Member. You can also ask Dr. Marie for a second opinion on your pet's condition. Pay close attention to areas where stains collect. Whether doxepin for canine laryngeal paralysis may be helpful or not is something that many dog owners may wonder about. Dog hair loss is not the only symptom of Cushing's Disease – it is usually accompanied by a lack of energy, bruising, obesity, and increased hunger, thirst, urination, and panting. Posts. Viewing 1 post (of 1 total) Author. Such drastic coat changes may be triggered by a medical condition known as vitiligo. Poor hair coat is a dog fur problem that can be identified by lack of coat luster and dry, brittle or sparse patches of fur. I just can't figure this out. var cx = 'partner-pub-8995154986384801:1sj057-fayi'; You may see red staining to the fur in the licked areas. (function() { It occurs most commonly where tears moisten the fur around the dog’s eyes or around their mouth where saliva wets their fur as well as where they lick their feet and forelegs. Does your pet have a big swollen ear? Sometimes dog owners report that the fur on their dog's face is of a different color. })(); Testicular and splenic masses. Plato has been licking his paws, face and butt a lot. Lv 4. The overall goal for treatments is to have your dog re-grow their coat and prevent a recurrence of hair loss. Causes hair loss, sometimes in patterns, thinning of the skin, bruising and lethargy. Plato got very sick and almost died when he was under a year old from corn in his dog food. This condition can be caused by an autoimmune disease, genetic factors or a virus, but sometimes its exact causes remain unknown. Considering that dogs tend to lick several areas of their bodies, it's not surprising for other parts of the body such as feet, legs and sides to assume a brownish tint from the residue of saliva. It shouldn’t be ignored –contact your vet if you notice staining anywhere on your dog. Hello again Dr. Marie, writing again about our dog Sparky and have some questions.... (6309 views), Sore shoulder. Most likely all these questions are bombarding your mind. anonymous. As long as there is no irritation, redness or undesirable smells, there should be nothing to worry about. Any changes in a dog's fur color are worth investigating as sometimes they can be a sign of something not being quite right. Consult your vet to treat this infection, as it may require medication. And most of all, what can be done about it? Many commercial products and homemade remedies will help remove stains from white hair. Not unusual at all, many poodle, terrier, schnauzer, shih tzu breeds are considered “brindle” and change … Here are some causes of coat color changes in dogs. Use thinning shears to perform this task. Some animal supply places even sell special shampoos designed for blue or black dogs that will eliminate coat "rusting". Remember to remove only a … Hopefully this is a simple question. "My dog's coat color has changed drastically and some areas on the face have turned white." Hi there, We'll only send you great stuff, never spam. Just as people's' hairs tend to lighten during the summer months, Rover's hairs may bleach slightly too, explains veterinarian Dr. Christian. If abnormal or excessive shedding persists for more than a week, or you notice patches of missing fur, check with your veterinarian. She will also 'leak' or 'drip'... (25475 views), Diarrhea and pain. A dingy, stained dog is unsightly and you will want to spruce up your pup so he sparkles once more. Does your dog leak urine when sleeping? I have a white German Shepard dog and he wears a stainless steel choke collar. Hi Dr. Marie His fur is all white so you can see how much brown in those areas. Scientists still aren't sure that stress causes graying, but … The fur as well as the underlying skin is darker from chronic licking. Swipe to advance. 1 0. Dogs may not get white hair to the extent of humans, but it's normal to see some graying of the muzzle. The stains are often accompanied by discharge, but not always. Keeping the dog inside, or giving it a good brushing on a regular basis, will help remove the old hairs and stimulate new, "blue" hair to grow in. This is a very similar process to the one we see in humans as we age. “Dogs in North America generally replace hair and shed the most in spring, and hair growth is maximal in the summer,” Dr. Plant says. Hypothyroidism, a medical condition where the dog's thyroid levels are low, causes several coat changes and a change in pigmentation may be one of them. My cat will vomit after eating several times a week. Can the tin foil get