the risk of toxicity. Jym Supplement Science is the ground-breaking supplement company founded by Dr Jim Stoppani. While both are absorbed to the same degree, the natural form is more than two times more bioactive within the body. Not if they're formulated properly like Vita JYM... Pre JYM Infographic. * THE SCIENCE OF VITA JYM Research shows … Vitamin/mineral supplementation and cancer, cardiovascular, and all-cause mortality in a German prospective cohort (EPIC-Heidelberg), Multivitamin and mineral supplementation in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine induced experimental colon carcinogenesis and evaluation of free radical status, antioxidant potential, and incidence of ACF. If you are using a screen reader and are having problems using this website, please call 1-877-GNC-4700 for assistance. 1986 Jun;116(6):1045-53. Freake, H. C., et al. That's who I formulated Vita JYM for. Acute and chronic resistive exercise increase urinary chromium excretion in men as measured with an enriched chromium stable isotope. Fischer, P. W., et al. Terms of Use, Zinc acutely and temporarily inhibits adrenal cortisol secretion in humans, Effects of a Novel Zinc-Magnesium Formulation on Hormones and Strength, Effect of magnesium supplementation on strength training in humans, Effects of magnesium supplementation on blood parameters of athletes at rest and after exercise, The effects of magnesium supplementation on thyroid hormones of sedentary and Tae-Kwon-Do sportsperson at resting and exhaustion. However, if you think you can just grab any old multivitamin in the store or online and be good to go, you're sadly mistaken. Your best bet is to take ZMA at least one to two hours after your last meal and one hour before bed, which should also be one hour before your last meal of the day. Many American don't even know the difference between protein and carbohydrates. Cancer Causes Control. UK researchers reported in a 2008 issue of the British Journal of Nutrition that children aged 8-14 taking a multivitamin supplement for 12 weeks demonstrated better attention and cognitive function. Mocchegiani, E., et al. 2011 Sep 13;10:158. This is problematic because most diets are quite low in chromium. 2007 Mar;115(3):205-12. JYM Supplement Science is based in the USA, and was founded by famous scientist and bodybuilder Jim Stoppani. Multivitamin and mineral supplementation in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine induced experimental colon carcinogenesis and evaluation of free radical status, antioxidant potential, and incidence of ACF. Evidence suggests that these active forms of B12 break down quickly, and therefore provide very little actual B12 when you take them. This is problematic because it can prevent the conversion of vitamin D to its active form 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in the kidneys. Br J Nutr. Since higher intakes of zinc can lead to copper deficiency—and you should be getting 30 mg of zinc daily, separately from your multivitamin—it's important to get adequate copper. The natural forms of vitamin E—called d-alpha-tocopherols—are absorbed and utilized better than the synthetic forms of vitamin E—called dl-alpha-tocopherols. I'm just telling you that a tiny microgram dose is perfectly fine and healthy. And copper is something that you actually want in your multivitamin. Am J Clin Nutr. A 2011 study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that female athletes getting a multivitamin/mineral supplement during a 6-week training period had lower levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) than those taking a placebo. Intakes of vitamins A, C, and E and use of multiple vitamin supplements and risk of colon cancer: a pooled analysis of prospective cohort studies. My knowledge is your power – now it’s up to you to run with it and get the results.”, By logging in, you agree to Bowleg Media's Lipids Health Dis. 73(2):243-248, 2010. Vita JYM is my exclusive multivitamin/mineral supplement formulated to provide the micronutrients hard-training athletes need in the exact doses they need them. Since you should have iron in your multivitamin, you should skip the zinc until another time of day. Brilla, L. R. and Conte, V. Effects of a Novel Zinc-Magnesium Formulation on Hormones and Strength. Also called "cobalamin," because it contains the metal cobalt, vitamin B12 helps the body use dietary fats and certain amino acids. Br J Sports Med. Barringer, T. A., et al. Shred JYM and Vita JYM … Vitamin K has gotten a lot of press in recent years. Magnesium should also be taken separately from your multivitamin. Lukaski, H. C. Magnesium, zinc, and chromium nutriture and physical activity. Li, K., et al. So you need to make sure that your copper and zinc intake are in balance. J Nutr. In