Historical note on zebra-ass hybrids and zebra-horse hybrids >>. Offspring of a donkey sire and zebra mare, called a zebra hinny, do exist but are rare. Shortridge (1934), quoting Flower, says such a hybrid survived several years in the Paris Botanic Gardens. Unusual fantastic animal. Internet Citations: NATZ. Heqet - The frog-headed Egyptian God. LFH. CON: eastern Africa. Also see: Equus asinus × Ovis aries and Equus asinus × Capra hircus. Hybrid foals resemble E. burchelli, except for their larger ears and their hindquarters pattern. Farm animals set. Flat style vector. According to Groves (1974), attempts to breed Grevy’s stallions to mountain zebra mares are associated with high rates of abortion. 1978; Trommerhausen-Smith et al. × Felis cattus [Domestic Cat] See the separate article “A Horse-cat Hybrid?.” 138; 143)†; Lus 1938†; Mann 1938; Riley 1911; Roberts 1929; Rommel 1913†; Rzaśnicki 1936†; Short 1967; Webb 1952. Equus asinus [Domestic Donkey | Nubian Wild Ass] (2n = 62) We aim at accuracy & fairness. Its appearance differs from that of the Somali wild ass primarily in that it lacks the zebra-like leg striping of the latter. Southward dispersal of these wild or feral asses would be expected to bring them into contact with E. grevyi in the Horn of Africa. Antonius 1944b, 1951a†; Churcher 1993 (p. 6); International Zoo Yearbook 1962 (p. 232); Flower 1929a (p. 253); Kaminski 1970; Mann 1938; Riley 1910†, 1911; Roberts 1929; Rommel 1913†; Rząśnicki 1930†, 1936†; Zuckermann 1953. Thus, he suggests hybridization between boehmi and crawshayi produced zambeziensis, and that crossing between burchelli and crawshayi produced both antiquorum and chapmanni. However, Keast (1965, p. 58) notes that natural hybridization has been repeatedly reported. Grubb (1981, p. 6) notes that these hybrids resemble E. zebra. African Elephant. The same Mare had afterwards first a Filly and afterwards a Colt by a fine black Arabian Horse. There is a high rate of spontaneous abortion, and surviving Grevy’s-horse hybrids of both sexes are of very low fertility (sterile?). × Alces alces (♂) [Moose | Elk] See the separate article about moose-horse hybrids. Internet Citations: ALWA. Equus burchelli [Burchell’s Zebra] (2n = 44) The elephant bird, genus name Aepyornis, was the largest bird that ever lived, a 10-foot, 1,000-pound behemoth ratite (flightless, long-legged bird) that stomped across the island of Madagascar. Flower 1929a (p. 253); International Zoo Yearbook 1960 (p. 262), 1981 (p. 325); Pocock 1911b†. It makes a noise very much like a goat. ×Syncerus caffer [African Buffalo] Hybrids of this type have not been reported. They have no dewlap. In addition, an old news report mentions such a hybrid, aged 16 years, as being present at the Ohio State Agricultural Fair held in Dayton, Ohio in September 1853. Note: Horse hybrids, that is hybrid crosses involving the various members of Family Equidae, are more common than many people suppose. 15:34. CON: Africa. Leafly is the leading destination to learn about, find, and order cannabis. E. asinus was originally widespread in northern Africa and southwestern Asia. A mule is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse. By the same author: Handbook of Avian Hybrids of the World, Oxford University Press (2006). Dracotaur – Half-man, half-dragon. Pick 2 animals and the game will morph them together! However, an alleged hybrid of this type, known as “Blue Bell,” was toured around the United States in the early 1900s. 12886. zebra." Ahrens and Stranzinger 2005; Allen and Short 1997†; Boyd and Houpt 1994; Hatami-Monazah and Pandit 1979; International Zoo Yearbook 1962 (p. 232), 1967 (p. 315), 1967 (p. 304) , 1969 (p. 232), 1970 (p. 266), 1971 (p. 278), 1973 (p. 336); Koulischer and Frechkop 1966; Ryder et al. Flat design. Brentjes 1969†; Rörig 1903. Some half-breeds are well known, like the mule which is a horse and donkey mix. All male mules and most female mules are infertile. ♀) [Domestic Horse] CHR. Ganesha - An elephant-headed God. These mutants had an elephant's head, gorilla arms, horse hooves for feet and small bat wings. Informed as they are by the writings of Aesop and Ovid, there’s a strong element of