(Oh, I also sometimes use almond milk instead of reg milk.) Oh my….these look like trouble….I am going to make these for my boys…may have to have one myself. ), Thank you for sharing this recipe! :D, A tasty alternative is to forgo the cocoa and use White Chocolate Wonderland peanut butter (it’s peanut butter with white chocolate added to it), or if Dark chocolate is your thing then they have Dark Chocolate Dreams, too. We have more Weight Watchers Cookie Recipes here, and more Weight Watchers Dessert Recipes here! Can I bake them? I add 1/2 cup of crushed peanuts to mine and they are great. I'll send you the first of four emails in the guide momentarily. I also added about a half of a cup of pecan pieces. Thank you for such wonderful memories, because growing up these were always my favorite. Cookies can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature (or in the refrigerator) for up to 2 weeks. WEIGHT WATCHERS NO BAKE CHOCOLATE COOKIES 4 Smart Points; 8. They make a perfect Weight Watchers dessert or snack. My hesitancy is that coconut sugar tends to be quite grainy and I’m concerned that it wouldn’t dissolve completely. The mixture will bubble quite a lot. Hi Robin, I think that should work, though I’ve never tried it! I think running some regular oats through the food processor would be just fine. At only 3 ww smart points, it's a real diet winner! CORRECTION: that’s supposed to be .2 cups of peanut butter. Thanks! So glad you and your family enjoyed these! A child could NOT buy pizza every day and when we did have pizza it had been made in a sheet pan, cut into squares and seemed to have corn meal as part of the crust. In my part of the world, we don’t get old fashioned oats which is what I’ve seen used in most recipes. By entering your email, you're agreeing to our Privacy Policy. If you hadn’t substituted, I would say it was definitely not boiled long enough. I followed the recipe exactly….. Hi Rose, If they are not setting, then the mixture was not boiled long enough. They bring back so many memories of my childhood cooking with my mother. Once I drop them on the wax paper, I let them cool for about 5 minutes, then give them a better shape for with my fingers. Thank you! Kids and adults love these naturally gluten-free and dairy-free cookies. I remember having them in the cafeteria from first grade up. My husband makes them often and calls them –” Kids Love Cookies” Cookies– He sometimes adds raisins which makes them chewier . Sometimes called “preacher cookies”, they are the perfect after-school treat, a must for holiday cookie trays, and the best “just because” cookie. I can’t wait to try more of his recipes. I made these cookies and they are delicious. I do not know how many calories are in each cookie. Or truffles. Not like my grandmas. Weight watchers do nothing tornado cake. I never measure the peanut butter. I imagine most people reading your blog don’t remember the days when EVERY meal, no matter where you were, included some sort of bread and butter on the table. I didn’t have whole or 2% milk, so I used a dollop of sour cream and filled to the 1/2 cup measurement with skim milk. I made these today and they are delicious….thanks for the recipe….Happy Thanksgiving, Think I used too much cocoa powder in mine as they were very dark, but they still taste yummy!!! Allow it to sit at room temperature for about 10 minutes. In this post I’m going to give you the recipe for these deliciously healthy WW No Bake Chocolate Cookies. These only firm up if the humidity is below 50% .. just keep that in mind. My sister and I made these after school all the time when we were kids. You can whip these up and eat them in 30 minutes – though they are better the next day. Thanks for a great recipe. Is that how they are supposed to be? Just thought I’d share. What is the point value and how many cookies for the point value? My mom makes these – they’re called plop drops in our house and family and friends all love them. I took mine off the stove as soon as it reached the boiling point and they set fine! Thanks again! I have, actually! Hi Gretta, If they feel too soft, it’s likely that you under-boiled the mixture. Thank you for the recipe! I like that you mention that you can omit the PB completely – I will try that next! I guess it’s worth a shot, but I’d try a half batch in case it doesn’t turn out/set up. Terrific outcome. wow. What should the rolled oats look like in the processor? Thanks for coming back and letting me know what you thought!! Now I have a