Like or not, that's the standard. Lasts 4 seconds. Lasts 10 seconds. Concentration is by far the best discipline .It has very good burst,has the highest dps out of all 3 disciplines and decent AoE for killing trash mobs, best mobility out of all 3 disciplines due to second leap which also breaks roots by default and cc immunity every 30 seconds. Requires an active companion. It has great burst and a relatively easy to learn rotation that you can later tweak for the best results. User Info: Cubbiesboy22. SWTOR Calendar. GT: Risev / PSN: RisevQ8. (Zen) Zealous Strike > Twin Saber Throw > (Precision) Blade Barrage > Blade Rush > Clashing Blast > Blade Rush > Strike > Blade RushZealous Strike > Dispatch > (Precision) Clashing Blast > Lance > Blade Rush > Blade Rush > Blade Rush > Strike, Minor Rotation: 8 GCDsMajor Rotation: 24 GCDs, References: Bahadori (Hayete), g_mk, Beastfury, Hayward. You may find concentration better as it has better burst. Why? The higher the difficulty level the more they want the guy who can put up the higher numbers because its a lot less likely they will hit enrage with him than with you. They are the … But 6.0's not too far off now. ... Debus, accepted the aircraft in a ceremony at Adelaide Airport, in … When 30 stacks of Centering are built, you become Centered, enabling the use of Zen, Transcendence and Inspiration. Currently the best specs for PVE are Fury and Annihilation. Please give me your best sentinel of the three builds FOR SENTINELS so I can come to my own conclusions about what I like/dislike about the set. SWTOR Jedi Sentinel Build The Utilities are divided into three tiers namely Skillful, Masterful, and Heroic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Reduces all damage taken by 20% and deals <<1>> energy damage to attackers. Unleashes a powerful blast of Force energy at the target, dealing <<1>> energy damage. It's the only way you can measure DPS in these games. Both raid groups I was in folded, I was the only remaining member still in the game. Generates 2 focus. 10 random Jedi names to get you inspired The differences are effected by the amount of death and uptime differences. This thread is archived. Question. Hayward founded TORCommunity in October of 2008 immediately following the announcement of Star Wars: The Old Republic, giving it the moniker of first SWTOR fansite. That doesn't change the fact that the potentials are very real. These differences in abilities and attacks obviously effect DPS. The Combat Discipline is the 2nd of 3 available paths for the Jedi Sentinel Class. Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. Outside of leveling a healing spec and running a healing companion you will never feel any real difference while getting to max level. If that guy with Fury can maximize the specs innate DPS, no, they're not gonna take you. In addition, standard and weak enemies are knocked senseless, stunned for 4 seconds. Does this reflect the highest damage when leveling as well? I'm hoping in 6.0 Carnage will have it's DPS in a better place on the DPS chart. But, due to her iron will and discipline she pressed on in this extreme doctrine … "You can't DPS when your dead", is a catch phrase. Redgrave on August 25, 2015: Great article! Requires and converts 30 stacks of Centering to inspire you and your Operation group members within 40 meters, increasing all damage and healing done by 10%. Pick whatever, mash some keys, you'll be fine. I'm always looking online for a guide rather than what my companions have. The … Fire Emblem Heroes The guy without a healer on his time dies 5 times during the WZ, the guy with 2 healers on his team, doesn't even die once during that WZ. I've been playing a Carnage Marauder for going on 7 years now. Subdues the target, stunning it for 4 seconds. See the full show! DPS rankings are based on dummy parses because that's the only way to ensure on even playing field for comparative purposes for DPS averages and ceilings. Requires two lightsabers. Kicks the target and interrupts its current action, preventing that ability from being used for the next 4 seconds. Start date Apr 11, 2020 ... education and self discipline. Combat Sentinel Jedi Knight Basics Guide. Jumps to a distant target, dealing <<1>> damage with the main-hand weapon, immobilizing the target for 2 seconds and interrupting the target's current action. Suggested Best-in-Slot Stats. "E" = Enhancement or Implant or Earpiece"A" = Advanced _ Augment 45"C" = Advanced _ _ Color Crystal (+41 ones). Each attack consumes 1 charge. That isn't to say that there are DPS considerations while leveling at all, it depends on what content you are doing. © 2008-2020 GAME RUSH, LLC. Lasts 10 seconds. Because 'all things aren't equal' under those circumstances, your a more skilled player than that guy, and