You can successfully grow your law practice by implementing SEO on your website and making it mobile-friendly, make social media promotion efforts, and much more. It’s not necessarily legal advice, and I won’t bill for it. The industry continues to grow along with the demand for legal practitioners. Could someone else adequately complete this task? For many firms, the challenges that hinder growth—like struggling to acquire new clients, competing with other firms, and having no time to focus on the business side of things—can become so overwhelming that law firm growth becomes stagnant. “… sometimes I’d call my clients, and ask ‘How’s business? And I instituted that into my firm almost immediately, within a few months.”. READ NEXT. Letting go can be tough, but you won’t be able to grow your practice alone. Information and Strategies to Promote your Law Firm Essential Guide to Law Firm Marketing. to 14 attorneys and increased annual revenue by at least 40% every year for nearly a decade—one of the keys to sustainable growth was to proactively hire employees as the firm gained new clients. Make Sure You’re Easy to Reach. Do you have any people you can refer me?’ And it’d surprise you. Here’s a five-step guide to help you get started. “I think if you get in a position where you’re so stressed and you’ve got too much work on your plate and you’re at the point where you have to add someone, you’re just adding something else to your to-do list that you don’t have time to do,” Kevin says. Increase the visibility of your law firm online. “At the end of the day, I mean that’s what the firm is,” he says. It can also mean finding ways to operate leaner—to reduce spending or increase investments in certain areas. This way, your clients will be there for you when you need it. For example, a receptionist can help with scheduling, fielding phone calls, returning phone calls, and so much more. Stay in touch with your clients. Every client has my cell phone number. 5. In the last decade a number of technology solutions for legal professionals have entered the market to lighten the load. Jan 27, 2021. He regularly represents debtors, trustees, official committees, secured creditors, and other parties in matters involving hospitality, lending, high tech, gaming, airlines, and real estate, among others. When Abraham was starting out, he didn’t let his freshness scare him away from potential business. Figuring out the balance between managing a law practice with the administrative demands of the business of law is challenging. Being proactive, delegating to the right people and technologies, and—above all—having a plan will be key to growing your law firm. In doing so, it attracts clients embroiled in such matters. Start by defining a clear “growth” goal, then work on getting over the psychological hurdle of delegating work and using technology to help get the job done. Growing your law firm in 2021 involves taking the right approach to business development, scaling client intake, optimizing marketing efforts, minimizing lead loss, and integrating new technologies. Similarly, for Kevin Vela of Vela Wood P.C.—a. like Ruby can handle the work of answering client calls so nothing gets missed. We surveyed over a thousand lawyers and legal clients - and reviewed case volumes from tens of thousands of law firms - to discover tips for adapting to COVID-19. , legal process outsourcing is a way to delegate tasks (like document review, scanning, and non-substantive court appearances) outside of your staff—whether to other experts. 1. In other words, times are tough. Read our 10 essential tips to help your law firm profits grow. Have a client-centered law firm website. Beyond these human capital technology substitutes, special-purpose legal software such as Clio, MyCase, Rocket Matter, and other practice management systems help lawyers organize calendars, deadlines, tasks, time keeping, and billing. The question “how to grow a law firm” is a common one, and it’s no wonder—running a law firm is tough, and growing a law firm is even tougher, especially today. If you want your practice to grow, you need more clients. need to be done by you. Your clients like honesty. he says, adding that clients need him to be responsive to alleviate their anxiety about their legal matter. Optimizing your law firm website for local search engine optimization (SEO) can yield big traffic growth. Don’t be afraid to hire or outsource staff, and take advantage of tech to automate where you can. Ensure that tangible elements of your brand (like your firm logo, colors, etc) are consistent. Give out your cell phone number. If you want to learn how to market your law firm, learn how to … in August—compared to firms who hadn’t adopted these technologies. Always Be Reachable. Share on. , and consider these tips for marketing to facilitate growth: Your law firm needs a clear identity to successfully market it. I heard there was an issue with tariffs,’” Abraham recalls. How to Grow a Law Firm in 2021—4 Top Tips. I really do,” he says, adding that clients need him to be responsive to alleviate their anxiety about their legal matter. Find More Tips for Your Law Firm . Growth can be intimidating and mean a lot of different things to legal professionals who’ve just hung out their shingle. Start by reviewing. It will take time and a significant amount of effort to grow your legal