When does uplift occur in the rock cycle? How are metamorphic and igneous rocks alike and different? Be as neat as you can. Give the students a tray with 12 rocks, four from each rock type. Structured-Answer Questions. The Rock Cycle Worksheet Answer Key. Does the rock cycle have a beginning and an end? Rock cycle a continuous series of events through which a rock is transformed from one type to another. How are igneous rocks and sedimentary rocks alike? 2. õéİÑǾµ¾µ¾¬¦¬¾¦¾ —‹ ‚Ǿy¾Ç¾p¾ÇdXÇ hlH hR 5�>*CJ hlH hü| 5�>*CJ hlH h. There are five different Earth materials and five different geologic processes that transform these materials from one to another. Then, at divergent boundaries magma rises and forms new crust/lithosphere/rock. Rocks & Minerals puzzle (pdf or google doc) Rocks & Minerals Review (pdf or google doc) Other Rock Materials: Rock Cycle Activity (with di) (pdf or google doc) Edible Rocks Activity (pdf or google doc) Geode Lab (pdf or google doc) Guided Reading: Rocks (pdf or google doc) Rock Cycle … What occurs when wind or moving water causes rocks and soil to be relocated? What is the difference between quartz, granite, and marble? The Rock Cycle. What is the cause of movement (force) that changes rocks in the rock cycle? Clastic sedimentary rocks are composed of rock fragments cemented together. (a) sedimentary rock (b) igneous rock (c) metamorphic rock. Where can metamorphic rocks be found in the UK? Part IV – Conclusions. How do igneous rocks change into sedimentary rocks? Draw what you observe in the metamorphic rock box on the rock cycle diagram. What is the difference between 'rock' and 'the rock cycle'? In this rock cycle project, we simulated the formation of sedimentary rocks by pressing the pieces of Starburst into a lump. Considering rocks and tectonic plates, how is the Earth like a gigantic recycling center? Describe the cooling process and the final appearance of the “igneous” rock. 2. Follow the arrow from sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock. Title: Rock Around the Rock Cycle The rocks that make up the Earth are constantly being recycled. Lesson 3 - Fantastic Fossils: Geoologic time and fossil formation. The larger pieces (the clasts) are glued together by the smaller pieces (the cement). Question: PGEOG 1 LAB Lab Assignment #10: The Rock Cycle - Sedimentary Rocks INTRODUCTION: Rocks Are Usually Composed Of Many Different Minerals (i.e. What type of rock would you expect to form from the material found along a beach? Rock Types will come alive with this lesson and your students will have learning hook for the Rock Cycle. PREDICTION:_____ PROCEDURE: The rock cycle describes the processes by which rocks become other types of rocks by melting. The Earth is 4.6 billion years old, but you won’t find rocks that old because they have been recycled into younger rocks. Learn how to distinguish between types of rocks and discover how rocks change over time. Correct answers: 3 question: In the Chocolate Chip Rock Cycle Lab, the formation of which rock type is shown by adding slight pressure (a thin textbook) to the chopped chips that represent sediment? Over time these layers of rock can change shape and form. In your description, tell how igneous rock changes to metamorphic rock, which then changes to sedimentary rock. A. sedimentary B. igneous C. metamorphic D. fossilized Igneous rock forms from magma or lava. The Rock Cycle Lab The rock cycle is a never-ending process. Select a starting location and follow many possible paths throughout the cycle. Does the rock cycle stop after quartzite has formed? Follow the directions on your lab sheet and on each page. When rocks heat up so much that they melt, they turn to a hot liquid called lava. Can the rock cycle occur on the earth surface. Rock Cycle Worksheet Answer Key 6th Grade. This Lab reflection form is a really good way to get students to process the information that they have learned in the lab into usable information. One form of rock is often changed into another form of rock through the processes of nature you have been learning about that occur over time. When do rocks change form in the rock cycle? 