I have a friend whose husband has been diagnosed recently with cancer of the pancreas and liver, which has spread to the lungs. Quality is essential. Ah well, I guess we’ve uncovered Fred Reed’s blind spot–he really despises Native Americans. Very carefully start finding people in the real world who are on our side of the great divide. I didn’t have time to watch The Truth About Cancer series because I have been too busy, but if all the information was like this, I am GLAD I missed it, poisoning our ideas with false information? Just be sure you are educated about them and not just buying off a store shelf. My sister could not ingest oil of oregano when she first began her fight against cancer. What about oral cancer? The fact that all attempts of forensic examination of either ballots or machines were denied. He isn’t the first smoker/drinker to have this happen. “Cancer is not death sentence” – Ty Bollinger. In terms of cancer, myrrh essential oil exhibits notable effects on cancer cell growth, and contains anti-inflammatory properties. Very true. These would therefore have to be part of the conspiracy. So glad I decided not to do the chemo and chose the natural path against all my doctor’s wishes. so many dangers invovled. They don’t seem to be tracking CDC very closely at all. Our uses for these therapeutic powerhouses are wide-ranging. Clearly they are part of the conspiracy. There are some that are safe to use ,but do research on the ones you want to use. !… to construct a Fake Story that we all read of and viewed incidents, reports, analysis of experts, good evidence of machine fraud and 1200 affidavits. If you use them topically (still use a carrier oil for all of them — for sure!!) What brand of essential oils do you use… I’m worried about using oils because there’s no way of knowing they are contaminated… Ty, could you please let us know what manufacturer you trust… Take good care and PeaCe2U. The reaction to Covid is part of that long term operation. HealingStrong: http://healingstrong.com/ https://www.facebook.com/healingstrong   HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. I diffuse Frankincense and Lavender every night. I suspect that if the courts would have seen fit to review the evidence that many people have gathered and wanted to have it inspected, then in good time we, the little people, would have heard about the details. Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money: http://cancercrackdown.org/ https://www.facebook.com/CancerCrackdown   Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. Hi Jackie, Being a bit of a stickler on grammar, the notation you mention does NOT actually state that the formula Ty helped formulate is centuries old. What is cause I g the pain should be addressed as well as using an oil for the symptom. The French model believe in ingesting MOST, NOT ALL essential oils. Depression and anxiety are relieved. WHO and CDC are my “go-to” for reasonably accurate data. To begin, a whole lot of doctors and hospitals would have to be falsifying death certificates for it to make a statistical difference. So, unfortunately this certification does not mean all that we would hope. The engines vanished with the most of rest of the aircraft. Your racism against your (largely Mayan) brown brothers a few miles south of you is showing. By 1973 very few did not have central heating. I hope the family & biz associates/Dr’s etc behind Oxiconten rot in hell, AND rot in this life…. The dosage is 3,000mg daily for 6 months. ☮. I add lemonor peppermint to my water almost every day. Is a strong anti fungal. Thank you TY for this article, this is a great article.I’m not a doctor ,I’m not a dotcor but I have heard form a medical Dr. that young living essential oils are 100% pure. Plant Guru has Turmeric Essential Oil.They have their own website and their oils are also sold on Amazon. After Kennedy 1960, the benevolent Experts who benevolently rule America figured out how to never let that happen again. I wasn’t there. Simple as that. HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Anyway, didn’t I say that Americans are often poorly educated? This is now backed up via “studies” and “medical certainty” that this is the maximum daily dose of benefit. So, for those of you reading this article, please verify the sources and the credibility of the author before you fully believe something. We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there. Fred whallops the folks in Flyover Country with his ratiocination: I don’t have the phone number in my rolodex of the guy who reported hauling a big load of ballots from NY to Pa. they will damage your organs just like they damage your skin. I believe it was a cruise missile that hit the pentagon. This shows the power of the vaccine industry. Before I list our favorite essential oils for preventing and healing from cancer, just a reminder that when you are choosing essential oils to always look for the highest quality. Thanks, Ty. Thanks & love all the work you are doing . HAVE YOU BEEN PROPERLY EXAMINED AND X-RAYED? Of course all of this is much too conspiracy minded for the likes of El Fred. I have had toenail fungus most of my life, and finally found one of the best natural fighters, in Tea tree oil . From first hand experience,i can tell you the Covid-19 pandemic is horseshyte. Studies have shown lavender essential oil to be effective against many common germs, as