delicious go to recipe that everyone can love. My 4 kids and I made these yesterday. Technically oats are SUPPOSE to be gluten free but most of the time oats are not recommended due to possible cross contamination that occurs in the processing facilities. However, I do NOT milk in the first part of the recipe, I use a small can of Carnation Evaporated Milk. My first Grand baby will be here in February, I sure can’t wait till he/she is old enough for Nana’s (Great-Grandma’s) No Bakes!!!! When they are completely cooled, they always set perfectly. No Bake Chocolate … Does anyone have thoughts regarding the use of white chocolate or vanilla chips? Well, I guess I’m a little late to the party, but these cookies look amazing! Do you think of them yourself or have help? These are really delicious, I was taught a bit differently and never thought to add Vanilla. Laughing at one of the first comments posted because we also only had them at Christmas growing up. Hi Anna, I recommend a traditional “processed” peanut butter like Skippy or Jif; natural peanut butters have a bit too much oil for this recipe. Ok, Thanks! Unsubscribe at any time. Reminds me of a no bake cookie my Mom used to make that used coconut and chocolate. She used to modify the recipe sometimes. Just add about 1/4 cup (64 g) to the recipe when you add the chopped chocolate. I’m going to make them with my three foster girls for whom I’m a CASA today. Weight Watchers recently changed their plan to myWW which includes all three points and on purple, blue, and green they are 3 points for cookie. They taste so yummy! We tried out your recipe, and with all dontespext. I’m also very likely to add some chopped pecans. No bake chocolate peanut butter oatmeal cookies made in one pan on top of your stove. Would I need full fat in the can? What should i do? I used 1 1/2 cups coconut sugar instead of the 2 cups of white sugar, and I used 1 cup of regular oats (given a whirl in my food processor first), 1 cup of unsweetened flaked coconut, and 1 cup of Envirokidz Organic Peanut Butter Panda Puffs, rather than the 3 cups of quick oats, just because it’s what I had on hand. Hi Tara, The air/atmosphere can definitely affect how these boil off and how they set up. I used crunchy peanut butter, so there are teeny bits of peanut in each bite. does your stove run hot or cold?) Hi Jacob, Try boiling for an extra 15 to 20 seconds – that should help! I have always loved these cookies! Whatever you call them they are the easiest, best cookie EVER. I also threw in a generous squirt of caramel syrup, because I didn’t have any vanilla on hand, and I though it might help the flavor. This recipe is close to one I make. The main difference in yours and hers is coconut instead of peanut butter. I made these earlier this week for my kids and I. My grandmother used to make them and now my mom does. By coincidence, today and tomorrow I’m working on another “care package” to send out not only to my nephew at college but I also want to do baking and kitchen gifts to some other folks I didn’t get to do for at Christmas this past year. I would recommend unsweetened almond milk for a more neutral flavor profile, and the proper consistency. Probably because, “oh no, the preacher is coming over. Let me know how it turns out! Oh, also sometimes I add Nutella (hazelnut chocolate spread) too. These apple cinnamon oatmeal no-bake cookies are a healthy alternative to traditional no-bake cookies (and just as good!). Can I use something else other than peanut butter? My Mom made these for us as kids and I have wonderful and fond memories of this. Dairy: This recipe can easily be made dairy-free. I’ve always had trouble making this type of cookie, not this recipe. I always have these ingredients on hand & they’re so easy and delicious! I’ve made these dozens of times and boiling it for 1 minute once it reaches a full, rolling boil is all it needs. They were so good! Of course when i make them with oatmeal I usually ad at least 2 talbelspoon of carmal topping in with the peanut butter .But i take 2 tblspns of peanut buuter out before iI add the carmel . For more Weight Watchers cookie ideas that are also super easy and delicious – check these out! Great recipe! It turned out horrible! We called this recipe peanut butter delight growing up and I am so glad to have it again!! I grew up on these cookies and still love them to this day!! Beatrice, I do not currently have a recipe for no bake peanut butter oatmeal cookies, so sorry! =D. tried this recipe and these