Please keep me humble, and do not let me arrogate your glory unto myself. Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, that I may defend all that is holy. Dear Jesus Christ, please help me to exercise my authority reserved in your name. To receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, simply pray the following prayer in faith: “Dear Lord Jesus, Come into my life. O good Lord, I have realized that Holy Spirit is the key to an effective ministry. Jehovah, I understand that no one can satisfy you in holiness without the power of the Holy Spirit. Also, let your Holy Spirit teach and guide me into all righteousness so that I can please you well. I let down my pride and I release myself for your use. Baptism makes us a new creature, that is, a Child of God, member of Christ (and co-heir with Him), and a temple of the Holy Spirit. May I be ever docile to Your Divine inspirations Father, please help me to consistently study bible and listen to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Do not let me be lazy in studying your word. PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT: Spirit of wisdom and understanding, enlighten our minds to perceive the mysteries of the universe in relation to eternity. Also, I pray for other ministers that you will enable them to allow your Holy Spirit to operate in their lives and ministries. Enable me to be sensitive to your leadership, and do not let me satisfy flesh desires. I believe that you died on the cross for me, to save me. Lord Jesus, baptize me now in the Holy Spirit. Let him enable me with the ability to effectively serve you to bear fruits for your kingdom. Eternal Rock of Ages, please let your Holy Spirit rule me at all times. Prayer, the lifting of the mind and heart to God, plays an essential role in the life of a devout Catholic. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Episcopal Baptism Prayers Each candidate is presented by name to the Celebrant, or to an assisting priest or deacon, who then immerses, or pours water upon, the candidate, saying N., I baptize you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.Amen. At the end of my earthly race, let me enter heaven to receive your imperishable crown of glory. This booklet explains the foundations of baptism in the Holy Spirit in Scripture and Catholic tradition, and shows why this gift is intended for every member of the Church. Dear Lord, “If you can use anyone, you can use me!” I am ready for your use. If our Baptism has made us new, are we choosing to live and walk as temples of the Holy Spirit in the light of Christ? Since the Holy Spirit symbolizes your abiding presence, let him dominate my life and ministry so that I can prosper. I fully expect to speak with other tongues as You give me the utterance (Acts 2:4). I also understand that no one can receive the Holy Spirit without accepting Jesus Christ as Lord. Miraculous Prayer to the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit, you who makes me see everything and shows me the way to reach my ideal, you who gives me the divine gift to forgive and forget all the wrong that is done to me and you who are in all instances of my life with me. The third and fourth lines are a quote from the Latin translation of Psalm 104, verse 30. Amen. Holy Spirit, rise up within me as I praise God. OR Breathe into me, Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy. Among others, the Holy Spirit empowers, comforts, and teaches his recipients. Let your Spirit turn me to a giant Christian who will live a triumphant life on earth. Therefore, I pray that you will assist my ministry to operate in the Holy Spirit. To qualify for this treasured gift, I confess my sins and repent from them. Baptism endows the child with the strength of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit that will defend and assist each of them throughout their life. I believe that you died on the cross for me, to save me. He also commands his disciples to proclaim the Gospel to all nations and to baptize them. Answer: This expression “baptism in the Holy Spirit” is used in the charismatic renewal to refer to an experience of an intensified awareness of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Powerful Prayer Points For Holy Spirit Baptism There is no limit to what a believer can do with the help of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, I ask for your grace to meet every expectation. Let your Spirit enable me to make significant positive contributions to other people’s lives. I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life; I give it to you. I receive You as my God, Lord and Savior. Come, Holy Spirit! Let your Holy Spirit operate in me with grace and power to benefit the church and your kingdom! Consider the Holy Spirit as the first communion prepared by the Lord to bless his people. May I be empowered for service from this day forward. What Do You Gain When You Communicate With God? The gifts of the Holy Spirit are freely given to any baptized Christian who sincerely desires to serve Our Lord Jesus Christ in an intimate and personal way. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He commanded his apostles to “wait for the promise of the Father” in Jerusalem (Acts 1:4-5). Let me succeed in all my endeavors, so that I can share your testimony of goodness to other people. Ask the Father for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus. Let your word and leadership of the Holy Spirit prosper me now, and always. “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”. To be clear, baptism in the Holy Spirit is not a sacrament but is believed to be related to the sacraments. After praying for the baptism, open up your mouth, and allow the utterance that is … The first two lines are the verses sung with the Alleluia before the Gospel on Pentecost. On coming up out of … Consider the Holy Spirit as the first communion prepared by the Lord to bless his people. Nine days later the apostles celebrated the Jewish feast of Pentecost, and God fulfilled his promise by sending the Holy Spirit. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. PRAYER FOR BAPTISM OF HOLY SPIRIT There is no limit to what a believer can do with the help of the Holy Spirit. I receive You as my God, Lord and Savior. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for baptizing me in Your Holy Spirit, Acknowledge Jesus as your personal Lord, God and Saviour, Repent of  your sins – confess and repent of any sin in your life. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Please make me an embodiment of your testimony through the help of your Holy Spirit. Name each sin, repent and ask for forgiveness.). The Holy Spirit grants these gifts to the faithful, beginning in Baptism and increasing in Confirmation. Move in me, Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of death. Mac's Message; Bishop Zubik's Recent Letters “Baptism in the Spirit is not a human intervention, it is a divine intervention. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. This presence and power can be manifested in various bodily ways. Dear Jesus Christ, please baptize me with your Holy Spirit so that I can prosper. Among others, the Holy Spirit … Let your Holy Spirit richly dwell in me so that I can take every necessary step required to glorify your name. True prayer is when God, by an action of the Holy Spirit, speaks to us and draws us by an interior calling. I will stop questioning your authority again, but I will completely yield myself to you. Let your divine Spirit guide me in every aspect of life to enjoy your benefits. In substance, they arrived at baptism through a true and real conversion, and thus for them baptism was a real washing, a personal renewal, and a rebirth in the Holy Spirit. At the end of it all, let your servants be qualified to receive crowns of glory in heaven. As always, if you need a partner to agree with you in prayer, please call our prayer ministers at 1-817-852-6000 or submit a prayer request Please baptize me with your Holy Spirit to be empowered to walk before you in righteousness. Repent and ask forgiveness, no matter how naive you may have been when you participated in any occult activity. Anoint me with your Holy Spirit to exercise my faith in a manner that will benefit your kingdom, and also prosper my life. In the novena to the Holy Spirit, the main intention is to receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord. Come into my life. Let your Spirit enable me to live an overcomer’s life on earth, and let me be a partaker of heaven. "The Lord himself affirms that Baptism is necessary for salvation. I will not be rebellious to you anymore, and I will do whatever you ask me to do. For me, it was a renewal of my religious profession, of my confirmation, and of my priestly ordination. In the Name of Jesus, I break the transmission of any satanic desire, link, spiritual attachment and work of hell. Desire and believe that Jesus wants to give His gifts to you. Henceforth, I will gladly do whatever you ask me to do, and I will do it effectively. Therefore, I ask you to please empower me through the Holy Spirit to be focus, diligent, and hardworking. I understand that you will bless me if I make myself available for your use; therefore, I am determined to release myself for your use. O Lord our God, thank you that you have plans for us that are for our good … Our baptism is one of the most important moments of our journey in the Christian life. You receive by faith, but just like anything else, you need to put your faith into action. I receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit right now by faith in Your Word. Prayer for Union with the Holy Spirit O Holy Spirit of Light and Love, to You I consecrate my heart, mind, and will for all time and eternity. Baptism is necessary for salvation for those to whom the Gospel has been proclaimed and who have had the possibility of asking for this sacrament. There is no limit to what a believer can do with the help of the Holy Spirit. Baptism preparation is central for parents and intended to provide support as they share the faith and practice of the Catholic church with their children. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. We respond to God calling and speaking, and this begins a process of prayer. Empower me to serve you with humility, and please let me be an effective servant that will prosper your kingdom always. Once you realize what this gift entails and that you will have to be willing to fully … Mortify all works of the flesh in my life, and let your divine Spirit strengthen me to bear good fruits that lead to your kingdom. Dear God, I understand that selfishness must not play any part in my spiritual exercise. Father, I understand that no one can be a successful Christian without the help of the Holy Spirit. Dear God, please help me to demonstrate gifts of the Holy Spirit in a manner that will glorify your name. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Enable me to accept and celebrate all truth that will liberate me from sin, and make me heavenly bound. Dear Jesus, please use me! Our prayer team leaders will pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit for anyone interested in receiving the gifts. Let all Christians who serve you in any capacity – within and without the church setting – operate in the Holy Spirit so that they can prosper. Without a life of Catholic prayer, we risk losing the life of grace in our souls, grace that comes to us first in baptism and later chiefly through the other sacraments and through prayer itself (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2565). For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. The Rosary is divided into three parts, each having five mysteries. It is a renewal of baptism and of the whole of Christian life, of all the sacraments. God the Holy Spirit takes the initiative by way of an invitation. It is a sovereign action of God, which usually occurs when someone with a disposition of surrender and docility, prays for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in his or her life. 1278 The essential rite of Baptism consists in immersing the candidate in water or pouring water on his head, while pronouncing the invocation of the Most Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Synan traces the influence of Catholic and Anglican mystical traditions on John Wesley's doctrine of Christian perfection or entire sanctification, from which Pentecostal beliefs on Spirit baptism developed. “Jesus, I renounce Satan and all his work and ways, and surrender myself to You. Spirit of right judgment and courage, guide us and make us firm in our baptismal decision to follow Jesus' way of love. Classes include a discussion of the theology, ritual, and symbols of baptism as well as ways to pray and help your child develop a … For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. To be baptised in the Holy Spirit, you need to: To receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, simply pray the following prayer in faith: “Dear Lord Jesus, Dear God, I believe your scripture that states, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). Among others, the Holy Spirit empowers, comforts, and teaches his recipients. This prayer was developed from the Pentecost liturgy. I pray that the Holy Spirit might come upon me. Please baptize me with your Holy Spirit as you did to your disciples on the Day of Pentecost. Expect to speak in other tongues. Pentecost For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Let me serve you with fear and trembling; let my services be acceptable in your sight at all time, and let your name be praised forever. Let me have your Holy Spirit so that I can effectively evangelize your gospel. This is why it is so important to baptize them when they are little, so that they may grow with the strength of the Holy Spirit. Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a grace that has touched the lives of over 140 million Catholics. The Full Surrender. Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. The following two tabs change content below. May the anointing, the glory, and the power of God come upon me and into my life right now. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Also, let me prayerfully consider every teaching that is presented to me, and give me the grace to reject deceptive teachings. Copyright © Chain Prayers - All Rights Reserved | Powered by. Holding In Our Prayers Lists Home. I will jump if you say jump, and I will sit if you say sit. Forgive anyone who has hurt you, disappointed you, or falsely accused you. Therefore, I confess Jesus Christ as Lord, and I accept him as my personal Savior. And we, on our part, respond. Through Christ, I will satisfy God, and I will inherit eternal life. There are very few prayers to God as the Holy Spirit. From this day forward, help me to live every day for you and in a way that pleases you.”, (Now, examine your conscience and confess your sins directly to God. In the Name of Jesus, I cut and I sever all possible links (and their consequences) with all astrologers, soothsayers, clairvoyants, mediums, sheiks, fake healers, palm readers, followers of new age and those who practice the occult or divination in : crystal ball, tea leaves, coffee funds, cards, tarot cards; and also all links to guid spirits, magicians, witches and all those engaged in any magics : Voodoo Macumba or others. I reject and destroy all the consequences and implications that may come from participation in mediumistic or spiritist sessions, consultation of horoscopes, from the practice of dowsing (pendulum), from automatic writing, and from any kind of recipes or occult preparations, and at last from any kind or form of superstition that does not honor Jesus Christ and does not give the glory due to Him. Learn more at Gift of Eternal Life Prayer. Matching Online Giving; Welcome; Fr. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. OPENING PRAYER Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate Heavenly Father, as we have received the gift of your filial adoption through Baptism, we ask that you lead us onward into the long journey to which you have called us. [Bible Application Lessons] [Book of Prayers] & others. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Please use me today, tomorrow, and throughout the days of my life. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is an action of God, invited by an individual through prayer, which brings about a deeper conversion to Christ, and which gives the Holy Spirit permission to work in that individual’s life in a more powerful way. I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life; I give it to you. O Lord, I want to receive the baptism of your Holy Spirit. Please showcase your grace and power through my obedience, and let me prosper in my commissions. Often a sign of baptism of the Holy Spirit is “ glossolalia,” or “ speaking in tongues.” Speaking in tongues refers to using an unintelligible language, which is … It was the first “novena.”

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