Chancellor of Austria translation in English-Slovak dictionary. Fearing the opposition of the other German princes and the military intervention of Austria and Russia, the King renounced this popular mandate. In 1815, representatives of the European powers — Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria —who had collectively defeated Napoleon, met at Vienna to draw up a settlement for Europe.The Congress was hosted by the Austrian Chancellor Duke Metternich. This began what historians refer to as "The Misery of Austria" in which Austria served as a mere vassal to the superior Germany, a relationship that was to shape history until the end of the First World War. The Vice-Chancellor stands in for the Federal Chancellor in his complete field of functions. He also wanted to undercut the anti-colonial liberals who were sponsored by the Crown Prince, who—given Wilhelm I's old age—might soon become emperor and remove Bismarck. [114], The first successful bill, passed in 1883, was the Sickness Insurance Bill. Bismarck therefore made the decision to join the Scramble for Africa. [34], In 1866, Austria reneged on the agreement and demanded that the Diet determine the Schleswig–Holstein issue. The year before his death, Bismarck again predicted: One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans.[135]. 8, 424, 444; Bismarck specifically referred to Socialists, among others, as "Enemies of the Reich". "Bulgaria, that little country between the Danube and the Balkans, is far from being an object of adequate importance... for which to plunge Europe from Moscow to the Pyrenees, and from the North Sea to Palermo, into a war whose issue no man can foresee. In April 1849, the Frankfurt Parliament offered the title of Emperor to King Frederick William IV. His refusal to sign was apparently to protest Wilhelm's ever-increasing interference with Bismarck's previously unquestioned authority. Bismarck accelerated the Kulturkampf. v Simultaneously, Bismarck began to use international diplomacy to secure the … [89], Between 1873 and 1877, Germany repeatedly manipulated the internal affairs of France's neighbors to hurt France. If both Federal Chancellor and Vice Chancellor are hindered, the Federal President appoints a member of the government to represent the Federal Chancellor.. The next day, after realizing his blunder, Bismarck attempted to reach a compromise with Wilhelm by agreeing to his social policy towards industrial workers and even suggested a European council to discuss working conditions, presided over by the Emperor. He was a cousin of Ludwig, Graf von Cobenzl, an Austrian foreign minister. [50] France was also required to pay an indemnity;[51] the indemnity figure was calculated, on the basis of population, as the precise equivalent of the indemnity that Napoleon I had imposed on Prussia in 1807. Its first goal was to establish a new balance of power in Europe. In 1890, Bismarck was granted the title of Herzog von Lauenburg ("Duke of Lauenburg"); the duchy was one of the territories that Prussia seized from the king of Denmark in 1864. German unification and its rapid economic growth was the foundation to his foreign policy. "[87][88] Once the annexation took place the only policy that made sense was trying to isolate France so it had no strong allies. [90], The bullying, however, almost got out of hand in mid-1875, when an editorial entitled "Krieg-in-Sicht" ("War in Sight") was published in a Berlin newspaper close to the government, the Post. He was also promoted to the rank of lieutenant-general, and bought a former hotel in Friedrichsruh near Hamburg, which became an estate. [112] Bismarck's program centred squarely on insurance programs designed to increase productivity, and focus the political attentions of German workers on supporting the Junkers' government. Augusta would have none of it, and detested Bismarck thereafter,[18] despite the fact that he later helped restore a working relationship between Wilhelm and his brother the King. Name the countries which participated in the Vienna congress of 1815. The old servant, no matter how great and how brilliant, had become in reality what he had always played as on a stage: a servant who could be dismissed at will by his Sovereign. To achieve this he kept Napoleon III involved in various intrigues, whereby France might gain territory from Luxembourg or Belgium. It was a product of the desire of Hamburg's patrician classes to defend their political privileges in the face of dramatic social change and attendant demands for political reform. The Kartell majority in the Reichstag, including the amalgamated Conservative Party and the National Liberal Party, was willing to make most of the laws permanent. The King and his generals wanted to push onward, conquer Bohemia and march to Vienna, but Bismarck, worried that Prussian military luck might change or that France might intervene on Austria's side, enlisted the help of Crown Prince Frederick Wilhelm, who had opposed the war but had commanded one of the Prussian armies at Königgrätz, to dissuade his father after stormy arguments. The major battles were all fought in one month (7 August to 1 September), and both French armies were captured at Sedan and Metz, the latter after a siege of some weeks. Prussia's