were some runny ass cookies! I seem to do well on things with oatmeal but I cannot guarantee these will work for all gluten sensitive people out there. Will make these again. Love these! Whew! I don’t buy or use “unsalted” butter/margarine for anything. The center is soft and chewy, while the edges are perfectly crispy. :). I haven’t made these cookies with a sugar substitute, so I’m afraid I really don’t know. These energy balls are only 2 myWW Points for 2 energy balls for the Green and Blue plan and only 1 myWW point for the Purple plan. My husband and I have eaten more than we’d like to admit. And I have some mini marshmallows in the pantry. They were great…in fact a little too good – I made huge ones and ate way more than one…ekk! The bars are easier to cut if they are cold, so I let mine cool at room temp and then chill them for a bit before cutting. Hi Ashley, If they are still gooey, they probably needed to be boiled just a tad longer. Hi Daniel, You may need to cut back on the boiling time slightly. But if you under-cook it, the cookies won’t set up. From here I started substituting, but I thought it would work out! they are still nice and chewy! For another flourless cookie, you might like my Flourless Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies, Healthy Oatmeal Breakfast Bars, and 2-Ingredient Banana Bread Cookies :). I am the first to admit it: Before I got married, my idea of preparing a meal was heating up Chinese take-out food in the microwave. Just made these exactly as you stated in the recipe…except I used 2 cups of the quick oats and one cup shredded coconut, and they turned out great! Would love to hear about your results! Just like my Mom used to make. There are a lot of tips from other readers in the comments above about boiling the cookies. Such an easy and yummy recipe! I have fed it to people who swear to me that they hate carob, and they never noticed, until I gloatingly told them about it later. Heather, Thanks so much for the tips on substituting canola oil and almond milk! They are also a perfect candidate for freezing! Thanks, To make them even creamier, I use evaporated milk instead of regular milk. I think the recipe calls for quick oats since the cookies are not baked and the traditional oats are a bit larger than quick, which would make the texture a little more difficult to chew easily. Always one of my favorites, and I make them for my grandchildren. I really thank technology for giving me the opportunity to access pages like this one. These look scrupmtious :) Thanks for posting and sharing this great cookie! Panic set in for several minutes while I redoubled the hot stuff then split it between two pots and eyeballed half and half to stir. :). Please let me know if this is an OK substitution. Stevia, Truvia? Thanks for sharing this recipe! The very excellent cooks at my old elementary school used to make these from time to time when I was small. I haven’t done this before, so I’m not sure how they will be thawed, but I imagine they would be fine. Thanks for all the tips! The milk called for doesn’t need to be cow’s milk. xo. ive been craving these for such a long time, but couldnt find a good recipe!! When mixed and butter is melted, pour half of mixture into each pan and bake approximately 20 minutes, until center is set and sides have risen high. If we want to gift it to our cousins or friends how should we package it? When I see these cookies I think “childhood” despite the fact it’s something my mother never made. I tried making the recipe with 1 1/2 cups of granulated sugar (300 grams), instead of the traditional 2 cups (400 grams). If your no bake cookies are sticky and gooey, then they were not boiled quite long enough. and remove the oatmeal. Also, try these cookies with coconut in place of 1/2 the oats, or in place of all the oats; it’s very tasty that way, too! After all, losing weight shouldn’t be a flavorless process! Hi there I wwas just wondering can these no bake cookies be made sugar free?? for my kids – the one thing different is that there was no peanut butter in the recipe..  but I’m going to try it with the PB such a new twist on an old delicious recipe I grew up with…, These are remarkable needed something for a gathering and so I looked at pint rest and they were I made them in 15 minutes and was out the door in 30 with them in hand by the time I got to the gathering I had eaten 3 my hubby 2 and everyone there loved them a perfect 10. They turned out great, and I can’t make them any other way now. This is a staple for my allergen filled house. Visual learner here! I love no-bake cookies!! 