Goldfish don’t have specific lighting requirements, so any good-quality LED lighting unit will be fine. The fish’s tail fin (caudal) is long and split. Goldfish are diggers and will scatter the fine sand onto leaves, injuring thin and less hardy plants. You want to invest in a quality filter rated for the size of tank you settle on. It is enough to comfortably house one Oranda, considering the waste it can release which could lead to changes in the water conditions if the tank was smaller. To keep the water super-clean and free from toxins, carry out 30% water changes every week, and deep-clean the substrate with an aquarium vacuum to remove uneaten food, plant debris, and fish waste. Live plants need between eight and ten hours of light every day for photosynthesis, so switch on your lights if necessary. That amazing fish was bred in Hong Kong at the TungHoi Aquarium. Fish feeds on plants, small crustaceans and insects. Oranda, Tigerheads, Tiger Goldfish, Bubblehead Goldfish, Needs powerful filtration but a buffered flow, Good community fish but may eat very small fish and invertebrates. This is crazy: The Oranda is the biggest of all the fancies when it comes to size. Although snails are usually quite safe, invertebrates such as small shrimp will also be on the Oranda’s menu. Image Credit: chanathip c, Shutterstock Are Oranda Goldfish Good Tank Mates? Oranda goldfish are coldwater fish, preferring a water temperature of between 65o and 72o Fahrenheit. Quarantine affected fish, and dose the tank with antifungal medication. Usually aquarists separate males and females before spawning. Those little guys grow quickly, and you could easily find your tank is overstocked and too small. At the same time white grains appear on the male head and gill covers and notches appear on pectoral fins. Well, unless you have a fish pond in your garden, we reckon that one of the varieties of Fancy goldfish makes a great choice. Gather together all the items you need to set up the goldfish tank, including: Before adding any fish, you must allow at least ten days for the tank to fully cycle. The main distinctive feature is its “hood” on the head, which is called ‘wen’. Oranda goldfish come in a huge variety of beautiful colors, including: There’s also a variety of Oranda called the Redcap. Wen starts to appear in about 3-4 month after the birth, but it gets fully formed only 1-2 years later. However, they are capable of growing much larger if provided the proper living conditions and care. All Goldfish are members of the carp group and are generally quite hardy. It has to be spacious, rectangular with large water surface area. A 30 gallon tank – This is the smallest size tank we would ever recommend. Flukes are parasites that attach themselves to the gills or body. Here, the fish feed on insect larvae, plant matter, algae, and small crustaceans. Oranda goldfish are busy fish, constantly foraging among the plant bases and in the substrate. Tank water parameters should be the following: temperature 16-25 °C, optimal temperature 22-26 °C, pH 6,0-8,0, gH 5-20°dGH. The fish swims slow and pretty laid-back. The fish becomes reproductive at the age of 1.5-2 years. Modern goldfish are all descended from the wild Prussian carp of east Asia, where they were once the most commonly eaten fish species in China. It is also important to choose a proper tank for goldfish. So, choose smooth medium-gauge gravel for the substrate in your Orandas’ tank. Oranda goldfish can be bred in home aquariums and over the past few years it has become even more popular. Oranda goldfish typically live for between ten and 15 years, although there are reports of some fish reaching an amazing 20 years or even more. The fish is very sensitive to water contamination, its ‘hood’ is prone to various infections, bacteria and fungi, if the water is very dirty. The appropriate minimum tank size for a single Oranda goldfish is 10 gallons. Biological filtration is required as well. The rest of the fins except the dorsal one are also claw-ended. In the 1600s, goldfish made their way to Europe, reaching the U.S. by the 1800s. Hi! You can buy Oranda goldfish from most fish and pet stores, but buying online from a dealer is the best way to go if you want a particularly unusual color variation. The Oranda goldfish can grow 20 to 31 centimeters, depending on the feed, temperature and aquarium care. Oranda goldfish are pretty hardy, although they can be prone to the most common fish diseases, especially if the tank is not kept clean and the water quality pristine. Generally, the fish spawn in the spring when the water gets warmer. Digestive tract of the fish is quite tortuous and considering that the fish is an omnivorous one its digestive tract is often clogged with food. Tell us in the comments box below, and don’t forget to share our guide if you loved it! Then the fish gets sick, swims poorly and dies in the