This is due to your inherent belief that only the individual truly knows what is best for them, based on the rationale of their past experiences and future predictions. The AI Controller - The Eye Atop The Pyramid. In all stars, nebulas, and worlds, there is consciousness, consciousness is everywhere, and in everything... Orion is one of the places that has many souls too. 11 Common Traits, Tell-Tale Signs You're A Spiritual Healer, Kundalini Awakening - What You Should Know, Spiritual Grounding: 7 Ways To Ground Into Earth, 13 Psychic Protection Tips To Block Negativity, Archangel Michael's Powerful Meditation on Love, Incarnated Elementals - Elves, Fairies, Pixies & Merpeople. Most starseeds, including Pleiadian, Andromedan, etc, have spent some lifetimes in the Orion constellation, but those who lived there the longest have the Orion traits and characteristics that are discussed below. If you want help monetizing your passion you can book a free call with Julia here. Logical thinking gets them into hot water in relationships. The AI Controller - The Eye Atop The Pyramid. You are able to set goals and enjoy the process of gradually moving towards them. The Orion constellation is home to several different types of beings, all with similar overall characteristics. They seek to gain trust and faith and find harmony between their left and right brain hemispheres. Discipline comes quite easily to you. You might feel that after a social situation, you must allow your mind to sift through the conversations and events that have occurred, to make sense of them. Instead, you prefer to invest wisely in tools that will help you expand your business, or improve your craft. Orion starseeds originate from one of the best known and most significant constellations in the universe. They tend to analyze people and events in their need to understand. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments! We created a Facebook group exclusively for Starseeds, so we can build a global community between us. Orion starseeds struggle because of their logical thinking. The (old) President Has Not Abandoned You! Are you a Pleiadian starseed? You may hold the belief that through knowledge, you can find the answers to many of, if not all of life’s questions. You get great satisfaction from achieving what you set out to do. The planet is only 4 billion years old, a relatively new world when you consider the Universe is over 16 billion years old. “Doing little things well is a step toward doing big things better.”. There is a strong drive to understand the reasons and inner meanings of all things. You are unlikely to join a large crowd or be influenced by peer pressure. The only people you ask for advice are those who have gotten the results that you desire to achieve. I like this description too, because it is what I often see. Ancient Egypt, African tribes, and other people in the world have legends … 1. Agarthan (Inner Earth) Beings. In fact, revealing what Starseed race you are is a little more complicated than you might think. But to others looking for inspiration, it can ignite the spark that convinces them to go down their path and ignore the naysayers. This desire manifested itself into the possibility to escape Orion’s shackles and enter Earth’s incarnation cycle. Sirian: These souls come from the plan… Orion starseeds are unique beings. As the brilliant American writer Mark Twain once stated: “Laughter is the greatest weapon we have and we, as humans, use it the least.”. Update: The full story of the Orion Federation and how we ended up here is described in my new book The History of the Universe, and the Psychic War of End Times. This is the truth behind Starseed incarnations and the reason why you came to help transform this world. Emotions aren’t of great importance to you, and partners may feel neglected because of this. If you haven’t, there’s a … The body is made up of neutrons, molecules, and atoms, even the so called matter, down to its molecules, is really energy. Here are some of the more popular and known types of Starseeds. Feline They are able to see solutions to all dilemmas and show people that they can live freely whilst still functioning within the parameters of societies and structures. Starseed Faces Many starseeds have long faces, not all, but usually when I see a very long, thin face, I can tell I am talking to a starseed. "Orion: beings from 5D-6D, some from 7D worlds; deep polarity with conflicts in Orion wars; Earth is a mini version of big drama in Orion; issues of extreme control and domination, manipulation, oppression, mind control; explorers and scientists fascinated with genetic material, cloning, hybridization; self-sabotage, transformation, healing, purging; learning awareness, compassion." Orion starseeds don’t need the approval of others. This love for learning leads you to many varied interests, and others admire you for your knowledge on a wide range of topics. This understanding leads to less stress and more confidence in the purpose of your existence on planet Earth. Most Starseed characteristics around the world are actually based on the sign of the Zodiac, and this sounds quite ridiculous. They balance spirituality with practical action, and for this reason, many people admire their ability to manifest results in the physical realm. It is the vibration that makes it appear to be "physical". Pleiadian Regardless of how exotic, not every soul has intentions based on light and love. Therefore, you are blessed with an inherent desire to ensure that all beings on this planet are free as they possibly can be. Read more…. You A Starseed? You struggle with people who make impulsive decisions based purely on their feelings, and this can make it hard for you to get close to another person. Orion starseeds can be extremely powerful teachers to other beings on our planet. 