In a sense, the world was watching as the protesters screamed, the truck halted before lurching forward, and then correctional officers began dousing protesters in pepper spray. Experienced federal criminal defense lawyer John Helms explains what indictments are and why they can make a difference in federal drug trafficking and distribution cases in Dallas, Fort Worth, Plano, and Sherman, Texas. In addition, the Government is not required to present both sides’ positions. At sentencing, the judge actually said that he would have given the defendant even more than 30 years if he could, but because he could not give the defendant more than 20 years, that is what he did. The one-sidedness, combined with the low standard of proof (probable cause), means that federal grand juries almost always vote to indict someone. Using an information benefits the prosecutor, too, because the prosecutor does not have to take the time and effort to present the new charge to a grand jury. In this case, investigators presented the grand jury with evidence from more than 70 witnesses, along with medical records and the extensive video footage. For example, conspiracy to deliver a certain amount of a certain drug may involve a mandatory minimum sentence of five years and a maximum of forty years. and distribution cases in the Northern District of Texas and the Eastern District of Texas, which includes Dallas, Fort Worth, Plano, and Sherman. The true test for any indictment is whether or not it will meet the Constitutional requirements to place the accused on notice of the alleged crime. Federal drug trafficking and distribution charges are extremely serious and can involve long prison sentences. This is because the prosecutor may be able to prove a higher quantity of drugs, but the prosecutor chooses to charge a crime that involves a lower quantity of drugs than what the prosecutor knows he or she can prove. This is because the way a case is indicted can significantly affect the punishment a defendant may receive. Dallas, Tx 75244. It's an exercise in hyperbole. It's difficult to see indict in a sentence . Charging a crime with a lower range obviously benefits a defendant. So, a grand jury proceeding is very one-sided. Indeed, the saying a Grand Jury could “indict a ham sandwich” comes from the fact that many Grand Juries serve as little more than a rubber-stamp for the prosecution. A new federal grand jury is chosen three times each year, each serving a four-month term. Athens defense lawyer David Baer said he subscribes to the basic accuracy of the "ham sandwich" metaphor, because during a grand jury session, "the lawyer for the ham sandwich is … As New York Judge Sol Wachtler said in 1985, “If a district attorney wanted, a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich.” Grand juries are the prosecutor’s babies. The grand jury’s status as a prosecutor’s tool animates this post from our friends at White Collar Crime Prof Blog: Kaley Opinion, Based on Legal Fiction, Is Harmful to Defendants and Lawyers . As of 2018, the "ham sandwich" phrase remains in common usage in legal discussions. If it is so easy to get an indictment, why are they important in federal drug trafficking and distribution cases in Dallas, Fort Worth, Plano, and Sherman, Texas? In fact, the grand jury returned 240 true bills on indictment, six no true bills, two presentments and referred 10 cases to city or county courts. This is because the way a case is indicted can significantly affect the punishment a defendant may receive. The piece summarized his view, with brief quotes: “district attorneys now have so … The one-time Chief Judge of the New York State Court of Appeals once famously quipped that a prosecutor could get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich. This article will explain why. It means that when a prosecutor calls a grand jury, the odds are so strongly in favor of the prosecution that almost anyone can and will be indicted. A Grand Jury Would Indict a Ham Sandwich I congratulate Senator Saland on the legislative program he put forth. This does not even mean that the person probably committed the crime—only that a reasonable person could believe that. The agent is allowed to testify about what others have told the agent. A ham sandwich was suspected of causing an outbreak of swine fever in the UK in 2000. Usually, this consists of a law enforcement agent testifying about the evidence the agent knows would show the defendant is guilty. It is far less than the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard required to prove someone guilty at a trial. Certainly, the playful title—referring to Alicia's comment that a Chicago grand jury would "indict a ham sandwich"-- doesn't suggest the dark waters ahead. In this still image from video provided by WLNE-TV, protesters blocking an entrance to the Donald W. Wyatt Detention Facility begin to move as a pickup truck approached on Aug. 14. In the end the prosecutor would rue the day he indicted the ham sandwich. A Dallas County grand jury agreed, declining to indict him. It is possible, in federal drug cases, for a prosecutor to replace an indictment with a less serious charge as part of plea bargaining. This makes indictments sound almost trivial, but they can make a big difference in. The point is that, apparently, grand juries are quick to indict or are easily manipulated to do … The laws and procedures are complicated, and only someone with this type of experience can be counted on to protect your rights and interests. Learn more. Breonna Taylor died a horrible death, and needlessly. It is presented to a grand jury for a vote. Stinson said grand juries “seem to put themselves in the shoes of those law enforcement officers” when considering whether to issue a true bill indictment, in part because those who serve on grand juries tend to trust the justice system. It’s almost like a … Relevance? If a…. “It’s a completely one-sided affair, and if the prosecutor wants an indictment, they typically get an indictment.”