end. However, you can say that the ‘hood’ is completely developed only when it is 2-2.5 years old. Treat the tank with an antiparasitic treatment. Tank size. Tiny white dots appear all over the fish. For breeding you need a tank of 15-25 gallons. Affected fish secrete excessive mucus and try to dislodge the flukes by rubbing against objects in the aquarium. None unfortunately. As soon as the eggs hatch, you must remove the parents before they eat the eggs. These plants will not be eaten and the tank environment will benefit from them. Goldfish need well-oxygenated water, so adding a bubbler or air stone can be beneficial. Tank Size & Care. Though tank lighting is not important for the fish, but this is when you can see all the beauty and unicity of the species. Raise the tank temperature to 82o F for a few days, and treat the tank with Ich medication. But a 55g tank is the best for this type of fish. The Red Cap Oranda will do well in a tank of 30 gallons of water or more with a fine gravel bottom and hardy, cold water plants, as well as backyard garden ponds of 180 gallons or more. All decorations including stones and snags also shouldn’t have any sharp sides, since the fish may hurt its fins or fleshy outgrowths. Goldfish need water that has a high concentration of oxygen, so always go for a long aquarium rather than a tall one; a long tank has a greater surface area that allows good gaseous exchange. Not only do these fish grow pretty large, but they also produce copious amounts of waste. The fish needs a lot of free space and proper care. To ensure that the water is safe for fish, test it to ensure that the levels of ammonia and nitrites are zero and nitrate levels are below 20ppm. The Japanese call these goldfish Oranda Shishigashira, and there’s also a calico version that’s known as Azuma Nishiki. In using the “one inch of fish per one gallon” ratio, you should calculate what size tank you will need based on a 6” fish. My mom loves my goldies, and wants one just like my first (blue oranda). up to 20 to 31 centimeters (8 to 12 inches). However, the fish grows that large only if it dwells in open waters.Oranda’s lifespan is 10-15 years and even up to 20 years provided with good tank or open water conditions. However, be very careful that you only give your fish live food that’s come from a reputable source. In fact: It was an Oranda that won the world record for the largest goldfish ever documented! In fact, all the fish you see for sale in pet or fish stores are captive-raised. It is highly recommended to make 1/4 – 1/3 water changes on a regular weekly basis for better health of the fish. Lifespan: 15 years - The average goldfish lifespan is 10 – 15 years, but they have been known to live 20 years or more when well maintained. All goldfish like to dig and rummage around in the substrate, hunting for scraps of food. Juveniles should be fed with rotifers and brine shrimps. So, a balanced mix of flakes, goldfish pellets, frozen and live foods is a good diet for your fish. Its body length is from 20 to 31 centimeters (8 to 12 inches) long. The adult male as a rule is smaller and thinner than the female one. Is an omnivorous fish and it has excellent appetite. Oranda goldfish are peaceful fish that can do well in a community tank of other coldwater species. Its body length is from 20 to 31 centimeters (8 to 12 inches) long. My filter has an adjustable flow outlet, which is handy, but you can also use plants or solid decorations to redirect the water current away from your fish’ swimming area. save. if so would 2 be ok? For every additional fish, you’ll need to add a further 10 gallons. Re: Goldfish Size, Life Expectancy and Tank Recommendations. Natural habitat is in slow and lantic waters, rivers, ponds, lakes and drains. Most varieties of fancy goldfish will require 10-20 gallons per a fish, preferably 20 gallons per a fish. An oranda is a breed of goldfish characterized by a prominent bubble-like "hood" on the head. Red flags that could indicate health problems brewing for your Orandas include: Ichthyophthirius multifiliis is an aquatic parasite that causes White Spot disease.Affected fish flick or rub against objects in the tank. By the 1500s, China was trading these “goldfish” with Japan. When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. A larger tank helps to dilute that waste and makes maintaining a healthy environment easier. Oranda tank size. I would THINK about keeping very small ones ina 20g. Unique Oranda Black And Red Goldfish Men's and Women's Tank Tops designed and sold by artists. whats the minimum size for 1 oranda goldfish? Currently Alison has two large freshwater tanks. Once the female is receptive to the male’s advances, the fish will gyrate alongside each other until the female drops her eggs. For example, the biggest Oranda ever recorded was said to be a 15-inch specimen that his breeders christened Bruce. You