boundaries according to the Vienna treaties are not favorable to a healthy state life. Highly detailed diplomatic history of all major European powers. [113], The old age pension program, insurance equally financed by employers and workers, was designed to provide a pension annuity for workers who reached the age of 70. Bismarck entered into resentful retirement, lived in Friedrichsruh near Hamburg and sometimes on his estates at Varzin, and waited in vain to be called upon for advice and counsel. (i) The Bourbon dynasty, which had been deposed during the French Revolution, was restored to power and France lost the territories it had annexed. Sakshi P 3 years, 5 months ago. Old Age and Disability Insurance Law of 1889. He possessed not only a long-term national and international vision but also the short-term ability to juggle complex developments. Bismarck's health began to fail in 1896. This observation became ironic, as after 1871, France indeed became Germany's permanent enemy, and eventually allied with Russia against Germany in the 1890s.[25]. The navy was small under Bismarck.[71]. [113], According to a 2019 study, the health insurance legislation caused a substantial reduction in mortality.[117]. The new monarch was already suffering from cancer of the larynx and died after reigning for only 99 days. [55][56], Kulturkampf became part of Bismarck's foreign-policy, as he sought to destabilize and weaken Catholic regimes, especially in Belgium and France, but he had little success. Bismarck managed a posthumous snub of Wilhelm II by having his own sarcophagus inscribed with the words, "A loyal German servant of Emperor Wilhelm I". Bismarck soon adopted his wife's Pietism, and he remained a devout Pietist Lutheran for the rest of his life. In it he described Bismarck as a reckless and dashing eccentric, but also as an extremely gifted and charming young man.[13]. This novel idea was rejected by the conservative emperor, who thought that he had already given the chancellor enough rewards. In 1849, Bismarck was elected to the Landtag. There, Bismarck spent his childhood in a bucolic setting. That marked a rapid decline in the support of the National Liberals, and by 1879 their close ties with Bismarck had all but ended. CBSE > Class 10 > Social Science. The King of Prussia, as German Emperor, was not sovereign over the entirety of Germany; he was only primus inter pares, or first among equals. 69(2) of the Constitution of Austria states:. "[64][67] With Polish nationalism the ever-present menace, Bismarck preferred expulsion rather than Germanisation. The following changes were made: (i) The Bourbon dynasty, which had been deposed during the French Revolution, was restored to power and France lost the territories it had annexed. For historian Eric Hobsbawm, it was Bismarck who "remained undisputed world champion at the game of multilateral diplomatic chess for almost twenty years after 1871, [and] devoted himself exclusively, and successfully, to maintaining peace between the powers". ), from Coins of Austria List of Austrian Emperors, chancellors etc. Likewise, Bismarck's policy to deny the military a dominant voice in foreign political decision making was overturned by 1914 as Germany was increasingly under military control. He was also given a new title, Duke of Lauenburg, which he joked would be useful when traveling incognito. If the President is unavailable, all his duties are assigned to the Chancellor for a period not to exceed 20 days. Jonathan Steinberg says of Bismarck's achievements to this point: The scale of Bismarck's triumph cannot be exaggerated. He was soon elected to the Reichstag as a National Liberal in Bennigsen's old and supposedly safe Hamburg seat, but he was so humiliated by being taken to a second ballot by a Social Democrat opponent that he never actually took up his seat. Germany's new colonies included Togoland (now Togo and part of Ghana), German Kamerun (now Cameroon and part of Nigeria), German East Africa (now Rwanda, Burundi, and the mainland part of Tanzania), and German South-West Africa (now Namibia). The war lasted seven weeks. Because of both the imperial and the Prussian offices that he held, Bismarck had near complete control over domestic and foreign policy. Despite his lengthy stay abroad, Bismarck was not entirely detached from German domestic affairs. Receiving the support of the independent South German states in the Confederation's defeat of France, he formed the German Empire – which also excluded Austria – and united Germany. [32], Prior to the 1860s, Germany consisted of a multitude of principalities loosely bound together as members of the German Confederation. The most senior diplomats in the foreign service ... were sworn enemies and he knew it. "Social Policy under the Empire: Myths and Evidence", E. P. Hennock, "Social Policy in the Bismarck Era: A Progress Report,", sfn error: multiple targets (2×): CITEREFCowen2012 (, Henry A. Kissinger, "The White Revolutionary: Reflections on Bismarck", Evans, Richard J. In its course, all Prussian bishops and many priests were imprisoned or exiled. a leader from Prussia who succeeding in unifying German-speaking states under Prussian rule Bismarck faced a diplomatic crisis when King Frederick VII of Denmark died in November 1863.