well as the more serious ones such as Staphylococcus aureus (“golden staph”). It did achieve one thing though: In Britain, up to that point very few homes had central heating installed. Try finding any of that in libraries today—or in university records! I believe I can beat this the natural way, but everyone is pushing chemo. Do you have a recipe for frankincense and myrrh lotion? Carole stated numerous times over the past couple months that the best thing she ever did was to have her three children. I admit my memory is far from perfect but I can’t recall Fred ever even mentioning the infamous “dancing Israelis” much less coming to the obvious conclusion as to what it was they signified. They attack Ann Coulter but don’t offer any convincing evidence to dispute her. And of course, most doctors wouldn’t do it, and some would call the FBI, which must be part of the conspiracy since it seems to have done nothing about all of this. I would be opposed to Socialism, although under Adolph Hitler, it obviously did miraculously revive the German economy. Trump has done an absolutely magnificent job of eliminating any doubt in the minds of most people living outside America. Here’s USA Today’s fact-checking re-editing of what you can hear on your own: Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for President Obama’s administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. Looking for more life-saving content? I think Trump would have won if he would have put his abrasive personality on a short leash. Ty’s advice has been right on from the very beginning (even if he is as ancient as Moses – tee hee) and continues through this article. Great article Ty. Yes, I have occasionally gone to doctor and tried the powerful anti – fungal meds, but they can be so damaging to our livers . Studies have also shown peppermint essential oil to reveal antioxidant and cancer inhibiting properties, suppressing growth of tumors. Buckley had served as apprentice to trainer Captain Neville Crump after leaving Ireland in 1957, with his finest moment in the saddle coming when he steered 66-1 … Find an aromatherapist so you can get informed about the in/outs of these great natural supporters of the human body. This is crazy and not the best way to use essential oils. Can I just use it topically for inflammation ? For WHO, I have to add the caveat that they accept a country’s word for it. The only people who would know that the large bloc of ballots were for Biden would be those tallying votes. We are so happy to hear that the Frankincense helped with your brain swelling. The idea that claims should not be made until something can be verified is a good standard to go by in journalism but has been made much more difficult by the advance of technology. Are the oils steam distilled? He refuses to accept any blame. Great information…with one exception. But like Erin said above, if you have doubts you don’t want to look back and think it may be something you did that caused harm to your baby so if you are not sure then don’t take the chance. I have severe neurological pain resulting from back injury and the resulting 5 surgeries; scar tissue and a snipped nerve during the 5th procedure, an anterior/posterior fusion. It may have to do with the health of your brain. Do you think this would be helpful and if so, what oil would you recommend I give her to use? (My grandparents celebrated their 70th anniversary and each reached 95 years of age recently.). Thank You. After the biopsy, while waiting for the results, the doctor told me because I was so young he would be shocked if it was cancer! (there are more tests that both P & D must “pass” before judgement). Casting aspersions on others be they individuals or other nations is first and foremost so American that they seem to have a lock on the patent for doing so. I am worried about taking these oils by mouth but I do have coconut oil. Any comments on this are welcome. HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. So when his patient dies after three months on the cancer ward, he puts Covid on the certificate. Seriously??? Research what experts in essential oil field say, like Tisserand for instance. My conclusion is, there is no one size that fits all here, you have to trust someone, you have to educate yourself best you can and be cautious in your approach, There are many professionals but not all are good though qualified. Being old and losing most of ones eyesight is a pretty big kick to the nuts. The technology exists to analyze the scanned ballots to detect copies, whether they were folded, etc? As much as I wanted Trump to win and wanted Republicans to win the two Senate seats in Georgia, they didn’t. “Well, the ABC treatment will help with this, but we’ve got to get your DEF levels down before we can do it, which is why we’re going to give you drug GHI. People, time to move on. This is how an ordinary lawn looks after a commercial airliner crashes on it.. We’ve seen how devoted GOP types are to Trump. Thnx Ty. To be truthfully honest when I was deciding on a name, Freda Lobshitz seemed to fit the bill as I did plan to “lob shit” over the wall at various commentators and comments. This is because the fraud is on the side of the D-party, and our 4th, the Media branch of government, only reports the news that fits the narrative. A reporter costing his paper such sums experienced a sharp reduction of job security. The pepper