he can't maximize his specs innate DPS as well yet. It is used for preparing the application protection strategy and programming hardware keys for your customers and distributors. Having said all this either of these two specs will do well, which ever you feel most comfortable with. Requires and converts 30 stacks of Centering to issue Transcendence to you and your group members within 40 meters, increasing movement speed by 50% and melee and ranged defense by 10%. Raises a lightsaber ward, increasing melee and ranged defenses by 50% and absorbing 25% of the damage taken from Force and tech attacks. Concentration(Fury): Is pretty easy to learn, has a clear solid rotation. We’ve put together this blog to inform Jedi Knights of the major changes that are coming in the 3.0 update. Enter the Jedi name generator which provides you with thousands of possibilities, male or female. Hayward founded TORCommunity in 2008 the day after SWTOR was announced. It got nerfed more times than any other spec. ... Jedi Sentinel Training Center - Sullust. Thanks! Close. Damage per second. Inflicts <<1>> weapon damage with a series of quick melee attacks. Requires two lightsabers. Don’t take me as this saying it’s a bad PVE spec by any means, it’s more than capable in a raid setting. And yeah, I feel it, no doubt about it. Selecting a Discipline will determine: Role - Tank, Healer, Ranged DPS or Melee DPS Additional active … Some deeper than most. Too many buffs. Is KYLO Ren the weakest Sith? Strikes the target multiple times with both lightsabers, dealing <<1>> weapon damage and building 6 focus. Having trouble deciding which class to play? You could get thru most of story line using basic attack for the most part, that doesn't mean it's advisable. ; Jedi Sentinel. Lasts for 6 charges, with each attack consuming 1 charge. This ability can be channeled while moving. Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, About | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Our Supporters | Sitemap | Reset Settings, GEMINI MK-5 Relic of Serendipitous Assault. Watchman in general is made for pve, lots of dot spreading and high sustained dps. Also stuns weak and standard enemies for 2 seconds. None of this matters when you are leveling because these numbers reflect a level caped character and generally speaking mostly maxed out gear. The average dps output is roughly the same(with some exceptions) across the board. March 19, 2019 August 20, 2019 Jack Sparrow Leave a Comment on Top 10 Best Last Jedi Lego Reviews Of 2021. Prefab, War Supplies, & Dark Project Crafting, Revanite, Deciever, and Dark Reaver Armor, Dogfighter's / Wingman's Starfighter Pack, Watchman Jedi Sentinel 5.x DPS Class Guide, Concentration Jedi Sentinel 5.x DPS Class Guide, Shield Specialist Vanguard 5.x Tank Class Guide, Corruption Sith Sorcerer 5.x Healing Class Guide. Engineer by day, software dev by night, he does his best to keep the site up to date. If you make a comparison to Carnage [Combat] here's what you get - [Using the current standard of the 2.5 million dummy] ................ Max ............................. Average. Builds 3 focus. Only usable on targets at or below 30% max health. Obscures yourself with the Force, becoming difficult to detect, reducing your threat towards all enemies, reducing all damage taken by 50%, granting immunity to controlling effects, and increasing movement speed by 30%. ; Vigilance - Provides greater skill in single-blade offense and the ability to take enemies down quickly. All things being equal [skill, gear, experience, etc.] Throws both lightsabers in a straight line towards the target, dealing <<1>> weapon damage to up to 8 enemies directly in front of you up to 30 meters away. Activating an attack that spends focus and defeating opponents builds Centering. There is only one way to measure DPS. You will do better with a spec you love to play even if it has less 'innate DPS' than if you played one of those higher 'innate dps' specs that you don't enjoy playing. Great article as well. The most important factor for you doing well with a spec is how much you enjoy playing it. If you get into raiding I recommend learning both as each boss will suit a different spec. Its a single math equation. currently using combat. User Info: kill_distroy. Which crew skills are best for leveling up a Jedi Sentinel? The tables on this page were generated using optimizer scripts created by Bant aka Goblin_Lackey. When you start doing Operations prior to being cap, the content is doable despite that you don't have all your abilities yet, but again, your personal performance will be consume rate with someone with less class abilities than certain others. Don't worry about any of that, just play the game while you are leveling, everyone else is in the same position, it works