For Hard Times For Financial Prosperity For Physical Health For Emotional Health For Protection For a Marriage For Babies and Pregnancy For Family For Spiritual Warfare For Spiritual Health For a Death For the Workplace For Bedtime, Bible Commentary Bible Verses Devotionals Faith Prayers Coloring Pages Pros and Cons, 15 Should Homework Be Banned Pros and Cons, 11 Powerful Prayers for Adulterous Husband, And There Was War in Heaven Meaning and Meditation, Thought It Not Robbery Meaning and Meditation, Husbands Submit to Your Wives Meaning and Meditation, Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness Meaning and Meditation, 25 Powerful Prayers for a Good Night’s Sleep, Give No Place to the Devil Meaning and Meditation. Help him to treat every member of our family with love and respect and to honor God with his gentle spirit (1 Peter 3:7). It’s scary, guys–I’m talking about marriages that I never thought would waver. I encourage every wife or future wife to pray these same prayers! I pray that my husband will become a leader at his job and be a man of integrity and influence—and that he will give all the glory to God. Mark 10:9 Heavenly Father, Your Word says, “what God has joined together, let no man separate.” You have joined us together as husband and wife and so I give You glory and praise. Father, help him to confess his fault before You. You indicated a verse reference of Col 6:24… am i missing something? . You need to see this movie. Your email address will not be published. I enter my info but it doesn’t respond when I hit the submit button, I love to see your board quotes on a daily basus. Father, help my husband to pass that on to our children by being a good example. Learn how your comment data is processed. Your Word says that iron sharpens iron just as one man sharpens another. I decree blessings, favor prosperity and healing over my life and childrens. War Room Prayers, [Affiliate links may be used in this post.]. Your Word says that the mind governed by the flesh is death but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace (Rom. So God, please intervene on my behalf so that we can be restored in a right relationship with one another and with You. This movie opens with a voice talking about the wars we face, while the visual being a husband and wife arguing. One thing I have learned after 13 years of marriage is that prayer is NOT the last resort–it is the first line of defense against any attack. Thank you for sharing these with us! I am loved. Ok…i am on it. thank you so much Priest i appreciate you and you are truly blessed. Help him to know that just as Christ has authority over every man; he too has authority over our home (1 Cor. i have a question.. was there a typo on the “Pray that he has a heart for his children”. Praying for the Lord to restore my marriage. I pray that you will continue to protect him from any harm—both physical and mental. Thank you for helping arm us with the weapons we truly need in marriage! I pray that you will instill in him, a leader’s heart. Amen. I am willing to forgive him unconditionally and want him to love me as I do love him with all my heart. (Ps 141:3) Lord, cause him to be truly converted speedily and abide in your word all the days of his life. Hi, My fiance and I broke up 2 months ago because of a lot of problems. Father, I promise that as a virtuous wife, I will do good to him and not evil, even though he has cheated and has been unfaithful to me. I’m looking forward to receiving the printable cards in my inbox! I couldn’t figure out which verse you’re referring to. I declare that “no weapon formed against us shall prosper.” Lord, please help my husband to return to his family. I’m praying that whatever curses spoken over my life Nehemiah 13:2 a curse shall become a blessing. Your ending may not turn out perfectly. The book contains several prayers … I really need prayers for my marriage. It’s time to hear God speaking through the words of Ulysses S. Grant: “The art of war is simple enough. He is slimy and full of darkness. These are payers for women who have a godly husband…who have a partner and coparent. Help him to treat his body and mind as the home of the Holy Spirit and to fully surrender it back to the Lord as a living sacrifice (1 Cor. When creating a war room prayer strategy I begin with my own sin, then my husband’s sin. Thank you so much!! I pray divine intervention into my marital life. I broke up with my boyfriend and tried many ways to resolve the issue for 6 months before meeting priest manuka and he was able to get him back to me even though he already had another girlfriend, priest manuka spells broke them up and got him back for me, I highly recommend him and his service. I realised that God wasn’t the foundation of our couple, that’s why we kept fighting. The spirit husband and spirit wife are marine demons that torment people in their marriages. Lord, cut off the lying lips of a cheating husband and let righteousness take over and truth prevail. 