True to herself to the last. (Though I still think you're wrong about Hakaze here…), *blinks* Congrats? She's also an actor that basically plays herself in every role, while I tend to prefer actors like Tomatsu Haruka that completely mold their performance to the role. Hakaze, princess of the Kusaribe mage clan, has been betrayed and marooned on an island by her own people. I had spotted Evangeline pegged as French in the fandom for instance… my own bet would have been on Yamamoto's first name being a French or English form derived from the Greek roots you linked above. It just does things to me, as my inner Mama Squirrel would say. Ack! I'm positive that in the future he might get interested in Hakaze but that's left for interpretation. I've been watching anime for a little over 10 years now and I barely remember most of the shows I watched back then, only the cream of the crop stuck in my memory. In the first place it was true to the series as a whole – big and operatic, with sweeping background music that refused to be ignored and theatrical behavior on all fronts. Despite the close bond they had, Yoshino has no idea where Mahiro is. ผู้นำตระกูล และผู้ใช้เวทย์มนตร์ระดับสูง ! Yoshino now has to prove the time difference is a myth in hopes of bringing Mahiro back to Hakaze’s side. . It was also a very honest and open declaration of love for both Yoshino and Mahiro (more so Yoshino, in truth) that once again impresses with its directness. As for her Aika, I think it's pretty good by her standard, just as Hanemura is pretty good by Kaji Yuuki's standard. Hakaze Kusaribe !! @Ikk: yep, that was my hunch too. Kind of funny that we have Hakaze falling for Yoshino since it just makes everything even more complicated. The sequence of Mashiro, Yoshino and Samon negotiating and throwing out different logics was brilliant — kudos to Samon (and Riki-san), but I was also impressed by the wit and relentless in Mashiro and the intelligence and kindness in Yoshino. For me, she seemed to be a character that would appear frail but actually be overwhelmingly willful and calculating. Compared to many other series, I actually found this to be one of HanaKana's better works. This is really what the battle against the Tree of Genesis was all about in microcosm, the fundamental need of humans to chart their own destiny rather than follow the proscriptive path of a deity, or an alien intelligence, or a dead playwright (or girl). I think that Aika was supposed to be a character who transcended expectations. That metaphor was Aika’s, and as long as she was the one calling the tune, it dominated the narrative. I know that she's a very talented seiyu with a very pleasing voice — and a lot of people really like her — but, with such a strong and unique female protagonist like Aika, I find her acting lacking to fully give Aika life and character — like what Riki-san could for Samon and for Wang Qi in Kingdom, or what NamiDai could for Squealer in SSY. Also super straightforward and very very true. Life is, in fact, not a play at all but something to be lived, and it’s somewhat surprising that it’s Mahiro who winds up grasping the big picture most clearly in the end. I wish Hakaze ran up to where Yoshino is. Looking for information on the anime Zetsuen no Tempest (Blast of Tempest)? The Tree of Exodus definitely has a script for Hanemura and won't let him down with the timing. At the beginning of the anime, she appears with a light pink short dress, which she later rips. The other thing that seemed a bit off was the very end of the episode. It often contains a lot of shooting, explosions … With Hakaze’s revelation of the truth, both Mahiro and Yoshino are forced to accept Aika’s decision, and what results is just a superb, character driven amalgamation of greatness. I am ok with the Sword of Zetsuen appearing to Hanemura at the last moment. I certainly don’t think this was a perfect finale, and there are two things particularly that fell flat for me. 5)Aika's teasing. As a final episode it might have not been perfect but it came pretty close. We don't know what Yoshino will do. With that over with and her final message essentially boiling down to "move on with your lives" he can move past it now. Read more information about the character Hakaze Kusaribe from Zetsuen no Tempest? The point of view begins with Hakaze, a witch who ended up on a deserted island. I also foresaw since Mt. ). Zetsuen is Shakespeare, and Beethoven, and Samon pounding his staff on a rock and shouting “Shounen!”. : Evangeline is not an Italian first name. The Kusaribe family is a family of sorcerers under the protection of the ‘Tree of Origins.’ Their princess, Hakaze Kusaribe, was the greatest sorceress of their family. We shouldn't be too sad though, as Aika puts it "The end is the beginning, and the beginning is the end" With the promising Spring season coming up, 2013 is picking steam up with the new shows looming ahead. Obviously a trick to put her under his control. There was a time when bold, unapologetically grandiose re-imaginings of classics were a staple of the anime catalogue but in this day and age Zetsuen plays something like a gloriously welcome throwback to another age. Not like he’d put his life on the line and not use them because he’s trying to protect their secret. It would help if I spelled the poet's name right. Blast of Tempest: The Civilization Blaster is a perfectly paced story about all things that make any story great. His hair is very ruffled at his forehead, dividing into multiple other strands, and it is clipped back stylishly with hairclaps, that Aika put on him when the two used to date. She's very good when she gets a role in her zone, but she's overexposed and takes way too many roles that aren't. Goodbye Mahiro, Yoshino, Hakaze, Samon, Aika, Hanemura and Frau Yamamoto .. goodbye Zetsuen no Tempest. Log in. BONES was the perfect studio to handle this operatic, sweeping story – a story big enough to take on Okada’s invasive writing style. Will characters from Zetsuen appear as secondary characters or cameo? There was a montage of her before the Sword suddenly disappeared. I'm really curious about the spin-off which starts next month. Jerk with a Heart of Gold : He´s very worried about Yoshino and even after claiming that he doesn't really care about him helping or not, he goes out of his way to "protect" (he wasn't really in danger) Yoshino from the army. And it delivered big-time on the Aika storyline, giving us a real sense of closure and a truly magnificent and emotionally powerful scene to bring that plot to its close. Goodbye Mahiro, Yoshino, Hakaze, Samon, Aika, Hanemura and Frau Yamamoto .. goodbye Zetsuen no Tempest. I still liked the battle climax (or anticlimax) – I suspect the deadly flying pineapples [I had a Macross moment] the music and all.that.butterfly.imagery.YAY had a part in it – , what bothered me was the timing of the Yoshino&Hakaze-in-the-sunset-gonna-embrace.I'm as Team Hakaze as I ever been and unlike maybe someone here I was expecting for a certain ship to sail since the princess managed to uncork Yoshino's emotions at the ryokan – at least in this anime version as I've gathered things are left more open on the Yoshino—>Hakaze front in the manga – , just not that soon. It has this certain hook that you get over the episodes. I'm vouching for mixed and borderline pan-European heritage :p. Yamamoto's family tree* might be a worthy mystery to unravel in and of itself. I am a sucker of orchestral scores or classical music. Nothing that Yoshino does can’t be seen as some dastardly plan. we're gonna finish the episode&wrap the series guys let's hurry things a bit more along the romance road than they would have normally gone yesssss? This is not a show that stands up well to being broken down into its component parts – it needs to be appreciated as a whole, almost like a painting rather than a narrative drama. Totally worth it. In my opinion I think that Yoshino still needs time to get over Aika since during the series we were shown how much he loved her. Zetsuen no Tempest One day, a sorceress princess was stuffed into a barrel and banished. I facepalmed a bit when Yoshino's injury was revealed to be "just a flesh wound". Zetsuen no Tempest. Thank you for the amazing ride and journey on this series, it grew on me and it left with a big and lasting impression, definitely memorable for years to come. It was in effect her statement of purpose, unapologetic and somehow both sentimental and detached at the same time. From the flashbacks, I really was not surprised about Aika's decision. As the site enters its 10th year in 2020, my costs and time commitment are both higher than ever – I’d love to keep the site going for another decade but I need your help to make it happen. Aside from that, I like ZnT a lot, and there were a number of golden moments for me. He tells her that he is not worth her love, that there should be many men better than him, or perhaps her love will not last because it was a consequence of her stress regarding everything she experienced– Hakaze confirms he is the only man who can handle her and will still love him. In the final analysis the entire Hamlet vs. She was too awesome to die. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Sure, she doesn't have magic anymore, but that was such a huge personality shift that felt wrong. I do like this girl both for her flaws and for her better qualities anyway. Yoshino Takigawa, an ordinary teenager, is secretly dating his best friend Mahiro's younger sister. in Italy for instance :), and Angelo/Angela(the latter for females) is stil quite a common first name in Italy on top of being the Italian form for 'angel' . I mean , it feels like after two years of mourning Yoshino went through the rest of his 5 stages of grief in a matter of minutes if not seconds, just in time to spot Hakaze and going byebye Aika's grave my redhead here I come under Mahiro's benevolent gaze. Hakaze, however, believes their efforts put humanity in jeopardy; and with her power … While interesting, I don't like her though. Fuji arc that she was the mage of exodus. I’ll go so far as to say the finale pretty much nailed the Aika storyline on every level. She did a superb job with the series on the whole – those two elements in the finale just happened to swing-and-miss for me, whatever their source. After the first episode I was only mildly interested and forgot about it. Life is not like those in the Shakesperean play. A good, if predictable, ending. It’s a show that will be remembered long after splashier shows with bigger sales are relegated to the ashcan of history. – Mahiro introduces his girlfriend called Mimori (the girl he briefly mentioned in the anime) to Yoshino and Hakaze. Official Title: en Blast of Tempest: Official Title: ja 絶園のテンペスト ~THE CIVILIZATION BLASTER~: Type: TV Series, 24 episodes Year: 05.10.2012 till 29.03.2013: Tags: action Action anime usually involve a fairly straightforward story of good guys versus bad guys, where most disputes are resolved by using physical force. 1 talking about this. Changing point of views, we now look at Yoshino and Mahiro. Yoshino assumed that he found a clue to whoever murdered his family. As for the Yoshino/Hakaze thing, it was perhaps a tad overdone, but my reading of their relationship for much of the second cour has been that Yoshino does like Hakaze but was being held back by the unfinished business with Aika. For all their differences, Aika and Hakaze – all the main four really – proved along the course of the story to be very steadfast in romance and friendship. It is a possibility that another seiyuu could have done it better, but I still found it to be a strong performance on her part. – Hakaze wants to know the status of her relationship with Yoshino but his feelings are left unclear. For a character who was dead before the first episode started, Aika was a huge presence that was felt at practically every moment. I tend to feel KanaHana is an actress with a pretty limited sweet spot. It takes a big anime to successfully incorporate Shakespeare and Beethoven, and Zetsuen no Tempest was more than up to the challenge. -Tie all or at least most loose threads –> Apart from the fact that we truly didn't know what are those trees for real (aliens or deities) everything was pretty much explained and covered .. no major plot-holes or massive inconsistency that soils the enjoyment of the show or the ending. 3)The return of the twin grannies X,DDD. But it feels as if the final shot sequence especially was out-of-character, both for the series and for Yoshino. The end of chapter 6 of the extra story shows that Yoshino starts to open up to Hakaze while he was walking her home after her job (Mahiro suggested him to do so). I enjoyed the series overall. The point of view begins with Hakaze, a witch who ended up on a deserted island. I still don’t buy her logic for taking her own life, but as I said a couple of weeks ago I rather like the notion that the most powerful mage in the world, someone on whom the fate of society hinges, is capable of the same bad judgment as any other 15 year-old girl. The problem I had more with Hakaze was when she turned into a whiny pouty ojou-sama leaving the Kusaribe compound. With that over with and her final message essentially boiling down to "move on with your lives" he can move past it now. The final episode in essence has been similar to the manga but a lot of details have been left out:– According to a conversation between Hanemura and Yu-chan, the final chapter of the manga is set 9 months after the disappearance of the Tree.– Samon becomes Mahiro and Yoshino's guardian.– Samon and Evangeline are in a relationship according to Tetsuma, Junichirou and Natsumura.– Hakaze gets a driving license.– We see some scenes of Hanemura and Yu-chan interaction.– Aika's video is a bit more extense in the manga, she shows her powers, plays with a plush… Because her outfit is different in the manga she shows her navel when making the joke about getting naked.– Mahiro and Yoshino pass their college entrance exams.