Adjacent to this zone is The Arena, and outside of this are two Aviak Guards. Once the other one gets home, stand up, and murder the one that is afflicted by darkness. Then, Darkness to snap aggro, pull him as close to the bottom of the ramp as you can, and cast your undead fear, Panic the Dead. Slot: WAIST I ended up turning in around 2500 Silver Bars to cap my Priests of Life/Knights of Thunder reputation, which was at absolute 0 at the start. I am going to split this up into 3 categories: Efficient DoTs, Inefficient DoTs, and Lifetaps/DDs. But then I started playing chanter a bit more and they can be pretty crazy too if geared and played right. At this point, you can begin to do the quests from Vira. Fear kite with ease of mind and disregard for your surroundings. Class: ALL Keep yourself blanketed in invisibility, and never worry about a giant walking up on you, a guard getting you when your invisibility breaks. However, as you get up into the higher levels (around mid-30s), you will notice that if you stand up immediately, enemies will not necessarily automatically forget you. Everyone will have their own particular line up of best to worst duo, but this should give you some idea of the general order. I suggest sitting and pulling to the hill to the north of the village. In the early lore of EverQuest, it was the gods themselves that created life in the forms of the races of Norrath. In doing so, you lose all aggro (as you do technically zone), and are teleported to a specific designated area. WIS: +5 INT: +5 MANA: +50 Additionally, you are not allowed to generate XP while you are AFK in any way. This spell stuns and mezes a target for 3 ticks. Slot: BACK Any Progression/TLP server Necro guides? After the third tick of Darkness since your fear was applied, you should reapply fear to keep it locked down. On top of this, although it has only 1 charge, it can be recharged with the help of someone who has a charged cap. Think of the. Should give you an idea of just how good the money is. Levitate over onto the banner while invisible. AC: 3 There are adds that aggro. 2) A creature that is in motion at the moment of the tick will take only 66% of DoT damage. Do not let this guard see you, as he is a red con to you at 24. Keep your eyes out for the "Brute" type, as he is a higher level. This is not a very effective strategy, and you should try to use your pet in fear kiting more than this. I hope this makes clear how I am thinking about this. From this point on, whenever one pops, kill it immediately and you wont need to fear for getting adds. It is just worth knowing that this spell does provide you with the ability to open up some merchants and areas. Additionally, you are able to utilize your pet better than in the other two styles. If the spot is slow, I am certain there are places out there you can go for faster EXP. When you first get here at around level 24, you will see some enemies are green (Egrets, which you may often have to kill just to open up their spawn point), all the way to red, as I mentioned. SV MAGIC: +10 Hopefully this section has given you a way to think about how your DoT selection impacts your efficiency as a soloer. With the onset of Velious, a lot of new patches have come out that have changed things for necromancer. Slot: WRIST At the zone line. Cleric is at 30m? Class: ALL WT: 0.2 Size: TINY Among the most unique things a Human Necromancer can bring is worshiping Bertoxxulous (if you're into lore), and having an awesome guildhall in Qeynos. Druids are your key to wolf form, ports, heals, regrowth, and so many other things. In this case, if you only have to do 5% of a mob with 5000 health, you're looking at doing just 250 damage. Note, if your enemies can see through invisibility, you cannot do this, as they will re-aggro you. Use spells like. What if you are in a situation where you don't have to reroots on Splurt? So you can be invisible at all times without needing to re-cast it over and over. I recommend you specialize in Alteration. This merchant can be found in the far north west corner of the, Located in the center of the zone along the north edge of the Oasis itself. eq tlp bard main, Standard 50-ohm TDR TLP systems do not accurately measure the clamp voltage and minimum holding currents of snapback ESD protection structures. You will have a variety of different strategies to overcome any obstacle you meet in the world. Description: Take the boat from Freeport and head to Butcherblock Mountains. This means that with a single enemy, you can flop (feign death), and stand up. When your pet drops, and you're hidden, summon another and send it out. This new research system involves finding drops in order to create the base scroll or tome upon which the spell or ability is written. Just do it. For those of you who knew of my previous guide, Uteunayr's Necromancer Soloing and Strategy Guide, I am writing this as an expanded and far more concise and clear version of my Necromancer Guide. You will be the most independent class in the game, as you have abilities that tap many aspects of the game. Unlike on live, the GMs of Project 1999 -do- recognize a general list of camp rules. Ok for those that are not and do not have most of your flags for some of the zones I mention, this probably wont work for you, although, there are level requirements for some zones you may be able to enter them, at the specified level , and will be able to solo quite quickly. Tinker provides a gnome-only tradeskill that lets you craft a number of nice items. When you engage the named, be certain to root him, and engage with your pet. Quite nasty spellcasters, in fact. At 17 or 18, move to the lowest basement level. Necro Soloing Guide 1-50. The reason for this recommendation is based on the following: So long as you are not capped, 25 intelligence is 150 mana, and 5 stamina is 10 hp. Just outside the cave with the zone line to North. HP: +15 MANA: +20 Lastly, near the southern zone wall, you'll see another guard house. Pull him out to you, and then have your Warrior pet engage. Each of these have ~4k hp, which is why I recommend this spot for this level range. 