3. Mountains push up and wear down. Based on the objective above, complete the Purpose section of this lab. The best way to understand how the rock cycle works is to re-create it using a box of ordinary crayons. Pick up the "sediments" and gently push them together so they all form into one big piece. Rock Cycle Diagram The Rock Cycle diagram below is an easy-to-read model of how rocks can change over time. How can metamorphic rock be transformed into igneous rock? As plates subduct the crust/lithosphere/rocks are returned to the mantle where they melt back into magma. represents erosion (wind, sun, ice, rain) that . Background: The rocks that make up the Earth are constantly being recycled. What is heat and pressure in the rock cycle? Background: The rocks that make up the Earth are constantly being recycled. Built in check-for-understanding questions are after each step and it would be very easy to make a quick worksheet where students record the answers. Sections of the crust are on the move. How are metamorphic rocks different from igneous rocks? In this lab, you will become familiar with the rock cycle as a tool for making the connections between rocks and the geological processes that form them. Rock cycle in chocolate lab Pete Stelling, Western Washington University This lab activity simulates the rock cycle with a piece of chocolate instead of actual rock. Complete the conclusion and analysis questions. How does the rock cycle impact the lithosphere? Conclusions and Analysis Questions Name: _KEY______________ We already know that we could turn the sedimentary rock into metamorphic rock (we did that in step #3). Place your "metamorphic rock" on the piece of aluminum foil. Sedimentary rock rock formed from sediments, organic remains, or chemical precipitates. What type of rock is Malcom's rock? Heat and pressure often cause this change, but chemicals are agents of change as well. The rock cycle explains how one type of rock can be changed to another through geologic time. Rock Cycle Story Worksheet. coin . cause rocks to break down into smaller pieces. The rock cycle helps us understand what conditions helped formed those rocks, which can tell us a lot about the history of a region. 4. The Rock Cycle Lab The rock cycle is a never-ending process. List the processes that change rocks/rock material: Materials: per group: 3 different colored starburst candies, scissors, piece of aluminum foil or small foil pie plate, hot plate, markers or colored pencils, paper, heavy books, blank rock cycle diagram Procedure: Take your three different colored Starbursts and cut them into as many small pieces as you can. In this rock cycle activity, students are given twelve rocks to separate into three major groups of rocks including sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks and igneous rocks. You are probably starting to see that any form of rock can be changed into any other form of rock. Figure 5.0.2: The rock cycle, showing the processes related to sedimentary rocks on the right-hand side. A metamorphic rock could become another metamorphic rock if it received another round of high heat and pressure Which rock is formed from broken-down pieces of rock? Look at all three “rock” samples. My son is also a rock hound, always bringing back a new and unusual looking rock from one of the nearby beaches too. Ï Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Get help with your The rock cycle homework. Igneous rock forms from magma or lava. Use your Journal to record how you determined the correct testing lab. Materials: 3 crayons coin hot plate paper towels aluminum foil cold water Making Sedimentary Rock-Part 1 1. Beneath the layers of dirt are layers of rock. Why are igneous rocks called primary rocks? Includes:2 printable versions (one in col Your hands and tools were the cause of movement of the materials in this lab. Rock Cycle Diagram - Germantown Municipal School District. Arrows connecting the three rock types show the processes that change one rock type into another. rock is often changed into another form of rock through certain processes of nature that occur over time. What type of rock forms from the cooling of molten rock at or below the surface? Rock sediments erode from gravity, water, wind, animals, etc. Sedimentary rock can become igneous rock if the sedimentary rock completely melts down and then cools and crystalizes You are probably starting to see that any form of rock can be changed into any other form of rock. We simulated the formation of metamorphic rocks by … Answer these questions about your eroded rocks… Sedimentary rock formed from compaction (squeezed) and cementation (glued ). Write a description of another pathway through the rock cycle. True b. Explore (20 minutes) ISN p. 18. Why are minerals important to the rock cycle? Is the rock cycle evidence of tectonic plates? Play this game to review Earth Sciences. This type of rock is typically unlayered. Purpose: (Use this to create your Statement of the Problem) Use this activity to model the rock cycle. What is crystallization in the rock cycle? Describe an alternate pathway within the rock cycle. What is solidification in the rock cycle? How could you turn the sedimentary rock into igneous rock without going through the metamorphic stage? This type of rock is typically unlayered. Welcome to the Geology- Rock Cycle Quiz. Æ Æ $ $ $ 4 ÿÿÿÿ X X X X , „ 4 X ‹D