– Hakaze is at the grave scene and the punch Mahiro gave to Yoshino happened right after the ToG disappeared. Irrespective of Blu-ray sales (the manga sales did at least get a large boost from the anime) I view Zetsuen no Tempest as an uncommonly fortunate gathering of forces. Thanks Jimhawk for the compliment…*blush*. Throughout the anime, Yoshino had to conceal his relationship with Aika from Mahiro in order to prevent him from potentially destroying any form of trust they had for each other on their journey. I just marathoned the whole thing today. Since I've commented on so many episodes of this I feel compelled to do so now as well, but I find I have very little to say. Her killing herself was understandable in frame with the character she was built up to that time. That would still make it feel like an open ending for the both of them. It’s Hakaze with a rocket-launcher and a loincloth facing Aika in a middle-school uniform with a giant sword, and it’s Evangeline calling herself “Fraulein” despite having an Italian first name and Japanese last name, and Junichirou loading up a trunk full of porn to go save the world, and Natsumura looking miserable in an aloha shirt and sunglasses. Maybe not quite so quickly as the anime shows but I'm willing to suspend disbelief at least a little. Mimori looks at Yoshino and says he isn't her type. I kind of hoped Yoshino would say he'll support Mashiro like he did before. I had to pause the screen to wipe the stupid grin on my face lol. I like HanaKana's (please correct me here…is it KanaHana or HanaKana?) Maybe, I'm just reading too much into it but we're free to interpret it. All in all, I have grown to like these two a lot more than when the show started, and for that — and other great elements of the show — I kept on following till the end and am glad that I did. At the rate things are going, this season is in danger of doing a little damage to anime’s reputation for utterly crap endings. 11/03/20 – Don’t forget to vote if you haven’t already! This was not a show that made a big impression on me right off the bat, to the point where I wasn’t even sure I was going to continue blogging it. According to 2 baby names web sites I checked, Evangeline is an English name first used by Henry Wordsworth in his poem entitled "Evangeline". In a world made up mostly of the ordinary, it’s special. It's been awhile since I played ED songs on repeat. They’ve both been wrapped around her finger for the entire series despite the fact that she’s been dead – pretty much the whole world has – and this was her admonition to the two of them to move on. And I could be just ignoring other instances of this sort of behavior because I'm on Team Hakaze also. Sure, the grannies were making fun of her, but she seemed like such a composed character most of the time before that that particular breakdown felt silly. I like her impulsiveness. Her power is given to her by the Tree of Genesis. But that’s why I love this show, because it doesn’t seem like it’s read that book, or ever cares to. It's true the reason why this is so good can't be explained. Did the mangaka or Bones stated that's supposedly Italian anywhere? 22: Stay calm and look cool → ); I guess we just don't see things the same. Oh, Okada… you really love your cliffhangers, don't you? As for the final scene, I actually like what Bones did here. 8: Off with her maidenhead Sword Art Online Ep. Lastly, this has been bothering me for most of this series but I haven't posted it until now, and this is my last chance so here we go. Errrr… Well, the sunset sequence itself was cute 8D. 6) Samon's ponytail. OTOH, I agree with Enzo that the last sequence with Yoshino running towards Hakaze was OOC, especially since he was coming from Aika's grave. The more restrained mood they choose still has its charms per se though, and given there's no timeskip it worked better than a more explicit alternative imho :). Post navigation ← PSYCHO-PASS Ep. Everybody got their happy endings except her. Hakaze KUSARIBE is a character of anime »Zetsuen no Tempest: The Civilization Blaster« and of manga »Zetsuen no Tempest«. There are really good exchanges, but it felt dragged on, again. Comments (0) Mahiro Fuwa said: (Zetsuen No Tempest) ... (Zetsuen No Tempest) Miracles are irrational by nature. She has peach colored long hair and red eyes. Also like From the New World it warped up the final battle at the start of the episodes and dedicated the rest of the time to the aftermath (instead of leaving only a 1 min for the aftermath and epilogue .. i'm looking at you Robotics;Note), here is how i thing this ending fits perfectly with this amazing show. Please consider becoming an LiA patron through one of the methods below. The dialogue between Mashiro and Yoshino in front of Aika's grave in this episode was quite interesting in a way that it circled back to who these two were as a person. Sep 19, 2018 - Explore holly lin's board "Yoshino x Hakaze", followed by 121 people on Pinterest. Might as well make things even weirder for the whole group.