stuck and cause a dog a blockage? Many dog owners forget giving their dogs their monthly heartworm pill. Allergies to plastic bowls in dogs are a real thing. She created Ask A Vet Question as a resource for good, accurate veterinary advice online. Can Metacam can cause kidney failure in cats? gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; pain, an itch or stress. I had emailed you several times regarding my cat Bandit in December and January.... (7400 views), Painful after grooming. While Dr. Marie can't officially diagnose your pet or prescribe medications, she can often advise you on whether a vet visit is necessary. This is the yeast that is responsible for skin and ear infections in dogs. Sun exposure bleaches hair, including human hair. Read more. Is your cat peeing in the house? Read more. Paw licking is often a sign of allergies. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana provides information about this medical conditions and whether doxepin for canine laryngeal paralysis is something worthy or not to consider. … Grapes? Plato has been licking his paws, face and butt a lot. 5 years ago. This may be a normal process or may be due to a serious disease. Brush in the direction of fur growth to rid the coat of tangles, starting from the dog's head and working toward the tail. He experienced seizures twice... (10913 views), Did Frontline Fail? The color of a dog’s fur can be black, liver (brown), red, yellow, white or combinations thereof. My friend told me I should talk to you about what is going on at the animal... (5229 views), Bassett hound neck pain, etc. When this dye mixes with saliva as your dog eats, it can rub off on their fur. This is usually seen in dogs that suffer from excessive tearing of the eyes. Do you know what foods are safe for your dog? Damage to hair follicles from a previous injury may also cause coat color changes in dogs, explains veterinarian Dr. Loretta. This loss of pigmentation in the dog's coat occurs because pigment takes quite a good amount of energy to make and the body focuses on tending towards other more important needs. My 9 year old Golden Retriever had enlarged testicles with no other symptoms. His fur is all white so you can see how much brown in those areas. The collar is not rusted and appears normal. Can you breed a dog with one testicle? Veterinarian Dr. Ivana provides information of what to do if your dog ate aluminum foil. The same happend to my dog, but he turned from brown to black. Reverse sneezing in dogs is something dog owners may not fully understand, causing them to sometimes panic and perhaps even make an emergency phone call to the vet. The instinct is to cuddle and find ways to warm the poor pup up comes natural. Hello: I noticed my outside male cat had a growth coming out of his back end. We had our beautiful, angel, female kitten spayed just over one month... (6969 views), Growth near bum of cat. The first thing you need to know is what kind of training you and your dog need. Rest assured, you are not alone. You may find that your pooch still has unsightly brown stains on the white fur near her eyes, paws and mouth even immediately after a … sometimes a white dog's hair turning brown can be a sign of a skin infection or something along those lines, especially if accompanied with constant licking or itching. I remembered I... (5781 views), Bloated stomach in Papillion. Now those areas are turning brown. Click on one of the colors or patterns below to see all the dog breeds that have coats in that color. Should your dog see the vet if he ingested aluminum foil? Unsubscribe any time. They are usually the muzzle and chest. When are cold paws in dogs a problem? s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s); Ptyrosporin, commonly known as “red yeast” also causes the familiar reddish-brown staining, and may result in a bad odor. For some reason, the fur all around the ruff of his neck has discolored to a kind of reddish dirty color. It often indicates a problem i.e. As an individual goes through life, hair changes. I found a small, pink, raised bump on my dog's neck this morning. She is about 7 years old and... (13136 views), lump on dog's abdomen. If this condition persists for a long period of time, any one of the following may be indicated: If your dog has an injury, allergy or skin irritation, the white fur surrounding it could potentially turn reddish-brown. This is mostly seen in dogs with candid white coats that attain pink, red or brown colors around the eyes and mouth area. Why do dogs' fur change color? The same holds true for cats and dogs. Regular grooming