14 Jul ’10. Some contemporary scholars and researchers insist that the great teachers who presided over the Egyptian mystery schools were wise masters who survived the destruction of the lost continent of Atlantis and made their way to the early civilization of Egypt… The ONLY fees charged are for the sole purpose of writing, duplicating and posting course materials. Some scholars credit the pharaoh Amenhotep IV, who ruled Egypt (135l8-1340 B.C.E. This wisdom of the hierophants brought initiates from great distances to study esoteric secrets in the temples at Heliopolis, Memphis, Abydos, and Thebes. As in Freemasonry, the Egyptian candidate was also blindfolded to represent a state of darkness before emerging into the light of knowledge when the blindfold was removed. The secret wisdom of this mystery school is known throughout the universe, but was only taught on earth once before, for 17-1/2 years during King Akhenton's 18th Dynasty in Ancient Egypt. These Studies are intended to lift up your Mind to the highest realms where you can discover Peace, Truth, Wisdom and Happiness. Astara is one of the first true mystery schools to be reestablished since their eclipse centuries ago. Egyptian Mystery Schools. It is my life mission & the goal of the Flower of Light Mystery School to reconnect the ancient lineage of the Wisdom Keepers of Atlantis Egypt & Éire Ireland. Cotterell,... Akhenaten. The Mystery Teachings were once taught in the great Mystery Schools of ancient Egypt which flourished for many centuries. The School teaches by correspondence ONLY and does NOT offer 'group sessions', 'rituals' or 'magic spells.' The mystery schools of Egypt have been a source of the ultimate in secret wisdom and knowledge for over 3,000 years. 5,000 years ago ... give or take There were many degrees of Initiation and many levels of Priesthoods as all things have hierarchies. Amenhotep IV chose to call himself Akhenaten. We say this as we know of many lesser schools and groups that do not provide a structured course of learning or personal tuition. Those few who are willing to devote their lives to the study of the true laws and principles of Occult Science will obtain the knowledge that leads to freedom from all earthly chains and to the glorious times when the scales shall fall from their eyes and they behold the Sanctity of God's shining Realms and dwell once more with their own people in Heavenly Bliss. The ladies of The Mystery School had conducted a session in November of 2015 during which part of the recording had been lost. The Greater Mysteries 51 9. Other schools and occult orders immediately plunge their members into all manner of complicated rituals and occult exercises—without explaining the mechanism behind such work—generally because the leaders of such schools and orders do not know themselves. Each member is placed under the care of a personal teacher to whom they may write with any questions or concerns they have about the work. Dr. This monotheism is carried over into some of the major religions of the world today. He founded the Pythagorean Brotherhood and formulated principles that influenced the thoughts of Plato and Aristotle. The Mystery Schools The great Epic of Gilgamesh, which dates back to the early part of the second millennium b.c.e., portrays an ancient Mesopotamian king's quest for immortality and his despair when he learns that the gods keep the priceless jewel of eternal life for themselves. Thereafter the veil descended and the Goddess Wisdom hid Her glorious face for many ages. I am El-Amaan an Initiate in the Ancient Mystery Schools of Egypt. It is through the soul that we have eternal life and even physical life, for without the soul the body is just lifeless clay. Further information on these Groups and Grades as well tuition fees is given in our manifesto (see below). If the Manifesto does not meet your expectations, your name and address will NOT be retained and we will NOT contact you. The Lesser Mysteries 41 8. The only school of the seven great schools that is open to the public is the Modern Mystery School. The Egyptian Mystery School: When I studied the Egyptian mystical traditions, I learned that all the ancient Egyptian art was controlled by the temples. We do not even have a name by which we are known in the outside world. There is no obligation whatsoever for you to apply for membership. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1969. Immerse Yourself in the Hidden Teachings of the Ancient Mystery Traditions: For thousands of years, initiates have examined the meanings of sacred texts said to hold the secret path toward ascension. What hidden history is detailed in the Bronze Book of Britain, the Emerald Tablets, the Nag Hammadi Texts, the Vatican Archives? Only a limited number of vacancies for Students are available each month. Only through complete mastery of body, soul, and spirit could one see beyond death and perceive the pathways to be taken in the afterlife. An ancient legend tells of an Egyptian Mystery School whose symbol was the Right Eye of Horus in a Golden Sun Disc. Masonic teaching centers on its initiation rituals. The School is divided into three Groups. Egyptian Mystery Schools Delving Deeper. Enlightened men and women who taught the true Laws and Principles of Man and the Universe to their carefully chosen pupils in secret. There are 7 Ancient Mystery Schools on the planet. The work consists of a deep study of Philosophy, material and Occult Science, Religion, and Metaphysics, as well as practical exercises to awaken the higher powers we all possess, but are lying dormant in most people. What the two Mysteries are that Jesus could only learn in Egypt? Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher who was responsible for important developments in the history of mathematics, astronomy, and the theory of music. If you know anyone who is a member of such occult groups or schools you will know we speak the truth; if you do not, you may take our word for it that not one in a thousand of the self-styled 'adepts' and 'magicians' who belong to such organisations are in possession of that inner calm and self-mastery which is the first and hardest attainment of the true seeker after the One Light of Truth. In the mid-90’s Founder Gudni was instructed to move to North America in order to bring the teachings to the the world. The Raison d’être of the Mysteries 15 4. The Closing of the Mystery Schools 66 11. We teach the Natural Laws of the Universe and NONE of our Teachings are in conflict with the highest ideals of any religion, or those of the great Teachers, such as Jesus and Buddha. Certain scholars and researchers believe that the great teachers who presided over the mystery schools must have come from some extraordinary place. We have not edited their words in any way. 2. CHAPTER VII: The Curriculum of the Egyptian Mystery System. Some scholars credit the pharaoh Amenhotep IV, who ruled Egypt (c. 1358 – 1340 b.c.e. Such interference is against all natural and occult laws. Depending on where you live, please enclose the following amount with your letter: Nor does the School make a 'profit' from its students or from the sale of books or occult paraphernalia. All other schools are by invitation only. The third Group consists of the Great Adepts and Masters of the School. This information is also included in the School's Manifesto and Application Form. Some priests were born into … If payment is not enclosed or made in UK stamps, Euros or US dollars, you do not enclose a letter explaining your reasons for wishing to study with this School, or do not supply your full name and address (including ZIP/Postcode) clearly written in BLOCK CAPITALS we will not be able to action your request. The seven great schools are located in the United States, England, Romania, Australia, Japan, Tibet and Africa. Our Teachings are based on exactly the same principles—though considerably extended and modernized in various ways—as the Occult Scientific Teachings of the Mystery Schools of ancient Egypt, who in their turn received them directly or indirectly from the Great Adepts and Masters of Atlantis. This is an old and well established Occult Law; too often unknown, ignored or forgotten. At this early period there were no Mystery colleges: the ancient wisdom was the common heirloom of all mankind, for as yet there had been no abuse of knowledge, and hence no need for schools kept hid and sacred from the world. The students of the Outer Circle may pass at the end of the three years into the Inner Group. Application for membership is open to all, regardless of sex, age or religion, except that this School will NOT accept members who deny the existence of a Supreme Godhead, or Ruler of the Universe, or those who are not willing to obey in every way the constitutional laws of the country in which they dwell either as residents or temporary visitors. I have come to tell you about the life of an Initiate in Ancient Egypt. “The term Mystery School comes directly from Ancient Egypt, and refers not to a specific time or place in Ancient Egypt, but rather timeless secret teachings, passed down through word of mouth, through priests and priestesses, initiates and royalty, and encrypted into the temple themselves, concealed and enshrined behind a veil of hieroglyph and symbolism.” You will find a brief list of the many subjects taught on our occult teachings page. It does not offer it's members social advancement, wealth or power. Please be aware that during the present coronavirus pandemic mail may be considerably delayed. In episode 3 of Ancient Egypt Mystery Schools, Stephen S. Mehler explains, “So Akhenaten, even though one could say his revolution was a failure…to Egyptology he is a failure, in history he is considered a failure; his revolution failed.After he disappears they go back to the religion of Amen, they went back to the old ways; however as we point out, his teachings continued in … But there was a later Egypt, when the Wisdom they taught became lost, and in place of it there appeared the many "magical" papyri of the 3rd to 5th centuries A.D. But now the great cycles have revolved, and the reincarnated Masters of ancient Egypt have