The Hebrew word for Ethiopia is Cush, the eastern branch of which is identified with India. Philadelphia Church of God, All Rights Reserved, India’s population will overtake that of China, which already has the world’s fastest-growing major economy, the next great hope for the world economy, The United States and Britain in Prophecy. Many have thought that this country is intended by Havilah in Genesis 2:11 and that the Indus is the Pishon. The only concrete references to India in the bible come in the book of Esther. Revelation 9:16 discusses an Asian military conglomerate that is prophesied to emerge in the end time and field an army of 200 million soldiers. THE MISSIONARY IN INDIA. And an edict was written, according to all that Mordecai commanded concerning the Jews, to the satraps and the governors and the officials of the provinces from India to Ethiopia, 127 provinces, to each province in its own script and to each people in its own language, and also to the Jews in their script and their language. The Hebrew word for Libya is Put (Put was the third son of Ham, according to Genesis 10:6), whose eastern branch, like Cush, is also identified with India. Thank You India. On September 15, 1838, I ... /.../life and work in benares and kumaon 1839-1877/chapter i voyage to india.htm, Europeans in India. The Hamite .../c/cush.htm - 25k, 127 (3 Occurrences)... Esther 1:1 Now it happened in the days of Ahasuerus (this is Ahasuerus who reigned from India even to Ethiopia, over one hundred twenty-seven provinces), (See .../num/127.htm - 7k, Esther 1:1Now it happened in the days of Ahasuerus (this is Ahasuerus who reigned from India even to Ethiopia, over one hundred twenty-seven provinces),(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS NAS RSV NIV), Esther 8:9Then the king's scribes were called at that time, in the third month Sivan, on the twenty-third day of the month; and it was written according to all that Mordecai commanded to the Jews, and to the satraps, and the governors and princes of the provinces which are from India to Ethiopia, one hundred twenty-seven provinces, to every province according to its writing, and to every people in their language, and to the Jews in their writing, and in their language. The name in 1 Maccabees 8:9 is certainly an error. The Bible does discuss India and the role it will play in end-time events. How we find India in Bible prophecy is interesting. Telegu is the native tongue of this area in India. He shows that this Asian conglomerate is also discussed in Ezekiel 38 and 39, and proves that it will be led by Russia, which is signified by the names Gog, Meshech, Tubal and Rosh in Ezekiel 38:2. Our kids resources like the Vacation Bible Schools, and the Gospel Project have been contextualized and translated into several Indian Languages. October 31, each year marks the day of Reformation. In India, more than half the population is under 25. But before humanity annihilates itself, He will return and stop all this madness! October 31, each year marks the day of Reformation. INDIA [SMITH] The name of India does not occur in the Bible before the book of Esther where it is noticed as the limit of the territories of Ahasuerus in the east, as Ethiopia was in the west. According to tradition, Thomas took the gospel of Christ to the subcontinent of India. ... CHAPTER XXIV. BSI E-NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 2020. This ‘emerging superpower’ is powerful and important, and becoming more so all the time. The first question which comes before us when considering the government of India is, What right have we to govern it? Esther 1:1 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus, (this is Ahasuerus which reigned, from India even unto Ethiopia, over an hundred and seven and twenty provinces:) Esther 8:9 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Then were the king's scribes called at that time in the third month, that is, the month Sivan, on the three and … 1,380,004,000—Population; 53,105—Ministers who teach the Bible; 978—Congregations; 1 to 26,805—Ratio of Jehovah’s Witnesses to population ( Esther 1:1 ; 8:9 ) The India of the book of Esther is not the peninsula of Hindostan, but the country surrounding the Indus, the Punjab and perhaps Scinde . The India of the ancients extended more to the north and west than modern India; and the southern region, now best known to us, was comparatively unknown until the era of modern navigation. Yet Mr. had established commercial relations with the subcontinent much earlier. It is also the 4th most spoken first language in the world after Mandarin, Spanish and English. Verse 5 in the King James Version says “Ethiopia and Libya” will also be part of it. By the name “India”, India is mentioned twice in the Bible in the Book of Esther: Flurry also proves that China, referred to by the name Magog in verse 2, will also be a lead player in this bloc. During ... /.../chapter xxiv the missionary in.htm, The Government of India. In 1837 I was accepted by the London Missionary Society as one of its agents. …. India never formed part of the dominions of Antiochus the Great. We have to realize that this is all good news because Jesus Christ is going to return to this Earth at the very end of the coming world war. On reviewing ... men. The cost to place a durable Telegu Bible in the hands of a Christian convert is just $6! India today is rapidly growing and it is also drawing closer to Russia. And India is mentioned in the Bible. in'-di-a (hoddu: he Indike): The name occurs in canonical Scripture only in Esther 1:1; Esther 8:9, of the country which marked the eastern boundary of the territory of Ahasuerus. It has been ... in Bombay. The Hebrew word comes from the name of the Indus, Hondu, and denotes, not the peninsula of Hindustan, but the country drained by that great river. Mr. To follow Mr. Flurry’s admonition to continue “studying” the Bible and “understanding these prophecies,” please order your free copy of his booklet The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia.’