The book says that HIO3 is a stronger acid than HIO because it has more oxygen atoms, but I don't understand why having more oxygen atoms make an acid stronger. Relevance. Of the following, which is the strongest acid? Re: HIO vs HIO3 Acid Strength. Therefore, the "H"-"Cl" bond is weakened more from more uneven sharing of electrons, and weaker bond = stronger acidity. HIO4 B. HIO3 C. HIO2 D. HIO E. The Acid Strength Of All Of The Above Is The Same Please Explain How To Know If One Is Stronger Than The Other. Top. Neither HClO4 or HCO3 is the weakest. for example HI is more acidic than HCL According to Berkeley Review the answer is B, which would mean I is less acidic than Cl HIO2. HIO4 will be the strongest acid from this list (and HIO will be the weakest) The number of doubly-bonded oxygen atoms in an acid has a major effect on the acid strength. HClO2 is a stronger acid than HBrO2 because the O--H bond is the one that is being broken, and the resulting ClO2- is more stable due to Cl's higher electronegativity. HIO3. Also there are more number electronegative oxygen atoms in case … A. HIO4. However HBr is a stronger acid than HCl. CB. However I always that acidity increases as you move to the RIGHT and DOWN. Answer Save. Cl, Br, I - all belong to the same group As one goes down the group, the atomic size increases and electronegativity decreases. Does it have to do with electronegativity? A. HCLO2 B. HIO2 C. HCLO3 D. HIO3 BOTH C & D are out because more Oxygen = more acidic. Joanna Su 2L Posts: 35 Joined: Fri Sep 25, 2015 10:00 am. Favorite Answer. 0 5. Lv 7. C. HIO2. $\ce{HClO4}$ is stronger acid due to the formation of more stable conjugate base. Bases: Bases are easy. Acidity can be measured as the easy of releasing a proton(H+) unit. 1 decade ago. Peter van Bugisi. Both of these acids, chloric acid ([math]\text{HClO}_3[/math]), and chlorous acid ([math]\text{HClO}_2[/math]) are a type of acid called the oxyacids, characterized by having oxygen in them. (The rule is that if the element is the same in the oxoacid, the more oxygens present, the stronger the acid). In direct contrast with "HCl" vs. "HBr", "HClO" is a stronger acid than "HBrO", because "Cl" is more electronegative, which dominates over the size difference between "Cl" and "Br" due to the presence of the oxygen. D. HIO. 1 decade ago. See the answer. Electronegativity is the ability of … This is because Bromine (Br) is a bigger atom and will form a longer and more weaker bond with hydrogen than Chlorine will with Hydrogen. For different atoms with the same number of oxygens, the more electronegative atom will make the stronger acid: HIO2 < HBrO2 < HClO2 ... Now, the strong acids are a small group: HNO3, H2SO4, HClO4, HCl, HBr & HI are the typical group given to First year students. 3 Answers. HIO4 even stronger than H2SO4. Click hereto get an answer to your question ️ Arrange HClO3, HBrO3 and HIO3 in the order of acidic strength. The other part of the reasoning is that the stronger electronegativity makes the conjugate base weaker because the halogen atom pulls the electrons more towards itself, thereby making them less accessible to the protons in solution to bind onto. E. The acid strength of all of the above is the same Lv 4. This problem has been solved! Comparing HClo3 and HBrO3 there are 3 oxygen atoms bound to the central halogen in each case causing a shift of electrons from the halogens to the oxygen. B. HIO3.

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