1. Father, thank you in advance for your faithfulness to my husband and to my marriage to him. And that I have the strength to walk that path! thank you for this! Amen. The movie War Room, really changed my life, and the way I pray in the most positive way, Once you see the movie I believe you will never view your relationship with GOD the same. Father, I ask for blessings upon blessings for my husband as he honors you by leading our household. Stallings, who with his razor sharp features and V-shaped brow is a bit too scary to pass as an everyman), his wife Elizabeth (Priscilla Shirer), and their daughter, Danielle. Any abuse retaliation exploitation I will be financially compensated for. Christian Movie War Room: You Can Fix Your Abusive Husband through Prayer September 15, 2015 Libby Anne Patheos Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! You are right. Lord, as much as I am hurting right now due to my husband’s infidelity, I pray that You will help me to forgive him as You have forgiven me for my sinful attitude towards him. Stopped reading at the point in the article when I read the 1 Corinthians passage in my own bible and saw it had no translation whatsoever. (Jeremiah 29:11) Father, guard his mind—that he not be conformed by this world, but rather he is transformed by the renewal of his mind. He met another woman since we broke up and they are dating. Please pray that y husband of 12 years stop his affair and put his heart in his family again, that he start loving us again and make us his priority. Every time I tried to put my email the screen went blank. Type your name and email into the boxes and hit “subscribe”. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. I can’t talk to him because he’s very angry (I can’t figure out why). With that little notebook, I had a traveling war room. Thanks for your feedback–I so appreciate it ❤. Genesis 3:4 , “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:.”. Encouraging faithful women to pray on “scriptures not the Lord” When it is 100% your human opinion? Prayer for Husband to Bear Fruit O God, Light in the Darkness, I pray that my husband would bear fruit in every good work. I pray against the spirit of assassination that is looming over our marriage and I pray that my husband will return home. (Deut 30:2; Ps 34: 12-13; John 15:4) 5. He should have gone to prison, yet his boss saw his repentance and did not press charges. Required fields are marked *. 15:58). The serpent is the spirit spouse troubling the marriage of Adam and Eve. I fell into this site, desperate. Hi my name is Geno I really like this.powerful prayers. “Father, I am so thankful that my husband carries you in his heart and that he is fully aware of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. I was having some technical issues…it should be working now though. Christians often use the term “war room prayer” in reference to spiritual warfare, which is clearly taught in Scripture. Based on Ecclesiastes 4:9 … I have written these prayers in an effort to combat the enemy in my own marriage and build up my husband so that he is fully protected. This is a blessing. Help him love me as Your Word instructs husbands to love their wives. 10 Truths to Remember & Pray in Your War Room 1. If you are ready to join God in the fight for your marriage, you can take these nine prayers from my books, Hope for Your Marriage: 31 War Room Prayers and Prayers for New Brides: Putting on God’s Amor After the Wedding Dress, into your own war room. War Room: A 30-Day Boot Camp War Room: A 30-Day Boot Camp By Kathy Branzell The following is a free resource to help you get started and build on the motivation of wanting to grow and strengthen your prayer life after viewing the War Room movie. Do not allow this to influence you simply because your only means of Gods word is a bible app. Everyone tells me to get a lawyer. I’m definitely going to use them!! In Jesus name, Amen.”. These prayers were so moving. Psalm 51:12. These prayers are war room prayers you can pray every day to heal your marriage and/or protect it. Do u have prayers to pray for the wife too? So I've committed to pray God's Word over my husband. These prayers connects with my heart as though I spoke them from my own self . And any lies about my children that are being told..the truth will come out publicly. | Christian Date Night Ideas, Divorce, Encouragements For Wives, Marriage Issues, Marriage Resources, Parenting, Reviews of Christian Marriage Books & Movies Elizabeth and her husband argue constantly and he even ponders cheating … Praying To Rescue the Cheating Husband From The Strange Woman When the cheating husband becomes bold and unapologetic in adultery, it’s not the time to give up on him. For Christ is the real Master you serve.”