1. Constellation is fascinating and dominates our skies often drawing our I am now authorized to publicly share information that I couldn’t before. I help lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. Indigo Children are a wave of the Starseeds being born on Earth in the late 1950s, most the 1960s and the 1970s. Discovering that you are a starseed can completely revolutionize your experience as a human being. Sirian Starseeds. Reptilian You lean towards listening to your head, rather than your heart. You thrive under pressure. While most Starseeds appear to have come to Earthto teach and heal its citizens, not all Starseeds are intent on helping us evolve. Arcturian If you’re interested in gaining more insights into your starseed and purpose on this planet, you can download my free guide here on how to find your purpose in 2 hours. As someone who originated from the Orion constellation, you have deep-seated memories of the hardships faced by your beings. The Starseed Experience: Traits and Characteristics This is a descriptive article and list of some of the most common and also unusual characteristics and traits of a starseed soul. This drives you to inspire others to make good decisions that will secure their futures. This may drive you to invest your brilliant mind into activism, aiming to bring peace to the world. They are deeply spiritual and connected to the pure field of consciousness from which all life forms are created from. Feline. races originating in Orion live currently on Earth. Their home star had multiple suns, so it was always bright and warm. Do you suspect that you are an Orion starseed? Humans have become so preoccupied with the external circumstances of their planet that they need help to reconnect with their spiritual nature. They are here to inspire humans to get back into alignment with source energy, and the Universe. Ever heard the Hollow Earth theory? Some of them have come to this planet for their benefit or to support a darker mission. Orion starseeds are quite knowledgeable about a wide area of topics. “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”– Socrates. You are blessed with razor-sharp wit and can make light of any situation. Your emotions don’t get in the way of getting things done. Orion starseeds provide much-needed inspiration to the inhabitants of planet Earth. Regardless of whether they have come to realize it yet, Orion starseeds have an important role to play on planet Earth. As these beings became increasingly disillusioned by the constraints put on them in the Orion societies, there was a growing desire to leave the Orion incarnation cycle. You are unlikely to spend money unnecessarily. They are wisdom seekers. It is said that within these societies, advanced technology was used to control the thoughts, emotions, and spiritual aspects of the beings. Orion starseeds possess a great understanding of the mind. They, therefore, enjoy the competition and rise to the occasion when a challenge is presented to them. Starseeds originate from many different higher or alternate dimensional planes, parallel universes, star systems, planets, galaxies, and planes of existence. Is Compassion For The Narcissist Possible. This was written by Julia Lundin, an ex-Google employee turned nomad with the mission to help spiritual seekers awaken their power, create a life of freedom and step into their purpose and passion. They are called “Indigo” because of the distinctive colour of their aura. Andromedan Planet Earth’s physical dimension presents starseeds as 3D beings, so Orion’s closely resemble humans in terms of appearance and mannerisms. Orion Very strong opinions. Many Mintakans intuitively look to the Orion because of this. For more information on the nature of starseeds and their relationship to life on planet earth, check out this article I wrote on the subject. But when they remember their true essence, all of their pain and confusion are transmuted into great strength and courage. by Conscious Reminder The knowledge in ancient times connected to unconditional and unqualified love actually comes from a place up in the stars, called Pleiadians. Are This is perhaps Orion’s most practical quality on planet Earth. Those who have Orion as their planetary origin have strong personalities, ideals and beliefs. Relationship Challenges. Several people, lately, looked into my eyes and asked bluntly “what planet are … Orion starseeds have deep reservoirs of knowledge, both about the physical world and the spiritual plane. The planet Earth is undergoing great transformations in the modern age. According to some, just several people in one specific group may […] They lead by example, and show that with perseverance and compassion, there’s no