is important so that dirt and body oils do not cause staining in the first … Tear stains are dark brown or reddish marks that appear beneath a dog’s eyes. Find dog breeds with a particular coat color or pattern. Dr. Marie treats dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and rats. In this case, the loss of pigment mostly affects the dog's nose, lips, and face and it can be temporary or even permanent. Pityrosporum – Pityrosporum is a yeast infection that has a reddish hue. Veterinarian Dr. Ivana shares her expertise on the topic. Can this life threatening condition really be treated with a pill? White isn't really considered a coat color as white hair isn't caused by pigment but rather a lack of pigment. Those whiskers and hairs found on a dog's face are there for a purpose, and a very important one too. I feed only organic foods with no corn and the first ingredient meat. my dog had a bloated stomach and had trouble going to the bathroom and the next day... (25411 views), Bump on dog's neck. And, as most middle aged and older men can attest, hair is a luxury. Past kidney infections, kidney/bladder stones, bladder infections, or tumors can cause old blood. Porphyrin is a chemical found in saliva and tears, and when they dry on the coat, the colour changes from … At first she was great.Incision looked great and still... (14606 views), maggots in guinea pig's cage Dear dr marie, i found maggots in my guinea pig's cage. As a dog matures, it's quite common for his darkly pigmented coat to attain a lighter color, explains veterinarian Eric Barchas. She would love to help with your pet's problem! No! My cat was spayed 6 days ago. When the fur around the eyes stays moist, it can also lead to the growth of yeast and bacteria. A hoarse bark in your dog may have you wondering whether there's such a thing as a dog barking too much to the point of losing his voice. Dogs with dilution color factors in their genes will be a paler version of these basic colors. But sometimes stress, poor nutrition, or illness can cause a dog to lose more hair than usual. The cause of these stains on a dog's fur are natural chemicals called porphyrins which arefound in a dog's tears and saliva, explains veterinarianDr. It's not a bad idea to have the vet run a comprehensive blood panel to exclude this condition, suggests veterinarian Dr. Scott Nimmo. Foot-licking, usually due to allergy, can often be controlled or lessened … var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; Folliculitis is a bacterial infection which can cause various skin abnormalities in dogs, such as bumps, sores and scabs. If your dog ate aluminum foil also known as tin foil, you may be worried about what will happen to him. A case of vitiligo in dog, notice the white patches of hair. Tomatoes? Now those areas are turning brown. My dog, Codey (6 yr old rescue cockapoo) went to the groomer yesterday to get... (19083 views), Antibiotics for stuffed up nose. It may grow thinner. After... (15213 views), Shelter cats with infection. Patches of fur in certain areas of the body turning red or brown and growing darker in colour over time. If the skin or coat has a color other than white, it is said to be pigmented. Sometimes dog owners report that the fur on their dog's face is of a different color. Many dogs feel cold after surgery, and watching a pup shivering as he is recovering is not a pleasant sight for dog owners. Search for similar questions: Veterinarian, Dr. Marie created this site to be able to provide quick, accurate veterinary advice online. June 5, 2017 at 11:16 am #101791 Report Abuse. Dogs reverse sneeze because their bodies are reacting to something in their environment. /answer_np.php?id=2579-cat-eating-less-than-normal, /answer_np.php?id=2520-cut-my-dogs-nail-too-short, /answer_np.php?id=6172-what-is-this-red-lump-on-my-dogs-leg, /answer_np.php?id=1153-dog-ate-a-feminine-pad, /answer_np.php?id=1416-why-did-my-dog-die, /answer_np.php?id=1815-do-sheep-die-on-their-backs, /answer_np.php?id=781-puppy-wont-eat-or-drink, /answer_np.php?id=1275-stretching-out-back-legs, /answer_np.php?id=2419-dog-panting-at-night-time, /answer_np.php?id=5035-swollen-foot-because-of-bandage, /answer_np.php?id=2426-dog-ate-foam-padding, /answer_np.php?id=1131-is-raid-toxic-to-cats, /answer_np.php?id=1547-otc-sedation-for-cats, /answer_np.php?id=643-arthritis-in-17-year-old-dog, /answer_np.php?id=2328-my-dog-ate-goose-poop, What does an infected neuter incision look like. The fact that clipping affects texture and color of a dog's new coat coming through has caused triggered some groomers to start adding a