should maintain proper tank conditions regularly. Oranda and Commet in this tank size? or are they better off in groups? Source. The best tank mates are thumbstall goldfish species similar to this one. There are no wild populations of Oranda goldfish. Wash your décor to get rid of dust, and arrange the items in the aquarium. Sometimes eats tender shoots and leaves. Sores, ulcers, and red patches over the body and head infections. I hope you enjoyed our comprehensive guide to caring for the Oranda Fancy goldfish. Many people now breed them at home and then sell them online.All varieties reach puberty at around 2 years. If the fish is female, she will appear wider and plumper than the male. Oranda and Commet in this tank size? The eggs usually take around four to seven days to hatch. Did you breed them successfully? The head and gill covers are covered with fleshy outgrowths that develop as the grows. If the tank is too small or overcrowded you should renew the water in larger amounts and more often. Their scales are large and round and can be matte or metallic. His favorite aquariums are biotopes (Amazon River), with Echinodorus and Angelfish. Premium Quality Oranda for Sale : Red, Red & While, Calico, Panda, and other unique Color Patterns : This page lists some of the types and sizes of Oranda for sale in our facility. I would like to buy a large Oranda or two, I know they are big, so I wondered what size tank I would need? So, you need a very efficient, powerful filtration system to remove the toxins the fish produce from the water. Both aquarium hobbyists and beginning fish tank owners adore this fish. The food with large amount of vegetable components is useful for the digestive system and prevents bowel retention. Tankarium is reader-supported. The tank bottom should be covered with small smooth gravels that will not hurt the fish (fish likes digging the bottom). Goldfish specieswere bred at the end of Qin dynasty period (1848—1925) as a result of systematical breeding of various lines and scrutinous selective breeding programs. what tank size for 2? The Oranda goldfish, Carassius auratus auratus, is one of the oldest fancy goldfish variants. Choose healthy fish to breed from, and condition them by feeding a diet that contains plenty of live food. hide. Male and female Oranda goldfish look pretty much identical. However, every so often, a genetic quirk would throw out a fish that was bright red, yellow, or orange. Hence, the Chinese call the Oranda, “flower of the water.” All the other fins are paired, creating a symmetrical appearance. However, round-bodied goldfish are prone to digestive problems, such as Swim Bladder Disease, bloat, and constipation if fed a diet of only dried food. Also, you should remove the food from the water it comes in before offering it to your fish. Tank parameters to consider when choosing a goldfish aquarium: Tank size Ten gallons is the absolute minimum required to house a Redcap Oranda Goldfish. Tankarium is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Goldfish produces a lot of rubbish, so it is not recommend to keep it together with other tank mates. Hanging at the surface, unable to swim down, Rubbing the body against the substrate or tank décor, High-quality fancy goldfish flakes and pellets, frozen foods. Oranda is not a very good swimmer as well, therefore don’t keep it with such active swimmers as a common goldfish or shubunkin. When the fish are ready to begin spawning, reduce the temperature in the tank to around 60° Fahrenheit. Oranda swims all over the tank space. This good looking fish has an oviform large body, shiny scales and claw-ended paired veiltail fin. Set an upturned bowl on top of the gravel. They can live between 5 and 10 years as long as they meet the conditions they need in the matter of temperature, oxygen, and food. It waves fanwise when the fish stops swimming and hovers. Problem is she has very little space. Soon, breeding colorful chi caught on, and more varieties were produced, each with different coloration, form, and finnage. Also, large Orandas will readily make a meal of very small fish, such as Mosquitofish or White Cloud Minnows. Although theoretically large enough to house 1 single tail, we do not recommend this as they are a community fish and keeping one alone doesn’t make for an enriched life. Professional breeders often separate the male and female fish for several weeks beforehand to increase the fishes’ interest in breeding. On the 5th day the juveniles start to swim. Clean the viewing panes clear by using an algae magnet, but don’t remove all the biofilm and beneficial bacteria that live there, as that adds to the effectiveness of your biological filter. Once a month, rinse the filter media in tank water to remove sludge and keep the material clear so that the water flows through it unhindered. Install the filter and heater, but don’t turn them