. This is not by coincidence. The government of India has been a cruel government; it has much for which to appear before the bar of God. WATCH. India is a nation located in lower Asia. |, Did the Apostle Thomas (St. Thomas) take the gospel all the way to India? LifeWay India provides Biblical solutions and services to support the Church in Her mission to make disciples. India’s population is now about 1.36 billion, which means almost 1 of every 5 people on Earth is Indian. It may possibly be a clerical error for "Ionia," as Media is possibly a mistake for Mysia. india in'-di-a (hoddu: he Indike): The name occurs in canonical Scripture only in Esther 1:1 ; Esther 8:9 , of the country which marked the eastern boundary of the territory of Ahasuerus. The Hebrew word comes from the name of the Indus, Hondu, and denotes, not the peninsula of Hindustan, but the country drained by that great river. Mr. The late Herbert W. Armstrong wrote in his book The United States and Britain in Prophecy that one third of the Bible is devoted to prophecy and that 90 percent of that third pertains to end-time prophecy—the time we are now living in. The people and productions of that country must have been tolerably well known to the Jews. I ... /.../life and work in benares and kumaon 1839-1877/chapter xxv the missionary in.htm, India as Carey Found It ... LIFE OF WILLIAM CAREY, DD CHAPTER III INDIA AS CAREY FOUND IT. Other Donors, please write to for details ₹ Donation Amount: … And it is almost here! Mrs. DW Thomas, who, with her husband ... // a swain md/call to service in india.htm, Voyage to India. The Bible Society of India Kannada Audio Bible Releasing shortly. Its population is about 1.2 billion people. Indian Bible Translators (IBT) have translated and published the New Testament in the Paniya language(2016). INDIA. this word is rendered "Sophir," and "Sofir" is the Coptic name for India, which is the rendering of the Arabic version, as also of the Vulgate. Among these may be noted "horns of ivory and ebony," "cassia and calamus," almug (sandalwood), apes and peacocks.W. 77-94 Little attention has been devoted to the interconnection between the Judeo-Christian religion as presented in the Pentateuch and the ancient religion of India. Obituary Announcement . THE MISSIONARY IN INDIA (Continued). Dr. Joseph . By the name “India”, India is mentioned twice in the Bible in the Book of Ester: Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus (this was the Ahasuerus who reigned over one hundred and twenty-seven provinces, from India to Ethiopia) (Esther 1:1). Thambi Durai and Elizabeth are the translators in Paniya for Indian Bible Translators. Stephen Daniel translated the portions of the Bible into the Paniya language. The name of India does not occur in the Bible before the book of Esther where it is noticed as the limit of the territories of Ahasuerus in the east, as Ethiopia was in the west. ... Japan is the native home of the plainer peafowl; Siam, Ceylon and India produce the commonest and most gorgeous. He writes: [T]he Bible also prophesies that at the end of all of these wars, the world is going to see the greatest event ever in the universe: the Second Coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ! If the Israelites in early times had no direct relations with India, many characteristic Indian products seem to have found their way into Palestinian markets by way of the Arabian and Syrian trade routes, or by means of the Red Sea fleets (1 Ki 10:11,15; Ezek 27:15 ff, etc. By the name "India" (from the Hebrew word transliterated as Hoduw, apparently related to the term "Hindu"), India is mentioned twice in the Bible in the Book of Esther: Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus (this was the Ahasuerus who reigned over one hundred and twenty-seven provinces, from India to Ethiopia) (Esther 1:1). Tamil Bible app supports almost all Android devices. Biblical Verses related to India. India’s vast population is also very young, which sharply contrasts with the situation in other Asian nations such as China and, even more so, Japan, which have rapidly aging populations. Some Bible translations, such as Young’s Literal Translation and the Darby Bible, correctly render these two names as “Cush” and “Phut.”