disclaimer to inform their clients of the possible coat color changes associated with shaving a dog's hair. Many dog owners report that their dog's fur changed color after a surgery or injury causing a dog's fur to turn darker. When someone mentions food and water bowls for dogs – plastic options are often the first that come to mind. In this case, the colors are really stains that come from the dog's saliva and tears. Hi Dr Marie, When dark-colored hair is exposed to sun (or chemical bleach), it turns red before turning yellow. Strawberries? A pin brush is useful for dogs with long hair or thick coats, while a slicker brush is ideal for dogs with finer fur or sensitive skin. Did you know? However, this doesn't make sense if your dog is pretty chill and doesn't bark at every leaf that falls. In this case, the colors are really stains that come from the dog's saliva and tears. if you're worried ask your vet. A dog that consistently licks at a certain area of her skin might experience darkening of the pigment there. What is causing the stains in dogs? What happened? While the issue may be strictly cosmetic, a veterinarian should be consulted as the staining can be caused at times by underlying medical problems such as blocked tear ducts, in the case of tear stains, or periodontal disease, in the case of mouth stains. Finally, trim the fur of those areas of your dog where dark or brown stains tend to surface. Humans are not the only ones to age, turns out, dogs age too and when they do, their fur undergoes changes just as in humans. Or is there more to it that isn't being told? In the areas of previous trauma such as a surgical incision site, a clipper burn or even a hot spot, the hair may grow darker in color. Poor Hair Coat. It's the oddest sound,I never heard my dog doing that before, can I take him in?". There are several animals whose skin or fur changes color for the purpose of disguising predators making them difficult to see, but contrary to these animals, dogs don't change coat color for the purpose of camouflaging. Mange (Mites) Mange is a skin disorder caused by tiny parasites called mites. Dave. gcse.src = '' + cx; He was so pretty and white a month ago before he wore the … The entire content of this website is copyrighted by Ask A Vet Question, owned by Dr. Marie Haynes and is not to be reproduced, copied or distributed without permission. I found a flea (or what I thought it was a flea about 2 months ago. She has been a vet since 1999. The face of a schnauzer can get discolored due to proliferation of red yeast. Last but not least, most plastic bowls are dishwasher-safe and easy to maintain. Sarah. The presence of the yeast causes the fur to get a reddish-brown tinge under the eyes. The chemistry of it all Read this! I've... (33791 views), Coughing after spay. Changes in a dog's coat color and texture can be an indication of hormonal problems. Dog Food Advisor › Forums › Diet and Health › Re: help with a black dog coat turning brown. Brown tear stains, paw stains and beard stains are common occurrences in white and light-colored dogs. Have any browns fur patches that appear suddenly inspected to ensure your dog hasn't been bitten or developed a rash. Shaving a dog's coat may also cause the hair to become softer and prone to color changes. Why do dogs have whiskers over their eyes? For those wondering what causes dogs to feel cold after surgery, veterinarian Dr. Ivana provides some answers. What happens is that, melanocytes, the cells responsible for giving pigment to the dog's coat die or no longer function, explains veterinarian Dr. Gabby. However, unlike humans, If there is pink or red in your dog’s urine it could indicate current problems with any of the aforementioned causes of brown urine. Think of the white Poodle with brown-stained feet. Sam was a rescue, we believe that he is a little over two years old and a pit / lab... (7317 views), Chronic cat diarrhea. Dogs have cold paws at times and dog owners may be worried about it. It is... (118856 views), Mass on dog's cheek. Thankfully, this discolouration itself doesn’t cause your dog any harm – it’s merely a cosmetic issue. Even though breeders have come up with a wide range of descriptive terms for these primary colors and dilutions of these colors, … There are several things you can do... © 2008 - 2018 Ask A Vet Question. Hello, Saliva staining can be brown, red, orange or pink. Why are cat foods not allowed to contain propylene glycol? This can cause the staining around your dog’s eyes because they’ll tear with this infection, and the tears run down by your dog’s eyes. Spaying or neutering