on. However, the Prussian carp, the goldfishes’ distant relatives, are still found living in Central Asia, inhabiting slow-moving waters such as lakes, ditches, ponds, and rivers. Oranda is one of the most fancy colored goldfish species. Best Fish For A 20-Gallon Tank And How Many Can You Fit, Best Fish For A 10-Gallon Tank And How Many Can You Fit, Best Place To Buy Healthy Betta Fish Online, Compatible And Safe Tank Mates for Your GoldFish, How To Tell If Your Aquarium Snail Is Dead, SunSun HW-304B Pro Canister Filter Review, Best Low And Medium Light Aquarium Plants. However, if kept in a very large tank and provided with an excellent diet and optimum conditions, Orandas can reach a much bigger size than that. Sergey is a founder and author of A 6” goldfish will require 6 gallons of water. Goldfish oranda Care Juvenile Orandas don’t have the wen, which doesn’t appear until the fish is a few months old and continues to grow and spread until the fish reaches two to three years of age. These are social fishes, happily spending time with their tank mates and swimming in all areas of the tank. Female lays about 2000 eggs. When the spring comes and days become longer you’ll see that male are ready to spawn and they actively haunt the females. Oranda is an ancestor of a wild fish from cyprinoid fishes family that initially inhabited in Asia and they originate from the goldfish. :O. It can get over 12 inches long (including the tail) – bigger than a small cat! This video looks at how big of a tank you need to house your goldfish. All goldfish prefer low water temperature 18°— 22°C (65-71°F), however oranda can’t stand very low water temperature. Adjust the light levels to suit the live plant species you’ve chosen. White, cottony growths on the head, body, gills. That’s why from the very beginning it is recommended to get a tank of 80-120 liters (21-31 US gallons) capacity for one fish and raise the tank volume at 40 liters for the each fish you put there. High-quality cotton, available in a range of colors and size XS to XXL. share. Water renew should be performed every week, about 25-30% from total tank volume. Treat the water with antibacterial medicine. What fun name did you choose for your Oranda? Joined: Dec 19, 2011 Messages: 5,514 Likes Received: 80. Bruce was bred in a Hong Kong aquarium and was undoubtedly well cared for and provided exceptional living conditions. The fish must have a room to swim. You’ll need to buffer the flow so that the Orandas aren’t stressed by the water movement. Provide lots of bushy plants, some spawning mops, and flat stones for the eggs to adhere to. Oranda is unpretentious as for the food as well. In this guide, we focus on the Oranda goldfish. Goldfish are extremely greedy fish, and they will keep on eating and eating, often to the detriment of their digestive system. Tends to dig, so can uproot plants. Can I Feed My Oranda Goldfish Live Foods? A 40 gallon tank – This is large enough for: It can be kept in an open pond at the condition of maintaining it clean and with relatively high water temperature (low water temperature is unallowable). The Oranda Goldfish is one of the most fascinating and beautiful fish in the aquarium community. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Yes, you can feed your Oranda goldfish live foods. When choosing food for your Oranda goldfish, always buy the best quality food that you can afford. (Updated: August 4, 2019. Like all Fancy goldfish, Oranda goldfish have egg-shaped bodies. The most substantial Oranda ever documented was 15 inches long and was named Bruce. Clean water conditions will go a … For the same reason, you should never take live foods from nature. A large tank helps to dilute the waste and reduces the number of water changes you need to carry out. The filtration system and maintenance schedule you plan on using are just as important. Replace old filter media periodically, as per the manufacturer’s instructions. In the other, she has a happy community of tiger barbs, green tiger barbs, corydoras catfish, platys, and mollies. Male Orandas produce white pimples called tubercles over the gill covers and head. She's considering a 50, to get 2 or 3, but I was wondering if a 20 or 30 would work for one? Throughout the build-up to spawning, continue to feed the fish a live diet of daphnia, bloodworms, and brine shrimp. Starve fish for 24 hours and feed meaty protein, live food, or a skinned pea.If ineffective, treat the tank with a Swim Bladder disease medication. 