. It was brought from India by the fleets of Solomon and Hiram, and was called by the Hebrews koph_, and by the Greeks _kepos, both words being just the Indian .../a/ape.htm - 8k, Cush (31 Occurrences)... period there was a stream of migration of Cushites "from Ethiopia, properly so called, through Arabia, Babylonia, and Persia, to Western India." The Romans are said to have taken "India, and Media and Lydia" from Antiochus and to have given them to Eumenes II. 1793 Tahiti v. Bengal"Carey and Thomas appointed missionaries to ... /.../smith/the life of william carey/chapter iii india as carey.htm, India's Ills and England's Sorrows ... India's Ills and England's Sorrows. Flurry points to verses 5 and 6 to show that other Eastern powers will also be aligned with this force. Hindi is the official language of India with over 530,000,000 speakers in India alone. We want all to know of this need and encourage those who can participate to help provide this priceless gift to an a Indian Christian who cannot acquire the words of life on their own. The Parallel English Bible is another outstanding feature in the Tamil Bible app. The Bible was originally translated in Tamil in 1727 and has since been amended by the Bible Council of India to ensure that the Bible is available to all people.Tamil Nadu Auxiliary (Madras Auxiliary Bible Society) came into being on 20th May 1820 and completing the Bicentenary year on 20th May 2020. Stephen Daniel translated the portions of the Bible into the Paniya language. Largely for these reasons, India has been called “an emerging superpower,” the “future of the Internet” and “the next great hope for the world economy.”. Flurry explains that this is particularly significant because of India’s vast population and its advanced nuclear arsenal, writing: “When you put India and Japan together with Russia and China, it is easy to see how an army of 200 million soldiers could be formed.”. 2021 Jesus Christ is about to return—biblical prophecy makes that clear. .../o/ophir.htm - 16k, Thomas (12 Occurrences)... (2) Along with these are other sources identifying Thomas with India. EUROPEANS IN INDIA. Gomer, which refers to Japan, is listed among the nations lending their might to this Russia-led bloc. Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: amomos Phonetic Spelling: (am'-o-mos) Short Definition: blameless Definition ... // - 7k, To India for the Jubilee ... TO INDIA FOR THE JUBILEE. Download the free app and access your bookmarks, notes, and reading plans from anywhere. Since the birthplace of Jesus is too far from the Indian subcontinent, there is a viable chance for him travelling to India or Tibet. We have made this app available absolutely free for you to download and use. Indian Bible Translators (IBT) have translated and published the New Testament in the Paniya language (2016). It is just a few short years away. According to tradition, Thomas took the gospel of Christ to the subcontinent of India. Obituary Announcement . Bible prophecy is clear that these trends will end up positioning India inside of that astonishingly powerful Russia-led bloc. @narendramodi." Disclaimer: This article is to simply present some evidence brought forward that suggests Sri Lanka and South India were mentioned in the Bible. Tens of millions of people are using the Bible App™ to make God's Word a part of their daily lives. This gives India, which already has the world’s fastest-growing major economy, considerably more economic potential. This is done through resources, events and our learning platform: Esther 1:1:8:9, the country lying east of the ancient Persia and Bactria, so named from the river Indus which passed through it. India The name of India does not occur in the Bible before the book of Esther where it is noticed as the limit of the territories of Ahasuerus in the east, as Ethiopia was in the west. Persian sources do not know a king by that name, so he may be either fictional or an alias for a known king such as Xerces I … (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS NAS RSV NIV), India: Probably the Eastern Limit of the Kingdom of Ahasuerus, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 299a. Bible verses about Hinduism. If the Israelites in early times had no direct relations with India, many characteristic Indian products seem to have found their way into Palestinian markets by way of the Arabian and Syrian trade routes, or by means of the Red Sea fleets (1 Kings 10:11, 15 Ezekiel 27:15, etc.). Bible verses including the word or topic of India. The trade opened by Solomon with Ophir through the Red Sea consisted chiefly of Indian articles. This bird is indigenous to India. 1 India and the Biblical Old Testament By Gopal Stavig, Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 80 (1999), pp. ... CHAPTER XXX. It is with deep sadness we are informing you of the passing away of Most Rev. Hence, there is solid proof that Jesus Christ came to India and has made a deep study of Hindu religion. 