your dog should be the first step in their treatment. This may be from excessive licking or scratching, or dried blood. Whiskers over a dog's eyes, may appear to be in a peculiar place for hair to grow. Is aluminum foil toxic to dogs? Brown, Red, Pink Dog Urine. Age is one of the most common reasons for pets going gray. gcse.async = true; Brown fur staining is primarily caused by an infection with the yeast Malassezia. Dark hair is packed with pigment, so it takes … However, it can be a symptom of an underlying health problem. "Help, my dog is choking, he's acting as if there is something stuck in his throat! Your white dog can be white again! The skin itches from allergies, the dog licks the feet and the fur turns red due to the bacteria/yeast growing on the damp fur leaving an iron oxide on it staining it red and often making the skin raw allowing other infections … They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Read about the controversial new black box label... A chart of the normal blood values for dogs. After blowing coat, a dog’s hair will appear less fluffy and full than it did before, but you shouldn’t see patchiness or balding. var gcse = document.createElement('script'); Someone told me it was... (10718 views). My dog recently had a cotton ball size mass on her "cheek". Dr. Marie is a veterinarian who practices in a busy animal hospital in Ottawa, Ontario. 9 / 19. Saliva staining develops when a dog over-grooms (licks, bites or chews) himself / herself. If the fur in the area is light, it will often turn brown or dark red from the licking, and the skin can darken and thicken over time. In order to better understand the problem, it helps getting better acquainted with how a dog's feet stay warm and what causes them to chill at times. Allergies or skin problems should also be ruled out as these can trigger excessive licking that results in brownish stains on other parts of the dog's body. I have a yellow lab named Sam Saliva from chronic licking can cause pigment changes of the skin and fur, particularly in dogs with light-colored coats. Old blood in the urinary tract can cause brown dog urine color. Since black skin disease is believed to be genetic, you do not want to breed your dog and possibly produce puppies that will develop the condition. I've noticed that one of Max's... (22149 views), Heartworm treatment. Plus, they are readily available, budget-friendly, and unlikely to break in cases of accidents. This occurs because cells containing melanin, rush to the trauma site as part of the inflammatory process, which turns the skin and hair a darker color, explains Sandy Blackburn in the book: "The Everything Dog Grooming Book.". Have you ever noticed how many dogs have reddish brown staining of their fur? But, many times, asking an online veterinarian a question can help save you money. This is mostly seen in dogs with candid white coats that attain pink, red or brown colors around the eyes and mouth area. If you forgot to give your dog his monthly heartworm medication, you are likely very worried about this mishap, and are wondering whether there may be any scary consequences. Our dog Lola came to us as a stray about 3 yrs ago. Stress And Anxiety. By far, sun exposure is the most common reason why a black coat turns red. The skin and coat of a dog may sometimes change color, becoming lighter or darker. Porphyrin Staining A common cause of pink stains in white or light coloured dogs is as a result of porphyrin staining. You will be surprised to find out what this means on a food label! Along with a pigmentation changes, hypothyroidism can cause hair loss, brittle hair, secondary skin infections and other symptoms such as lethargy, obesity and a slower heart rate. Don't believe your pet has fleas. Why Do Dogs Have Whiskers Under The Chin? This may be because he is growing older and is maturing. My cat just came home yesterday with a mild limp (indoor-outdoor cat)He whines a... (16548 views), Vomiting after eating. Learn about treatment... Infographic: What happens to a dog's body in a hot car. As a licensed cosmetologist, I’m very familiar with hair color. Hello So i want to know if he has... (14740 views), Brain tumor or epilepsy? Turns out, a dog can develop a hoarse bark as result of aging and some associated complications. Is an online vet visit just as good as a trip to your veterinarian? I took... (10277 views), Ovarian remnant syndrome. My dog Halo is about 14 months old, she's had diarrhea for the last few days. Generally lighter hues are seen after repeated haircuts.

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