. I need prayers for the husband who isn’t a godly leader. Amen.”, “Father God, I pray a hedge of protection around the heart, eyes, and ears of my husband—that anything meant for foolishness, lust, or crude humor be stamped out and ignored—in Your name, Father! com] he can help out. 32 quotes from War Room: Prayer Is a Powerful Weapon: ‘Lord, we need a generation of believers who are not ashamed of the gospel. Who is hurtful and cruel to his wife and children. In Jesus’ loving and compassionate name, I plead and pray. Again, thank you!! I’m looking forward to the download . "War Room" is the story of Tony (T.C. I pray any marriage destroyers are put to shame and they are returned 7x what they deliberately tried to do to me. Father, I also ask that give my husband a merciful spirit so that he may be an example to those with unbelief. The film was released by … The amazing movie War Room releases this week and if you’ve not seen it, I highly encourage you to do so. Praying over the sin in my own life helps keep my heart humble. thank you so much for this post and for reminding me that God is a planner, and that he has a plan…. 12:2). Here are 5 prayers that will change your husband’s heart. Especially for our 2 small children of 4 and 5 years. Heavenly father, Your Word says that we do not labor in vain if we are steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord (1 Cor. I pray those trying to abuse and steal from me are exploited, abused and retaliated against..just as the have done me. Could you please advice some scriptures i can meditate on? Amen. Father, be near. Meanwhile, I am going to pray for you, sweet sister. They are not human beings but they can possess and manifest in the body or spirit of a living person. Lord, the enemy has seeped into our marriage and has caused my husband to abandon our marital home. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10a- Pray for a heart that seeks the other’s best. It’s a battle of the spirits and this deliverance prayer is the bomb in warfare. Amen.”, “Oh Lord—thank you for protecting my husband from sickness. Please Father, help him to have the gift of patience and to not provoke the children to anger by nagging or scolding—that he may bring them up with loving discipline that is approved by God. Dear Father, I pray that You will intervene in our marriage and … With that little notebook, I had a traveling war room. And all the glory will be to God—Amen.”, “Oh God—thank you for the precious soul of my husband and thank you for the relationship that you have blessed so deeply. 2:2). Above all, help us to love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins (1 Pet. Amen. 8 War Room Prayers to Protect Your Marriage: « 7 Bible Studies Perfect for New Believers, 12 Scriptures Every Mom Needs to Circle in Her Bible ». To start out we have to get real and real personal. I’m struggling in my marriage. 4:23). Love this post, Ally! Lord, I thank you right now for my husband, _____. Pray for His Safety and Protection. In your name, Amen.”, “Dear God, thank you for raising up trusted men who are able to mentor and teach my husband YOUR truths (2 Tim. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Stopped reading after misquoting 1 Corinthians. Thanks. 4:8). I thought it was a typo.. Wow! The enemy will find any crack in your marriage in order to weasel his way into your relationship. And after reading the prayers, that desperation isn’t given any peace. (Eph. Psalm 51:12 Dear Father, I pray that You will intervene in our marriage and that You will bring restoration to our broken relationship. I read a Devotional and the Bible and pray every day but things seem to get worse every day… I don’t know what I did wrong or am doing wrong. Lord, please return my husband back to me. We need to be God fearing people. I like these prayers but as I am a guy I am trying to set up a prayer room for me to pray for my wife who has left our marriage. In Your name, Amen.”, “God, thanks for blessing me by making my husband the father of our Children. I’m going to write those prayers just for you and others who are in a similar circumstance. . And what the enemy meant for evil in my life would turn into a blessing. Amen. Therefore, as You have joint us together as one, I pray that just as you caused sleep to escape from the King in Esther 6:1, I humbly pray that my husband and his unlawful partner will not be able to rest or sleep until he is released from this sexual relationship and returns home. I love what you said about prayer being the first line of defense is your marriage. Do you realize what youre doing? I ask that what pleases the Father will also please my husband (Rom. Amen. So I just need prayers that God will show me the right path. Hugs, sweet sister! I pray all of this in your Son’s precious name, Amen.”, “Lord, you have blessed me with a husband who works hard for our family—thank you for that! I write everything on paper first and then move it to my computer—seems like I often fumble the scripture references It’s actually Col. 3:24 (GNT), “Remember that the Lord will give you as a reward what he has kept for his people. I pray right now for your husband to feel the presence of God in his life. if you need help then go to [lovesolutiontemple1@gmail. Find out where your enemy is. Plans to prosper and not to harm, to give us hope and a future. Radical Prayer handbook is a powerful book