so-called “problem” that cannot be solved – and learned from. Take the quiz and read about the 5 most common types of Starseed – Pleiadian, Orion, Arcturian, Sirian and Lyran – below! Orion’s may be recognized by the many questions they ask! In reality every single person on Earth is a Starseed. When you spend too much time around other people, you start to feel stressed and the urge to retreat overcomes you. Just a few examples of Starseed origins are the Pleiades, Orion, the Lyran constellation. Feline starseeds possess the strongest psychic abilities out of all the 12 types. Orion humanoids and also the ancient reptilian races exist there. From my birth chart above, I can also see starseed markings indicating an Arcturian origin with incarnations in Orion and the Pleiades. Orion humans, but also reptilian races who are ancient, exist there. It is thought that they came to planet Earth partly to flee the oppressive conditions of their societies, but this also coincided with Earth’s need for guidance in its formative period. Avian The majority of Lyran starseeds look very similar to your average human being on planet Earth, but on average are slightly taller. Blue is the colour of Archangel Michael … They move on quickly from … hold opinions very strongly and do not change their opinions easily Orion starseeds spend a lot of time trying to figure out others logically because they excel at logical... Thirst for knowledge. Mintaka is a star in Orion’s belt and it is known as the Water Planet. A logical way of thinking may serve you well in professional and academic endeavors, but it can lead to friction in relationships. Starseed’s physical qualities are born out of their realization of self. The Pleiades was my most recent incarnation before incarnating on Earth. Orion Starseeds want to improve our understanding of science and help us learn its value. Just like Pleiadian starseeds, you are prone to struggle with relationships. Positive and negative races originating from Orion currently live on Earth. If you see a starseed with vivid blue eyes, they may be Orion. Orion starseeds become most powerful when they realize that the world needs variety. Many Orion’s carried the trauma of their experiences, which were deeply embedded in their subconscious minds. Orion star seeds have an insatiable desire to learn things, they analyse, they dissect, they form opinions, and they stick with those opinions. If you know that independence and being your boss is the best way for you to earn a living, you might find this article I wrote on digital nomad jobs useful. They are aware of the power of decision making and using the information to navigate their journey through life on this planet. Starseeds are spiritual beings that come from different planets and incarnated on earth to help heal others. Orions are focused on improving their surroundings, and helping others to fulfill their worldly potential. This is also evident in your ability to stick things out to the very end regardless of how you feel. Both feminine and masculine races originating in Orion currently on planet Earth as Starseeds. This allows them to access deep reservoirs of knowledge that can help planet Earth and all of its inhabitants remember their true nature as spiritual beings in physical bodies, and therefore raise the vibration of the whole planet. Orion starseeds use their logical minds to link things together and create humor out of the seeming absurdities of the world. There are security protocols to follow, and the threats are gone. They are usually very tall and slim, with a Nordic look. Basic Sirian Starseed Characteristics ♦ Sirian people are unyielding and resolved in their own minds, trusting their own truth above others. Suddenly the things that may have seemed confusing to you become clear and you gain a new level of self-understanding. Orion starseeds are sensitive beings, and therefore require time alone to process their thoughts and newly acquired logic. Mentally Polarised Orion Starseeds have a significant role to play on Earth. Although you are mainly concerned with logic and facts, you still care deeply about your fellow inhabitants on planet Earth. They have a powerful way of inspiring people to align with the Universe. eyes as we gaze at the figure of Orion. Your past experiences in the Orion constellation have taught you what it is like for beings to be manipulated and to live in fear. Indigo Children and their Characteristics. However, the reason why you struggle is very different. Lyran starseeds are known for their healing abilities but must combine this with time alone to reflect and learn from their experiences. Orion represents the tale of a brave hunter who was ultimately a victim of his own pride. but also reptilian races who are ancient, exist there. Intellect provides you with solutions to any roadblocks that may greet you on your journey. Money is not your ultimate driving force, but you have no problem creating financial abundance. But how do you spot a Starseed from the Pleiades? There are hundreds of stars within the Orion system, with Rigel and Betelgeuse being the two biggest. What is the physical appearance of a Lyran Starseed like? This may cause tension between you and other people. While this information can be used to recognize if you are