In 1815


In 1825

... Chancellor of Bismarck whose policy of blood and iron referred to ____ answer choices . The new, largely conservative House was on much better terms with Bismarck than previous bodies; at the Minister President's request, it retroactively approved the budgets of the past four years, which had been implemented without parliamentary consent. What was the main objective of the Treaty of Vienna of 1815 ? It was in September 1862, when the Abgeordnetenhaus (House of Deputies) overwhelmingly rejected the proposed budget, that Wilhelm was persuaded to recall Bismarck to Prussia on the advice of Roon. Bismarck, a devout pietistic Protestant, was alarmed that secularists and socialists were using the Kulturkampf to attack all religion. Representatives of European powers, i.e. Bismarck again warned him about the dangers of improvising government policy based on the intrigues of courtiers and militarists: Your Majesty, so long as you have this present officer corps, you can do as you please. The Berlin Conference of 1884–85 organized by Bismarck can be seen as the formalization of the Scramble for Africa. As a result, he grew to be more accepting of the notion of a united German nation. Keeping with his active policy in government, he routinely interrupted Bismarck in Council to make clear his social views. He was forced to contend with French revanchism, the desire to avenge the losses of the Franco-Prussian War. Who hosted the Congress of Vienna? ", Chancellor of the North German Confederation, Diet of the German Confederation in Frankfurt, International relations of the Great Powers (1814–1919), International relations of the Great Powers (1814–1919) § War in Sight crisis of 1875, Chlodwig, Prince of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Phonograph recording of Bismarck's voice (1889), Grand Cross of the Order of Duke Peter Friedrich Ludwig, "The French-German Borderlands: Borderlands and Nation-Building in the 19th and 20th Centuries", "Ueber das Attentat auf den Grafen Bismarck",, "Restored Edison Records Revive Giants of 19th-Century Germany", "Bismarck and the Containment of France, 1873–1877", "Welfare State and Labor Mobility: The Impact of Bismarck's Social Legislation on German Emigration Before World War I", "Bismarck's Health Insurance and the Mortality Decline", "The Kaiser Vs. Bismarck: Suppressed Letters by the Kaiser and New Chapters from the Autobiography of the Iron Chancellor", "Bismarck’s Foreign Policy 1871-1890" (2016), Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society, "First Came the Trains (A History of Bismarck)", "Catalogue of place names in northern East Greenland", "The "Mediatized" – or the "High Nobility" of Europe; Consisting of Something Like Fifty families Which Enjoyed Petty Sovereignty Before the Holy Roman Empire's Overthrow, They Still Exercise Certain Special Privileges Mixed with Unusual Restrictions", Handbuch über den Königlich Preußischen Hof und Staat fur das jahr 1890, Hof- und Staatshandbuch des Großherzogtums Oldenburg: für das Jahr 1872/73, Hof- und Staats-Handbuch des Königreichs Württemberg, "Liste des Membres de l'Ordre de Léopold", "Caballeros de la insigne orden del toisón de oro", online review calls it best study in any language, "The Constitutional Conflict in Prussia and the Early Years of the Bismarck Ministry", "The Founding of the New German Empire, 1865–71", "Bismarck and the Consolidation of the German Empire, 1871–90", "When Right Makes Might: How Prussia Overturned the European Balance of Power", Newspaper clippings about Otto von Bismarck, Prince Chlodwig zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst,, Members of the Prussian House of Representatives, Members of the 8th Reichstag of the German Empire, Grand Crosses of the Order of the Red Eagle, Grand Commanders of the House Order of Hohenzollern, Knights of the Order of Saint John (Bailiwick of Brandenburg), Recipients of the Pour le Mérite (military class), Recipients of the Pour le Mérite (civil class), Recipients of the Order of Henry the Lion, Knights Grand Cross of the Royal Guelphic Order, Grand Crosses of the House and Merit Order of Peter Frederick Louis, Recipients of the Order of Philip the Magnanimous, Knights Grand Cross of the Order of the Crown (Württemberg), Grand Crosses of the Order of Saint Stephen of Hungary, Recipients of the Order of the Iron Crown (Austria), Grand Crosses of the Saxe-Ernestine House Order, Grand Crosses of the House Order of the Wendish Crown, Grand Crosses of the Order of the Star of Romania, Recipients of the Order of the White Eagle (Russia), Recipients of the Order of St. Anna, 1st class, Recipients of the Order of Saint Stanislaus, 1st class, Grand Crosses of the Order of the Dannebrog, Grand Crosses