ª ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ Ó, Ó, Ó, Purpose: (Use this to create your Statement of the Problem) Use this activity to model the rock cycle. How long would it take for another layer of rock to form, and are the new layers of rock the same shape as the older layers? Remember, the candy represents rock and will be referred to as "sedimentary rock", "metamorphic rock… Sedimentary rock turns into Metamorphic rock through which process? Igneous MineralsSedimentary Minerals Metamorphic Minerals 2. Igneous Rock Testing Lab: Drag the magnifying glass over the rock sample to get a close-up view. SP#2 students develop a model to test ideas about phenomena in natural systems and use a model to describe unobservable mechanisms (rock cycle) and SP#6 construct explanations of phenomena for science (Why does the rock cycle have more than one path?). All the directions are on the lab sheet. In other words, use a coin to shave your crayons into small pieces. 9. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. What is the difference among igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks? These and many other processes contribute to the rock cycle, which makes and changes rocks on or below the Earth’s surface. Classroom Resources > Rock Cycle Interactive. Rock Cycle Station Lab - Students will love you for providing them with a hands-on experience when learning about the Rock Cycle.The Rock Cycle station lab is a plug and play unit that is meant to accompany my FREE Kesler Science Station Lab Series. Put the pieces into a pile and draw what you observe in your sediment box on the rock cycle diagram. What parts of the rock cycle occur at Earth's surface? These small pieces are compacted and cemented under pressure into sedimentary rock. Rock Cycle Worksheet Glencoe. How do you think these pieces harden into rocks in nature? TEACHER ANSWER KEY ROCK CYCLE Starburst Lab Reflection Word Bank: • Sedimentary •Igneous Rock • • • • Rock Weathering/Erosi on Heat & Pressure Heating • • ... Microsoft Word - Rock Cycle Starburst Lab Reflection - Modified 11-2019.docx Created Date: Rock Cycle Worksheet Year 3. What three processes transform metamorphic and sedimentary rocks into sediment? º ¸ $ ¸ Which rock type do you think is the most difficult to identify: igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic? erosion, and changes in temperature, and pressure in or on the Earth. One form of rock is often changed into another form of rock through certain processes of nature that occur over time. How does the rock cycle illustrate the conservation of matter? © copyright 2003-2021 Study.com. While hiking near the mouth of a river, Malcolm finds a fine grained rock that breaks into flat pieces. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. A rock you expect to be a product of a composite (strata) volcanic 2. What process causes igneous rock to transform into metamorphic rock? Learn how to distinguish between types of rocks and discover how rocks change over time. The Rock Cycle (KS3) | Teachers' Zone | Structured-Answer Questions. Use your text, lecture, the video on Geology and the rock cycle diagram in the Module 14 Lab Assignment to answer … _____ rocks are formed when the actual structure of a rock is changed. Sugar Rock Cycle Lab Objective: (TEK 6.10B)Students will use sugar to model the rock cycle in order identify the 3 classifications of rock (sedimentary, metamorphic, & igneous) and better understand the process of their formation. This module addresses the rock cycle, including the historical development of the concept. Sediments Sedimentary Rock Igneous Rock Magma Metamorphic Rock Rock Cycle Diagram Use the following five processes to LABEL EVERY ARROW on the rock cycle diagram: compaction and cementation, melting, cooling and hardening, heat and pressure, weathering and erosion = > H p { � Š Æ Ğ Ô â ç P Q R S \ Ş ñ ! If so, you've just seen the three types of rocks that make up the rock cycle. The forces that cause the rock cycle are your hands and the griddle, not the natural forces of the Earth. Rock Cycle Worksheet Ks2. What is transportation in the rock cycle? Ask your mom, dad or other adult to act as your scientific assistant: This crayon rock cycle experiment will require their supervision and help. The rock cycle is the entire process of forming rocks, and like a circle, it has no beginning or end. _____ rocks are formed when the actual structure of a rock is changed. How could you turn the sedimentary rock into igneous rock without going through the metamorphic stage? Step-by-step PowerPoint slides include pictures so that students understand expectations 100%. a. igneous b. sedimentary c. metamorphic Exploring the Rock Cycle Figure 2.2 in your lab manual shows the Rock Cycle. The rock cycle is based on the idea that different types of rock represent different stages in the earth's constant cycle of destruction and renewal. 