firm, but following the advice above will get you off to the right start. Are you doing everything you can to empower your team? The good news is that with today’s technology, there are several ways to make yourself available. FTEs must be paid even when business is slow, and if they bring any drama to the office, that can be a huge distraction. Before hiring a full-time employee (FTE) in a traditional brick-and-mortar office, consider if the work can be outsourced to a third-party services contractor. Growing Your Practice - Start Here, Start Now. Don’t be afraid to build a team that can support the business, even as the business is growing. How to Turn a Small Local Law Firm Into a National Giant. , for example, helps streamline routine payments data entry (such as recording legal credit card payments, marking bills as paid, and modifying account balances). Then, I kind of adapted that letter that the attorney sent. Letting go can be tough, but you won’t be able to grow your practice alone. But after months and months of research and study, I became competent in the area. Now that you have some ideas on how to grow your law firm, you might be on the search for additional law firm tips. Attend this AMA to know what it takes to build a law firm. Showcase strong branding for your practice. How much will it cost for me to complete the task? Other examples include Ruby Receptionist,, Abby Connect, and PATLive. Getting more clients, growing your law firm, and becoming a success story takes work, strategy, and possibly a shift in perspective—but the results will be worth it. Grow Your Law Firm by Playing to Your Strengths You have unique strengths as a small firm. However, law firm owners can overcome some of these challenges by setting clear goals. Optimizing your law firm website for local search engine optimization (SEO) can yield big traffic growth. As a law firm, this is a good strategy to imbibe to reach many people concerning your firm. While there have been efforts to move toward possible solutions, too many of them remain fixed on what is known as “the status quo barrier,” better known as analysis paralysis. For example, if you really hate typing and it’s becoming a huge, time-consuming task, there are a number of services that provide simple typing and word processing such as Legal Typist. A lot of lawyers hate that. Get answers to all your questions to grow a small law firm. Advancing your practice can be difficult in the competitive legal market. 2020 is gone, and it left enough change in its wake that the legal field is evaluating what the future looks like for law firms. And that end goal is growing the business, and providing quality, legal representation to my clientele.”. In this blog, we consider how to optimize your online presence to grow your law firm. With the right strategies, you can set up a system to attract potential clients to your firm online—and, ultimately, convert those potential clients into new clients. Without a doubt, one of the best ways to grow your law firm is to build out your blog to make your law firm become an authority within its niche. Every individual employee is critical to the success of the firm. 1. Leverage strong SEO to show up in searches. Much of law firm growth boils down to strategic delegation, so start by coming up with a system to facilitate growth and prioritize marketing to bring in new clients. And, you may not want to pay for an in-house paralegal right now to do the work. PR professionals understand how to build your brand successfully. The Practical Minimum to Start a Law Firm Money in the Bank In addition to the money it will take to get your business off the ground (we’ll cover those next), you’ll need to keep yourself housed and fed. Invest in Ads “And he would start expressing, or she would start expressing, all the pain about getting hit with this 20% tariff, they don’t know what to do. Nurture your client relationships, and be proactive and responsive. “I looked into this area of law and I saw it was exploding in New York: there were about 40 cases a week filed. When you hire a paralegal, your law firm can benefit in so many ways. All these positions can perform more than one task and can work as virtual employees instead of residing in an office workspace (lowering the cost even further). And it makes it easy because you can print out reports,” he says. As a solopreneur or small law firm, growth starts with setting a clearly defined goal on what you want to achieve. These tips on how to grow your law firm are definitely the cornerstone of the process. With this type of technology, competence and sophistication typically scales with cost. Here’s a five-step guide to help you get started. For law firms that want to grow from small to midsize, having a solid team is critical to making the transition. Assess your work tasks, and challenge whether you’re the one who should be doing them. When focusing on how to grow a law firm, it’s important to be attuned to your clients’ needs and new opportunities—and adapt accordingly. You can even use the voice dictate function on a smartphone. So technology kind of takes that element out of it.”