of the Order of the Oak Crown, Recipients of the Order of the Netherlands Lion, Grand Crosses of the Order of the White Eagle (Serbia), Grand Cordons of the Order of the Lion and the Sun, Recipients of the Order of the Brilliant Star of Zanzibar, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Articles with Encyclopædia Britannica links, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2015, Pages using Sister project links with wikidata namespace mismatch, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand von Bismarck (1771–1845), Order of the August Portrait, in Diamonds, Bismarck is one of the principal characters in. [29], Despite the initial distrust of the King and Crown Prince and the loathing of Queen Augusta, Bismarck soon acquired a powerful hold over the King by force of personality and powers of persuasion. Upon Bismarck's death in 1898 his dukedom, held only for his own lifetime, became extinct. [150], During most of his nearly thirty-year-long tenure, Bismarck held undisputed control over the government's policies. "I have no thought of intervening," he said privately. Here the Treaty of Vienna of 1815 was drawn up to undo the changes after the Napoleonic wars. Bismarck wanted to demonstrate the willingness of the German government to reduce the hardship experienced by the German workers so as to wean them away from supporting the various left-wing parties, most importantly the Social Democrats. He died just after midnight on 30 July 1898, at the age of eighty-three in Friedrichsruh,[137] where he is entombed in the Bismarck Mausoleum. Bismarck later recorded that there had been a "rattling of sabres in their scabbards" from Prussian officers when they learned that the King would not suppress the revolution by force. [citation needed] When Denmark refused, Austria and Prussia invaded, sparking the Second Schleswig War. Upon hearing about Windthorst's visit, Wilhelm was furious. The world saw Bismarck as a typical backwoods Prussian Junker, an image that he encouraged by wearing military uniforms. [citation needed], Military success brought Bismarck tremendous political support in Prussia. The result was a political division, with Austria and Prussia now fighting for dominance of the Germanic states. Bismarck considered the program, established to provide sickness insurance for German industrial laborers, the least important and the least politically troublesome. [107] According to Kees van Kersbergen and Barbara Vis, his strategy was: granting social rights to enhance the integration of a hierarchical society, to forge a bond between workers and the state so as to strengthen the latter, to maintain traditional relations of authority between social and status groups, and to provide a countervailing power against the modernist forces of liberalism and socialism.[108]. The Emperor of France, Napoleon III, had tried to gain territory for France (in Belgium and on the left bank of the Rhine) as a compensation for not joining the war against Prussia and was disappointed by the surprisingly quick outcome of the war. The program included sickness insurance, accident insurance, disability insurance, and a retirement pension, none of which were then in existence to any great degree. This was achieved by Bismarck's diplomacy, Roon's reorganization of the army and Moltke's military strategy. He outwitted the parliamentary parties, even the strongest of them, and betrayed all those ... who had put him into power. Meanwhile, as the war began, a German radical named Ferdinand Cohen-Blind attempted to assassinate Bismarck in Berlin, shooting him five times at close range. [42] Still, however, Bismarck believed that if the German states perceived France as the aggressor, they would then unite behind the King of Prussia. Germany also acquired colonies in the Pacific, such as German New Guinea. The editorial indicated that highly influential Germans were alarmed by France's rapid recovery from defeat in 1875 and its announcement of an increase in the size of its army, as well as talks of launching a preventive war against France. [138], Historians have reached a broad consensus on the content, function and importance of the image of Bismarck within Germany's political culture over the past 125 years. His selection was arranged by the Gerlach brothers, fellow Pietist Lutherans whose ultra-conservative faction was known as the "Kreuzzeitung" after their newspaper, the Neue Preußische Zeitung, which was so nicknamed because it featured an Iron Cross on its cover. [60], In 1873, Germany and much of Europe and America entered the Long Depression, the Gründerkrise. Despite (or perhaps because of) his attempts to silence critics, Bismarck remained a largely unpopular politician. A master of complex politics