3. How do you think these pieces harden into rocks in nature? Test your understanding with practice problems and step-by-step solutions. Play the role of a piece of rock moving through the rock cycle. My guys and I are studying geology and the rock cycle including metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary rocks. ... Student Exploration- Calorimetry Lab (ANSWER KEY) June 04, … Services, Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Lesson 2 - Making & Breaking: How natural weathering, erosion, pressure and heat are part of the rock cycle. 1. Fold this in half and press down on it some more. 3.1 The Rock Cycle The rock components of the crust are slowly but constantly being changed from one form to another and the processes involved are summarized in the rock cycle (Figure 3.2). 2. 3. Weathering breaks igneous rock into sediments such as pebbles and sand. For extra credit: In which mineral group do most of these minerals originate? Turn on the hot plate and place the foil on the hot plate. Observe the "metamorphic rock" as it melts. Start studying The Rock Cycle (Lab). Explain with cause and effect. Stay 4 Water is beating the rocky shoreline and breaking off tiny pieces of sediment (physical weathering). How could a rock be changed but still be classified as the same type of rock? If rocks are being created all the time by volcanoes, will the world eventually fill up with rocks or how do we get rid of them? Q. These changes in these rocks either happen due to weathering or erosion. Starburst- Rock Cycle Lab Procedure: 1. Describe what the melted “rock” (magma) looked like. Get help with your The rock cycle homework. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree. How much of the rock cycle can be observed? The Rock Cycle Gizmo™ illustrates the different transformations that make up the rock cycle. Geology 1112 Lab 2 The Rock Cycle 1. ... Rock Cycle Lab Worksheet. I had one student tell me she never looks at Starburst Candy without thinking about our lesson. Shares Share on Facebook. The photo in your answer to question 8 belongs to which rock group? What is the difference between marble and granite? What rock groups can form from metamorphic rock? If you have a laptop, you may want to bring it to lab rather than printing Figures. Besides using Starbursts to represent minerals, what are the limitations of this model of the rock cycle (meaning, what are some differences than the real rock cycle in nature? Take your foil off the hot plate with tongs, being careful not to spill the "magma". You will find the directions labeled in green for ease. Students will engage in the rock cycle lab following the procedures listed below. Rock Salt). One form of rock is often changed into another form of rock through certain processes of nature that occur over time. What are the three classes of rocks? Use the rock ID graphs/charts in your textbook and provided websites. How does weathering and erosion affect the rock cycle? Directions for this WebQuest: 1. Sediment rock fragments that have been transported to a different location. How to tell the difference between marble and granite. This Rock Cycle Lab Worksheet is suitable for 8th - 10th Grade. Use your Rock Cycle WebQuest lab sheet. Learn how rocks are formed, weathered, eroded, and reformed as they move from Earth's surface to locations deep within the crust. 2. Only the door to the correct lab will open. The time scale at which the rock cycle runs is much longer geologic time, in contrast to a single class period Conclusions and Analysis Questions KEY Name: _____________________ We already know that we could turn the sedimentary rock into metamorphic rock (we did that in step #3). Which type of rock is the softest? Remember that there are three main types of rock: igneous (for example, basalt and granite) sedimentary (for example, limestone, sandstone and shale) How are rocks classified in the rock cycle? Granite) But Can Also Be Composed Of A Single Mineral (i.e. Earthquakes shake and volcanoes erupt. Considering rocks and tectonic plates, how is the Earth like a gigantic recycling center? How does the rock cycle affect the Earth? If so, you've just seen the three types of rocks that make up the rock cycle. Unit Overview Lesson 1 - Rock Solid: An introduction to the types of rocks and minerals, as well as material stresses and weathering. Which rock is formed from broken-down pieces of rock? Sciences, Culinary Arts and Personal Does every rock go through the complete rock cycle? The relationships between uniformitarianism, the rock cycle, and plate tectonics are explored both generally and through