1-point weight watchers brownies rescue Well, of course there is the guilt that comes with eating too many high calorie brownies. Bring to a rolling boil and let boil for 1.5 minutes. Blew my mind. Guess I’d have to use different oats next time. I find that both work equally well. Thank you for sharing! Can I use Splenda instead of regular sugar? They turned out so yummy. If you do this they harden almost instantly. They are AMAZING!!! They are so delicious and something a little different. I tried evrything…i also refrigarated them but after removing it becomes sticky again. They stay sticky. I look forward to reading your blog. Plus it tasted great! (I will pause a moment while you feel my pain.) You won’t ever need to look for weight watchers recipes again with two hundred of the best recipes to choose from here.There are recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner with snack, side dish and dessert ideas included as well.. Store the finished cookies in a sealed glass container at room temperature or in the refrigerator. Very simple, turned out great. I have tried other recipes from your blog and never been disappointed so I thought why not try your version. In theory, should be able to work as a substitute, but I’m not sure how. I’m coming across s many great no-bake recipes. Hi Aryth, Unfortunately, I don’t know if a sugar substitution that would work in this recipe, as it’s necessary to help the cookies set up. Then stir […] And you can’t beat the easiness of a no bake cookie! can this also be used for peanuts, pretzels and potato stix? Find thousands of tested recipes, menus, cooking shortcuts, dinner ideas, family meals, and more at Recipe Are Perfects I never knew who Sara was but we sure loved her cookies. You can always put them in the freezer to harden. Tasty Weight Watchers Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie you CAN NOT stop eating! Technically, I think they are really candy. If they are too dry, you cooked them too long. Sorry I posted twice. I actually see them being sold in Walmarts bakery department! I knew how to make them i just forgot about of I needed vanilla. Required fields are marked *. No bake cookies are the best! i must say, they turned out really wow! This is such a classic recipe! I have been making them for years and it My husband will be very happy. Is there a substitute? Hi Sheila, Water boils at 212 degrees F, so… I guess that? I get the finely ground dry unsweetened coconut (the good stuff) from our local nut factory, not the icky sticky shredded stuff that has added sugar that they sell in the baking isle (yuck). My children loved to cook. Our two year old was caught snitching them. So many cooks, “miss” the most important steps… Her no-bake treat was potato candy. Wonderful, straightforward instructions. So simple and delicious! I’m so sorry you lost your grandma; there really is nothing like them, xo. THEN time it, adding a couple minutes. I just made these for my son’s upcoming birthday party. I had never made no-bake cookies before, so this was my first time – I needed to make them vegan for some friends, so used oil and almond milk instead. It’s been 2 hours and  the cookies are still soft and mushy. Erin – Definitely try it with a nonstick pan and/or Pam. This particular one is foolproof,due to the larger amount of peanut butter. You can make “ultimate ” no – bakes by replacing some of the oats with chopped pecans and coconut. Or were they cooked too much or not long enough? They’re almost like a super easy version of Little Debbie Star Crunch—just without with same cookie center. I am India country based. Thanks! and peanut butter cookies. Enjoy! I have always LOVED these cookies. I don’t really know that this is it. I didn’t measure it with a thermometer. They are the first thing I ever cooked by myself! came out well and very easy to make. Same with making “fantasy fudge recipe(on the bake of a jar of “Marshmellow creme) READ your directions over 2 to 3 times, and “double check again” while putting it together”. So confusing. Thank you .will definitely look into your other recipes..dying to try all. If you’re partial to making these cookies with some peanut butter, you can make them that way. Printer-friendly version. I'd like to receive the free email course. I made these cookies once before, but I decide to be brave and make them with Sunflower seed butter (my son is allergic to peanuts). I cut