at home, Bismarck created the first welfare state in the modern world, with the goal of gaining working class support that might otherwise go to his Socialist opponents. Austria, too, was weakened by the creation of a German Empire, though to a much lesser extent than France. He dominated 19th century politics and remains an national hero and devoted himself to maintaining peace between the powers. However, he was well educated and cosmopolitan with a gift for conversation, and knew English, French, Italian, Polish and Russian. Sajid Javid MP. Bismarck opened debate on the subject in November 1881 in the Imperial Message to the Reichstag, using the term practical Christianity to describe his program. It was a rare instance where Bismarck was outmaneuvered and embarrassed by his opponents, but from that he learned an important lesson. The National Liberals took this program to be an expression of State Socialism, against which they were dead set. In 1851, Frederick William IV appointed Bismarck as Prussia's envoy to the Diet of the German Confederation in Frankfurt. Under her influence, Bismarck became a Pietist Lutheran, and later recorded that at Marie's deathbed (from typhoid) he prayed for the first time since his childhood. Based on Bismarck's message, the Reichstag filed three bills to deal with the concepts of accident and sickness insurance. Bismarck believed that the pope and bishops held too much power over the German Catholics and was further concerned about the emergence of the Catholic Centre Party, organised in 1870. Following unification, Germany became one of the most powerful nations in Europe. After working closely with liberals and fighting the Catholics, he switched and added the conservative Catholics to his base while opposing the liberals. [16], Bismarck had at first tried to rouse the peasants of his estate into an army to march on Berlin in the King's name. "[148] British historians, including Steinberg, Evans, Taylor, Palmer and Crankshaw, see Bismarck as an ambivalent figure, undoubtedly a man of great skill but who left no lasting system in place to guide successors less skilled than himself. Just two months later the Austrian Nazis staged the July coup, wanting to annex the country to the German Third Reich, resulting in the assassination of Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss. On 23 September 1862, Wilhelm appointed Bismarck Minister President and Foreign Minister. Wehler says the chancellor's ultimate goal was to strengthen traditional social and power structures, and avoid a major war.[100]. Start studying History: Liberalism and nationalism in Germany, 1815-71. Under the Constitution, the budget could be passed only after the king and legislature agreed on its terms. Immediately after the peace, he had tried to paralyse the Balkan rivals by the formation of the Three Emperors' League. [citation needed]. For example, Hamburg's memorial, unveiled in 1906, is considered one of the greatest expressions of Imperial Germany's Bismarck cult and an important development in the history of German memorial art. In September 1850, after a dispute over Hesse (the Hesse Crisis of 1850[20]), Prussia was humiliated and forced to back down by Austria (supported by Russia) in the so-called Punctation of Olmütz;[21] a plan for the unification of Germany under Prussian leadership, proposed by Prussia's Minister President Radowitz, was also abandoned. Wilhelm countered that he was not willing to open his reign with a bloody campaign against his own subjects. [44], Bismarck wrote in his Memoirs that he "had no doubt that a Franco-German war must take place before the construction of a united Germany could be realised. To solidify Prussian hegemony, Prussia forced the 21 states north of the River Main to join it in forming the North German Confederation in 1867. The Bundesrat was, in practice, the stronger chamber. The German public turned to an expansionist in dramatic contrast stands the ambition of Wilhelm II's Weltpolitik to secure the Reich's future through expansion, leading to World War I. (iii) Prussia was given important new territories on its. He no longer had the support of the powerful conservative interest groups who had helped him achieve power. Immediately after the last crisis, in the summer of 1875, the mutual jealousies between Russia and Austria had been rendered acute by the fresh risings in the Balkans against the Turks. He played his parts with perfect self-confidence, yet mixed them with rage, anxiety, illness, hypochrondria, and irrationality. In domestic policy, Bismarck pursued a conservative state-building strategy designed to make ordinary Germans—not just his own Junker elite—more loyal to throne and empire, implementing the modern welfare state in