with specific instructions and guidance on how to pray and receive an instant response from God. Most relationship issues stem from a lack of understanding. I receive these prayers and present them to the Lord. May we be devoted to one another in love and honor each other above ourselves (Rom. Your email address will not be published. The movie War Room is a great film that can teach us a lot about marriage. Let every tongue that rises against us be condemned. even if she’s not ready to take Clara’s suggestion that she create a prayer room of her own. This is not acceptable. But in the name of Jesus, I pray against every evil spirit that is trying to terminate this marriage. Thank you for that truth. I place You, God, at the center of this marriage and I pray that through the unction of the Holy Spirit, my husband will return home quickly. I pray the scripture: Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. 6:19). Psalm 32:5, Psalm 69:5 O God, my Strength, I know that my husband has been having an affair and I pray this prayer of petition asking that You will mend my broken heart. You will then receive an email asking you to confirm subscription–directly after that, you’ll get a second email with a link to the download. That his desire to reconcile this marriage becomes a revived desired within his heart and spirit. Our inheritance in great when we serve the Lord (Col.3:24). Mercissilessly and unjustified. We have two little ones. Holy Spirit, refresh the covenant vows of this holy matrimony in his heart. Lord, please send a message of conviction to my husband for his sexual sin. In order for the marriage to work, we need to be believers of God. I even screen shot these! i would love to have the printable cards with the marriage prayers! Just wondered if you or anyone had any suggestions? Help me Lord to endure and to not give up. and since we are created in his image, it only makes sense that we too create a … Bring Godly men around him and remove any negative influences. Proverbs 18:22, Proverbs 31:12, Ephesians 5:25 Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer, You said that “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” I pray that You will help my husband to return home so that he may obtain favor from You. How to Create a War Room Prayer Strategy: Be Proactive and Prepared. You will be so inspired and challenged in your prayer life! In Jesus’ powerful and healing name. If you are ready to join God in the fight for your marriage, you can take these nine prayers from Prayers for New Brides: Putting on God’s Amor After the Wedding Dress into your own war room. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. How do you pray like the War Room? I pray those attacking me would turn on each other. Blessings, friend! 12:10). In Jesus’ name. 8:6). I’ve been married for almost 23 years and following an illness (which I’m not sure he truly believed I had although he went to several doctors with me) my husband suddenly wants a divorce. And any women having affairs with my husband will be publicly humiliated the same way the did me. Oh Abbie–my heart aches for you. I thank You for sustaining me in this difficult time within my family at home. We were going to get married this year. 6:4). ) I pray this circle of death orchestrated by the school and the city becomes a circle of blessing for me and my family. I ask that you continue to speak through his lips and pour out Life on our kids. In War Room, Tony, the husband, lost his job due to illegally inflating his sales figures. How to Change Your Husband Through Prayer. War Room Prayers to Pray Over Your Marriage - The Modern Mary Please continue to nurture and grow those qualities in my husband. I pray all racial epitones be exposed. But it’s Clara’s secret prayer room, with its walls covered in requests and answers, that has Elizabeth most intrigued . I humbly ask that you place Godly advice and suggestions on the tip of his tongue at all times (Eph. This is especially true in regards to marriage. I humbly ask that you help him to grow in the grace and knowledge of your love and sacrifice (2 Peter 3:18) and that he gives YOU the glory forever. I need a prayer for my desperation in protecting my children from his abuse. I pray if I’m being neglected proper medical care due to lies and racial will be publicly exposed. I want him back in my life. Get a notebook and a pen… I’ll wait while you prepare to create prayers for marriages in trouble. Luke 18:27, Jeremiah 32:37, Jeremiah 32:17 God of all consolation, I love You with all of my heart. (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); You might also like the War Room prayers for the weary mom! That is SO true. Knowing how to pray and praying changes things. We need to pray together and ask God for guidance all through out our marriage. Praying for God to restore and heal my marriage of 7 years 11/12/08 my husbands wants a divorce to be with another woman and he also wants to walk out on our small children 8 and 4 I love my husband and continue to pray for his salvation