out. I was a HM/NiM Progression raider until 5.0 which killed the raiding community for a good while because they took all the gear out of Operations and raiding progressions dried up significantly. You simply don't need to worry about that though leveling in story line content. I can't possible match the ceiling DPS of Fury, the difference is huge and that means I would have a harder time getting into a raid group than if I played Fury because they know the potential differences and you always want to 'hedge your bets'. Additionally, activating Berserk or Zen increases all damage dealt by 3% for 10 seconds. Cybertech, synthweaving, biochem or artifice. Unless you have good experience with a poorer performing spec, and you are not partial a specific play style, I don't recommend Carnage. ★ ★ TGN SWTOR Jedi Knight class and its class specializations: Guardian and Sentinel! I didn't see it here, unless one of the above classes is similar. Combat Jedi Sentinel 5.x DPS SWTOR class guide. Strikes the target and up to 8 enemies within 5 meters with the Force, dealing <<1>> kinetic damage. share. Got it Memorized? Sort by. I would do worse with Fury and Anni because I don't have the proper experience with them to do better than I can do with Carnage which I have been eating, breathing, and walking for the last 7 years. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I recently returned to playing after having not played for a few years and have … Press J to jump to the feed. I play Carnage, I know it's DPS is much lower, I could switch to another spec, but I don't. Defense - Allows the Jedi Guardian to more effectively withstand enemy attacks and protect allies. Best Jedi Sentinel discipline? best. Started playing this game 2 weeks ago currently level 45 curious if I should change discipline. But, if you can put out the numbers higher than someone playing Fury or Anni that is in that group or who is trying to get into that group they will take you because you are capable of maximizing your spec and that leads to you putting out more DPS than that guy playing Fury. Ergo, the only way to measure DPS averages and cielings in comparison to one another is dummy parsing. The player is the most important element to performance. SWTOR Best Class Tier List [Strongest and Weakest Classes ... Carnage Marauder (Sith Warrior) / Combat Sentinel (Jedi Knight) Madness Sorcerer (Sith Inquisitor) / Balance Sage (Jedi Consular) C Tier - Situational, a little squishy and could probably use a small buff ... Star Wars: The Old Republic features 48 different possible discipline paths broken up by 8 classes each separated into … You see a lot few Carnage Marauders in 5.x than you did in 4.x, and theres a reason for that. Anyone who's been playing this game for a while knows exactly what that means and it's context. ... Sith or Jedi? Shii-Cho Form: Instantly generates 4 focus, plus 8 additional focus over the next few seconds. The current "DPS Order /Chart" is as follows. Juyo Form: Increases the critical chance of your burn attacks by 100% and causes burn damage to heal your group for 1% of max health each tick. Endgame situation is more or less the same. Skill trees Jedi Knight. In 4.x Carnage was Rank 2 on the DPS chart right behind Annihilation. If you have a good reputation as a solid player that can put up the numbers, they will definitely consider you than, but if that is putting up higher numbers with Fury than you are [the spec is] capable of, they're gonna go with the guy that can hit 13.2k vs the guy who can only put out 11.9k. That's in September. It might cause some grief now and than but thats the exception, thats when people get pissed because things aren't going well. The Jedi Training Center of Sullust was established during the time of the Galactic Alliance by that of Jedi Master Coren Starchaser. Question. ... Jedi Sentinel. So someone else of a higher level with more abilities will likely do more DPS that you will. Damage ends the effect prematurely. If you would like to write this section, please email us at Confounds up to 8 nearby enemies, preventing all action for up to 6 seconds. Start date Feb 24, 2020; Tags jedi jedi sentinel republic ... As a Jedi Sentinel she is a master of defensive combat and protective Force skill. Replaces Blade Storm. Because I have enough experience at this point that I can carry my own weight and I am sometimes outdpsing people using Anni and Fury because of my experience. You won't have full accuracy until you reach high level, so you will be missing more. Requires two lightsabers. save. Jedi Guardian. (TLDR: What is the best damage spec for PVE as a Jedi Sentinel.) That's about all it has going for it other than the fact it's incredibly fun to play once you get used to it. Also any DoT spec for a dual wield is