part is a warning lol. My guess is that a large plane was flown over the pentagon and then out to sea while at almost the same time a missile was launched, perhaps from a sub that targeted the Pentagon. Universities especially don’t like red faces of embarrassment. A truck driver who claims that he delivered hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots form NY to PA has publicly identified himself. Now now, Freda, who was it who first generalized in an insulting way about a whole big national group? Thousands of Dead Babies Discovered in Abortion Doctor’s Garage, https://epigeneticlabs.com/el-essential-oils/, https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/, https://support.epigeneticlabs.com/submit_ticket, http://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/, https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/frankincense-and-cancer/, https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/cancer-fighting-essential-oils/. They are 100% pure therapeutic oils. Dr. Jodie Gruenstern…which brand of EO’s do you use? Oil of frankincense has been shown to contract and tone tissues, which helps to speed regeneration. Would you mine providing the oils you used? By cartels you mean the illegal narcotics dealers? So I am interested in making sure I understood you correctly. This attitude sets poorly with conspiracy theorists. After reading through it % doing some other research ,I decided what did I have to lose. Quality of sleep is improved. Special Q&A with Ty & Charlene...It's All About You! Excellent article on Essential Oils. We always recommend plenty of research and speaking to a medical professional who is knowledgeable on the topic and all your medical history before adding any medical protocol. You can’t piss off half a country’s people and think they’re just going to take a reaming quietly. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area. What essential oil is good for chronic pain? Try lavender and frankencense then Look up bladder meridian and press oil into back of knee for 2-3min between 3 amd 5pm. If this election did one think it certainly woke up about half the White people here in this country. But, then again, what do I know compared to a crack on-the-scene reporter in Old Mexico? But then I malign all “shit hole” countries! Falsifying a death cert is a crime and can lead to loss of medical license. We cannot sit by and watch the Democrats ruin our proud nation. Maybe so. Were they unnecessary, all over 1000 of them? Hi Emili, We are so sorry to hear about what your mother is going through. This is how counting fraud can happen in Covid deaths. If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area: https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/   I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them. But then there’s my own lyin’ eyes: I remember what they saw on election night. So many of Trump’s cabinet members just resigned but now they, too, are in on the effort to get Trump. In lieu of flowers donations to the American Cancer Society at https://donate3.cancer.org or 4207 Lindell Blvd Ste 2, Saint Louis, MO 63108 donations in Carole's honor are appreciated. Also, can you remind me what it is all good for? He’s bored, and figures it would be a hoot? His tariffs did nothing but increase the consumers costs and didn’t bring any jobs back. Thank you for the series on cancer. My husband has a pulmonologist as well who we completely trust his opinion and he says the same thing. Thanks. A noble sentiment but probably not possible now. And if you really want to make that 400k number even smaller, compare it against the total population of the USA at around 340,000,000! I then tried to follow the protocol from the book. I’m trying to find turmeric essential oil, but none of the major brands seem to make it. There will be more of this. Please look for documentation, I just wanted to share that info with you. My daughter was in the hospital with pneumonia and her pneumonia was made worse by the diffuser according to her pulmonologist. One drop of essential oil is about equivalent to drinking 75 CUPS OF THAT SAME TEA!!! Said by whom? I know it’s to make fun of that nutso commenter on unz too, but your handle is one of the best I’ve seen on the internet. If an airplane really hit the pentagon there would be no doubt as the evidence would be overwhelming. conducted by TTAC Publishing, LLC, unless otherwise noted. Those people have solid and long time experience and will give the best advice. As a serious journalist Fred has been done for years. It’s a very nasty flu-like virus, the kind of which we see every couple of decades. Help??? In the only Supreme Court case on the subject of birthright citizenship, it ruled that a child born in the U.S. to non-citizen parents should be granted birthright citizenship, because the child’s parent were minimally granted permanent residency. We’re aware of them being rather the opposite. Reach out if you want a self assessment tool and some ideas for application. this has been going on since. to this day we do not know if the cause was stroke, heart attack, or other…the exact number of covi-caused death that cnn has been displaying on the upper right part of the tv screen for months is a disgrace to “thinking” humanity…that number has been enough to have me doubting cnn on just about everything. “Modern Essentials…A Contemporary Guide to the Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils” is a GREAT guide to essential oils. Frankincense essential oil also helps boost immune function and prevent illness by dangerous pathogens by multiplying white blood cells and modulating immune reactions. Why would a doctor spontaneously falsify a death certificate? They were familiar with the immune protection provided by certain blends of oils, which they would rub all over their bodies, before going thieving. Plus they do not last that long, and certainly are not a cure !! In most cases of this nature, almost 1/2 of the legal argument is showing you have a right to bring the case before the court, based on standing. Either that or they are poorly educated which a majority of Americans really are. I feared Trumps narcissism, immaturity, and impetuous nature would turn out badly for Republicans. It doesn’t hurt to see a different point of view. Everything else has gone to hell in a hand basket. Therefore, this information is not intended as medical advice, but While most pure essential oil is safe to use I think it is irresponsible for people to tell others to just apply, ingest, etc whatever essential oil they want to use. An inspiration. This rewriting of what Biden clearly says in this supposed fact checking of alleged disinformation is mendacious. From the times of Biblical medicine on through to today, essential oils are used throughout the world. Would taking the turmeric in your new product (the Magi blend) replace the need to take Turmeric D separately? . Thank you for that Doc. its not safe to drink that much essential oils. Thank you, MPC. What if the cancer patient shows symptoms of Covid 19, then dies? People don’t listen to the rest of the quote: After dismissing what are now clearly legitimate complaints and fears people listening to Trump might have that their votes won’t be counted and can’t be counted, Biden says, “if enough people vote, it’s going to overwhelm the system.”. As long as essential oil is found to be food grade then it should be ok to ingest BUT 1 drop goes a long way. Fred talks a good game about “verify, verify, verify”, but obviously he’s too lazy to do so himself. Now I don’t know if all this is all true or not, but the moral of the story is certainly sound. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. Thanks for sharing your success with us. If Fred would do some checking, he’d know that figures of death actually come from the Centers for Disease Control, not Johns Hopkins which actually uses a computer program to calculate deaths based on information reported in newspapers. All he wants to do is to go gently into that great night. Or is there a telephone boiler room of people calling doctors to solicit a criminal act? The taping of windows during vote counting in Detroit was all over the MSM – well Fox , Newsmax, OAN and other independent on-line news sites. A few drops on a washcloth, then inhaled, helps with nausea. So if it scares you, that’s understandable. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity of different extracts of Commiphora myrrha. TTAC Publishing encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your To begin, a whole lot of doctors and hospitals would have to be falsifying death certificates for it to make a statistical difference. You can beat this, free of chemicals. Has Fred been hacked? Why would a doctor document his criminality? I don’t know about the companies that are sold on amazon. “To begin, a whole lot of doctors and hospitals would have to be falsifying death certificates for it to make a statistical difference.”. Re “inflated” Covid death numbers, it’s well-acknowledged by all sides that the vast majority who die have pre-existing conditions. audits, snafus with his social security check. People have cameras in their pockets. I beg to differ with the medical people in that I have asked them how to stretch 50 mg over an entire day. Or enlarged thyroid? Is the COVID hysteria overblown, considering the excess seasonal mortality increase? They enjoyed many activities together including fishing and target shooting. Also, his humor has lost its edge. It’s all just theater. If country A shows an increase of, say 400K deaths this year over the average of each of the last 10 years say — how is that accounted for? For children you should ALWAYS, not usually, ALWAYS dilute for topical application, and a 1-2% solution (5-6 drops of essential oil in a 10ml bottle of carrier oil) is more than enough – even less for children under 1 year (1 drop of EO in a 10ml bottle of carrier oil). I was jaundice, which is what brought me to the ER in the first place, with unbearable pain. Actually, I believe that quote was by the famous Groucho Marx. If I get a breakout I use a drop of frankincense straight out of the bottle. YAY!! Paula Rhyder, I am a certified aromatherapist and am concerned that you were told to never ingest oils. Thanks for your response and impressive input regarding you and your family – long may it continue! Why would witnesses personally not own-up? While I choose a different oils brand than Ti his information is bringing awareness to important options for many. I use over 15 of the most popular Essential oils . I think the title was “911 clip that was aired once.”. Kamala Harris’s parents appear not to have this, as evidenced in their records. No specific brand. But for us, now is the time to start organizing.