God warned us of the wages of sin (Romans 6:23) in order to cause us to repent. Bible Questions Answered. What does it mean that God is Jehovah-Rapha? How can God be good if He drowned babies in Noah’s flood? What does it mean that the Trinity is God in three Persons? He is a living God with volition. Why does God allow natural disasters, i.e. Why does God create people when He knows they are going to go to hell? What does it mean that God is Jehovah-Jireh? What does it mean that God is omnificent? Does God killing people make Him a murderer? This means that God would not do it differently with Saul if he got the chance, and that is a significant difference from how humans regret that deserves the explanation of verse 29. What does it mean that God is the Rock of salvation? Does God love everyone or just Christians? What about Abraham in Genesis chapter 22? Another example of naham being used to describe God is 1 Samuel 15:35 when God “regretted [naham] that He had made Saul king over Israel.” Again, God’s regret was based on the failings of a human being—Saul—not any failing on God’s part. If God is omnipresent, then what is special about being in the presence of God? The books of Leviticus and Numbers have several references to … Does he speak and then not act? Got Questions? If God is omnipresent, does that mean God is in hell? What does it mean that God is the King of glory? What does it mean that God is a God of miracles? Is God man-made? If God is love, how can He hate? When Saul thwarted God’s purposes, God suffered a loss. What does it mean that God is omniscient? If God knew that Satan would rebel, why did He create him? Is God sovereign, or do we have a free will? Why does God refer to Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? And in at least 15 places the Bible says he regretted, or that he might regret, something he was about to do in the future (Exodus 32:12–14; 2 Samuel 24:16; 1 Chronicles 21:15; Psalms 106:45; Jeremiah 4:28; 18:8; 26:3, 13, 19; 42:10; Joel 2:13–14; Amos … What does it mean that God is the Ancient of Days? With over 7,400 answers to frequently asked Bible questions published online, approximately 85% of the questions we are asked already have answers available to you instantly. What does it mean that God is a God of justice? What does it mean that God is the God of Jeshurun? Does God hear / answer the prayers of a sinner / unbeliever? Why did God command the extermination of the Canaanites? The … God could not find anyone on earth interested in pleasing him so he became grieved and regretted making man. What does it mean that God is omnibenevolent? But if God is all-knowing, and if He knows everything that is yet to happen, why didn’t He decide not to create man on the earth before He got started, knowing that He would regret it otherwise? [1] Moving from spiritual death to spiritual life is a drastic change. How do I get the image of God as imposing and angry out of my mind? American Standard Version And it repented Jehovah that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. The result being – God, then, regretted His own lack of foresight. What is the favor of God, and how can I get it? “I regret that I have made Saul king, for he has turned back from following me and has not performed my commandments.” And Samuel was angry, and he cried to the Lord all night. The previous questions are legitimate, and they need to be answered in a satisfactory way. Answer Save. “The Lord regretted that He had made Saul king over Israel” (15:35) If God can regret something as trivial as making Saul king what does that tell you about God? What are the most important things to understand about the nature of God? What does it mean to be in the presence of God? What does it mean that God is omnipotent? If God was omnipotent and omniscient then why does God have a lot of second thoughts. For Genesis 6:6, other translations have “And the LORD was sorry…”(RSV, NRSV, NLT). Of course, he knew before he created us that he would regret our existence on multiple occasions because of our horrid actions. Why would God allow Jephthah to sacrifice his daughter as a burnt sacrifice when child sacrifice was strictly forbidden by God? How does the sovereignty of God impact my everyday life? How do I get the image of God as imposing and angry out of my mind? What is the tetragrammaton? Where did God come from? How can the Bible bring comfort during a difficult time? 11 Answers. God: "God" is an old English word which may have its origins in the Proto-Indo-European word ghu, which means to pour a libation. Why is God so different in the Old Testament than He is in the New Testament? Do people give such answers and can they really be that dumb? The Bible says that becoming a follower of Christ is like a dead person coming to life. I’ve got an interesting … Why does God ask questions if He is omniscient? Kevin DeYoung | October 7, 2014. The open view of the future teaches that God hopes each individual will turn to him and walk in his ways. “I regret that I have made Saul king” (15:11). In Noah's day the world became morally bankrupt. What does the Bible say about shame and regret? earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis? Question: God regretted that he and Satan created humans -- or did he only regret giving them free will? What does it mean that God is a God of wonders? Genesis 3:9 ESV / 6 helpful votes The answers, no doubt, reside within the definition of anthropomorphism itself. What does it mean to be the apple of God’s eye? What does the Bible mean when it calls God the "˜LORD of hosts'? Did God die? Does he promise and not fulfill?” (Numbers 23:19). Where is God when it hurts? What does it mean that God is our Abba Father? 