111 111. That’s why we don’t recommend to decrease water temperature in the tank with oranta lower than 16° C (60°F). Alison Page has been an avid fish keeper for over 35 years and has owned many different species of freshwater tropical fish including bettas. Oranda (in Japanese – 和蘭獅子頭) is one of the artificially bred ornamental species of ‘goldfish’ for home aquariums (Carassius gibelio forma auratus), which is one of veiltail kinds, but it differs from them since it has fleshy outgrowths on its head and gill covers. Orandas are clumsy swimmers, partly because of their body shape and partly because of their wen that can obscure their vision if the tissue overgrows the fish’s eyes. Prize specimens can sell for hundreds of dollars! It usually eats live and frozen food: brine shrimp, daphnia, tubifex. But what are the different goldfish types, and how do you know what kind makes the best pet for your child? You shouldn’t forget about vegetable additives to the diet – for example, lettuce and spinach. Remove damaged or dead stems and leaves from live plants if you’re using them, and plant the stems in pots or in the substrate, allowing plenty of space for growth and spread. These fish are completely silver or white with a vibrant, scarlet hood, resembling a bright red cap. Do not keep goldfish in a bowl! Here, you can learn where these beautiful fish came from, why they make such great pets, and how you can provide your Orandas with the care they need. Tank plants may be both live and artificial ones, but live plants should have strong roots and coarse leaves, otherwise fish will gladly eat them. For every additional fish, you’ll need to add a further 10 gallons. Oranda doesn’t tend to jump out of the tank that’s why a cover-glass or a lid are needed only to avoid water evaporation. tank lenght---> 40 inches long by 16 inches by 12 inches. When choosing décor for your aquarium, avoid rough rocks and sharp pieces of wood that could injure the Oranda’s wen and trailing fins, and reserve large items of decoration and ornaments to the perimeter of the tank. Though, fish can be encountered in tanks all over the world, it requires gentle treatment and therefore it is not recommend for beginner aquarists. Size. Their peaceful energy and beautiful appearance make them a great addition to many freshwater tanks which is why a lot of hobbyists opt for keeping this fish. Orandas are not good swimmers, and their eyesight can be compromised by the wen, so always leave plenty of open swimming space for the fish. What is the minimum tank size for one oranda goldfish? community tank of other coldwater species, light levels to suit the live plant species. At the beginning of the 16th century the fish was exported first to Japan and later to Europe. The wild carp, known as “chi,” were mostly silvery-grey in color. Oranda goldfish can grow to reach around seven inches in length when fully mature. So, keep this fact in mind when choosing decorations for a tank. The water pH should be in the range of 6.0 to 8.0, with a water hardness of between 5 and 19 dGH. Tank inhabitants (number, size and type of fish/frogs): KINOBE 3" GOLD ORANDA, SMALL 1" RED CAP ORANDA, SMALL 1.5" BLACK MOOR, SMALL 1" ALGEA EATER New additions/changes to the tank: WATER CHANGE YESTERDAY Unusual findings on the fish/frog: SEE ABOVE STARTED YESTERDAY Unusual behavior: SEE ABOVE Medications/what has been tried or done do far: NONE Although fancy goldfish are not the most energetic swimmers, they do produce lots of waste. But IMO, 10 g is WAAAY to small, a 6 inch oranda is pretty big. A bowl doesn’t provide sufficient surface area and is far too small for goldfish. All in all… Everything about this breed is perfect. A common goldfish really belongs in a pond, but if kept in a tank needs at least 180 litres and a tank 4 feet long. Goldfish are keen diggers, and they tend to eat tender plant leaves, too. You need a spawning tank of at least 20-gallons. Just so you know, Successful Aquarium may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page. However, the fish grows that large only if it dwells in open waters. i have been wanting another pet for a while now and im leaning more into a goldfish rather than any other choices on my other question still up on the first page here. Oranda’s wen starts developing when the fish reaches three-months-old and grows all its life. Tank Requirements Tank size. It is important not to overfeed. Oranda is one of the most demanding species among all the goldfish, so it’s not recommend for beginner aquarists to keep. One safe way of providing your Oranda goldfish with live food is to set up a home brine shrimp hatchery if you have the time to devote to that. The first tank has two huge fancy goldfish who are almost ten years old and still looking as good as ever. Cheap brands usually contain lots of padding that’s of little value nutritionally and can even harm your fish. The Oranda’s wen can be prone to developing infections if it is damaged or if fragments of food become wedged between the folds of flesh. Minimum tank size is 10 gallons. However, through the years he’s had experience of keeping almost all types of freshwater fish and shrimps. As the article above states, one fancy goldfish needs a tank of at least 140 litres and at least 3 feet long. Did