1,380,004,000—Population; 53,105—Ministers who teach the Bible; 978—Congregations; 1 to 26,805—Ratio of Jehovah’s Witnesses to population ... CHAPTER I. VOYAGE TO INDIA. The cost to place a durable Telegu Bible in the hands of a Christian convert is just $6! The Bible Society of India Kannada Audio Bible Releasing shortly. This is done through resources, events and our learning platform: It is with deep sadness we are informing you of the passing away of Most Rev. Fast Facts—India. The Bible does discuss India and the role it will play in end-time events. The powers fighting the war are going to be destroyed by Jesus Christ Himself! (Esther 1:1; 8:9) The India of the book of Esther is not the peninsula of Hindostan, but the country surrounding the Indus, the Punjab and perhaps Scinde . ... /.../chapter xxxi the government of.htm, The Missionary in India (Continued). A key figure in the Book of Esther is the King of Persia, Ahasuerus. Surely we ought to be studying our Bibles and understanding these prophecies. The trends now underway show that the world is very near to a catastrophic nuclear war. The Hebrew word comes from the name of the Indus, Hondu, and denotes, not the peninsula of Hindustan, but the country drained by that great river. Currently IBT is carrying out the translation of Old Testament in Paniya. Luke 16:19-31 ESV / 10 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful “There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. India and China will each have over 1.44 billion.Our latest post: For donors within INDIA Only. This is the meaning also in 1 Esdras 3:2; Additions to Esther 3:2; 16:01. Various historical records and traditions indicate that Thomas traveled by sea to India in AD 52. ). The tomb of St. Thomas is in Mylapore, India. Thambi Durai and Elizabeth are the translators in Paniya for Indian Bible Translators. CALL TO SERVICE IN INDIA. The Hebrew word comes from the name of the Indus, Hondu, and denotes, not the peninsula of Hindustan, but the country drained by that great river. Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry discusses this force in his booklet The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia,’ showing that it will play a major role in the third and final world war. And Mr. WATCH. They have a large military and is a vital world ally for those seeking to gain an advantage. Mr. Dr. Joseph . Who is India in Bible Prophecy? The letters were read, extracts made, compiled and edited; and in the summer of 1909 "A Glimpse of India" was given to the public. Tamil Bible (தமிழ் பைபிள்) Indian Revised Version Read and meditate the WORD of GOD in Tamil using the Tamil Bible app. READ. Since 1811, we are engaged in translating and publishing the Bible in different languages to make it available for Christians across India. Since 1811, we are engaged in translating and publishing the Bible in different languages to make it available for Christians across India. Flurry explains that in Ezekiel 38:5, these names refer to the modern Indians: Some of Cush and Phut migrated to African nations, but the rest settled in parts of India. So if India today is so significant, wouldn’t it be mentioned in biblical prophecies about the modern day? It was probably an aromatic gum like balsam which exuded from a particular tree (Borassus flabelliformis) still found in Arabia, Media, and India. |, India: Dictionary and Thesaurus | ... CHAPTER XXV. |, Who was Amy Carmichael? Thus, "The Acts of Thomas" (see APOCRYPHAL ACTS, sec. India will soon overtake China to become the most populous country in the world.Within the next decade. How the connection and values of Christ were influenced when he was a young man and lived in Leh region of India. In the LXX. The tomb of St. Thomas is in Mylapore, India. Revelation 9:16 discusses an Asian military conglomerate that is prophesied to emerge in the end time and field an army of 200 million soldiers. Bible verses related to India from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance. THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. Some interpreters have contended that the River Pishon in the land of Havilah refers to India. The Hindi Bible translation story started way back in 1726 when Benjamin Schultze a German Missionary arrived in India to establish an English mission. Bible Plans help you engage with God's Word every day, a little at a time. Telegu is the native tongue of this area in India. The story of Dr. Swain's call to go to India has been told many times. - Sort By Book Order. I have a wide acquaintance with the missionaries of Northern India. The climate of India precludes the possibility of its being a sphere for European colonization. ... CHAPTER XXXI. As Christ Himself said, if He didn’t return, there would literally be no flesh saved alive (Matthew 24:22; Moffatt). 27:15). The vision of the Bible Society of India is to ensure that the Bible is made available to all in a language that they can understand, in a format they have access to and at a price they can afford. The Eliot Indian Bible (officially: Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God, a.k.a. I really enjoyed reading this Book, "the Bible in India" by Louis Jacolliot reveals Hindoo Origin of Hebrew and Christian Revelation. Various historical records and traditions indicate that Thomas traveled by sea to India in AD 52. The context of this passage shows that it refers to modern-day Indians (and perhaps Pakistanis) rather than Africans. Antiochus never .../e/eumenes.htm - 7k, Ebony (2 Occurrences)... Easton's Bible Dictionary A black, hard wood, brought by the merchants fromIndia to Tyre (Ezek. This “emerging superpower” is powerful and important and becoming more so all the time. Ewing, 299. amomos -- amomum (a fragrant plant of India) ... amomum (a fragrant plant of India). The UN projects it in 2024.

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