. Finally, in order to vote for an indictment, grand jurors must only be convinced that there is probable cause to believe that the defendant committed the crime charged. Because federal prosecutors choose what crime to indict, they often have the flexibility, for the same crime, to draft an indictment with ranges of 0-20 years, 5-40 years, or 10 years to life. An indictment is a formal written charge that accuses a person of committing a specific crime at a certain time and place. It is sometimes said that a federal grand jury would indict a ham sandwich. And with widespread media coverage, people across the nation saw footage of the black pickup truck swerving toward protesters outside the Wyatt Detention Facility in Central Falls on Aug. 14. So while it’s a good trend that grand juries are being given responsibility for these types of cases, Cassidy said, “Whether grand juries treat civilian targets and law enforcement targets the same — I don’t know if we are there yet.”. It basically means that a reasonable person could believe that the person probably committed the crime. Grand jurors might side with the police, reasoning that police officers have difficult jobs, and disbelieve other witnesses, he said. Usually, replacing an indictment with a less serious charge as part of plea bargaining involves replacing the indictment with an “information,” which is a charge that the prosecutor makes, but which is not presented to a grand jury for a vote. The ease of getting an indictment is why it is said that a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich. This lead to the widely used phrase that a prosecutor could get a grand jury to “indict a ham sandwich.” Grand juries are chosen for both federal and state jurisdictions. And with widespread media coverage, people across the nation saw footage of the, But in the end, the only audience that mattered was the 23 members of the grand jury who decided Wednesday that, Prosecutors also have an outsized role in grand jury proceedings, and their view of the facts can shape their cases. The Good Wife Season 2 Episode 17 Quotes. There are usually two reasons. “But that doesn’t mean the grand juries always indict.”. If a law court or a grand jury indicts someone, it accuses them officially of a crime: 2. Cultural impact. Now, prosecutors are more likely to bring these types of cases to grand juries, Cassidy said. “In the last 10 years and with Black Lives Matter, prosecutors understand the importance of presenting cases to the conscience of the community — the grand jury,” he said. Follow him on Twitter @FitzProv. But Cassidy said the larger context is that in years past, prosecutors tended to review police reports and make their own determinations about whether a law enforcement officer should be charged. If you are reading this message, it means that you or someone you love has been charged, or soon will be facing charges, for a criminal offense in the state of Texas. But in the end, the only audience that mattered was the 23 members of the grand jury who decided Wednesday that no criminal charges were warranted against Captain Thomas Woodworth, the Wyatt officer who appeared to drive his truck into the crowd on that summer night. As a former federal prosecutor who has tried drug federal drug cases for both the Government and for the accused, I know that it is critical for anyone accused of a federal drug crime in Dallas, Fort Worth, Plano, or Sherman, Texas to consult with a skilled federal criminal defense lawyer like me who has a broad base of experience defending people accused of drug crimes. Investigators say they had 75 pieces of video. This does not even mean that the person probably committed the crime—only that a reasonable person, Federal drug trafficking and distribution charges are extremely serious and can involve long prison sentences. “Often, these are not easy issues for grand jurors or trial jurors to grapple with,” Neronha said. The Ferguson, Missouri grand jury’s decision not to indict police officer Darren Wilson was an uncommon one—legal analysts have noted that most district attorneys can “ … Grand jurors are not required to explain how they reach a decision, but Stinson and other legal experts say grand juries often give law enforcement professionals the benefit of the doubt — except in shocking cases involving grave injuries. And while Pine acknowledged that it’s “technically true” that it can be easy to win an indictment, “someday you’re going to have to prove the case against the ham sandwich,” he said. His bill requiring DNA testing should help the police solve crimes. who has a broad base of experience defending people accused of drug crimes. Lv 7. This makes indictments sound almost trivial, but they can make a big difference in federal drug trafficking and distribution cases in the Northern District of Texas and the Eastern District of Texas, which includes Dallas, Fort Worth, Plano, and Sherman. It also defines exactly what the Government must prove at trial. Several individuals who appeared before the Woodworth grand jury complained that, black pickup truck swerving toward protesters, prosecutors asked more questions about the protesters. Grand juries have brought down titans of industry and the nation’s most powerful political figures. quotes and sayings of Sol Wachtler: A grand jury would 'indict a ham sandwich,' if that's what you wanted. Then why do we have indictments? I If that’s the case, why has it been so hard to get an indictment over police officers blatantly accused of wrongdoing lately? Frank Sterling served 18 years in prison for a murder that DNA later proved was committed by Mark Christie. In the past, it was said that the grand jury would indict a ham sandwich. It tells the defendant what the accusation is. This quote was then used by Tom Wolfe (and attributed to Wachtler) in Wolfe's 1987 novel The Bonfire of the Vanities, paraphrased into "a grand jury would 'indict a ham sandwich,' if that's what you wanted." The answer is that the United States Constitution requires indictment by a grand jury in all federal criminal cases. Hence "you can indict a ham sandwich". Since the charge would be a less serious charge, the defendant should be more than happy to do this. Wachtler told the paper that the state should scrap the grand jury system for bringing criminal indictments. Well let me explain. Over the course of my career, I’ve found