bufoonery that it even exists. TORCOMMUNITY AND RELATED PROPERTIES ARE TRADEMARKS OF GAME RUSH, LLC. You're not likely to be pushing for a place at the top as a returning player that hasn't played sentinel before anytime soon. Carnage and Deception have been neck and neck, only in this last 2 months did that change. Replaces Slash. No advanced tactics have been written yet for this guide. Maybe it was nerfed after patch but I'm currently 71 on nar shitty (for a new comp) and have wiped a couple times with the ↓ 71 - 25 and this should not be happening. Pacifies the target, reducing its melee and ranged accuracy by 90% for 6 seconds. Guides, databases, datamining, discipline calulators, tools, news, theorycrafting, and more! Affected enemies are slowed by 50% for 6 seconds. You'll find yourself losing dps during longer fights, unless you know the fight by heart and can manage to stick to the rotation for the full duration. Reduces the cooldown of Frenzy or Valorous Call by 15 seconds. ... the first class I ever played was a Jedi Sentinel, Combat discipline. I recently returned to playing after having not played for a few years and have been on and off since launch and I would like to know what spec on Sentinel has the highest DPS output for leveling and for when I hit max level(sometime in the far future). Fury is built for that shit. The player is always the most decisive factor in proformance. Dealing direct damage ends the effect prematurely. In 5.x for most of it, Carnage has been Rank 14. The stats were calculated to give the maximum theoretical DPS/HPS/DTPS for each discipline, however you may wish to alter the builds depending on your play style or what content you are facing in SWTOR. Sith Warrior – Fury Marauder/Jedi Knight Concentration Sentinel (S Tier) STAR WARS The Old Republic – Best Class. He's putting out more damage than you are capable of. Actually if you look at the sustained parses, Concentration/Fury are even beating Watchman/Annihilation in sustained. The Jedi Sentinel is one of two advanced class of the Jedi Knight; the other is the Jedi Guardian.. Before the Jedi Purge, there were three Jedi Classes, one of which was the Jedi Sentinel along with the Jedi Guardian and Consular.The Jedi Sentinel deals damage primarily through lightsaber strikes, though it does possess several Force powers, most noticeably the iconic Jedi Knight Force leap.. Attacks with both weapons if dual wielding. Before than, don't even think about any of this, its doable, people are doing it everyday. Requires and converts 30 stacks of Centering to enter a Zen state. Best Jedi Sentinel discipline? Play around with all 3 when you get to level 70, pick the one you enjoy the feel of. Known to charge into the thickest fighting and areas of distress in order to shield Republic Troopers, Civillians, or other Jedi from any onslaught. The stats were calculated to give the maximum theoretical DPS/HPS/DTPS for each discipline, however you may wish to alter the builds depending on your play style or what content you are facing in SWTOR. The blast stuns standard and weak enemies for 5 seconds. Archived. Carnage got mauled time and time again thruout 5.x. 5 comments. Beat Down targets take 5% more damage from melee attacks. You do not have all the abilities your class will offer while you are leveling and that means you won't even have all the attacks that spec has at cap level. Requires two lightsabers. Name: … Cubbiesboy22 8 years ago #2. Are you a new or returning player to Star Wars The Old Republic? In addition, Zealous Strike beats down its target for 45 seconds. Rushing into battle with skilled precision, the barrage of overwhelming strikes increase the Combat Sentinel’s vigor until their enemy is little more than a memory. But, they're not all equal by any means. Seize the moment, restoring 2% of your maximum health every 3 seconds. This remote location is guarded by Jedi Sentinel and Guardians/Temple Guard, accessible to the Jedi and friends of the Order. This effect cannot occur more than once every second. This kind of interest naturally creates a large demand for Jedi names, but once you need to create a character for your game or story, you might be hard-pressed to come up with something good. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than here. Everyone is under the same conditions and circumstances, so nothing other than the spec itself effects the outcome [assuming skill is close]. Combat Jedi Sentinel 5.x DPS SWTOR class guide. hide. Has the advantage of running on a priority system, rather than a fixed rotation which makes navigating fights a lot easier. Than again, most people are. The Jedi Sentinel Concentration/Sith Marauder Fury paths are well known to be some of the best DPS out there despite their real lack of DCDs when compared to some of the other classes. In PVP, it's a no brainer. Rebuke refreshes to its full duration when attacked, but this effect cannot last more than 30 seconds in total. It's understood that in live action fighting you will never have 100% uptime and there are other things that will effect uptime of course. Reduces the damage you take by 99% for 4 seconds. At level 10 each character is able to choose a Discipline. Otherwise you'll end up having downtime during encounters. You will have a total of 9 utility points to allocate to the best of your knowledge. Watchman (DPS) Watchman (DPS) Combat (DPS) Combat (DPS) Concentration (DPS) … Requires two lightsabers. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Measuring DPS when you only have 3 out of the 10 attacks you will eventually have when you are at cap level clearly effects DPS. Lasts 6 seconds. Simply put, don't worry about any of this until you are getting close to cap level 55-70. The Grand Master dictates the organization's general policies while providing direction and guidance to the entire Jedi Order. Purges all incapacitating and movement-impairing effects. Grand Master of the Jedi: The Grand Master is usually the oldest, most experienced and best trained of all Jedi. If you play a Jedi Knight, it’s time to learn about the changes coming in the 3.0 update. It's one Math equation and Math doesn't lie. Slashes up to 8 enemies within 5 meters in front of you for <<1>> weapon damage. Someone playing Lightning can out DPS someone playing Pyrotech. Combat - Allows the Jedi Sentinel to master the Ataru … Cannot be used on Operation bosses. report. Lasts 60 seconds. Your crit will not be as good as it can be at max so you will be criting less, which will effect DPS. i have to disagree. My advice for PVE if your into micro managing Dots and longer rank up times [sustained] go Anni, if your more into front loaded Burst damage and very decent sustained damage too boot, go Fury. Combat(Carnage):It looks very underwhelming on paper(and dummy parses) and it's been beaten with the nerf stick to the point of ridiculousness. Jedi Master Plo Koon and Ahsoka Tano have been known to utilize them on occasion, but they are primarily the blade color of the Jedi Sentinel. Lasts for 6 charges. Cannot occur more than once every 30 of seconds. Broyles, 81, of Carlisle, died on January 21, 2021 at home. Have fun! Through years of disciplined training and meditation, the Jedi Knight hones body and fashion into perfect harmoney. They don't have DoT spread, but for straight up sustained damage they're #1 right now. Thanks! This video series will take you through all 16 classes in SWTOR and try to help you decide which one you want to play! The Watchman/Annihilation discipline for example, can utilize the Culling Blade set bonus, granting them +2% Critical Rating, a bonus to activating Dual/Twin saber throw granting dispatcher’s challenge, making the next Dispatch/Vicious Throw critically hit, an effect that can’t occur more than once every minute. August 8, 2020 August 9, 2020 - by Xam Xam - Leave a Comment. Thanks for this i'll use Watchman for leveling :). However, unless it can be proved that the other Sith Lords are more influential to the fate of the galaxy than Kylo Ren, Ren cannot be considered the weakest Sith Lord in terms of power. Strikes with both weapons if dual wielding. It's the only way to get accurate results for pure DPS output. Uses the Force to project a wave of energy toward the target, dealing <<1>> kinetic damage. 1. Activating Ravage, Blade Barrage, Dual Saber Throw, or Twin Saber Throw will grant Weaponmaster's/Challenger's Critical Bonus making your next Gore, Furious Strike and Annihilate or Lance, Concentrated Slice and Merciless Slash critically hit. Increases the target's melee, ranged, Force and tech bonus damage and healing by 5% for 60 minutes. The top parsing dps spec will definitely change once 6.0 drops, so there's no point in worrying about ePeens until then. Slash, Cyclone Slash, Dispatch, Blade Rush, Merciless Slash, and Concentrated Slice refund 1 focus when used. Thank You!! Events Conquests 2/9 to 2/16 - Rakghoul Resurgence on Alderaan; 2/16 to 2/17 - Patch 6.2.1; 2/23 to 3/2 - Bounty Contract Week; Latest Posts. This ability does not respect the global cooldown. Increases armor penetration by 100% for 3 seconds. A lively flurry of dual lightsabers and Force abilities, the Combat sentinel is a Jedi Knight who specializes in unrelenting volume. Posted by 6 months ago. Strikes the target with both weapons for <<1>> weapon damage and automatically triggers an Ataru Form strike, bypassing Ataru Form's rate limit. Point being, these things aren't anything to concern yourself with while you are leveling. Fury for certain. This effect can't occur more than once every minute. Quickly