it seems do dark and hopeless but I know God is with me I am just a little tired of the constant battlesplease keep us in prayer … I have provided these prayers on prayer cards for your convenience–and my own! Mark 10:8, Esther 6:1 Dear Lord, mighty in power, I praise You because You Lord have joint us together as one flesh, so that we are no longer two, but one flesh. It’s so important to make that a priority in our days. While I understand the intent is to spread love and positivity specifically regarding Christ based marriage, you have no right to quote anything scripture wise just to claim it has an alternative meaning based off of your perception Sign up here and I’ll send you the link to download your own. Thank God for the Holy spirit bringing us on one accord . I pray that the cancer and whatever harmful cells and bacteria in my body dry up and I am healed. Father, I know it is not easy, but please give him a supernatural strength to overcome any obstacles that stand in his way. May he hear the voice of God tonight and follow through with the leading the Lord gives him. Sooooo good! I will also pray that you draw closer to Jesus during this time of unknown. Make him a willing and hardworking disciple; who by his actions—will bring others to Christ. In Jesus Christ, our Lord. No—you are not missing something. Use Your mighty power to turn him from sin. 979 318 1230. I pray that God will reveal himself to your husband so that he may repent and come back to the Lord. It provides the fundamentals requirements to get prayers answered by God. I don’t think he’s having an affair (although sometimes I think that would be somewhat easier to digest) because he works so many hours and my 17 year old daughter has chosen to live with him. And can you counsel me please? It seems like every day, I am receiving prayer requests from friends and readers of this blog–about their marriage troubles. I humbly ask that you help my husband to seek out those who are seeking out YOU. I am so hipped up and wanting to commune with GOD so , just want to be closer to Him. this spell caster Priest manuka has helped me a lot. Please continue to guard his heart and everything that flows from it (Prov. For women who have men that know right from wrong. Isaiah 54:17 Oh Lord of heaven’s armies, I declare Your Word over my marriage right now. I’m not sure what to do, stay or leave. ... it doesn’t even come from my husband. I pray You would be with him wherever he goes. Father, bind up the evil spirits that are behind our separation. Help us to remain one flesh (Gen. 2:24) and allow our marriage to bring glory to YOU. And I just found out my husband cheated on me. This I ask in Jesus’ almighty and merciful name. The film was produced by Provident Films, Affirm Films and TriStar Pictures in partnership with the Kendrick brothers.. Amen.”, “Oh Lord, thank you for raising my husband up to be a servant of Christ. My joy is found in Jesus, and just in case you forgot, He has already defeated you. Father, you did not give us a spirit that makes us timid, but one that gives us power, love, and self-discipline (2 Tim 1:7). Thank you in advance for your faithfulness to our marriage. Tony rebuilt his formerly weak relationship with his daughter, and was offered another job with lower pay. I also ask that You will speak to my husband so he may see the consequences of his adulterous lifestyle and that You will lead him to confess his sins. But I deeply love him and don’t want to lose him. I’ve started my war room. 3:5) I ask that my husband’s desire only be for me, his wife (Songs 7:10). Even after I watched the War Room and was moved to prayer so powerfully, I did not consider my prayer strategy! (Psalm 6: 16-17) Lord, set a watch over his mouth and turn his lips aright all the time. But our most powerful weapon against that little jerk is always prayer. Thanks so much!! Today, I'm sharing what I pray and invite you to join me in praying for your husband: Father, give my husband a discerning heart to know Your great love for him and the great plans You have for him and our family. Amen. War room prayer involves putting on the armor of God (see Ephesians 6:10-11), using spiritual weapons to demolish spiritual strongholds (see 2 Corinthians 10:4-5) and praying for protection against our spiritual enemy (see 1 Peter 5:8-9). In Jesus’ name, I pray. I am having trouble filling out the form. Thank you for the reminder that we need to be fighting for our marriages through prayer. In War Room, a wife is urged to remain in a bad marriage and pray for her nasty, philandering husband, who ultimately repents. War Room is a 2015 American Christian drama film directed by Alex Kendrick and written by himself and Stephen Kendrick.It is the Kendrick brothers' fifth film and their first through their subsidiary, Kendrick Brothers Productions. I have been married for 3 years. I believe by faith that there is nothing too hard for You. May he produce the fruit of Your Holy Spirit – may he be known as a man of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.