one study, Japanese researchers gave one group of rats a diet low in MK-4 and another group a diet supplemented with MK-4 for 5 weeks. Cognitive and mood effects in healthy children during 12 weeks supplementation with multi-vitamin/minerals. … However, if you truly know me and my dedication to bringing you the safest and most effective supplements on the market, then you know that I must have a very good reason for including cyanide in my vitamin supplement. Research shows that diets that exclude iodized salt, fish, and seaweed have been found to contain very little iodine. The problems with most multivitamins are discussed below. Today, we’re going to shed some light on their multivitamin, Vita JYM. Animal experiments on the kinetics and calcium antagonist action of orally administered magnesium aspartate with special reference simultaneous vitamin B administration. 200mcg of Selenium (as sodium selenate): Selenium is a trace mineral that not only helps to maintain thyroid hormone levels, but is also important for immune function and may deliver health benefits including reduced risk of some types of cancer and cardiovascular disease, and promotion of normal liver function. Mursu, J., et al. 50(1):146-51, 2002. Cinar, V., et al. A 2008 study in the British Journal of Nutrition also reported that men who regularly consumed multivitamins had lower body fat levels than men who did not. 1981 Aug;2(3):135-8. This doesn't mean that the supplements increased their risk of death, but their disease did and it was just coincidental that they then started taking supplements. Although this form of vitamin K is fine, it's not that necessary in a multivitamin since few people are vitamin K1 deficient. Medical Hypotheses(1999) 53(1): 6-16. These minerals and vitamins should at the very least provide 100% of their Daily Value (DV) or RDA. Gibson, J. C., et al. This form comes from plants, specifically green leafy vegetables such as lettuce and spinach as well as broccoli. While some multivitamins provide both of these, the problem is the stability of these active forms. Pocobelli, G., et al. Effects of a multi-vitamin/mineral supplement on cognitive function and fatigue during extended multi-tasking. Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig. But to summarize, zinc interferes with both copper and iron. And no, the boost in brain power is not reserved just for women. They discovered that the MK-4 activated enzymes in the testicles of the rats are critical for testosterone production. So magnesium is another good mineral to take without food. Of course, there are numerous flaws with the study that make it irrelevant to you. (PubMed), McKenna AA, Ilich JZ, Andon MB, Wang C, Matkovic V. Zinc balance in adolescent females consuming a low- or high-calcium diet. To read more on ZMA, check out my ZMA JYM Ingredient Breakdown. In fact, the Food and Nutrition Board estimates that the average requirement for iron may be 30% higher for those who engage in regular intense exercise. ZMA® JYM is designed for enhanced bioavailability of zinc and magnesium. Testosterone levels in athletes at rest and exhaustion: effects of calcium supplementation. This includes 100mg each of B1(thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), and B6 (pyridoxine); 500mcg of B12, 400mcg of folic acid, and 300mcg of biotin. Effects of magnesium supplementation on blood parameters of athletes at rest and after exercise. ISOLATE BLEND - Scientific studies have shown that a blend is considerably better for maximizing muscle … Persigehl, M. Changes in the serum zinc concentration in different metabolic situations. J Nutr. There's a reason we use rats: A lot of their physiological systems are similar to ours. By using my Vita JYM. Plus, eating enough food to provide you adequate amounts of all the micronutrients would likely provide you far too many macronutrients—meaning too many calories, which would make you fat. If you supplement with just methylcobalamin—which does not get converted to adenosylcobalamin—you run the risk of being deficient in this form of B12. Yet again, this is one of the minerals that are often depleted in athletes. I'm not suggesting that cyanide in small doses has any health benefits; however, stabilizing the cobalamin (B12) molecule is one, and evidence of it killing cancer cells is another. works very closely with Jim and is the exclusive carrier of the JYM line at this time. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 90(1):45-54, 2012. Vitamin D3 Is More Potent Than Vitamin D2 in Humans. You should also be careful of buying vitamin B-complex supplements and multivitamins that only provide vitamin B12 as methylcobalamin. Wehr, E., et al. With the wrongful demonization of salt/sodium, fewer people salt their food today, and many restaurants use far less salt in their dishes as well. Dobson, A. et al. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. This means that you do not need to buy a calcium supplement. Take 2 tablets with a meal such as breakfast every day. They reported in a 2011 issue of the journal Lipids in Health and Disease that the mice getting the supplemental MK-4 increased their testosterone levels by about twice that of the rats on the low MK-4. “I’ve laid the groundwork for you by doing the research in the lab to find out what really works, designing the programs and systems, creating the content, and developing the technology. Int J Sport Nutr 1999:9:125-135. There are numerous reasons why zinc is left out of Vita JYM, as I discussed above. In fact, Creighton University researchers reported in a 2011 issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Metabolism that in subjects taking vitamin D3 or D2 for 12 weeks, the D3 was about 90% more potent at raising levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, the storage form of vitamin D in the body, than vitamin D2. So if your multi is not proving you iodine at 100% of the DV or RDA, that's a problem. Cordova, A. and Navas, F. J. Another missing or underdosed micronutrient in many multis is iodine, which is critical for maintaining healthy thyroid function. I highly recommend that you take the minerals zinc and magnesium in the form ZMA. The membrane of a muscle cell is essentially made of fats. Archive of Internal Medicine 171(18):1625-1633, 2011. Kennedy, D. O., et al. Effects of multivitamin and mineral supplement on adiposity, energy expenditure and lipid profiles in obese Chinese women. Since most of the earth's iodine is found in oceans, iodine deficiency is an important health problem throughout the world. 1989;40(4-6):302-12. 4) Vitamin D. After calcium, check your multivitamin label … Haralambie, G., et al. Post JYM Nutrition Label. Chromium is another mineral that's typically given in a cheap, less effective form in multivitamins, such as chromium chloride. Major, G.C., et al. All flavors of Pro JYM provide over 400 mg of calcium from milk (real dairy) in every scoop. Biol Trace Elem Res 2009;129(1-3):65-9. Effect of zincum gluconicum nasal gel on the duration and symptom severity of the common cold in otherwise healthy adults. The effect of dietary zinc on intestinal copper absorption. This is due to a variety of factors, such as loss of the minerals in sweat and urine, as well as their increased use for energy production during the workout as well as recovery and protein synthesis following training. VanLoan, M. D., et al. Piperine, An Alkaloid Derived From Black Pepper, Increases Serum Response Of Beta-Carotene During 14-Days Of Oral Beta-Carotene Supplementation Nutrition Research 19(3):381-388, 1999. Urinary iodine and thyroid status of New Zealand residents. Trends and public health implications: iodine excretion data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys I and III (1971-1974 and 1988-1994). This is based on some poorly done and very biased studies suggesting the ridiculous: that vitamin and mineral supplements can harm your health. Some of these enzymes help to form blood-clotting factors that allow blood to clot. I don't mean that there is too little of it in most multivitamins—the problem is actually having any zinc in your multivitamin at all. Here are four reasons why many multivitamins fall short of their goal. Epub 2006 Jun 6. 1999;81(1):45-49. Iodine nutrition in the United States. This refers to the fact that when many people are diagnosed with a disease, they then tend to start taking supplements in hope for an alternative cure. It has the specific micronutrients that you need, in their proper forms, and at clinically proven dosages that will help complete your nutrition, enhance your overall health, and help you get the most out of your training so that you can continue to pursue all the goals of your fitness lifestyle. Another 2009 study from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences reported that women taking a multivitamin supplement have a younger biological age based on telomere length as compared to those not supplementing. That is the most unreliable info you can use in a study and is far from scientific. More recent research shows that this vitamin is critical in energy production, which can aid your performance in the gym and/or on the field or court. Haskell, C. F., et al. Iodine. 3mg of Boron (as amino acid chelate): There is some evidence that this trace mineral can increase levels of free testosterone. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. Multivitamin and dietary supplements, body weight and appetite: results from a cross-sectional and a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study.