the specific example of the Cascade Range in the Pacific Northwest. Metamorphic rock-weathered and deposited-sedimentary rock- heat and pressure- metamorphic rock. Rock Cycle Interactive. In the rock cycle, illustrated in figure 8, the three main rock types—igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic—are shown. We have allocated Levels to SAT-type questions; the Extension questions are a little more challenging! What metamorphic rock is formed from shale? Which process creates soil by breaking down parent material such as bedrock into smaller particles? What are two possible fates for an igneous rock? Take your three different colored Starbursts and cut them into as many small pieces as you can. A type of rock that formed from melted rock and has cooled then solidified? Explain (10 minutes) Students go over the lab procedures and decide who will take on each role. Give specific examples with processes. ˜ We live steps away from a beach filled with cool rocks. Magma is molten (liquid) rock under Earth’s surface. What does 'cementation' mean in the rock cycle? Go ahead and submit it to our experts to be answered. Rock Cycle Worksheet Tes. Give specific examples with processes. They are stuck together by cementation. The Earth is an active planet. How is the rock cycle related to plate tectonics? The cycle has no beginning and no end. Access the answers to hundreds of The rock cycle questions that are explained in a way that's easy for you to understand. Take up the quiz below and test your knowledge of the rock cycle. Put them in a pile and draw what you observe in your sediments box on the rock cycle diagram. They answer questions about each type of rock and the rock cycle. False. Rock cycle summary. In this simulation the crayons represent rocks represent rocks, the . Gravity and the Earth’s internal heat are the driving forces that cause plate tectonics (via convection currents in the mantle), wind (convection currents in the atmosphere), water moving, and tides, etc.. All of these forces contribute to weathering, and erosion, and the processes of the rock cycle. How do metamorphic rocks reach Earth's surface? Directions: Use the diagram above to answer the questions below. ê A rock you expect to be a product of cinder cone volcano 3. CCC #4 Systems & Models students understand that … The rock cycle is an example of the conservation of.  What is the cause of movement (force) that changes rocks in the rock cycle? As students develop a model of the rock cycle, they master a variety of standards. 3. It is a memorable fun lab … Unit 4: Rock Cycle and Geological Time Rock Cycle Simulation Lab Goal: To simulate the rock cycle using crayons to represent rocks. … All rights reserved. Rock Cycle Review Worksheet Answers. Create an account to browse all assets today, Biological and Biomedical How are the hydrological cycle and the tectonic cycle both power the rock cycle? Set it on the table and observe it as it cools and hardens. Rock Cycle Starburst Lab Name _____ Period _____ Purpose: To observe the rock cycle through a series of simulation activities. What types of rocks are shown? Our rock collection is ever-changing and this month he has been learning about rocks, minerals, and natural resources. * Look at Why? Name: _____ Lab: Rock Around the Rock Cycle. Play this game to review Earth Sciences. Use a popsicle stick periodically to gently move the “starburst rock pieces” around. From what material do igneous rocks form? Notice the numbers in the different shapes that represent steps in the rock cycle. Weathering breaks igneous rock into sediments such as pebbles and sand. How does sandstone change into quartzite? 1. Explain with cause and effect. 21 Posts Related to Answer Key Rock Cycle Review Worksheet Answers. These small pieces are compacted and cemented under pressure into sedimentary rock. There are three major types of rocks: Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. In this lab students receive two small blocks (1 cm 3) of chocolate (white and dark), and follow it through the entire rock cycle.The chocolate blocks are melted on a hot plate, with different melting temperatures and rheologies due to compositional differences. Erode your rock. Your hands and tools were the cause of movement of the materials in this lab. Answer The LEQ; Reference Page; TeacherTools Explore the Rock Cycle! Rocks deep within the Earth are right now becoming other types of rocks. How does the water cycle affect the rock cycle? While your system is running, set up the equipment for the next part of the lab. How could a rock be changed but still be classified as the same type of rock? Make a list of the common rock-forming minerals that are found in each rock family. A traditional rock cycle lab can acquire a