faerie about the human-animal hybrid creations of Nicola Hicks. Flower 1929a (p. 254); International Zoo Yearbook 1973 (p. 336), 1975 (p. 380), 1978 (p. 391), 1980 (p. 437), 1981 (p. 324), 1982 (p. 427), 1984/1984 (p. 545), 1988 (p. 474). Gestation in one case took about 390 days. E. africanus is therefore geographically intermediate and seemingly identical to captive hybrids of known parentage. This animal, if it ever truly existed, would probably have been kept in the menagerie that Henri created at the Chateau de Madrid, his palace in the Bois de Boulogne. Treus et al. Zebras are able to mate with any member of the equine family, not only donkeys. A backcross female (to an E. ferus male) had 2n = 65 and was very like E. ferus. Antonius 1944a†; International Zoo Yearbook 1970 (p. 267). But there’s nothing fey about these savage, club-wielding bankers and clapped-out old circus horses. The only portion of the creature that at all resembles a kangaroo is the near foreleg, which appears to be withered, and the hoof of which is parted.” However, this distant cross seems not to have been reported elsewhere, nor can even the report quoted be unambiguously interpreted as being consistent with such a hybrid. Hybrids between male Grevy’s zebras and female asses are easily obtained and grow quickly. × Capra hircus [Domestic Goat] The following brief announcement is from page 3 (column 3) of the April 15, 1899 issue of The Meridional, a newspaper published in Abbeville, Louisiana (source): "What promises to prove an interesting freak of nature is now the property of F. P. Beauxis, of this town and will be on exhibition at his store after tomorrow. However, "wild ass" is a name traditionally associated with E. asinus, which is often equated with "domestic donkey." Thus, feral herds of E. asinus exist in northeastern Africa (and, until recently, what may have been primevally wild populations in the form of the Nubian Wild Ass). Gray (1873, p. 38) said there was a stuffed specimen of this hybrid in the British Museum. Elephants are able to survive in a variety of different locations because of the huge variety of food sources that they consume. See: Equus africanus × E. asinus; E. asinus × E. grevyi. It debuted in, Gnoll – Vicious hybrid with human-like body and hyena-like head. × Bos taurus [European Domestic Cattle] See the separate article "Jumarts." 10345. The zorse is smaller than a horse, with a short and rigid mane. Gye-lyong – A creature with the head of a chicken and the body of a dragon. This partial fertility suggests (by Haldane’s Rule) that female hybrids, too, will sometimes be partially fertile. Blue Bell’s foreparts were said to be like a horse’s, her hindquarters, like an elephant’s. Of the two F1 hybrids between these two species, a mule is easier to obtain than a hinny (the offspring of a male horse and a female donkey). 203, p. 992) is indistinguishable from an ordinary Burchell’s Zebra. Learn more about this bird with these 10 interesting facts. × Equus ferus [Przewalski’s Horse] CHR. These zebras differ with respect to karyotype. Another characteristic of the elephant is her tail.” The animal was apparently almost entirely hairless. Each hybrid animal has its own unique abilities and powers. Elephant. ♀) [Domestic Horse] See the separate article on zebra-horse hybrids. Equus hemionus [Kulan | Mongolian Wild Ass | Dziggetai] (2n = 54) × Equus grevyi (↔ usu. Note: In regions where they interface, hybridization occurs between all of the various populations treated as races of Equus burchelli (Grubb 1981, Fig. Others (not very well documented) are quite strange, such as cow-horse hybrids (see cross listing below). Prehistoric extinct north american striped horse, hybrid of zebra and horse. Feb 25, 2020 - Explore Rsartie's board "hybrid animal" on Pinterest. However, the alleged quagga mother he pictures (fig. × Equus quagga [Quagga] CHR. Peel 1903 (p. 6). × Equus asinus [Domestic Donkey | Nubian Wild Ass] CANHR. International Zoo Yearbook 1973 (p. 336); Kingdon 1979 (p. 138†); McClintock and Mochi (1976); Rząśnicki 1930, 1951†. Rörig 1903 (p. 218); Flower 1929a (p. 253). There are millions of possible creatures to make! CON: Mongolia. CON: Kenya. × Equus zebra (♀) [Mountain Zebra] CHR. Kingdon (1979) suggested that certain populations treated as races of E. burchelli are actually the products of hybridization between other such populations. DRS. Individuals from different but genetically closely related species do occasionally mate and produce offsprings, and the result is a hybrid: a distinct creature that shares genetic traits of both parent species, and is many times stronger or larger than the originals. × Odocoileus virginianus [White-tailed Deer] See the separate article on deer-horse hybrids. Equus ferus [Przewalski’s Horse] (2n = 66) Przewalski’s horse hybrids are listed above under: Equus burchelli; E. caballus. Bell 1837 (p. 392) states that "the Earl of Morton being desirous of obtaining a breed between the Horse and the Quagga, selected a young Mare of seven-eighths Arabian blood and a fine male of the latter species; and the produce was a female hybrid. × Equus zebra (♀) [Mountain Zebra] CHR. DRS. In other respects, "it resembled its mother." See the separate article "Zonkey." See the separate article "Mules (Donkey-horse hybrids)." The reciprocal cross also occurs. Hayagriva - A horse-headed avatar. It developed rapidly, and had "a lively temperament." However, the hybrids are of low fertility. Its mane is soft as silk and the fore legs are somewhat peculiar shape having a foot very much like that of an ape." For an extensive discussion of a related cross, see also the separate article on cow-horse hybrids. E. ferus is often treated as a subspecies of Equus caballus. Equus grevyi [Grevy’s Zebra] (2n = 46) × Equus onager [Onager] CHR. 1969; Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1806, 1808; Gray 1972; Flower 1929a (p. 253), 1931; International Zoo Yearbook 1966 (p. 398); MacClintock and Mochi 1976; Penzhorn 1985, 1988; Przibram 1910†; Riley 1911 (p. 229); Rząśnicki 1930†. A common way of making monsters or fantastic creatures is to simply take existing animals and combine their parts. × Camelus sp. It is often said to be extinct, but it's uncertain whether wild populations of the Nubian have been in existence since prehistoric times or whether currently existing wild populations are simply feral domestic asses (asses have been domesticated in Egypt and the Middle East for some 6,000 years). Natural hybridization is known to occur and is considered a threat to E. africanus. Saved by Westosha Graphics. Goat people are a class of mythological beings who physically resemble humans from the waist up, and had goat-like features usually including the hind legs of goats. Have you ever heard of a zorse, a hybrid of a zebra and horse? A zebroid (also zebra mule and zebrule) is the offspring of any cross between a zebra and any other equine: essentially, a zebra hybrid. Hybrids were bred at London Zoo in the 1830s. A cross between the polar and grizzly bear, the pizzly bear (or "grolar bear," in some circles) is extremely rare and was only confirmed as a hybrid species in 2006, after DNA was tested from a bear shot in northern Canada. Learn Colors and Animals Names With Colorful Animals for Kids Elephant Horse Chicken Animals. This view is further supported by the facts that the Somali Wild Ass is rare (classified as critically endangered by the IUCN) and variable—typical characteristics of hybrids (also reports of Somali wild asses in captivity note that they are difficult to breed, which suggests they suffer from the reduced fertility often associated with hybridity). × Equus burchelli (♀) [Zebra] In 1911, Pocock reported the cross Equus africanus × E. quagga as having occurred at the London Zoo. E. asinus × E. grevyi hybrids are well known and have the same appearance as E. africanus (in particular the zebra-like leg stripes). Kulan-horse hybrids resemble kulans more than horses, but their tails and manes are long. Equus onager [Onager] See: Equus asinus; E. hemionus. CON: northern China? × Canis familiaris [Domestic Dog] See the separate article "Dog-horse Hybrids." 