For me the Golden Canes will always be a palm of disdain. The distinguishing characteristics of palm trees are their fronds, trunks, height and growth rates, and their stems. The truth is. Walking under or close to them day in and day out is a sure way to kill your palm tree passion. right now. Where did they come from? Perfect for areas around pools because it doesn't "shed" its leaves... starting at $49.95. Tropicals, in general? Wholesalers these days tend to only grow palms that are easily propagated and quick growing so that a rapid turnover can be made. If you dump lots of water onto the palm tree's roots quickly, it might run off to other areas before it can absorb into the soil, leaving your palm tree roots needing more moisture. I pity anyone with so little a life as to hate a plant. Palm trees are best placed in a location away from homes and sidewalks. $19.99 $ 19. Most were shocked to learn that such plants would survive the winters in San Jose and Santa Cruz. I guess he won't be coming to the next palm society meeting. I'm sure every city is different although there seems to have been a giant push to throw all responsibilites of city sidewalks, parks, etc. He eventually died. Palm trees are perfect for adding a tropical touch to your garden. variety availability? Apparently even Darwin thought palms are ugly:, Axel, Complete Guide Magic: The Gathering EDH Commanders You Will Never Get Tired Of Playing, The Top Linux Distros for Everyday Use for Everyone, Star Trek Is For Liberals, Star Wars Is For Conservatives. I don't know why, all I know is my first interaction with her was her screaming at me a few weeks after I moved in for parking in her spot on the public street. It’s not the palms that need to be checked, I think it is ourselves. I don't concern myself with how much water they need or if they're tough to decompose. The palms are going away and none too soon. Palm trees appreciate slow, deep watering to the roots. Especially the part about southern media. The Chilean palm video from Kew is worth seeing too. maybe show her some of the gardens of our local members that rival what you see out here. VTubers (Virtual YouTubers): Is This The Future Of Entertainment? Nice to see them in Bloom Imagine these mixed with Jacarandas and Hong Kong Orchids in some of the neighborhoods around town.. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Birds can't even nest in them. Believe it or not, if someone trips on such a sidewalk, they can sue the home owner.. a family friend had this happen not too long ago. So our production of palms will be getting lifted again!! I really want to know more. is not the best source for landscaping advice. I LOVE palm trees, whether they are actual trees or not. Exceptions are the California fan palms planted in the Desert Southwest as they are native the Sonoran Desert and the various Palmetto species native and planted in areas of the southeastern US. Id also throw Desert stuff into that personal opinion as well.. Growing palm trees outdoors in northern climates can be challenging due to their frost intolerance but some, like cabbage palm and Chinese fan palms, will survive temperatures to 15 degrees Fahrenheit (-9 C.) when mature.Warm climates get their pick of palm tree choices. Make no mistake, the palms didn’t solve life’s problems nor did they heal other of life’s traumas experienced. In the first place, palm trees fail at the number-one job we plant trees for: SHADE. They are hard to grow in marginal climates as roses are problematical here. A theory about palm-hatred: limited or no exposure to "Palms outside the box"...and a lack to introduce such options by the average joe nurseries.. DoomsDave, you do have a point, huge palms stuffed into tight spaces don't mix well.. With all the choices available, im sure cities could find easily maintained species to fit most street- scapes though. Instead of demonizong palms, learn about them. to enjoy it year round. While you're stressing over the environmental impact of plastic bags to carry your groceries home, city planners in the United States went out and found, out of all the ornamental plants they could choose from. Having spent some time working with natives, I understand the ideal that incorporating them into home landscapes is something everyone should do, if they can. When I quized customers about their dislike of palms the answer was always the same. As if the danger to the environment weren't enough, palm trees are also a more direct threat to humans with those huge, spiky palm fronds. Snow and freezing temps aren’t exactly a palm trees milieu, so what kind of winter protection must you provide for palms? I really resent the City of Santa Cruz' landscape office, even though the town's main revenue comes from beach tourism, the place doesn't have a beach town vibe at all. Tropicals have falled out of favor in the landscape world. If you grow tropicals out of the tropics then you should expect failures but the box store customer or those mislead on success rates will not go back for more failure. I'd like to start out by saying that my neighbour hates us. Most gardeners don't want to have to bring plants in or construct shelters. But the 80's and 90's ushered in the native plant nazi movement, and that has put an end to the tropical gardening era. Many of the good old retail nurseries and have been replace by hardware nurseries!! Well, girl, clutch your pearls - and keep your. Funny thing is, part of me planting palms is to learn to appreciate the rainy, humid side of Santa Cruz County. ... “By golly, that’s a palm tree!” To my tropics-weary eyes, they’ve always just been trees, albeit floppy ones. However, Mexican Fan Palm trees can be buried 4-5 ft deeper than the root ball. Palms have existed for millions of years. I can easily think of many sidewalk areas around both Santa Cruz and San Jose/Los Gatos which would look awesome dressed up in Kentias, Rohpies, stand out Sabal species and perhaps even some Everglades. Plants need to be sold with a realistic assessment/advice of success . Really look underwatered. Everyday, seeing