. There has never been a better time to grow your law firm than today, given all the available resources at your fingertips and advances in legal technology. Getting the bills out the door only takes about a week of work a month, so the rest of the time she juggles the phones. I really do,”. Being responsive is important to Abraham: “I have anxiety if I don’t return a client’s phone call within 24 hours. , a test emailing 1,000 law firms to check their responsiveness came back with dismal results: 60% of law firms didn’t respond at all. We published this blog post in December 2020. But to try to predict what somebody else may think about me or my practice, or how I got to this place, not something I even waste time or mind power on, because it’s distracting, and it could be very negative.”. October 13-16, 2020. You’ll also need a system to draw people to your website. An experienced freelance professional writer and editor, she's passionate about creating articles that are intriguing, useful, and well-researched. However, all of them are interdependent and need a consistent approach. Find out how to effectively find a paralegal for your firm. Are there any ethical issues with delegating this task? Find out how an attorney non-engagement letter can help you provide a client-centered experience. An effective website makes it easier for clients to find you and connect with you online—giving them a more client-centered experience from the start—as you can see with. The world’s best legal conference—gone virtual. Four Ways to Grow Your Law Firm. If so, you’re in the right place. 2022 Sports Car: The Mazda RX-9. Good support, infrastructure, and management can establish your practice on a growth trajectory. Make them family. For those of us who want to grow our firms, it’s an even greater challenge. The legal field is competitive, and we’re all searching for ways to be more productive and profitable. You'll also receive useful weekly updates by email. Small law firms, like any small business, need to make the most of their resources. When thinking about how to grow a law firm, it’s important to be responsive to clients and potential clients. Sharon Miki writes about legal technology and the business of law for Clio. Online marketplaces such as LAWCLERK allow you to find the right individual or “team” of individuals by filtering on practice area, location, or experience. “The way I systemize my practice is almost like a workflow operation, in which I’m responsible for intake strategy,” he explains. No one expects you to be a one-person growth machine. “Especially in the first couple of years of building the practice, no matter what anybody wants to say about optimizing, or balance, work-life balance—that’s all-important, but that doesn’t come until you’ve built a base and built a foundation.”. No surprise, how many courses were ever offered to you in law school or by your bar association about the BUSINESS of how to manage a law firm (rhetorical … Find a marketing system that fits your firm. But you probably never learned what it IS that the best managing partners actually DO for the multi-million-dollar law firms they work for. Delegating could free up significant time, and lead to opportunities for growth. Over this past year, we’ve seen reduced billing, pay cuts, and unparalleled labor loss. Hiring an office manager or marketing manager might also make sense. There are several things you can do to grow your law firm. If you want your practice to grow, you need more clients. Below are a handful of suggestions to think about on the journey to growth. According to the newly released Thomson Reuters 2019 State of U.S. Small Law Firms report, the majority of respondents expressed at least moderate concern about spending too much time on administrative tasks, controlling costs, keeping abreast of new technology, lack of internal efficiency, and increasing competition. Plus, all too often they can leave you in the position of having to re-hire and re-train. “I do a lot of cold calling myself, especially when I’m feeling like I’m a little slow,” he explains. Learn more about how to develop a reliable lead generation process. I’m slow this month. The growth of a law firm can mean increased investment, reduced costs, more clients, or a few clients with long-term projects. For as low as $8 per month, test the waters with a virtual robot called that works directly with the party or parties on the other end to schedule meetings. “… I don’t even waste time thinking about what other competitors may think I’m doing right or doing wrong,” Abraham says. These folks would help with writing press releases, looking for placement of articles, arranging speaking opportunities, etc. Boosting law firm profitability has never been more important. As outlined in the 2019 Legal Trends Report, a test emailing 1,000 law firms to check their responsiveness came back with dismal results: 60% of law firms didn’t respond at all. We published this blog post in December 2020. I took on that case, I figured out how to really practice in this area … it’s a very complicated area. An effective PR campaign from a reputable agency will help get your name into influential publications, as well as speaker bookings, and more. You know that the most successful big law firms all have a dedicated CEO. Abraham’s full story is a great place to start. Here’s what you need to know. The receptionist at our law firm is actually also our billing manager. That natural marketing mindset has helped Abraham establish his reputation and acquire the business he needs to help his law firm