returned to once more unveil the True Mystery Teachings in all their pristine purity and sublimity for the benefit of the very few seekers who sincerely long for Truth, Wisdom and Liberation. It is worth repeating that we teach by postal correspondence ONLY. In addition, the sincere student needs, if he or she is going to succeed, special gifts such as persistence, loyalty, and the ability to work hard and not be put off by mere worldly matters. From Diodorus, Herodotus and Clement of Alexandria, we learn that there were six Orders of Egyptian Priests, and that each Order had to master a certain number of the books of Hermes. The first Group is the Outer Circle, which consists of three Grades. The journey begins 3 lunations prior to arriving in Egypt, as we carefully traverse the inner terrain through facilitation of mystery school teachings, practices, ingestion of consciousness-enhancing vectors and personal mentoring designed to erect and activate the Heart Temple. I am Antoinette, founder of the Flower of Light Centre, Luxor, Egypt Established since 2006. Many believe that the teachings of the Egyptian mystery schools originated from Atlantis from Thoth, from the God Osiris, or/and from the stars. We do not pretend that all our Teachings are of such a nature that no other school can have access to them, but we do aver that never before have these Teachings been presented in such a clear, concise, masterly and easily understandable form. "Immerse Yourself in the Hidden Teachings of the Ancient Mystery Traditions" For thousands of years, initiates have examined the meanings of sacred texts said to … By following a method of one-to-one tuition and structured learning, this Mystery School provides every one of its members with the opportunity to master the whole of the edifice of occult science under its guidance. Perhaps this was the purpose of “Upstairs” as media information emerged about discovery of a hidden room in the tomb of King Tut. The First Mystery Schools 10 3. The mysteries dealt with the essential questions about the true nature of humankind and its relationship to the cosmos. The School uses no set letters for this purpose, and each and every member is assured of the prompt, personal attention of their teacher at all times. The mystery schools of Egypt have been a source of the ultimate in secret wisdom and knowledge for over 3,000 years. The reason is that we aim at a total suppression of the PERSONAL element which so often leads to disruption and strife amongst even the finest groups of Occult Students and Mystics, thus avoiding the personal glorification of one—or more—members, at the expense of others. Such things have nothing to do with occult science or the genuine Mystery Teachings. HOW MANY MYSTERY SCHOOLS ARE THERE? It is useless to pretend today that we have less time for truly elevated study than was the case in olden times. The Teachers and Students of our School do not reveal their identities as members to the general public, to their friends, or even amongst themselves. The Lost Esoteric Knowledge of Self ⚕️ ANCIENT MYSTERY SCHOOL of ANCIENT EGYPT / HERMETICS / SACRED KNOWLEDGE #1 The secret of all ages. We hope and pray that YOU may be counted amongst those few and find the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIGHT. The Education of the Egyptian Priests According to Their Orders. By virtue of these Teachings, the Student may enter the 'straight gate which leadeth unto life'—the Gateway to Initiation—to become a Light on the Way and a shining Torch in the Darkness of the gross materialism, which threatens to overwhelm Mankind in this present Cycle. Gay Luce is a Transpersonal Psychologist, author of five books translated into seven languages, and three-time recipient of the American Psychological Association award for journalism. The Centre was created to stand as a Witness to those Masters of the Inner Net, to be a bridge between the past and the future, to … As in ancient times, certain contemporary scholars and researchers insist that the great teachers who presided over the Egyptian mystery schools had to have come from some extraordinary place. ), with being an astonishing visionary who conceived monotheism in a time when multiple gods flourished. It does not coerce, brainwash or manipulate its members in any way. By the time the Greeks invaded Egypt, there was almost nothing left of the real Occult Mystery Teachings. Thus we arrive at the modern age, when a multitude of "masters of the mysterious", "channelers", psychics and self-styled "adepts", blind as blackberries, hold forth on what they do not understand, being believed and aped by their misled followers. 