the sun rise and set over those magestic palms brought me joy. Id often recommend researching a list of other suggestions id make to customers instead of steering them towards things like Bradfords or Sycamores (yes, they were on some of the lists). I've got 2 in the backyard, one is pretty big and the other is a runt. "I can't go to AA, I'm the town drunk! And what resource do beaches have a lot of? Many frustrating conversations trying to bring such material into the nurseries I worked at back there. Cat Palm. I've definitely grown to appreciate them more since joining Palmtalk. That takes some determination! Ever since I was a child I thought palm trees were among the most beautiful of nature’s plants. ", Well, here's a little list of citations to wipe that grin off your face…, Sure, you might be saying "But they produce coconuts and dates?" The deciduous trees that are now all the rage for whatever reason are far bigger water hogs than any palms. I disagree that topicals have fallen out of favour in the landscape world. They aren't even fun to climb and offer no limbs to attach a swing or pinata. What's with this guy? There are plenty of climates that are palm free where these people will be plenty happy. But also, it's just dumb. I don't see how comparing Mexican Fan palms with their natural skirt of dead leaves is anymore unsightly than a bunch of dried up for the year natives. I got 9 off the little one. #3 I can’t really buy into palms being foisted on “us.” People like or dislike things for different reasons. or constant spraying, which neighbouts have to endure, all becomes explicable. Palms do not produce in our latitudes anything with economical interest (fruits, oil). So okay, a monculture of any exotic plant, whether a palm are any plant is not a good thing for an urban-suburban environment and true it can be devestating to an ecosystem. But furthermore, palms are held for their symbolism in religious scriptures. It's still kinda funny how people in California worship lutescens, it's really not that great of a palm in our climate. We had to do that. Jacarandas perhaps. Which is charming and all, but the Bible also mentions a "lake of eternal fire" and you wouldn't want that for a feature of your backyard landscaping. As for the offending trees, there is commercial property over the walkway berm on the other side of the trees. Some of our outdoor artificial palm tree are made from either real palm bark, fiber, or natural tree components, while other products such as our coconut palm trees are molded from a casting of a real live palm tree; whichever method, our artificial palm trees are virtually indistinguishable from live palm trees. Flowering cherry trees! I hate palm trees. : same lack of knowledge... and the "it will not survive belief" most people have, at least from my experiences with the general public. Manga or Art? Also, I think I read a while back on one of PT's topics that San Diego was planning on doing away with palms as street trees. Our backyard neighbor had his pear tree just split in two last summer. Palm trees were foisted on us for all the wrong reasons. Well, Chucky D wasn't right about everything. . Palms love it, no yellowing up here on normal years, this is the first year I've seen yellowing on some of my palms, they're not used to dry sunshine in the middle of Winter. more info. I still have one other. And, they’ve survived since the late Cretaceous! Discussion in 'The Daily Grind' started by IMAhybrid, Jun 30, 2008. I'm here to tell you about a vegetable menace that is the AIDS of the plant world. I guess there's a bit of hope for Ms. Allison in Dallas . You can't even decorate them for Christmas without making them look like a giant dildo - we promised the editor we'd only make the comparison once. I can understand the hatred. You've probably heard this cozy story passed around about Catholic missionaries planting palm trees as they settled the American frontier. I hate palm trees in places where snow can fall and last. Wow Axel those were some over the top hateful articles you found. Really gets my goat. A dumb move by the city, imo. City planners and residents in the southern states are quick to protest when municipal landscaping budgets come back with no palm tree provisions. -Nathan-, I've always liked palms, they've reminded me of sunshine. Meanwhile, that protest photo tells the whole story: A barren, parched, post-apocalyptic landscape with no other signs of plant life at all, but there stand the fat, triumphant palm trees, with misguided citizens complaining because they're being replaced with real trees. Leave The Star Wars Holiday Special Alone! Fact 2. Since most of the homes on that street are rented, the incident made me wonder who is responsible when something like that happens. I guess California is Mediterranean, and we don't have the cheap Everglades palm growing grounds that Florida has, not to mention stuff is slow compared to Florida and therefore naturally more expensive. Culture x August 4, 2016. Nope, not native, but a cherry tree is ok in the eye of those types of people. Both are native in the araucaria forests from south Brazil. Several Liquidamber (Sweet Gum) trees lost limbs in a windstorm last summer around the neighborhood my mom was living in. There is a difference between we palm/tropicals nuts and the average gardener. My new 14 hp chipper/mulcher doesn't like them either. the Gathering Sealed Products - A Guide to Strategic Investment in Magic: The Gathering. Well, I don't really hate the palm trees, just trimming them. One of your reasons appears to be "they're phallic". However, I have met many garden maintenance people who hate palms because they don't like picking up the fronds. Hopefully folks in DFW will get that someone who conflates oxygen and CO2, misuses the word 'deciduous', and thinks that fire ants are native to Texas (wtf?) I don't understand why people hate palm trees so much. A palm that's (way) too big is as much of a problem as an oversized oak, redwood, elephant or roommate. I remember a swiss friend of mine from childhood, he went to