that my clients truly appreciate the time, effort, and creativity I put into every case. The grand jury process was historically believed to be a way for citizens to check potential abuse of the criminal process by the Government, but in modern federal criminal practice, grand juries almost never vote down a proposed indictment. Prosecutors used that evidence to indict the three men and Yamada. (The title of Reynolds’ essay comes from the common saying, “A prosecutor can have a grand jury indict a ham sandwich if he wants to.”) Justice … While Woodworth’s case did not involve use-of-force in the line of duty, Cassidy said research shows grand juries are reluctant to indict law enforcement officers accused of assault “unless it is really egregious and there are serious injuries.”, “Those cases are tough when no one is hurt or no one is severely injured,” he said. Permalink: A Chicago grand jury will indict a ham sandwich. For example, I recently had a case in which the prosecutor charged a crime with a range of 0-20 years, but the defendant’s recommended sentence according to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines was over 30 years. This is called hearsay. I assume that their next step would be to indict him, Unlike trials, prosecutors don’t have the same ability to strike jurors from a case in attempt to achieve a more favorable audience. Prosecutors can get a grand jury to indict a “ ham sandwich ” as the famous New York Chief Judge Sol Wachtler once said. New York State chief judge Sol Wachtler was famously quoted by Tom Wolfe in The Bonfire of the Vanities that "a grand jury would 'indict a ham sandwich,' if that's what you wanted." Edward Fitzpatrick can be reached at After the prosecutor ate the last bite he would have to digest the sandwich. Attorney General Peter F. Neronha said he believed the grand jury worked to “deal with complicated legal and factual issues, including determining the intent of those whose conduct was within the scope of their investigation.”. Do Police Need A Search Warrant To Search Vehicles In Your Driveway? This means that the accused and the lawyer for the accused cannot cross-examine the agent, present their own evidence, or even be present. PROVIDENCE — Certainly, there was no lack of evidence. Bureau of Justice statistics back up these views. I have significant experience representing individuals who were charged by a grand jury … Address: The answer is that, in federal drug cases, the indictment can set an important upper or lower limit on the punishment that the defendant can receive. Jeffrey Pine, who served as Rhode Island attorney general between 1993 and 1999, said it’s true that prosecutors can have an influence over grand juries, but he noted that jurors have the ability to subpoena records and call in as many witnesses as they want. The laws and procedures are complicated, and only someone with this type of experience can be counted on to protect your rights and interests. But this has more to do with the fact that prosecutors generally don't call for grand juries until they're confident in the strength of their case. This means that the defendant’s sentence cannot be less than five years or more than forty years. 10 Answers. With cases that appear more straightforward – like a robbery or assault – indictments are more common, he said. He ends up having to stand up in front of a jury and try to make the ham sandwich a case for conviction. Probable cause is a very low standard of proof. “The old adage is a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich,” said Philip Stinson, a criminal justice professor at Bowling Green State University, in Ohio. Experienced federal criminal defense lawyer John Helms. Whether a prosecutor is willing to do this depends on the prosecutor’s view of the case. “There are all sorts of subtle ways that prosecutors can send signals to a grand jury — with a wink and a nod indicating the prosecutor doesn’t really want an indictment.”. A Manhattan grand jury refused to indict him for attempted murder. Probable cause is a very low standard of proof. Prosecutors often threaten to “supersede” the existing indictment—meaning to ask the grand jury to vote on a new replacement indictment with a higher range of punishment–if the defendant does not plead guilty. Dan McGowan can be reached at So, being a ham sandwich and all, and concerned that I myself could be indicted, I asked O’Keefe how a district attorney goes about deciding which type of a grand jury process to use. If the Government proves at trial that the person committed a crime, but not the same crime that is charged in the indictment, then the defendant must be found not guilty. A grand jury last week decided not to indict Marine Cpl. Alicia. Answer Save. The federal grand jury is one of the most powerful institutions in the entire government. Higher drug quantities usually mean higher ranges. An indictment is prepared by a federal prosecutor. And those prosecutors often found the officers’ actions justifiable, he said. A Grand Jury Will Indict a Ham Sandwich The first time that I ever heard this was with regard to the JonBenet Ramsey case when the parents were not indicted for her murder. The truth of this adage led the New Mexico Supreme in Jones v. Murdoch to set forth an accused procedural rights for introducing exculpatory evidence at grand jury. a case that is a sure loser. First, the prosecutor may want to use an indictment with a lower range of punishment as an incentive for the defendant to plead guilty. No sane prosecutor would indict a ham sandwich – i.e. It is true: having long ago become unmoored from its origins as a shield between Crown and subject, a grand jury can indict a ham sandwich if the prosecutor desires. Woodworth’s attorney advised him not to testify in the case, but said his client never intended to hurt anyone. 12240 Inwood Rd, Suite 220 What does “you can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.” mean? Then why do we have indictments? Finally, in order to vote for an indictment, grand jurors must only be convinced that there is probable cause to believe that the defendant committed the crime charged.

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