grow. Loading ... Clear systems are the answer. Firms who use tech grow faster: According to the, firms using online credit card payments, client portals, and client intake solutions together consistently earned over 20% more revenue per lawyer each month—and as much as. It may take a while for your business to be in a … Instead, he called more experienced attorneys and asked for their opinions. “It takes time, effort, blood. He has an active legal practice that is focused on assisting companies with financial restructuring and business reorganization. This requires putting on the hat of a business owner and thinking about what’s best for the firm. “Once the client comes in, I bring in the client business development, sign them up, and I give them to one of my associates, who is in charge of distributing the work around the office.”. “It’s people. Developing your offline network still matters. The demand for legal services is considerable and growing. “I’ll pick up the phones, start calling businesses, introducing myself, explaining what I do, and hope to score a consultation or a meeting. Being the head of a law firm requires constantly making choices about how to prioritize and manage your time. You can also read about law firm growth stars like Shuaib Ahmed, who used tech to cut overhead and grow his revenues 1400% within his first year of operations. One effective way of reaching a large number of people is email marketing. Other tools include automated payments and accounts-receivable software, automated time keeping, and automated forms services such as Lawmatics or Zapier. Hiring full-time associates isn’t the only way to support your growing business. He is also a founding member of Garman Turner Gordon LLP and has been consistently rated one of the top bankruptcy and business restructuring attorneys in the country. Instantly download this blog article as a PDF You'll also receive useful weekly updates by email. These people search across the attorney website, search engines, online reviews, a lawyer directory, lawyer blogs and content, and advertisements. Without the right people to depend on, growing a law firm is an uphill battle. Find out which Clio events and CLE webinars are coming up next. Scaling your law firm. “It’s essential,” Abraham says. automates and simplifies your firm’s client intake process with tools like easy online scheduling, online intake forms, and e-signatures. “Call lawyers, get some mentors, try to understand, research online.”, A strong culture, filled with people that you trust, is essential for law firm growth. Note that core team members comprise individuals who have specialized expertise and knowledge in sales, management and process development, and customer service. All offer a range of pricing plans and capabilities. An exclusive AMA with Law Expert, Stepahine who will share tips, tricks and strategies to grow your law form, manifold. Chances are, you’re doing work that doesn’t. You can also read about law firm growth stars like Shuaib Ahmed, who, used tech to cut overhead and grow his revenues 1400%, within his first year of operations. Being responsive is important to Abraham: “I have anxiety if I don’t return a client’s phone call within 24 hours. If you wait to hire until you’re overloaded with clients and desperate for help, it could be too late, and be counter-productive to your law firm’s growth. For Abraham, it’s simple: “just really care about your client. Similarly, for Kevin Vela of Vela Wood P.C.—a firm that he grew to 14 attorneys and increased annual revenue by at least 40% every year for nearly a decade—one of the keys to sustainable growth was to proactively hire employees as the firm gained new clients. Could someone else complete this task faster than me? For those small law firm owners and solopreneurs who need more than a virtual receptionist but aren’t yet ready to hire a part-time or full-time employee, a virtual assistant might be the way to go. At some point, all firms were small law firms just starting out. Growth may mean more clients or fewer clients with bigger projects. Those law firms that are run as businesses will be able to better help their clients and … You can further strengthen your brand with these tips. Once you’ve decided where you want your firm to be in five years, put your team to work. There has never been a better time to grow your law firm than today, given all the available resources at your fingertips and advances in legal technology. Empathy helps your firm stand out and grow. If you’re thinking about how to grow a law firm and need extra encouragement, there are plenty of success stories to inspire you. Being willing to reach out, help (even, sometimes, for free), and nurture that relationship can be an investment in future firm growth. The shift started when his father told him about a friend who was being sued under the Fair Labor Standards Act and showed him the letter that his friend received from a lawyer advertising his services. Call 1-888-858-2546 or email [email protected]. As. Being proactive, delegating to the right people and technologies, and—above all—having a plan will be key to growing your law firm. Your network is not limited to your online network, meaning the follower count captured on a social media platform, or the number of regular visitors your website receives. There are several things that you can