visit the US, he went to both Florida and California. I am so addicted now that it is very hard for me understand that sentiment. Nathan, we frequent the Camden/85 area for dinner or shopping. Sometimes they can even bust a windshield. If anyone wants to come dig it out you can have it! As a result when people here think about palms they think of Golden Canes, and lump all palms in the same basket - too messy and too much work. quite often their staff are poorly trained and unable to offer sound advise on tropical plants. Palms do not create deep shade. Carambeí-second tableland of the state of Paraná-south Brazil. Some people just like the asthetics others find a more indepth use or purpose for stuff. If you're a developer slapping together a row of tacky McMansions to pawn off on suburban slickers when it comes time to landscape, are you going to fiddle around with an actual tree that has to be carefully planted and nurtured? It’s people have moved them around the world for our various purposes. × WCG, if you are headed north on Camden, from Hillsdale, looks towards the right once you get past the light halfway to 85. Given our climate here where things are always in bloom, it can be quite a concern.,, This is a great article but 1) who is the author? Palms do not produce big colorful flowers. As far as the allergies they can cause, with flowers, tiny flowers tend to produce pollen which is light enough to become airborne, The pollen produced by showier flowers tends to be heavy which is why it takes bees and other insects to disperse it. I had to take 54 dead palm fronds off the big one. (On the other hand, given the notes at the bottom of his blog, he could be a crazed convert some day.). Nobody would recognize me if I cleaned up!" I’m unable to find a name and 2) where did the Palm tree originate from? Few things evoke the tropics like a palm tree. Plantings like this would be a great way to further showcase these great choices. Display as a link instead, × So you're gonna rub it in, eh? They're butt-ugly brown sticks thrusting phallically into the sky in unnatural rows, crowned by a spidery fright-wig of spikes. They are a bit of work, but worth it. I used to enjoy showing differing palm alternatives when I showed people around my own garden for example advising them to use Macarthurs instead of Golden Canes. Not many people appreciate that trees in cities have the important job of providing shade cover over the city, blocking harsh sunlight from reflecting off concrete, windows, cars, and back into the sky where the atmosphere gets simmered like a clambake from all the reflected heat. Never understood how such a city policy exists. Palm trees add an element of fun to any environment they’re placed in, and make it feel like a relaxing tropical paradise isn’t too far away. Lines of towering palms are as good as the only trademark the city needs, may be considered equal to the Hollywood sign. Not because we didn't want to sell or grow them but because of the 1,000's of plants sold in our retail section per month we would be lucky to sell 1 palm ! And you're laughing "Palm trees? All of these arguments have maybe a tiny bit of validity, but they're the work of the native plant nazis that for some reason hate palms even if a species of palm happens to be native. Hey Steve, why would you want to strip (pun intended) North Park of its charm? The argument being that the palms don't filter the air the same way that a live oak would, and they don't produce any shade. The general public only know a few species of palms and most nurseries wouldn't know one palm from the next. Why Do We Force-Feed Dystopian Literature To Students? Palms are beings just like other living things that have a purpose. They are opposite a tree-lined median and I am sure the city is responsible for mainteance on that land. First time I came across Cassia leptophylla anywhere north of the L.A. basin.   You cannot paste images directly. South Carolina (Zone 8a) formerly Los Angeles. There's not a one-size-fits-all answer -- it all depends on the type of palm you grow. Washington, D.C. is famous for its cherry blossoms, but someday it could also be renowned for its palm trees. Makes you wonder if those writers can hate palms like this what else they hate with such intensity. Beetles and Weevils The giant palm borer is … Both the Christian Bible and the Muslim Quran mention palm trees numerous times, and palm fronds are even a part of some rituals. You can post now and register later. Anyhow, If you live in most parts of North America, these plants have you surrounded. However, finding the right palm tree that will thrive in your home, office, or yard is key. And like you said with limited if any input by the non-city party involved. A line of sixty foot palm trees silhouetted against the sky is a stirring sight, but it can only be appreciated from a distance and therein is the palm tree problem. Luckily no one was on the sidewalk or had their car parked near it. Yes, they are just beautiful, they've planted hundreds of these things. Visitors to Ireland, Canada, and the northern United States might be surprised to find Palms adorning lawns here, yet this is the case for Cold Hardy Palm Trees. Both specimens are still small so they may be hard to spot, esp. "But it's part of our identity!" 3) Where did you garnish your information from? I plant palms because they're low maintenance and they don't use a lot of water, well, at least the ones that serve as my landscape backbone. could this have to do with water and fertilizer demands? A slow-dripping soaker hose is an ideal option for directing water to the root zone. Most of this hatred is out of palm ignorance in my opinion - people just don't know much about palms other than what the big boxes sell. -Nathan-. WestCoastGal, -Nathan-. There are 2,600 Species of Palm Trees. Although the roots are not likely to lift a sidewalk or damage a foundation, it's unwise to plant a large palm … $13.99 $ 13. -Nathan-. . By Emily Suvannasankha, University of Central Florida.

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