1) What is the DoT's Damage Per Mana (DPM)? Taken on the Everquest Agnarr server. Turn in more, and more, until you're out. This page has been accessed 509,095 times. Class: ALL Be sure to download it to your computer rather than trying to edit the version at the link. Slot: EAR That is so slow, you need to start considering the enemy's HP regen as counteracting your DoT damage. First, at level 4 you gain access to the skill Meditate on your trainer. He will likely aggro others around him. Root the other, and then start rotting the one you rooted first using Splurt, Ignite Blood, and Bond of Death as needed. When going into the wings, you want to slide up to the sides of the archway without passing through, and click at the sides. You should always try to work out camp disputes with other players in a reasonable fashion. When going into Kaesora to fight Xalgoz, you will find that he is surrounded by undead friends. In return for the HP loss, you gain incredible amounts of mana that lets you play far more actively than your other spellcasting counterparts. There are additional aviaks, as well as one of the locations Prince Kyrmt Keroppi patrols to. For 16 seconds, you are made invulnerable to virtually all forms of damage from virtually all sources. WT: 0.3 Size: SMALL AC: 8 You have a 3rd option: Cessation of Cor. First is you need to have Screaming Terror ready. Description: Killing these is simple enough. 9) The person holding camp must be communicative about who is to take over the camp. WT: 1.5 Size: MEDIUM You can single pull these, but note that they have a great deal of health (as they are cyclops) and are fairly resistant. If you're like me, a lot of merchants don't like you. The Necromancer quests are useful if you are still gearing up, but they are not the main focus. They are stackable, light weight, and sell for a good chunk. This is also the best damn DoT in the game. WT: 1.0 Size: MEDIUM There is no truly "safe" spot to sit that I have ever been able to find, so you must be constantly aware of your surroundings while tagging and soloing down these orcs. This section is here because I have found from my personal experience that other evac guides tend to point to different locations as being the destination of the evac spell. This stat is assured to boost you, whereas Intelligence will scale better, but give you less early on. You all made this time memorable. Description: Located at the West Commonland Druid Rings are 2 druids. If you're impatient, you can use something like a Cessation of Cor to do 1.1k damage, and then add on a Direct Damage spell such as Ignite Bones to do 500 damage for 210 damage (2.38 DPM). Lastly, you have Cessation of Cor which will do 1100 for 250 mana for 4.4 DPM, with only 1 tick getting clipped. Slot: FEET So, Feign Death immediately after levitating. 2) You are not a DPS, you are a Support. Any further description is forthcoming. These guys do poison, so if they hit you, you will lose some health, and they can do some damage to your pet. To look at each of the quests, go to Vira's page by clicking on her name, and look at the four quests she offers. Once you've seen these two spawns, head up the ramp onto the wall overlooking the first guard tower. From the center, there are 4 staircases. 2018, 2019 ESA Winner MQ2Nav allows intelligent navigation and pathfinding in EverQuest. Home » Project 1999 / Classic EQ Leveling Guide Leveling in classic EQ takes a lot long than most modern MMO’s, but the leveling process feels a lot more like a part of the games compared to WoW where you nowadays usually rush to max level in a matter of days or even hours. Then, you can stand up, and then save your pet from getting destroyed. WT: 0.1 Size: TINY There are some mobs nearby. 3) If a target is Feared, Rule 2 does not apply. Use this to swim under the water of the lake of ill omen to fight Bloodgills. Second, and this is exclusive to being a necromancer, you need to use your Lich spell line. They come in a wide variety of styles, they each behave and serve different purposes. Strong for fear kiting. The necromancer can sacrifice the weak, and use their entire life's energy to return others to life like a cleric. This means that you lose a potential of 36 health. 3) Utility: It is difficult to resist (-100 FR). The power of necromancy is seductive, and has been a tool for many an evil person to enhance their powers. Welcome to our beginner's guide to EverQuest progression servers! Enjoy it. 4) Best Use: This DoT is best used in long, drawn out fights. Near the Innoruuk's eye symbol between Cleric guild and the city proper. If you don't have a lot of undead in the pack, but a lot of living stuff, you may want to form a conga line. Fairly simple fear kite when you're in the tunnels. Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM by Myrron Lifewarder. As soon as one of the spell lines hits 51, that is your Specialization. However, you can mitigate root breaks by casting your snare dot, which now stacks with root and will give you some time to run away and re-root in the case of a root break. This saves mana, time, and a gem slot. So by 24, you should have blue/white/yellows. Necros get MR, that is probably the best racial pre iksar. This will repair your rep with Qeynos Clerics, Qeynos Paladins, and Karana Residents. WIS: +15 INT: +15 Was pretty good loot/cash. 4) Best Use: This DoT is best used when you are not in immediate pressure situations that require a burst heal. Send in your pet to engage, and then back it off. AC: 4 Additionally, there is a merchant behind Misty's building which will sell to you at night. STR: -5 DEX: -5 STA: -5 CHA: -25 WIS: +6 INT: +6 HP: +50 MANA: +50 WIS: +2 INT: +2 Beginner's Guide to Smithing. This guide was created for the Everquest Progression Servers and it will also be viable on any EQ Emulator server that is in this era. GMs like to see that you've been reasonable, and tried to work things out in a decent way. It is a NPC, so it is much stronger than any skeleton you can summon. What follows is a list of some general items that I have felt are worth using at some point. An "AFK Camp" is one in which you will kill all the mobs before other mobs respawn, giving you time to AFK between respawns. What I mean is, using the best in slot list on the wiki, the total intelligence on all the lowest int, highest HP gear listed, when added to the 110 int of an Iksar Necromancer doing the 25int/5sta build, 18 points of int will go over 255, and will provide nothing. 46+ Necro Epic 1.0 - this epic is super useful, a full guide can be found . Envenomed Bolt is 3.5375 DPM over 7 ticks, Cessation of Cor is 4.4 for 11 ticks, and Splurt is 4.496 DPM for 13 ticks. The best advice I can offer is to send in your pet, fear one of them, and quickly burn down the second. SV DISEASE: +25 2) Over 200 Intelligence, 1 Intelligence = ~6 Mana. Slot: CHEST Classic EQ Baking Guide. Twitch him! Update 5/21/2020: I confirmed the Bard spawn time at \\6:00// on Blue server around 6:45am. It is tough to compare this to any other racial because most racials are going to accent what you can do, while Iksar's regeneration plays directly into the core mana engine that the necromancer class makes use of. The basic idea here is to sit on the ramp, or around the ramp, and to run out and grab a crag spider, pull it back and out of the area where the most of them patrol, and fear kite it. It is instant click, so it can save your life if you're fast enough on pulling the trigger. This is a great way to get your swim skill up, line your pockets, and gain experience. Description: These mobs spawn in the far north-east corner of South Karana. I just rejoined as well for Velious, although my guild already powerleveled me, ive played necro for years, and they have made nice changes. Be wary of the two very high level treants that may or may not want you dead. Just note that she will rock your pet. She stands at the wizard spires in NK. Class: ALL There is a big choice in Necromancers about your statistics. AC: 3 EQitems provides best in slot lists, item upgrade paths, spell lists and more for the game Everquest. Now, if you've casted these, these will be your ticks that pop up in your log. But this guide will show you what mobs and where to solo to gain levels quickly after level 65. Race: ALL, LORE ITEM But remember, even when at what I call an "AFK Camp", you still need to be active in killing the mobs as they spawn, and you need to be there to respond to tells that happen during the downtime. Instead, let fear drop, let him run back to kill you, and then re-fear when he gets near you. Lets assume you decide that you must re-roots if you choose to Splurt. As you level up, around 27, you'll see Avocets become Yellow/Red, so by 28, they should be White/Yellow. While backing your pet off, root an undead. Naturally, you want this school to be the school that most of your spells are. Collect these, and turn them in to Captain Ashlan to gain nothing but positive rep with the evil/corrupt guards/merchants in Qeynos, Highpass, and Freeport. Be sure to play it safe and spy out what areas are safe for you while using Call of Bones. Class: NEC INT: +5 MANA: +10 Slot: FACE I generally find health to be best when soloing in an Active Camp situation in which I won't ever cap my mana while waiting for spawns. 3) At 255 Intelligence, you can gain no more intelligence, and therefore the mana is wasted. Slot: SHOULDERS Keep the book in your inventory so you do not have to keep deleting the book. Instead the necromancer becomes a conduit of the energy of life, channeling it from some and into others. The most notable for a necromancer is Stalking Probe, as it summons an eye minion that you can then consume for health using lifetap. As with many mobs at this level, it is entirely possible that you will hit a chain of resists. There are guild masters of the Order of Three (the Qeynos casters guild) who do not like you at all, even with wolf form, that patrol around the docks area. If you have access to power leveling, these are the levels to push through. Slot: CHEST STR: +2 CHA: +3 INT: +1 AGI: +8 MANA: +5 Theres also a house on the shoreline with 4 of them to kill. To get your Key to Charasis, you need to kill two particular mobs for a drop from Kaesora and Lake of Ill Omen. If you have two enemies you are camping, the faster you kill the second one, the more likely it is to respawn close