1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED We offer no personal contacts or group meetings of any kind, so if you are seeking social networking or group activities we may not meet your needs. This is due to circumstances beyond our control. The members of such organisations are left to their own devices, leading inevitably to dissatisfaction, confusion and disillusionment. The Mystery Teachings were once taught in the great Mystery Schools of ancient Egypt which flourished for many centuries. Six of these schools are closed to the public. As we said earlier, we offer no personal contacts or meetings of any kind. . p. 131. Many scholars and seekers believe that these constitute the real and true Wisdom of Egypt, but this is wrong. It is for this reason, as well as many others, that hardly any members drop out after a few short weeks or months, which is so often the case in many occult schools and orders. By familiarizing themselves with these great themes they can attain such mastery over all these principles that they will lead more useful and happy lives, which, by force of example, will help mankind in general along its path of more or less blind existence. Only if you belonged to a temple could you paint, sculpt, write hieroglyphics, design buildings. Our teachings require the ability to read and write English to a good standard, hard work, sincerity and commitment over a long period of time—they are NOT suitable for thrill-seekers, mystery-mongers, or those seeking instant initiation and enlightenment in a few short weeks. The word "ba" had somewhat different meanings in different ancient Egyptian schools; here it is best translated as "soul". Pythagoras is believed to have made it the furthest, having studied in Kemet for 23 years [source: Person-Lynn].The Greeks seem to have put their own spin on what knowledge they'd learned. We also recommend the Occult FAQ to be found on the same website which provides clear and sane answers to the many questions seekers interested in occultism and the occult ask. The Pattern of Esotericism 22 5. The hierophants, who were regarded as the people of highest wisdom in the mystery schools, guided the initiates on their path to become one with the cosmos. Truth was freely given and as freely accepted in that golden age. This is what Students say about the teachings of this Mystery School. Dual Character of the Mysteries 30 6. We have produced a Manifesto which describes the aims and Teachings of this Mystery School in a clear and concise manner. The secrets of the Mystery Schools of the Essenes, Britain, India, Persia, and Egypt? The Modern Mystery School is the only school open to the public. This Mystery School teaches Occult Science by correspondence only. Egyptian Mystery Schools. Applicants who unfortunately are not selected will have their postage costs refunded. Each Grade contains 50 printed lectures on various subjects, mailed out to members weekly. There is a SIMPLE REASON for all this secrecy which has nothing whatever to do with 'cults' or deception. The mysteries trained initiates to develop one's faculties of will, intuition, and reason to an extraordinary degree so that they could gain access to the hidden forces in the universe. Some mystery schools pride themselves on the 'modernity' of their teachings, forgetting or never knowing that there can never be such things as 'up-to-date' truths, for how can the eternal verities ever change? The Mystery Teachings were once taught in the great Mystery Schools of ancient Egypt which flourished for many centuries. But there was a later Egypt, when the Wisdom they taught became lost, and in place of it there appeared the many "magical" papyri of the 3rd to 5th centuries A.D. Brandon, S. G. F. Religion in Ancient History. If you really want to study the ancient Mystery Teachings in their entirety as never before revealed, then hand-write a letter to us at the address below, fully explaining your reasons for wishing to apply for membership. In olden times people were just as busy with the ordinary things of life as they are today, but they rushed about less and may have been more sincere. For more than 3,000 years, the mystery schools of Egypt have epitomized the ultimate in ancient secret Wisdom and knowledge (Gnosis). ), with being an... Delving Deeper. As in ancient times, certain contemporary scholars and researchers insist that the great teachers who presided over the Egyptian mystery schools had to have come from some extraordinary place. Read more about Spring 2020 Mystery School; Gay Luce. Our correspondence Course may be compared to a University Course of study in Philosophy, Natural and Occult laws and Science, Higher Ethics and Metaphysics. But there was a later Egypt, when the Wisdom they taught became lost, and in place of it there appeared the many "magical" papyri of the 3rd to 5th centuries A.D. Our Mystery School works entirely in secret. The Kemetic education was meant to last 40 years, although no Greek thinker is known to have made it through the entire process. Although we are based in the United Kingdom (Great Britain), our members are spread all over the world. Dr. Luce also founded SAGE, a revitalization program that became the prototype for current work on aging. At the same time, please enclose payment to cover postage and packing for a Manifesto and a membership application form to be sent to you. They are the distorted and fantastic remnants only, and little else. All members are free to leave at ANY time, without repercussions of ANY