rush forward 20 meters, dealing <<1>> weapon damage to enemies in your path and increasing your defense chance by 100% while blitzing. Battering Assault or Zealous Strike increases damage dealt by 2% for 15 seconds. Cannot be used against targets in cover. Discipline Builder (3.X) Discipline Builder (4.X) Discipline Builder (5.X) ... software dev by night, he does his best to keep the site up to date. Slashes the target for <<1>> weapon damage. Strikes with both weapons if dual wielding. Allows you to wield two one-handed weapons. I'm looking for the crew skills which will make it much easier for me to level up, so any suggestions are welcomed. Learn it and you'll do fine. The twin sabers and attention on fury and hatred because the Sith Warrior Fury Marauder and the dual blades of wish because the Jedi Knight Concentration Sentinel pinnacle our listing. … If you’re not into raiding and just want General pve play, ie story, flashpoints, etc. DPS stands for Damage Per Second - That should make it pretty clear how it's being measured. This is true even doing flashpoints and it is something that sometimes annoys people because if a level 55 guy gets in a Flashpoint with a level 16 guy who is the tank and he has like two tank abilties, that's going to mean that tank isn't going to be sucessful in keeping agro a notable amount of the time and that can sometimes cause people some grief. Each table assumes you have a full set of the specified gear. Utilize a balanced lightsaber form, increasing all damage dealt and reducing all damage received by 3%. Lasts 12 seconds. … kill_distroy 8 years ago #1. Requires and converts 30 stacks of Centering to enter a Zen state, granting 30% alacrity. If the target is a group member, all other group members are also affected. Requires two lightsabers. Not enough dmg (pri). A Grand Master is voted unanimously by the Jedi High Council. But again, this is a temporary state of affairs, things always change to some extent with new Metas. 56% Upvoted. ... Jedi Sentinel: Jedi Sentinels focused on diverse disciplines, applying their force abilities as engineers, … For 6 seconds after using Blade Rush, your Ataru Form has an extra 30% chance to be triggered. What is the best Jedi Sentinel discipline? Note: DPS rankings assume best-in-slot 248-rating gear. Let loose a valorous call, immediately building 30 stacks of Centering. At the end of the day, even with all of these things, people do it, so it's not like its not viable, it is. ... “A lively flurry of dual lightsabers and Force abilities, the Combat Sentinel is a Jedi Knight who specializes in unrelenting volume. Spears the target with both lightsabers, dealing <<1>> weapon damage and hindering the target for 1.5 seconds, preventing the use of high mobility actions and escapes. This effect varies based on your lightsaber form: #2 Maintenance: December 9, 2020 Fire Emblem Heroes Fire Emblem Warriors Pocket Mortys Star Wars: The Old Republic Throws the main-hand lightsaber at a target, dealing <<1>> energy damage. Focus (shared) - Specializes in advanced Force techniques and the Shii-Cho lightsaber form. October 18, 2019 July 28, 2020 Soeren Kamper Advance Class, jedi sentinel, Sith Inquisitor. With Patch 3.0.0 and the Shadow of Revan expansion, this system replaced the previous skill trees. In this one, Sentinel and Marauder. No one expects that level 16 guy to keep up with the level 53 guy, that's understood. Ataru Form: Grants 30% alacrity. But having some people with more abilties than others [due to level] that definatly effects things, bolster effects your stats it doesn't give you abilities that you don't yet have due to your current level. If you tried to do it with say performance in PVP, one guy has 2 healers on his team, and another guy has no healers on his team. Attacks with both weapons if dual wielding. Parse will suggest Concentration, but it has less sustained damage, it has one hard hitting dot and that’s it, and no dot spread. ... Each table assumes you have a full set of the specified gear. Being a beginner, perhaps it my being a newb...but I was looking for what skill/crafting is meant to be for a Knight/Sentinel. I'm subscribed if that makes any difference. There are without question DPS ceilings and the differences in some cases are ridiculous. Press J to jump to the feed. And if there is one thing you can count when it comes to new metas thats a change up in the DPS order of things. There must be a better way. Level using whichever. Fury is good everywhere. So someone who is level 17 going up against someone who is level 35 will have far fewer abilities than the level 35, that makes a difference, but, it's still generally doable, your just at a disadvantage in that regard. Share Tweet Pin It Share.

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