to the first. There is a guard around the corner. So if there's a place where you have two mobs, and it takes a run to get from one to the other, you can camp both of these. Be wary of an undead mob that sometimes patrols here. AC: 2 Lake Rathetear - (Lenglensou) #15 on map has two static NPC spawns Taia Lyfol a 37 paladin and Kanthurn a 37 rogue. Good until level 9. Class: ALL Since McNeal is a merchant, he can never con lower than dubious, so you can always do turn ins. Work your way into it. Can be found just to the east of the shrine in the north-central part of the zone. If someone can edit this section to give a thorough overview of how the /list system works and provide sources, it would be much appreciated! Cessation will never break roots, as it doesn't have a DD component. It will not be unusual for you to be fighting Misty when she is a red con. First off, you need to recognize that you are in a weaker position. An "Active Camp" is one in which you will always have something else to kill, so your only downtime will be getting back mana. Look through the gear that Necromancers get, and make your own decisions. 2) A camp is held when someone is clearing (killing) the mob which is claimed as camped. Lets say you charm a second pet, and engage a mob with only 20% left. Alternatively, you can bind at the ogres and just gate to vendor and then swim back. Throughout this cavern system are big savage beast looking dudes. ", we should first ask ourselves "What is a necromancer?" It will deal 1100 damage to kill the mob for 4.4 DPM. Disease Debuff - This spell line is a disease spell that also applies an AC and Strength debuff on your enemy. I would be lying to say that this fight is an absolute roflstomp, so it is worth using some strategy, as Xalgoz dishes out some poisons, and can wreck your pet. Classic EQ Brewing Guide. We get that health back through periodic lifetaps. Western Karana - Misty Storyswapper, she’s at the farm house near the zone to Qeynos Hills. Strong for grouping and fear kiting. WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Race: ALL, MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM Find the "temple" area. AGI: +9 HP: +80 No guards. -Sesserdrix Daudsormr, Necromancer of Rodcet Nife the Prime Healer. This makes your main difficulty in this camp being the ability to weave in and out of the red mobs and yellow mobs (unless you want to kill the yellows) to successfully fear kite without drawing their ire. To name a couple, snares stack with roots and circlet of shadow has been nerfed. Class: ALL Just weigh the advantage the item offers versus the advantage of the raw stats. No major utility, just a good item to have in case you screw up a pull, and want to end it. The answer should be clear: Splurt. These spells will do a good amount of damage for a relatively high DPM, but they take a long time to tick to fruition. When it comes to getting the cap, it is a bit trickier. MANA: +10 AC: 12 There are a great number of enemies, and they vary across a wide range of levels. In Velious, Holgresh Elder Beads will provide the same ability, without being expended. You root the mob, you dot it up, and kill it, or you darkness it, drag it out of the castle area, then fear and dot it. It's 3725 damage for 640 mana, or 5.82 DPM using them both together. Unlike these, however, necromancy seeks to tap into the divine energy of life with arcane magic. Slot: HEAD If they come back at you, you can flop again, and stand up again. 3.0813 DPM. You will be able to offer small group patch heals. What is recharging? WT: 1.5 Size: SMALL These guys vary in level significantly, drop Fine Steel, and Crude Steins. Though this is more relevant for monks, if you have auto-attack on when Feign Death resolves, your Feign Death is an assured fail. Gnome is a favorite choice for a lot of necromancers. It is the way you prevent yourself from dying in horrible ways while other people have to run for zone lines. Lets say you approach a wing and you don't have a pet to pull. These guys start out at around level 27-28, and when you fail to land a spell, they get to nuke the crap out of you. No one of the items is any better than the other, so look for the quest that requires items you can get the easiest. This tower has one of the spawns. Regrettably, much of my guild has left Project1999. Levant is a fantastic spell you get at level 55. AC: 4 This makes charming far more efficient after level 24. SV FIRE: +3 SV DISEASE: +3 SV COLD: +3 SV MAGIC: +3 SV POISON: +3 If the mob you're killing is living, maybe it will death walk instead of charge you, so you don't mind waiting those 3 ticks with it being not CCed. However, instead of killing the oozes, you're going to charm and kill your way across the ramparts. Class: NEC Do the turn ins on your halfling character, and then transfer the completed Leatherfoot Raider Skullcap back to your necromancer. Often, groups will camp at the invisible wall, but the area to the north and the south of the alley itself are generally jam packed with orcs. To pull tower, move up the tower to the door, look inside (dont move inside or move in front of the door, be next to it and turn camera) and target the spectre by the firepot just inside the door. Additionally, you can let your pet tank. Camp Strengths: Experience, Money, Crude Steins. Have your druid friend to go the tavern near the docks and purchase you an insane amount of Brandy. HP: +35 MANA: +25 STA: +10 MANA: +100

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