[…], Screw-liked objects were discovered inside an ancient rock thought to be millions of years old in southern China. (Search & see: “Travels of Noah” on this blog), These ancient patriarchs outlived many of their grandchildren and were therefore considered ‘immortal‘ by them! All of these eight patriarchs of humanity lived fantastic long lives! Terms like the Altithermal or Hypsithermal or Climatic Optimum have all been used to refer to this warm period that marked the middle of the current interglacial period. ( Log Out /  Aliens lived on Earth 5000 years ago? Look at Obomba Barry Soetoro and his Nobel prize based on some peace-makers myth. Mmm…. Instead they only had memories of a recent Creation and of a worldwide Flood! ( Log Out /  The opening words of Genesis tell us: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. “How is this possible? Ancient history began much more recent than that, especially when you realise that a mere 4.500 5000 years ago the horrendous global Flood struck our planet, as duly recorded in over 700 global Flood legends! Shen Nong, one of the three August Kings, was 14 to 17 generations older than Huang Di, the Yellow Emperor, yet he was his tutor & they were friends. Purely for politics! Most of recorded human history has occurred over the past 5,000 years, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of prior historical records. ¡La Foto del Pterosaurio de la Guerra Civil que nadie consigue ver!” – Hay que leerlo! The dimensions and character of New Jerusalem that our departed loved ones are already enjoying. Learn about the Earth in 5,000 years. They hate the Flood, the truth, true history, true giants, true Atlantis, true cross oceanic travel of the Megalith builders, etc. Just because these methods of depopulation are merely a few of many devastating policies of the Globalists to induce hunger and malnutrition, like promoting city convergence of millions of impoverished country folk, or their dumbing-down of worldwide education, (for that, see Charlotte Yserbit’s Youtube videos), it does not mean that we could not have had a happy natural world! They are brainwashed by Media Marxism, Atheism, Secular Humanism, while being babysit-ted by ungodly televisions and internet porn sites or learning to kill in violent computer games, while both parents are away in two slave jobs being “liberated.” No wonder they turned out as weak “snowflakes.”. Considering how Jesus cleansed lepers in the blink of an eye and made paraplegics walk instantly, I can even believe that God was able to rip off one of Adam’s ribs during his “deep sleep” and turn it into the most beautiful chick that ever walked the Earth. Notice how close NUN is to Noah. During this era, early humans shared the planet with a number of now-extinct hominin relatives, includin… In a conversation with the late film producer activist Aaron Russo, Nat Rockefeller admitted to him how his family and their foundation were responsible for propagating so-called “woman’s liberation”, in order to achieve that they, the Rockefellers, could double-tax our families, plus brainwash our children better in suddenly necessary daycare centers and public state schools! “Well, there is one obvious way to account for this historical miracle. Chin), The World To Come – Heavenly City English Gospel Tract Download – Rev. Pelasgians, Javans, Hellenes, Minoans, Illyrians, and Mycenaeans (1600 BC to 1100 BC). Not even myths! 4 pager A5 format. By acquiring a monopoly these control freaks prevent us from having a voice. What was our planet like 100,000 years ago? Proof a Mysterious Lost Ancient GLOBAL Civilization Spanned Virtually the Entire Planet…Suppressed by Academia! There were several law-givers after Noe, (Nur, Manu, Nüwa) himself, (who failed to rein in his kids, especially Cham! Divided into three periods: Paleolithic (or Old Stone Age), Mesolithic (or Middle Stone Age), and Neolithic (or New Stone Age), this era is marked by the use of tools by our early human ancestors (who evolved around 300,000 B.C.) An artist’s impression of the surface of Earth during the Hadean eon. And which human species were around? That’s a fact. It is our A.P. 基于一个关于James姆斯*鲁茨的真实故事。 一些不知名的基督徒为他祈祷一个基督徒的妻子,多年后,他们再次相遇并比较笔记;祈祷得到了回答!. which killed over a hundred million of our immediate forefathers! [PS: It helps a lot to cut the TV cable!]. Earth 29 April 2013 ... at least a fifth of the land had been transformed by humans as early as 5000 years ago. For bogus ideological Marxist Atheist reasons. Their favorite reason for war was not territory or riches yet, but mainly due to jealousy and hate because of kidnapping lovers and stealing wives. 2700-2000 BC), Hammurabi (1800 BC), Moses (1500 BC), Lao-Zi (600 BC), Kong-Zi (Confucius 500 BC), and others who tried to come up with some kind of codification of moral behaviour! “So how did Homo sapiens, heretofore such a slacker, suddenly get so smart? What was the climate like? No! Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Humans look like in a million years earth without people discover hunter gatherers adopt cultivation these early humans lived 300 000 years early humans bows and arrows to. 0 Comment. ), where men are already suffering enough, having been alienated from their former natural professions people used to have, like farmer, carpenter, butcher, baker, milkman, artful builders, etc. Besides some cave paintings, no real art, no writing, no inventions, no culture, no civilization. Thursday came from ‘Thor‘s day’. It will be a repeat performance of the Israelites coming out […], ‘Change the World’ is a Traditional Chinese Gospel Tract about a French shepherd who planted single-handedly an entire forest in the Provence in Southern France.

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