sort. 1. For over 4,000 years, the ancient Egyptian mystery schools have been seen as the ultimate in secret wisdom and knowledge. These 7 are located in North America, England, Romania, Australia, Japan, Tibet and Africa. These schools were born in time's very beginnings on our planet, thriving through the days of early Egypt and Greece.. Out of the mystery schools recorded in our history came some of the most illustrious souls to shine on this earth- Pythagoras, Plato, Socrates, Plotinus, Aristotle, … Some theorize they were the wise masters who survived the destruction of the lost continent of Atlantis and found their way to Egypt. Ancient Egyptian history author, Alphonse Mariette, wrote of the Egyptian mystery... Initiation Rituals. (Cf. During the 18th Dynasty there were some truly great Masters in ancient Egypt. You can read more about the many good reasons for secrecy in an excellent article published elsewhere on the Internet. Such exercises are quite useless unless the student has first learned to master their turbulent emotions and acquire a measure of self-control. Routes of Initiation 59 10. For more than 3,000 years, the mystery schools of Egypt have epitomized the ultimate in secret wisdom and knowledge. If you live in the UK: 2 x Royal Mail First Class stamps.Outside the UK but within the EU: €5 CASH ONLY.Outside the EU (e.g. The greatest of all the Mystery Schools was in Egypt at Giza, it was here that they taught the mystery of the immortality of the soul. Aldred, Cyril. Such groups and teachers often mean well, but all they succeed in doing in leading the genuine seeker away from Truth. You can read more about the ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools in the column on your right. Egypt was known for having the most renowned and ancient mystery schools in the world, existing from long before the time of Moses. H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writings 14:248-9.) Such were a very few of the Teachings of the Masters of Wisdom—the Hierophants who presided over the last of the great Occult Schools which finally closed its doors more than 3,500 years ago. Among the many subjects taught were: the purpose of Life; what happens after death; the secrets of creation; magnetic and other healing; alchemy; magic; the science of numbers; real clairvoyance; the Astral planes and their inhabitants; meditation; concentration; the evolution of the Mind; mind-reading; how to contact the eternal memories of the World-Soul, read its secrets, hear the ancient tongues and read the secret and lost books; what dreams really are, and much more. The unwise leading the stupid, the lame leading the limbless, the deaf not hearing Truth, for it remains unrevealed, like the mole in his tunnel where the sun does not penetrate and darkness is the god of Light. Degrees of Initiation 36 7. These Teachings have never before been fully explained by any teacher in any other mystery school or order, no matter what claims they may make for themselves and their teachings. The mysteries dealt with the essential questions about the true nature of humankind and its relationship to the cosmos. F or more than 3,000 years, the mystery schools of Egypt have epitomized the ultimate in secret wisdom and knowledge. We would like to make it absolutely clear that this Mystery School is a genuine teaching academy that does not concern itself with politics or statecraft in any shape or form. Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools and Freemasonry Invitation into the Mysteries. The School does not tell its members what they should or should not think, believe or do. From clay, the gods shaped humankind and breathed into their nostrils the breath of life. Whether Jesus was the second coming of Buddha? How could their spiritual message not be an integral part of its culture and thusly a part of Moses’ education? in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or any other country in the world): $5 CASH in US dollars ONLY.We regret that we are unable to accept other currencies, money orders or electronic payments such as Paypal. Pythagoras – 22 Years in the Mystery Schools of Egypt. This School is a fraternity of men and women who study the secrets of Man and the Universe. Line of Occult Succession 74 12. In the mystery schools of Ancient Egypt, a chain was placed around a candidate’s neck as part of his preparation for initiation. But we wish to make it clear that only those with special attributes, inherent or acquired by deep study, can hope to succeed to the Inner work of the School. He trained with them extensively for over 15 years, while also traveling and being sent on missions to train in other with other masters and mystery schools in India, Romania, Africa, Egypt, Tibet, and more. Copyright © mystery-teachings.org — all rights reserved. As we said earlier, our Teachings are based on exactly the same occult principles and laws as the Teachings of the Hierophants of Ancient Egypt, India, Chaldea and Greece, who in their turn received them directly or indirectly from the Great Adepts and Masters of Atlantis.