Germany in the 1880s. Conflicts between Wilhelm and his chancellor soon poisoned their relationship. The delegates drew up the Treaty of Vienna of 1815 with the object of undoing most of the changes that had come about in Europe during the Napoleonic wars. Allers and books about him became best-sellers. Nirmaladevi Palaniswami 1 year, 10 months ago. However, Austrian chancellor Prince Metternich presided the Congress of Vienna and played a key role in the difficult negotiations … [41] Accordingly, opposition politician Adolphe Thiers claimed that it was France, not Austria, who had really been defeated at Königgrätz. The Ultimate Bylaw Prior to the Waterloo struggle, the Ultimate Bylaw that exemplified all other distinct pacts was signed by various mediators. This was on the understanding that Bismarck would immediately restore the duchy to Prussia; all he wanted was the status and privileges of a mediatized family for himself and his descendants. Austria has a population of over 8.7 million people. This was a loose political association in which most of the rights of sovereignty remained in the hands of the member governments. [109] A secondary concern was trumping the Socialists, who had no welfare proposals of their own and opposed Bismarck's. The letter, however, was published only after Bismarck's death.[125][126]. 69(2) of the Constitution of Austria states: . In December 1897, Wilhelm visited Bismarck for the last time. Officially, Austrian Emperor Francis I hosted the Vienna Congress in 1814 and 1815. "The German Bishops, who were politically powerless in Germany and theologically in opposition to the Pope in Rome, have now become powerful political leaders in Germany and enthusiastic defenders of the now infallible Faith of Rome, united, disciplined, and thirsting for martyrdom, thanks to Bismarck's uncalled for antiliberal declaration of War on the freedom they had hitherto peacefully enjoyed. Even though Wilhelm supported the altered anti-socialist bill, Bismarck pushed for his support to veto the bill in its entirety. In 1871, Bismarck was raised to the rank of Fürst (Prince). He alone had brought about a complete transformation of the European international order. While some liberals argued that constitutional government was a bright line that should not be crossed, most of them believed it would be a waste of time to oppose the bill, and supported it in hopes of winning more freedom in the future. Germany's imperialism in the 1880s derived less from strength and instead represented Bismarck's solution to unstable industrialization. Austria is a parliamentary representative democracy with a directly elected Federal President as head of state and a Chancellor as head of the federal government. ... With perfect justice, in August 1866, he punched his fist on his desk and cried "I have beaten them all! He was succeeded by his son, Wilhelm II, who opposed Bismarck's careful foreign policy, preferring vigorous and rapid expansion to enlarge Germany's "place in the sun". He utterly dominated his cabinet ministers with a sovereign contempt and blackened their reputations as soon as he no longer needed them. Historians emphasize that he wanted no more territorial gains after 1871, and vigorously worked to form cross-linking alliances that prevented any war in Europe from starting. Of course, there were no monuments celebrating Bismarck's devotion to the cause of European peace after 1871. It opened in November 1814 and lasted eight months, closing with the signing of the Final Act, on 9 June, 1815. France pressured Leopold into withdrawing his candidacy. Summarizing Bismarck's mastery of diplomacy, Jonathan Steinberg argues: The powerful German army was under the control of Bismarck's close ally Field Marshall Helmuth von Moltke the Elder. [59], The anti-Catholic hysteria in many European countries belongs in its European setting. Steinberg sums up: Thus ended the extraordinary public career of Otto von Bismarck, who ... had presided over the affairs of a state he made great and glorious. In that year Bismarck was given the title of Count (Graf) of Bismarck-Schönhausen. [105], His had been a great career, beginning with three wars in eight years and ending with a period of 20 years during which he worked for the peace of Europe, despite countless opportunities to embark on further enterprises with more than even chance of success.... No other statesman of his standing had ever before shown the same great moderation and sound political sense of the possible and desirable.... Bismarck at least deserves full credit for having steered European politics through this dangerous transitional period without serious conflict between the great powers."[106].

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