new "spin" after the Rock Cycle Simulation. Í Collect the shavings on a paper towel. Match the rock type or process to its respective number. Rock Cycle Game Worksheet and have them answer question 1. How does sedimentary rock form into metamorphic rock? Lab Exercise Nine: Soil and Rock Cycle Print this question sheet and the answer sheet and bring them to the lab. Draw what you observe in the igneous rock box on your rock cycle diagram. Q. Classroom Resources; About Us; Programs; Professional Development; Blog; Contact Us; Subscribe Me. Students melt, crystallize, erode, lithify and metamorphose a single small block of chocolate. Rock Cycle Interactive Worksheet Answer Key. Answer the following questions: a. Igneous rock is exposed to heat and pressure, changing it to metamorphic rock. What type of rock forms due to heating and cooling? Sedimentary rock turns into Metamorphic rock through which process? Materials (per group): 3 Starbursts of different colors, grater, paper towel, aluminum foil, tin cupcake liner, text book. The Rock Cycle Worksheet Key. What happens to metamorphic rock when it melts? 3.1 The Rock Cycle The rock components of the crust are slowly but constantly being changed from one form to another and the processes involved are summarized in the rock cycle (Figure 3.2). Pick up the sediments and gently push them together so … ¤ Under great heat and pressure inside the Earth’s crust, igneous 5. Can't find the question you're looking for? A sedimentary rock needs a cementing agents and metamorphic rocks need heat and a lot of pressure. BE CAREFUL! Before exploring the Gizmo, take a look at the image. igneous rock. Place the aluminum foil bowl onto a hot plate and turn the hot plate on. D ¥- ¥- â ¶A ¤ Ú J ‚C ¸ ÿÿÿÿ ޶�ãvĞ ÿÿÿÿ - : ZB öC [D 0 ‹D pB {I ;- j {I , ‚C {I $ ‚C t Ó, Ó, ¥- Ó, Ó, Ó, Ó, Ó, 0D 0D ¥- Ó, Ó, Ó, ‹D Ó, Ó, Ó, Ó, ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ {I Ó, Ó, Ó, Ó, Ó, Ó, Ó, Ó, Ó, Æ æ : Name: _____________________ Lab: Rock Around the Rock Cycle Background: The rocks that make up the Earth are constantly being recycled. The rocks that form on the earth's surface undergo a lot of changes with time, and there are essentially three types of rocks. Using starbursts, students are able to simulate the rock cycle in a teacher-led structured activity. Stay 5 Plant roots are growing into a tiny crack in the rock and breaking off tiny pieces of sediment (physical weathering). Don't give them the names! But as lava cools down, it turns back to rock. Rock Cycle Worksheet With Answer Key. Take the rock to the appropriate Rock Testing Lab by clicking the door you want to enter. Besides using Starbursts to represent minerals, what are the limitations of this model of the rock cycle (meaning, what are some differences than the real rock cycle in nature? I have done it with 30 students at once. Materials (per group): 3 Starbursts of different colors, grater, paper towel, aluminum foil, tin cupcake liner, text book. What are the major processes of the rock cycle? b. ROCK CYCLE - ROCKS (6A) LAB PROBLEM: How are rocks formed on the crust of the Earth? w Ask your mom, dad or other adult to act as your scientific assistant: This crayon rock cycle experiment will … Match the items: 1. Place the paper and book on top of the warm "sedimentary rock" and press down on it. One form of rock is often changed into another form of rock through the processes of nature you have been learning about that occur over time. Rock Cycle Worksheet Pearson. In nature, rocks are broken down by the forces of nature. The Rock Cycle Worksheet Answers 8th Grade. Draw what you observe in the magma box on your rock cycle diagram. Do you have a good idea of what these processes entail? How are the three interconnected and related? D ¥- Ó, Browse through all study tools. Access the answers to hundreds of The rock cycle questions that are explained in a way that's easy for you to understand. This involves filling an aluminum pie pan with ice. Rock Cycle Station Lab - Students will love you for providing them with a hands-on experience when learning about the Rock Cycle.The Rock Cycle station lab is a plug and play unit that is meant to accompany my FREE Kesler Science Station Lab Series. These questions and answers have all been written and checked by teachers who also work as examiners and question-setters. Set this piece down and draw what you observe in the sedimentary rock box on the rock cycle diagram Now take your "sedimentary rock" and warm it in your hands for a while. After the Rock Cycle Lab, have students use the word bank to label each process and product of the rock cycle. Heat and pressure often cause this change, but chemicals are agents of change as well.

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