answer choices . Write down what you think the message of the cartoon is: Defender of democratic ideals and institutions around the world to which all peoples deserve access. Gained by Seward, gov wanted control of Pacific Islands to use for refueling and repair stations for naval vessels. Study Imperialism Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet Imperialism Study Guide. Give examples from cartoons. Imperialism Cartoon . Explain how you arrived at this conclusion. If a country does not accept all laws and the flag, they are not following American ideals. You need to analyze five cartoons on your own. 30 seconds . This worksheet helps students analyze any cartoon about U.S. imperialism, especially the many cartoons that were produced leading up to, during, and after the Spanish-American War and the Philippine-American War at the turn of the twentieth century. What policy was used to justify U.S. actions with Mexico? Keith's United Fruit Company exported 50 million bunches of bananas a year to the U.S.. played a role in the gov and economics in Costa Rica, Guatemala and Honduras, began calling Central Americans B.R.'s. 3 reasons why the U.S. pursued imperialism. A country cannot accept some laws and disregard others, that does not follow the flag and the constitution which makes up the American government. Oh no! 1. American imperialism & wars: full of impactful political cartoons, significant Presidential speeches, and plenty of controversy! Cost, feared different races, "liberty for all", constitution must follow the flag. Directions: Analyze the political cartoons by filling out the graphic organizer below. Establishing a US presence in the Philippines will open new commercial opportunities in Asia, particularly in the vast markets of China, Annexing the Philippines will block other countries from seizing the islands and converting them into a base that may threaten US interests, Introducing American concepts of democracy and liberty to the Filipinos will eventually transform them into reliable allies, Controlling the entire Philippine archipelago will ensure the security of Manila harbor and provide the US with a strategic naval base for asserting our interests in East Asia, In American hands, the Philippines will learn to tap its natural resources and quickly emerge as a major exporter of sugar, cotton, tobacco and other natural crops, Establishing overseas colonies will be a drain on our government and offer few economic or military advantages in return, Bringing nearly ten million Filipinos under US control will aggravate our country's racial problems and undercut the position of American workers by opening up a new source of cheap labor, Pursuing an imperialist policy will require a drastic increase in the size of the US Army and Navy and rise to a new set of anti-democratic, militaristic values, Protecting overseas empire will entangle the US in alliances with other imperial powers and eventually draw us into war, Annexing territory for the purpose of colonialism rather than statehood will corrupt our political system by creating by creating a new class of subjects denied the benefits of citizenship. Economic interests. Unformatted text preview: Timothy Bright Name: _____ Period: _____ Primary Sources - Political Cartoons Imperialism & Anti-Imperialism “A Lesson for Anti-Expansionists” Showing how Uncle Sam had been an expansionist first, last, and all the time Victor Gillam, Judge, 1899. 2. WH 7.3 Analyze economic and political rivalries, ethnic and regional conflicts, and nationalism and imperialism as underlying causes of war. This term is used generally to connote those who resisted or disapproved of American colonialist impulses at various moments and especially those who opposed U.S. colonial expansion after the Spanish-American War.Although a number of anti-imperialists had first opposed the acquisition of island territories during the … In order to unpack the symbolism and meaning of each illustration I will compare the depiction of the shared cenral figure, Uncle Sam. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (32) imperialism. Many had ties to the old antislavery movement. Their goal was to combat the "large policy," empire, and colonialism. What are the arguments used by the anti-imperialists against U.S. expansion? a policy used by strong countries to gain social, political and economic control over weaker countries. Moral and Political, Racial, Economic. View the edited "Imperialism: Crash Course World History #35" episode below (hosted by PlayPosit) to learn more about the social, economic, & political causes of imperialism.Be sure to answer the questions and read their feedback in order to give yourself a better understanding of how well you understand the Explain who and/or what is being represented in the cartoon: The national symbol of the U.S. is the _____. Political & Military Motives •Steam powered merchant & naval ships needed bases around world to take on coal & ... French political cartoon from the late 1890s: nations “Carving China into spheres of Influence. Overproduction of