12783. Hybrid Animals - Ep. A zebroid is the offspring of any cross between a zebra and any other equine to create a hybrid. The domestic horse (E. caballus) has 2n = 64, and the ass (E. asinus), 2n = 62. Explore and survive in a vast randomly generated world, battling hybrid monsters, and build a town that you control! Some of these crosses occur in a state of nature on an ongoing basis. It debuted in, This page was last edited on 21 February 2021, at 02:04. × Macropus sp. Rev. Ackermann 1898 (p. 45); Antonius 1932a; Bannikov 1948; Przibram 1910; Rörig 1903 (p. 218). ( Elephas maximus) Blue Bell, the supposed elephant-horse hybrid, who seems to have had few, if any, characteristics of an elephant, other than a naked skin. Wherever these horses come into contact in the wild, hybridization is likely. And these two parts are each like those two distinct kinds of animals in all things.” (translated by E.M. McCarthy, Original Latin). They fall into various categories, such as sprites, gods, demons, and demigods.[1]. Home; Cookware Features; Cooktops; Material; Shapes; Brands; deer horse hybrid Karasu-tengu - A crow-type Tengu. Grevy’s stallions do not readily mate with mares, and more services are required to achieve pregnancy than in the case, say of a jackass serving a mare. Gray (1971, p. 94) notes two wild female hybrids "showed normal viability and fertility." To be sure, the bear is certainly aww-worthy, but researchers are cautious, because they fear this recent hybridization could be the result of fast-accelerating climate change. Note: In crosses of Equus burchelli with other zebras, the striping patterns of the hybrids are generally intermediate between those of the parents (Grubb 1981). According to one news report, Blue Bell was the offspring of a mare who had been driven to town by her owner; when a procession of circus elephants passed the spot where she was tied up, pregnancy supposedly resulted. × Ovis aries [Domestic Sheep] Gesner (Historia Animalium, Liber I, de Quadrupedibus viviparis, 1551, p. 19) writes, “At present, in the palace of the king of France [probably Henri II (reigned 1547-1559)], they say, an animal is being suckled, which in its anterior portion is like a donkey, but in its posterior parts, like a sheep. Illustration about Hybrid animals and fish, elephant, Panda and pig. The IUCN (Internet Citations: FEREQ) says that for wild, reintroduced populations of Przewalski’s horse, which is endangered, hybridization is the primary threat to their survival. The count for Przewalski’s Horse (E. ferus) is 2n = 66. 3750. × Equus grevyi (♂) [Grevy’s Zebra] CAONHR. Most hybrids are female. The following hybrid creatures appear in modern fiction: Beast ( Beauty and the Beast ) : The Beast, from the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast , has the head structure and horns of a buffalo , the arms and body of a bear , the eyebrows of a gorilla , the jaws, teeth, and mane of a lion , the tusks of a boar , and the legs and tail of a wolf . HPF(♀♀). HPF(♂&♀). × Equus kiang [Kiang] CHR. International Zoo Yearbook 1978 (p. 391), 1984/1984 (p. 545). 8, supplement, Observation XLVI, p. 209. Hybrid foals resemble E. burchelli, except for their larger ears and their hindquarters pattern. Motty, the elephant hybrid born at Chester Zoo in 1978 (photo courtesy of Derek G. Lyon/Chester Zoo) Enlarge. × Equus onager (↔) [Onager] CHR. E. caballus and E. ferus, which have often been treated as conspecific, are now usually treated separately. And for an extensive discussion of a related cross, see also the separate article on cow-horse hybrids. The Somali Wild Ass occurs only in this expected region of contact. The Predacon Darksteel from, Vampire-werewolf hybrid – These half-vampire half-werewolf hybrids had been shown in various media appearances like, Wolftaur – Half-man, half-wolf. Elephant mutants were enemy guards faced by Sly and the gang on Kaine Island. J. G. Campbell, "Superstitions of the islands and Highlands of Scotland", Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising, The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden, The Book of the Secrets of Enoch chapter XII, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_hybrid_creatures_in_folklore&oldid=1008005736, Articles needing additional references from September 2018, All articles needing additional references, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Antonius 1934b†, 1944a†, 1951a†; Benirschke 1964, 1967; Benirschke et al. However, entirely viable hybrids have been produced. However, as can be seen in the photo at right, Blue Bell seems to have had nothing in common with an elephant other than naked skin. zebra." In crosses with the horse or ass, the striping in the hybrids is narrower than in the E. burchelli parents (Grubb 1981). These horse hybrids are said always to be chocolate brown, whatever the color of the parent horse, with the Grevyi striping pattern. Learn more about types of weed strains and discover marijuana dispensaries near you. The following is a list of hybrid entities from the folklore record grouped morphologically based on their constituent species. It is a goat-colt, if we may use the term, being an animal with the head and mane of a goat, and the body of a colt. × Ovis aries [Domestic Sheep] See the screenshot immediately below of a news report about a supposed sheep-horse. See also: Equus africanus; E. asinus; E. burchelli; E. caballus. See: Equus asinus × E. grevyi. Hybridity and governance: On being a husky-elephant and not a shark-horse November 30, 2016 helendickinson If you have read the public administration literature in recent years you will have no doubt seen the terminology of hybridity increasingly enter the fray. On page 27 of the December 21, 1934, issue of The Advertiser, an Australian newspaper published in Adelaide, South Australia (source), an article entitled "FIFTY YEARS AGO, From "The Advertiser" December 22, 1884" quoted the following from a fifty-year-old report: “There is on view in Hindley street a living freak of nature, which is stated to be "half horse and half kangaroo." × Equus zebra (↔) [Mountain Zebra] CHR. The following hybrid creatures appear in modern fiction: Human-headed, complex body (often with parts from multiple animals), Part animal, part human (transitioning between the two). Rörig 1903 (p. 219); International Zoo Yearbook 1962 (p. 232), 1965 (p. 341). ENHI. Horses and donkeys are different species, with different numbers of chromosomes. 19:35. Actually, the wild animal most closely resembling the domestic donkey is often referred to as the "Nubian wild ass." Elephant Natural Habitat. Additional information: news report #2, news report #3, news report #4, advertisement. Rörig 1903 (p. 219). Meet the largest elephant in the world.The elephant is the largest land animal taking into account its weight and height. Equus africanus [Somali Wild Ass] Horus and Monthu - Each of these Egyptian Gods has the head of a falcon. Equus kiang [Kiang] See: Equus asinus; E. hemionus. Moreover, wild E. africanus are known to interbreed with feral E. asinus (See Internet citation ALWA) and feral donkeys run with zebra herds in eastern Africa (Kingdon 1979, p. 143). × Cervus elaphus [Red Deer | Elk | Wapiti] See the separate article Deer-horse Hybrids. It is featured in, Ursagryph – A creature with the head, claws, and wings of an eagle and the body of a bear. Flower 1929a (p. 254). So it is a PHP of this cross. 54916. Cookware Guide. Reports of mountain-zebra/domestic horse hybrids are scanty indeed. 8, supplement, Observation XLVI, p. 209) reports that a nanny goat, which was being kept in the same stable with donkeys, gave birth to a kid with donkey ears and a long, donkey-like tail. 1979; Volf 2003; Wilson and Reeder 2005 (p. 1018). Zooskool Strayx in bitch. To avoid confusion, then, instead of following Duff and Lawson, I here will assign E. asinus the common names "Domestic Donkey | Nubian Wild Ass" and will call E. africanus "Somali Wild Ass.". True wild asses disappeared from most of their African range during Roman times, from Asia, even earlier (Groves 1986), but the ass remains a fairly common beast of burden throughout its original range and feral stocks are widespread. A probable natural hybrid was reported by Keast (1965) Striping of hybrids is complete down to the hooves, though E. burchelli has white shanks and pasterns. HPF(♀♀). ♀) [Mountain Zebra] CANHR. For an extensive discussion of a related cross, see also the separate article on cow-horse hybrids. × Equus zebra (↔ usu. × Equus ferus (♀) [Przewalski’s Horse] CANHR. LFH. × Equus grevyi [Grevy’s Zebra] CANHR. The hybrid male calf, "Motty", had an African elephant's cheek, ears (large with pointed lobes) and legs (longer and slimmer), but the toenail numbers, (5 front, 4 hind) and the single trunk finger were like Asians although the wrinkled trunk was like an African. Their skin had a shadowy-blue color, with the addition of black hairy arms. Yorn King. Shortridge (1934), quoting Flower, says such a hybrid survived several years in the Paris Botanic Gardens. × Equus hemionus [Kulan | Mongolian Wild Ass | Dziggetai] CHR. Horse-Face - A horse-headed guardian or type of guardian of the Underworld in Chinese mythology. Many people assume that elephants that are in the wild only live in the grasslands. HPF(♀♀). 1963. Riley (1911) states that the average gestation time for production of Grevy’s zebra-ass hybrids in an ass dam is 387 days. Also see: Equus asinus × Ovis aries and Equus caballus × Capra hircus Elephant Photoshop Animals Animales Animaux Elephants Animal Dieren. Penzhorn (1985) reported a natural hybrid produced by a mating feral jackass and an E. zebra mare. If you work with people, you have seen the Elephant in the Room, the unresolved issues that kept growing until they became unmanageable. The report stated that “Her skin on the neck and sides is thin and tender like a horse’s, but on the hips and flanks is tough and coarse like an elephant’s. [Camel] See the separate article "Camel × Horse." × Equus hemionus (♂) [Kulan | Mongolian Wild Ass | Dziggetai] CHR. The animal, which is two years and ten months old, was bred on the Wild Horse Plains. × Equus onager (↔) [Onager] CHR. Hybrid Ox Mating With Buffalo Animals. HORSE MATING 2017. A backcross of the same type was indistinguishable in appearance from E. caballus (with the exception of a prominent dorsal stripe). × Equus quagga [Quagga] See: Equus africanus × E. burchelli. × Equus kiang [Kiang] A male hybrid was born in the London Zoological Gardens on Sept. 27, 1920. HPF(♀♀). They have no dewlap. King (1965, Fig. × Capra hircus [Domestic Goat] The early medical journal Miscellanea Curiosa (1677, vol. Illustration of exotic, black, ocean - 65246146 ... Quagga. See also: Equus asinus; E. burchelli; E. caballus. Benirschke 1977; Grubb 1981 (p. 6); International Zoo Yearbook 1990 (p. 469); Keast 1965; Ryder et al. However, as a matter solely of speculation, the appearance of a wildebeest (Connochaetes sp.) For actual hybridization in zoology, see Hybrid (biology)#In different taxa. Learn Colors With Animal - Learn Animals Names for Children - Elephant Fun Play Feeding Zoo Animals Panda, Dinosaur, Gorilla. A zorse hybrid is possible when mating includes a male zebra and a mare (female horse). See also: Equus asinus; E. burchelli and the separate article about cow-horse hybrids. Both male and female hybrids have been reported. Mere deformity might just as well account for the phenotype in question. Animal Mating addo elephant Animal Breeding Animal Mating Animals Mate bush sex dogs waking elephant sex elephants mating ... 13016. horse mating. The hypothesis can be tested both by genetic testing and by observing whether E. africanus populations become more grevyi-like as the range of E. grevyi is approached, which would strongly suggest the existence a hybrid zone. 1966; Kingdon 1979 (pp. DRS. Antonius 1944b, 1951a; Breen and Gill 1991; Crew and Smith 1930; Churcher 1993; Gray 1972; King 1967; King et al. Moreover, it is suspected that captive stocks of so-called "E. ferus" are actually composed primarily of animals that are, at least in some degree, domestic horse hybrids. They served Dr. M as his flashlight guards and main security force, guarding his fortress on the island. Wilson and Reeder (2005) state that "Equus wardi Ridgeway, 1910 is a hybrid between E. burchelli and E. 1964; Brown and Jenkins 1987; Chang et al. Hybrid Animal. This is the reason why teams don’t work efficiently, people seem disengaged, managers are overwhelmed and organizations don’t know how to adapt to the ever-changing environment. seems to correspond with what might be expected from this cross.

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