you know that there are approximately 200 different species of goldfish? The size and biology of the Oranda Goldfish necessitate a more powerful filter to keep the water clean and the chemistry in balance. So, plants with large and coarse leaves or just ‘not tasty’ plants such as anubias will do for the tank. His name was Bruce. The oranda is a very deep bodied goldfish, and his perfect body depth should not be less than 2/3 of its length, not including the tail. As all species of this kind the fish originates from a common wild carp. However, you can use hardier species of plants and anchor them securely in the substrate with plant weights or keep the plants in clay pots. Lifespan is 10-15 years and even up to 20 years provided with good tank or open water conditions. But the Oranda’s most distinguishing feature is its big head, topped by a cap of fleshy tissue called a wen. The minimum tank size for fancy goldfish varieties is at least 20 Gallons or about 75 liters, anything smaller could lead to unstable water conditions unless the water is changed daily. Tank lighting also is not very important, since only tank plants require it as well as you to observe your pets comfortably. Large volume of water guarantees that you won’t have problems with tank water contamination with the rubbish that the fish produces in large amounts as well as you will provide your pets with sufficient amount of oxygen. The tank must have a canister filter that effectively cleans water from various contaminants. Click here to read about the Three Groups of Goldfish. Don’t be fooled by those cute inch-long fish that you see in your local fish store. When the fish is hanging still in the water, the tail spreads out into a gorgeous fan shape. You can keep it in a company of calm and completely not aggressive. Wild fish of that color didn’t last long, quickly being targeted and eaten by predators. Goldfish are happy to breed in small or large groups. Put a bunch of small leaved plants or just a net (which is better) into the spawning tank. Also, I find that by including a portion of frozen brine shrimp, bloodworms, or daphnia, I can keep my fancy goldfishes’ digestive system ticking over properly. Take 1 female and 2-3 male for spawning. Don’t be fooled by those cute inch-long fish that you see in your local fish store. Small tanks need more frequent water changes, as they produce more waste than other freshwater fish. During the spawning period males have some white grains on their head and gill covers. The fish starts laying eggs in the early morning and it lasts for several hours. Lifespan. Orandas are extremely popular with collectors and breeders right across Asia, where these fancies are also called Tigerheads or Tiger goldfish. it is not just about size of the tank when you are talking about orandas. It is not difficult to breed the fish, but it seldom happens that all the juveniles are of high-quality. Discussion in 'Fish Keeping Chat' started by dandogman, Dec 28, 2013. dandogman PetForums VIP. Fish cannot remain on an even keel, sinking or floating randomly, struggling to remain upright. It is sufficient to house 2 fancy goldfish only. Oranda goldfish are egg-layers, and they’re quite easy to breed in a home aquarium setting. Oranda Goldfish fare best with others of … The fishes’ colors become more vibrant and intense at this time. If a small fish will be ok in a tank of 40 liters (10.57 US gallons) capacity, still in the future you’ll have to buy a bigger tank. Oranda is one of the most fancy colored goldfish species. If you’re starting off with one Oranda, you can get away with a tank of 20 to 30 gallons. We hope you love the products we recommend! Thanks :) 8 comments. You may put some decorations into the tank, but be careful if they have some sharp edges. Do you have some of these delightful fish? The headgrowth or hood (also known as wen or crown) may be a prominent growth on the top of the head (cranial region) or may encase the entire face except for the eyes and mouth.. Quite often fish is kept in open waters and the water temperature there is lower than it is required for tropical fishes. will this work out? The latter is very important for the digestive system. The process can continue for several hours, during which time the female Oranda can lay as many as 10,000 eggs. As a prelude to breeding, the male fish will chase a female around the aquarium. However, you can tell the difference between the boys and the girls during the breeding season. Size. 1 inch of fish per square foot of surface area 10 gallons per fancy fish 20 gallons per fancy fish 20 gallons for the first fancy fish plus 10 gallons for each additional fancy fish The fish is quite sensitive to water cleanness and it can’t stand dwelling in cold water unlike its relatives with flat bodies – ordinary goldfish, comet fish etc.

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