3- The two most common places where God “regretted” an outcome: God only saved Noah and his family, everyone else on earth died. But these examples of God changing His mind are always in response to the failings of human beings. Question: "What does it mean that God is sovereign?" God regretted in terms of emotion. Is God’s love conditional or unconditional? As you can see, the reason the Lord regretted having made man was that after Adam and Eve sinned mankind became more and more sinful until by the time of the flood, about 1600 years later, man had become very wicked and the intentions of his heart were nothing but evil. Answer: God’s sovereignty is one of the most important principles in Christian theology, as well as one of its most hotly debated. Was Yahweh originally a Edomite or Canaanite god? However we think about this matter, we need to take into account Gen 6:6: And the Lord was sorry that he had made humankind on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. What does it mean that God is the Creator? At one time we were all enemies of God due to our sin (Romans 8:7). Is God the unmoved mover of Aristotle’s teachings? What does the Bible teach about the Trinity? Does God punish us when we sin? Is it biblical to refer to God as God the mother? Everyone lived for their own pleasure not God's. Is it really true that ALL things are possible with God? How can I believe in the goodness of God when there is so much evil in the world? In God’s regret for seeing His creation, made in Him image, He had compassion on mankind and paved a way out of from their sinful nature. In reality, God was simply staying true to His character. Is there a conclusive argument for the existence of God? “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. What does it mean that God is holy, holy, holy? “Has God forgotten to be merciful?” (Psalm 77:9). Answer: Everyone experiences a certain amount of shame and regret over sins committed in the past. Is it wrong to blame God? Why was God so evident in the Bible and seems so hidden today? Why is God a jealous God? 1 decade ago. This seems to go against the idea that God doesn't make mistakes. Why does Scripture emphasize the right hand of God? 6 The LORD regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his … Bible Question: My question has to do with Judges 11:30-39. Does God love the people who are in hell? Brenton Septuagint Translation then God laid it to heart that he had made man upon the earth, and he pondered it deeply. What does it mean that God is a consuming fire? Of course, God is not deceptive, and no, traditional theists are not being “arbitrary,” as Sanders thinks. What does it mean to fear God? 1 Samuel 15:35 When Scripture tells of God regretting (or many translations use the word repent), there are several things it does not mean. We just read that God said He was sorry that He “made man on the earth.” He wished He hadn’t done it. So God gave them what they wanted—an impressive human king, just like the other nations had. What is YHWH? Why did God let my house burn down in a fire? This will help us to see whether the question we have (here, to do with God regretting) is down to a particular word that a certain translation has used. the global home for the RZIM family. God regretted at those times, because he has emotions just like us. Two times in 1 Samuel 15 it says that the Lord regretted making Saul king. And in verse 7, God says, "I regret that I made them". Now that is an interesting question. Can God sin? Because of this, Scripture can say that God “ regretted or felt sorry ” and that He is the all-knowing God who will never “ regret or change His mind. Who created God? Answer: There are about 30 biblical references to vows, most of which are from the Old Testament. In the Bible, it is used for the Hebrew Elohim , which just means god, but since God is the only true god, it's an appropriate identifier. What was God doing before He created the universe? Why doesn’t God still perform miracles like He did in the Bible? Is blaming God a sin? I'm an atheist and I know the bible better than you. Why does God demand, seek, or request that we worship Him? What does it mean to have reverence for God? His name was Saul, and he didn’t last long.