food and goods put economy into depressions, Workers convinced leaders that U.S. must secure new markets abroad, Leaders agreed problems will be solved by expanding markets. ANTI-IMPERIALISTS. Information about the cartoons In each SET of cartoons: • #1 = Pro-Imperialism point of view—Judge and Puck Magazines • #2 = Anti-Imperialism point of view—Life and The World Timeline of Philippine War the policy of stronger nations asserting their economic, political, and/or military control over wearer territories. Find Free Themes and plugins.Unformatted text preview: Timothy Bright Name: _____ Period: _____ Primary Sources - Political Cartoons Imperialism & Anti-Imperialism “A Lesson for Anti-Expansionists” Showing how Uncle Sam had been an expansionist first, last, and all the time Victor Gillam, Judge, 1899.1. Who is the man in this cartoon? 1. answer choices . See more ideas about political cartoons, cartoon, american imperialism. The U.S. wanted new markets, we wanted to keep up with Europe since they were takeing over other countries as well, and to recieve raw materials from other countries. ... Analyze the key box. According to the anti-imperialists, what role should the U.S. play in … Increasing Immigration. Anti-Imperialist Protecting overseas empire will entangle the US in alliances with other imperial powers and eventually draw us into war Annexing territory for the purpose of colonialism rather than statehood will corrupt our political system by creating by creating a new class of subjects denied the benefits of citizenship Why did American business leaders favor expansion? CARtoons And ConquEst GALLERY 7 14 OUR BUSY OLD WOMEN Keppler & Schwarzmann Puck, March 22, 1899 The Anti-Imperialists in Congress and the press were mocked as old women by the pro-imperialists. 4. Here the anti-imperialists attempt to pull down a proud statue of President McKinley and the U.S. Army and Navy. V. I. Lenin called the Anti’s the "last of the Mohicans of bourgeois democracy" – which is true enough. For the most part, the Anti-Imperialists were classical liberals who espoused free markets and free trade. 2.) The cartoon _____ US imperialism. What interest did the U.S. have in the Pacific region? SURVEY . This is a five page work sheet I created to be used with The Gateway to U.S History for Florida's EOC Test book. List the imperialist countries that have territory in Asia. Want create site? The Civil Rights Era. The above political cartoon, drawn in 1898 by an unidentified cartoonist, satirizes the casualty of American imperialism. 3. Cost, feared different races, "liberty for all", constitution must follow the flag. Why did the U.S. annex the Midway Islands? Political Cartoon Answer Key ... ANTI IMPERIALISM CARTOON STATES AND VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATE THAT MOST CLOSELY MATCHES THE MAJORITY OF THAT STATES POLITICAL BELIEFS AND AN ANSWER KEY''Political Cartoon Answer Key iakyol de ... Quizlet Provides Political Cartoon Activities Flashcards And Games Start Learning Today For Free' 'Cartoon 2 … political causes of imperialism. Explain "The Constitution must follow the Flag"? Political Cartoon #1: Title the cartoon: _____ 1.) WH 7.4 Explain how social and economic conditions of colonial rule contributed to the rise of nationalistic movements. Japan and China to open trade, Pacific islands for repair and refueling of naval vessels, Hawaii for sugar, Latin America. Start studying Imperialism Political Cartoons. Imperialism Political Cartoon Analysis ChartPolitical Cartoon Title Identify the: Identify the: Explain the content & the Identify the Issues the Time Period/Place/ author’s purpose political cartoon addresses“The Light of the World” Audience Symbols w/meaning, Christianity – with her cross uplifted is Christianity leads the way for 1899, U.S. continent, American people … a policy used by strong countries to gain social, political and economic control over weaker countries. Tags: Question 5 . There are clues below if you need help. What do you see hanging on the background of the room? Democrats should accept McCarthyism. World History: Political Cartoons on Imperialism. What impact did the Monroe Doctrine and Social Darwinism have on America's foreign policy? ... Age of American Imperialism. Q. Foreign Affairs from Imperialism to Post WWI: 1 . This picture shows Cecil Rhodes conquering Africa. Dec 18, 2020 - Explore John Doles's board "Imperialism Political Cartoons" on Pinterest. At the time, McKinley was President, and although he wasn't strongly in support of imperialism, he often found himself pressured by the rest of the nation (mainly by businessmen and journalists) to take action that would lead to the … political causes of imperialism. Start studying History Final - Anti-Imperialism. Describe the people seen in the cartoon below. "The constitution must follow the flag", flag & laws together. With such an intense topic, students have so much room to grow in understanding what motivates countries (especially the U.S.) to … Study Imperialism Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet Imperialism