do to grow your law firm. If this sounds like your firm, you’re not alone. “Once you have the system in place, then it’s about acquiring new clients and hiring new associates to fulfill the needs of overwork, or being overworked,” Abraham says. And, when it comes to law firm growth, Abraham has made sacrifices—but it has been worth the effort. How to Grow Your Law Firm: Work with a PR Agency Using public relations (PR) is a great way to grow your law firm business. Last updated: December 9, 2020. “The marketing campaigns that I’ve had until now consisted of sending out direct mailers, word of mouth, and telling everybody I see that I’m a lawyer, and what I do,” he explains. And I help talk them through the business decision that they’re making. Many solos or new law firm owners struggle with knowing when to hire their next employee. Not all delegation means hiring people—you can leverage technology to help you automate or streamline repetitive tasks. Core team members are individuals who have specialized knowledge in sales, customer service, management and process/systems development. Whether you want to drive revenue growth, meet growing demand, or simply afford to hire support to better manage our new reality, we’ll walk you through advice for growing a law firm. Ask Techie: Can They Really Steal My Credit Card Info from Long Distance? Running a successful law firm in a competitive marketplace where virtually everyone wants to be profitable can be challenging. Think about it. Here are some questions to get you started: Your law firm needs to run efficiently to avoid wasted time and resources, and to create a positive environment for clients and staff. Below are a few more of Abraham’s tried and true tips for growing his practice: Never underestimate the power of being friendly and putting yourself on people’s radar. It is a gap in that billable time, because I just want that relationship to be more friendly.”, “But on the flip side, if any issue ever arises in that client’s business, the first attorney he’s calling is me. For example, this law firm specializes in accident and wrongful death law. 5 Ways to Grow Your Law Firm. And I’m not looked at as the labor attorney, or the real estate attorney, but rather as their attorney.”. When thinking about how to grow a law firm, it’s important to be responsive to clients and potential clients. Growing a law firm might seem like a daunting task, but with a little foresight and a lot of confidence and grit, it can be done. © 2008 - 2021 Themis Solutions Inc. (Clio) |, Whether you want to drive revenue growth, meet growing demand, or simply afford to hire support to better manage our new reality, we’ll walk you through advice for growing a law firm. Taking on the task of growing a law firm is no small feat, so have confidence in yourself and stay focused on your firm—and don’t worry about what your competitors think. It’s important that you’re there for your clients when they need you. Have other ideas, feedback, or … Once you’ve defined a growth metric, the next step is to determine which strategy or strategies will move you closer to that target without adding too much overhead. Running a legal practice requires putting on the hat of a business owner and thinking about what’s best for your firm instead of thinking you can continue doing everything alone. How to Grow Your Small Law Firm. If not, your social media strategy should be enhanced to help your law firm grow. How To Grow Your Law Firm One Step at a Time #lawyer #law #legal #business #success #bevhillsmag #beverlyhillsmagazine #beverlyhills. is a great place to start. Have questions? By taking these tasks off of your plate, outsourcing can lighten your firm’s workload, so that you and your staff can focus on your priority work. Read an in-depth analysis on the legal industry. Another option to consider is getting a virtual receptionist. Use the best marketing tools on your website to turn it into a lead generating machine. For example: Firms who use tech grow faster: According to the 2020 Legal Trends Report, firms using online credit card payments, client portals, and client intake solutions together consistently earned over 20% more revenue per lawyer each month—and as much as 39% more in August—compared to firms who hadn’t adopted these technologies. A good law firm website should: You’ll also need a system to draw people to your website. 4. And, if you’re shifting quickly into growth mode, a flexible option that many small law firms and solopreneurs are taking advantage of is outsourcing to freelance lawyers or contract attorneys. Technology like Clio also helps Abraham keep his firm running more efficiently, cutting down on time wasters and making processes more seamless. By Margaret Grisdela, Legal Expert Connections, Inc. One of the most important determinants of your success as a lawyer is not taught in law school. This is an excellent way to grow your firm. “If I’m not proactive, I probably wouldn’t have been able to build the practice, to the size I did, in the number of years I did.”, “I would call clients and sometimes I’d ask them, ‘Hey, I’d like a referral. /content/aba-cms-dotorg/en/groups/gpsolo/publications/gpsolo_ereport/2019/september-2019/strategies-grow-your-small-law-firm, Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division.

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