the amount of sugar, do you think that was why??? where are you from ? They’re “real” name was “Haystacks”, but because of their appearance and the fact that we only used to have them at Christmas, we grew up calling them “Camel Droppings!” My boys think the name is hilarious, but they are delish no matter what you call them. They still bring back wonderful ,memories of her. Also there is different water content between butter, lite margine and shorting. :). Originally published on the blog in 2016. And the moment I added the oats to the mixture, I had a bunch of unappetizing, crumbly candy. my kids love them that way!! They were delicious but not quite as cookie shaped as yours. On myWW+ ™, you can watch the scale go down while still enjoying cookies, cupcakes, ice cream—whatever your sweet tooth desires. Mary. Yum! On my second batch I substituted 2 tablespoons of the cocoa powder with dark chocolate cocoa powder and it was really gold too. I didn’t have any milk so I used chocolate coconut milk and they were fabulous! Oh well, more for me. I know that a lot of people grew up eating no bake cookies as after-school snacks or saw them every year on holiday cookie trays, but believe it or not, I had never heard of them until a few years ago! Sometimes things that have to “set up”, like candies, your pralines, these cookies, the humidity plays a BIG factor. Create a well in the center of the oats in the large bowl and pour in the sugar mixture. I did indeed follow EXACTLY the recipe, Note:: boiling for 1 minute is not enough.. Hi Lesley, I would try boiling them for about 30 seconds or a minute less next time. 1.25 cups oats, organic (more will make the cookie too dense and dilute the goodness). If humidity is too high than they will stay gooey I in texture…. Still learning the art of cookie making! They always turn out super!! Have you tried with almond milk by any chance? But thank you for putting this site on I havent had these in forever and I’m so happy my 3 kids enjoyed them as much as I did when I was young. speaking of these cookies triggering memories: i’m a teenager who has been going to the same camp for 6 years now. Recipes for no bake oatmeal cookies made with butter, milk, sugar, cocoa powder and oats have been around forever. Skip the butter and reduce sugar to 1 c for an edible, non-greasy cookie. Keep trying you will get it right. Mmmmm. I just substitute half the peanut butter for Nutella. What am I doing wrong. I make the chocolate no-bakes as well as the peanut butter no-bakes. For a few of us who want the cookies but don’t seem … No-Bake Chocolate, Peanut Butter, and Oatmeal Cookies, Alfajores (Dulce de Leche Sandwich Cookies). Cooked these for the first time and they never hardened. Was curious, would these be considered Gluten-free? Thanks for the recipe! HOw many cookies does this recipe make? Christy Jordan has a version that her mother made for her that calls for boiling the sugar mixture. Today I made sure to only use C&H sugar. Weight Watchers Cookie Recipes : Weight Watchers No Bake Chocolate Oat Bars Recipe ... / The cookie dough comes together in just a few minutes while the oven is preheating.. *pointsplus® and smartpoints® calculated by simple nourished living; Now sorted by myww blue points (formerly called freestyle) including green, blue & purple points. I like more peanut butter, so mine was perfect! Come back the first business day of each month for new coupons! HI, I’ll like to try this recipe but we’re no a peanut butter kind of people (wierd ) what you think we can use insted? WOW! Been making these since 1967, now all my kids make them! What am I doing wrong?? Nutrition Facts Serving Size: ... (I’m trying to keep them to 3 points each for weight watchers. when I was growing up we called these “monkey meat.” Don’t ask me why, I have no idea! They turned out wonderful every time and the kids just loved them! I didn’t have unsweetened chocolate, so I used a Hershey bar. But don’t worry….you don’t have to make all 60 cookies at one time….unless you want to. (6ounces). But as I went down the rabbit hole of Internet recipes for no bake oatmeal cookies (or chocolate or fudge no bake cookies, if you call them that), I noticed one thing for sure. They do not need to be refrigerated. Skinny Caramel Toffee Ice Cream Cake with Oatmeal Cookie Dough Crust is a delicious, no bake ice cream cake that is caramel swirled ice cream and toffee with a cinnamon oatmeal cookie dough crust! Hey guys, I’ve been making No Bake Cookies for about 30 years (since I was about 10) and the key to them setting up is to boil them for 2 minutes. Poor Man’s Soup| A hamburger and vegetable based soup that is both hearty and inexpensive to make.. Zuppa Toscana | This is a copycat classic and a must on every meal plan at least once. Hi Phyllis, It sounds like they may have been boiled for too long. Can you please explain If you’ve been wondering how to make all your favorite cookies now that you’re gluten free, you’re in the right place. I have a very old, rather sad recipe for that. I usually make the dough, roll in balls, and mail with dry ice. Such a great recipe! Hi Dana, Basically, a full boil, not just simmering with little bubbles – big, bubbling bubbles of a boil ;-). Thank you for keeping childhood favorite recipes posted to be enjoyed as adults (I may share a cookie or two with my kids but no promises). And if it’s very humid or rainy I just don’t bother trying, they will not turn out, period. I made them yesterday and they’re definetely better WITH PB :). He licked the spoon and the pan and…. OMG I remember these from my childhood! My grandma and I used to make these together. Six years ago: Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream Topping So grab some WW friendly ingredients and bake up some tasty cookies. I make gluten-free food enjoyable & affordable. xo – I use Quaker Oats for these, but yes using the traditional oats instead of the quick oats will definitely alter the texture. Hi Judy, Oh no! I want to ensure it remains in the same state it was made to be. When you are making anything that is no-bake, you need at least a portion of the recipe to be solid at room temperature. If your family likes coconut, you can sub some of the oats for it. Thanks for leaving a review! This seems like if you get it right it would be a badass cookie! Just curiosity on my part…I generally don’t mess with recipes for “baked” items because baking is much like chemistry; the amounts, etc are important for a successful outcome. I’ve tried this recipe for the second time. I use purity protocol oats all the time in my gluten free baking. It wont set. Thanks for the reminder of the no-bake cookies. The picture of these cookies brought back wonderful memories. Thank you for posting this! 1. Weight Watchers No-Bake Cookies Recipe. Essential tools, baking lists, make-ahead tips, quick recipes, and more! they were always a hit. Chocolate peanut butter fudge. Just curious! 3 Ingredient Weight Watchers Peanut Butter Cookies Weight Watchers Chocolate Chip Cookies 4 Ingredient Weight Watchers Smores Cookies Weight Watchers Chocolate Brownie Cookies. The mixture will bubble quite a lot. Anyway, I’ve always loved them. They don’t seem to be carrying them anymore,So I am thrilled that these taste exactly the same if not better. Do i hv to put them in the freezer? So I grabbed a round slow cooker and decided to bake a chocolate cake … Both times I used soy butter instead of peanut butter and today I used turbinado sugar instead of white granulated sugar b/c I was out. I replaced the butter with coconut oil to make them “healthy.” I reduced the sugar to 2 cups and added a little more oats. Weight Watchers Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars with 3 smart points are incredibly soft, chewy and fudgy, with no eggs, dairy, butter, oil or refined sugar. And what’s even better is that they’re Weight Watchers friendly with only 4 SmartPoints per cookie. The large chewy oat pieces did not bite nicely.Did everything to the instructions. These Weight Watchers Caramel Cookies are my latest discovery!! Happy Holidays! however, i have a non-chocolate person in my house, could i just leave out the cocoa, or would i need to alter any other ingredients? Good luck! in the future i would make as small candy mold bites,keep refrigerated(taste great very cold),and use as quick energy bite. You can use anything that they would be easy to remove them from – parchment paper or a silpat baking mat would work too. So just in case you have that problem.. this will fix it. Within the week they were gone! I know you are glad you now have these on “your radar.” This recipe has been around a L-O-N-G time in Alabama. The mixture seemed too gooey so I added 3/4 cup more oatmeal. I did….. my son said my cookies were much better than Grandma’s (who used quick cooking oats). I ran into the kitchen during a commercial break (OK, plus a few minutes), whipped up a batch, grabbed a couple of warm but firm cookies and threw them at hubby (gotta be nice!