a starseed yourself, it also explains some of the unique experiences and personality quirks that are most generally shared amoung starseed … Like all Starseeds, there are certain physical characteristics associated with them, and this type is known for often being tall and slim with long limbs. You may find yourself becoming agitated when someone else tries to advise you on your life path. This is unintentional on your part, as you genuinely can’t understand why the other person fails to share your well-thought-out views and beliefs. Due to your ordered nature and logical thinking, you believe wholeheartedly in your opinions. Lyran & Vegan They trust their judgment and are happy to go it alone. Are you a Pleiadian Starseed? The constellation of Orion is thought to be responsible for the development of many advanced societies. Orion humans, Both positive and negative Pleiadian Physical Appearance . Their divine purpose is to find balance with human beings. They are not necessarily friendly and have deliberately traumatised many humans. The Pleiades is a constellation also known as the Seven Sisters. However, small talk and trivial matters tend to make them feel tired after a short time. The answer is rarely completely straightforward, and for most people, it turns out that they have a few different star systems of origin.. That might not chime with what you have heard about Lightworkers, but that’s more to do with the language that is often used rather than the … Many people report they have long, thin and graceful necks. If you felt like you don’t fit in and you often daydream about different galaxies and… It’s common for Pleiadian starseeds to have light hair and skin, almond eyes, high cheekbones and strong jawlines. Because … Also, we share free tarot readings to guide Starseeds. If you think you may be an Orion starseed and want to raise your vibration to share your gifts and knowledge more effectively with the world, you might find this video I made helpfully. I am a Starseed from Mintaka and I am a natural uplifter and life enthusiast like many other Mintakan’s Starseed, that have come here on Eart to spread love and light during this time of great transformation and Ascension. You possess the ability to make groups of people laugh, and this draws them to you. Orion star seeds have agreed to help those on Earth with their spiritual evolution. They are very aware of their duality, that is to say, they understand that a little ego is required to survive and function in the physical world. Starseeds: Mintakans (Orion) Mintakans come from the star system of Mintaka, located in the constellation of Orion in its belt. Orion starseeds do enjoy being around others, especially if the conversations are intellectual and engaging. This independence and drive can be intimidating to less confident people. Arcturus influences my subconsciousness and how I interact with the collective consciousness. You use humor to escape the serious nature of your thinking mind. Orion. Business ideas come to you and you use your logical mind to bring them to fruition. We recommend our articles: 5 Traits about Sirian Starseeds, 10 Reasons why Starseeds suffer, 5 traits about Orion Starseeds and 9 Characteristics about Andromedan Starseeds. Planet Earth’s physical dimension presents starseeds as 3D beings, so Orion’s closely resemble humans in terms of appearance and mannerisms. Orion Starseed Signs Logical. The Orion The Orion Constellation is fascinating and dominates our skies, often attracting our eyes as we look at the Orion figure. Pleiadian starseeds struggle because they are “fixers”, putting their partner before themselves. For this reason, the wisdom and guidance of starseeds are highly beneficial. Starseeds are ancient beings from certain parts of the universe that choose to come to planet earth for a particular reason. Sirian They … More Starseed Articles It is not their job to convince others that they are right, but rather to lead by example and allow other points of view to co-exist with theirs. Do You Know A Narcissist? It's also said that many Greys, of Zeta Reticuli origins, have become stuck on earth reincarnating as human, due to their karma and interference with earth inhabitants. And what is a pleiadian starseed anyways...what are the characteristics and traits? Here are ten strong signs that you are an Orion starseed: When it comes to making a decision, you like to think through all of the facts and made a calculated judgment. Welcome to The Spirit Nomad! But if they see a clearer path through someone else’s eyes they will willingly go that way. After reading this comprehensive article, you’ll have the answer to the following questions: Am I an Orion Starseed, and if I am, what is my purpose? You feel most fulfilled when you are learning new things. Orion starseeds continue to teach and inspire humans even when they are unaware of their origins as spiritual beings. The disguise is so convincing that many Orion starseeds themselves get lost in the drama of the world, and forget their true nature. Pleiadians have some common physical traits. You enjoy structure and planning things out meticulously to get the best results. The world can seem like an overwhelming place for Orion starseeds.

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