Study Guide. What connection did America have with the banana republics? To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. What are the major factors that contributed to the shift in American foreign policy from isolation toward imperialism? It covers pages 143 – 155 and deals with: - The Spanish American War - Ybor City - Jose Marti - Yellow Journalism - Joseph Pulitzer - Randolph Hearst - The De Lome Letter - The Sinking of The U.S.S Maine - President McKinley - The “Rough Riders" - Imperialism - anti-imperialism … Use the following political cartoons to answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper. Remember to also answer the questions below. American Imperialism Political Cartoon Analysis Questions . Prominent members of the League i… Name: _____ Period: _____ Primary Sources - Political Cartoons Imperialism & Anti-Imperialism Uncle Sam represents the U.S. in both cartoons, but with different objectives. Which of the following is the … Economic, Nationalism/Political, Military, Social/Humanitarian, Geography. What is the message of this political cartoon? Use this presentation with political cartoons.. Make sure you pay attention to the label (set letter and cartoon number) and add it into the first column. Imperialism Study Guide Answers study guide, about imperialism. Uncle Sam's pants have stripes saying "Texas," "Louisiana Purchase," "Alaska," and "Hawaii." So, how do political cartoons from the era of US imperialism in the Gilded Age show positive and negative views of expansionism? imperialism = American expansion = taking control or having a lot of control in other countries. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Imperialism Study Guide Answers study guide, about imperialism. Which of the following Presidents advised the U.S. to "steer clear of permanent alliances" with other countries? Based upon the message of this cartoonist, is this cartoonist in favor or opposed to U.S. imperialism? In response to the bloody counterinsurgency in the Philippines, critics founded the American Anti-Imperialist League. What inference can be made from this cartoon? According to the anti-imperialists, what role should the U.S. play in world affairs? ANTI-IMPERIALISTS. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. This cartoon shows Africa being taken over and the reason why this leader wants to gain Africa is because of the gold fields that Africa had to offer. It looks like your browser needs an update. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (32) imperialism. WH 7.1 Evaluate key turning points of the modern era in terms of their lasting impact. Spanish Spanish-American War is critical of. ", In 1866 sent 50,000 troops to Mexican border after an attempt from France to place a emperor on the Mexican throne; purchase of Alaska to put pressure on Britain, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History(book), argued nation's economic future hinged on gaining new markets abroad, historian, worried closing frontier would sap nation's energy, argued quest for an empire might restore the country's pioneer spirit, believed civilizations produced by Anglo-Saxon and teutonic (Germanic) peoples were superior to societies they conquered, believed social darwinism, Economic Factor: Manufacturing nations need more natural resources & markets. Monroe Doctrine: It declared that the United States had an interest in the Western Hemisphere and that European powers must not meddle in the affairs of any developing nations there. stronger nations attempt to create empires by dominating weaker nations- economically, politically, culturally or militarily, to join a new territory to an existing country, main principle of foreign policy in the U.S., declared itself neutral in European wars, warned other nations not to interfere in Western Hemisphere, from 1830-1850 held belief to justify U.S. policy towards Mexico; used as justification to expand, called for construction of more battleships, gun boats, torpedo boats, cruisers, sent by Roosevelt in 1907, the fleet was to cruise around the world to demonstrate the nation's impressive naval power to other nations, 1796 cautioned the nation to stay out of world (European) affairs and not get involved in their wars, "It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world. In which John Green teaches you about European Imperialism in the 19th century. ... Q. Analysis Worksheet: U.S. Moral and Political, Racial, Economic. Estimate duration of lesson: 7 class periods (42 minutes each) 4. Anti-imperialism cartoon There are a wealth of cartoons on the subject of imperialism, both in favor and against. Common images in favor depict the conquered as children who need guidance from a wise parent nation. Manifest Destiny. Who is the main character of this cartoon? "Cecil Rhodes stands astride the whole of Africa" The cartoon is showing how in imperialism you extend rule over a nation. In this cartoon, a group of anti-imperialists are holding bottles of medicine labeled "Anti-Expansion Policy."

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