The account limiting comes shortly after Project Veritas published an exposé on Facebook’s VP of Integrity, Guy Rosen. Secession is our ONLY hope. Twitter Permanently Bans James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas Twitter permanently banned the account of the James O’Keefe-founded undercover journalist group Project Veritas on Thursday for allegedly sharing “private information” without consent. First, we need another avenue from the “Internet” under Junta control. The same happens with companies. Mary Chastain, did you intend to use that incorrectly spelled word? Pamela Gellar and millions of others didn’t choose to be Prisoners Of Woke getting tossed of social media. It’ll either work, or it will seriously break what’s left of the internet. Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply. Half the nation wants to hang the other half. I am not a poisoner, because I was never impressed with Facebook and Twitter, I never bought Google’s BS about evil. The founder of Veritas couldn't accept that Twitter had dubbed their reporting on some of Facebook's confidential data as a privacy breach. Full on weaponization. Do something! Great idea, in principle. Twitter Permanently Suspends Project Veritas, Locked James O’Keefe’s Account,, Targeted Taxes: Localities Take Aim At Large Employers To Solve Homelessness And Transportation Challenges, AS SOON AS THE IRANIAN BIATCHES PAY US FIVE TRILLION FOR MENTAL ANGUISH FOR THEIR TAKING HOSTAGES: …, Germany: Covid-19 Triggers New Wave of Anti-Semitism. Crash their revenue and value. Does Twitter consider reporting information the public has a right to know private information? February 12, 2021 7:06 am . Tell people who cite it you don’t want to be be bothered with it. Twitter’s explanation was less than satisfactory for many: Twitter has locked the accounts of Project Veritas and the group’s founder James O’Keefe. TRILLIONS (with a “T”) of dollars await Donald Trump. We all are Prisoners Of Woke. DJT, James O’Keefe, Gateway Pundit, Wayne Allen Root, Gina Cararo, We couldn’t maintain it then. Sorry meant to up vote big thumbs and horrible placement Admin. Tell us how you keep the locusts from immigrating to and debasing your new country. You might say they pulled a James O’Keefe…journalism wouldn’t have standards at all if there weren’t double standards. The account of Project Veritas has been suspended from Twitter as of Thursday, and the investigative outlet's founder, James O'Keefe, also had his account restricted. Fox News reported Thursday that a spokesperson for Twitter confirmed the account @Project_Veritas was “permanently suspended for repeated violations of Twitter’s private information policy.”. Just get the hell out it and let it die on the vine. The progs are emboldened by the Biden power grab and intend to make the most of it. So the solution is to… do it again and hope for different results? Not fighting, but it’s not always a choice. If any of these become successful great pressure will be brought to bear against the credit card networks, ICANN, and OFR to shut him down. Things could turn around, we need a McCarty like advocate, with people being charged and convicted of treason, maybe some executions. Call it nothing. TWITTER SUSPENSION UPDATE: Twitter has asked us to delete a tweet that supposedly violated their rule on positing "private information." This wouldn’t be all that hard to do. Sieg Heil to Hack Dorsey. The progressives have already overplayed their hands and are continuing to do so. BUT: Give it another 3 or 4 years, and the military purge will result in Antifa/BLM monsters with American flags on their shoulders happily pointing M16s in our direction. On Thursday, Twitter suspended the accounts of Project Veritas and Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe III, claiming the investigative reporting outlet had violated Twitter… So maybe.. Twitter on Thursday permanently suspended the account of conservative activist organization Project Veritas and temporarily locked the account of its founder, James O'Keefe. In the video released by Project Veritas and flagged by Twitter, Rosen said the social media platform “‘freezes’ comment sections on posts where they suspect, but have not necessarily have confirmed, that ‘hate speech’ is taking place,” The Post Millennial reported. “How do you define ‘hate speech?’ Is it just speech that you hate?” he continues in the seconds-long interaction. Project Veritas is appealing this decision, as no privacy was violated. In politics the pendulum always swings back and forth. That’ll never happen in the current ‘nation’ we live in. Learn from Parlor’s mistakes. There is no recovery from this – not when half the nation, and ALL of the media, and ALL of the educational systems, and ALL of the mews media, and ALL of the sports media, and ALL of the entertainment media, and ALL of the corporate powers and ALL of our federal agencies and “elected” officials are in on the plot. “When you talk about freezing comments containing hate speech, what do you mean by that?” the Veritas staffer standing on the sidewalk asks Rosen as he enters his home. , Legal Insurrection, All Rights Reserved. Twitter says it has permanently suspended the account of the right-wing guerilla news outlet Project Veritas and locked its founder James O'Keefe out of his account. “These are all things we’ve built over the past three-four years as part of our investments into the integrity space, our efforts to protect the election.”. James O’Keefe later said in a video that Twitter highlighted the apparently rule-violating post from Project Veritas as a video showing the Facebook Vice President of Integrity Guy Rosen being questioned outside his home. (Remember: the “president” has a kill switch that can turn off the Internet.). Posted By: OhioNick, 2/12/2021 3:54:34 AM The account of Project Veritas has been suspended from Twitter as of Thursday, and the investigative outlet's founder, James O'Keefe, also had his account restricted. Watson. Now YouTube removed James O’Keefe video. He added: “Reporters with microphones [and] cameras engage in reporting activities on the streets all the time in residential communities, so I’m trying to understand what Twitter considers violating their rules against posting private information. on. Big success = big egos and big arrogance. The left is intent on enslaving EVERYONE. It comes after Project Veritas posted a video of Facebook executives discussing censorship tools: “We have a system that is able to freeze commenting on threads in cases where our systems are detecting that there may be a thread that has hate speech or violence, sort of in the comments,” Vice President of Integrity Guy Rosen can be seen explaining in the footage. It also locked founder James O’Keefe out from his personal account. I'M BACK#IAmProjectVeritas, — James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) February 12, 2021. License plates on surrounding cars are blurred. If black Americans think they have a raw deal now, wait till Xi is in charge of their lives. James O’Keefe Threatens Twitter’s Jack Dorsey: “We Have the Whistleblowers!” “Jack, we have insiders within your company coming to us literally about to blow the whistle on you…” Published. All he has to do is ask for it, and 75,000,000 people will come running. O’Keefe: “Does Twitter consider reporting information the public has a right to know private information? “In the context of horrific events this week, we made it clear on Wednesday that additional violations of the Twitter Rules would potentially result in this very course of action. Twitter is hemorrhaging money – it’s stock is down. It’s easy folks. It’s over, folks. A description of the post operative state of being following a genital mutilation procedure in which ‘Roy becomes Joy’? Sorry. A few small servers in a few different countries.. I respect opinions, heaven knows mine are not perfect. And…well, you get the point. Nothing at all. Do they think they can hold onto power long enough to avoid any personal consequences? The Daily Wire is one of America’s fastest-growing conservative media companies and counter-cultural outlets for news, opinion, and entertainment. The platform claims the report violates its policy on "posting private information," and as a result, both O'Keefe's personal account and the official account of Project Veritas have been locked, … No, he doesn’t. Cancel or be cancelled. On Thursday, Twitter permanently banned the Project Veritas group founded by undercover journalist James O’Keefe for allegedly sharing “private information” without consent. “We have a system that is able to freeze commenting on threads in cases where our systems are detecting that there may be a thread that has hate speech or violence,” Rosen said. by Debra Heine . In other, other words: PDJT is poised to become the richest man in the world. We need to get ahead of the deplatforming, walk, better yet run away. So it’ll be propped up like the fake sales of hillary clinton and obama’s idiotic books (that are probably sitting in a large Soros warehouse somewhere near a paper recycling plant, awaiting disposal). Even in totalitarian countries, it swings. Tell us how you’re going to keep socialists out. Meanwhile, the Lincoln Project is publishing private DMs from a now-former associate and Twitter yawns. Prufreedin and edutin hav falenn bye thu waysyd enn the erra uv innernetz mediuh., — Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) February 11, 2021. You want to know something funny about that bastion of journalism known as CNN. In a video posted from Project Veritas Action, O’Keefe argued that the group’s post is in-line with mainstream journalistic standards, noting that he has appealed the ban and has not deleted the tweet in question. We need communication not under control of the “American” government. Looks like telling the truth on Twitler can have grave consequences. And kamal harris. Get inside access to The Daily Wire by becoming a. He just has to do it. Vagrancy will be unlawful. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail (or subscribe without commenting.). By. This is quite the Rubicon we’re crossing if Twitter wants to ban this particular piece of information.”. 2+2=5, just like Orwell said.” You know Twitter has been looking for an excuse to block James O’Keefe for a long time. “What I’m trying to understand is, what about what we did is quote ‘posting private information’?” O’Keefe said. The hillary clinton nightmare we saw coming – that was delayed by the heroic Donald J. Trump – is here. The Big Tech platform said they had “mistakenly communicated to Project Veritas that there would be a way to restore its account and confirmed that the group’s suspension was permanent and final.”, Project Veritas suspended from Twitter. James Edward O'Keefe III (born June 28, 1984) is an American conservative political activist and ... On February 11, 2021, the Twitter account for Project Veritas was “permanently suspended for repeated violations of Twitter’s private information policy.” At the same time, O’Keefe’s account was “temporarily locked” for violating the policy pending the deletion of a tweet. In a second video posted by Project Veritas, one of its staffers is seen confronting Rosen about his remarks outside his home as he returned from a jog. We have all seen how young people go through really obnoxious stage on their way towards becoming reasonable adults. “If black Americans think they have a raw deal now, wait till Xi is in charge of their lives.”. The tech liberals have closed conservative … Blacks have another problem, Hispanics will not like black culture, a culture of entitlement and crime. News Staff. The other day they had a piece on the airport tv that was entitled “Going deep inside a QAnon meeting”. O’Keefe also said he’s confused by Twitter’s actions, considering the home address for Rosen isn’t visible in the video. People who refuse to work, won’t get welfare. He sure earned it. Who will be the soldiers fighting for the left? The numbers on the exec’s home address were visible in the clip, but the street name was not. But wondering if you heard or read her Tweets?, I did on Prager and Levin and actually used her logic on another, they seem fine to me, Prager thought so as well. All Trump has to do is find payment processors willing to suffer the wrath of Visa and Mastercard, banks that will do business with him, domain registrars that won’t shut down his domains, and so on. McCarthy warned us. Further, the @JamesOKeefeIII account was … Look, it’s over. The Daily Wire is one of America’s fastest-growing conservative media companies and counter-cultural outlets for news, opinion, and entertainment. Social media platform Twitter has locked the accounts of both Project Veritas and James O'Keefe following a recent report relating to Facebook's VP of Integrity, Guy Rosen. Bribery would be punishable by 20 years in prison – where they grow their own food, make their own clothes, etc. Public humifactions, loss of jobs, in other words payback. The faster this happens, the more defastating it will be to tech companies. That is usually a bloody affair. She knew what she was getting into, or more importantly, with whom. Post Millennial, by Noah David Alter Original Article. Social media: something I have managed to live without, comfortably. There is conflicting information on social media right as to whether it is a suspension or a ban. Really? It exists only as a leftist propaganda tool. The clock is ticking. Teachers who advocate it would be fired. Maybe he starts his own registrar and bank. The tweet in question arose when asking for comment from Facebook's VP of Integrity about censorship. AND: boycott anybody who advertises on twitter, or sponsors it in any way. This was American society before it was corrupted by the left in the late 50s. Sometimes it is frequent, others it is somewhat longer as in America. “This was American society before it was corrupted by the left in the late 50s.”. Twitter suspends accounts of Project Veritas, James O'Keefe. Our nation will NEVER unite again. I think that breaking up the country will lead to immediate war. There will be no support for Affirmative. When a tipping point like this is reached, there is only one way out: out. Such payback should be aimed at the top stooges, not rank and file. 2+2=5, just like Orwell said.” You know Twitter has been looking for an excuse to block James O’Keefe for a long time. Commenting on the platform's decision, he reportedly said, "What I’m trying to understand is, what about what we did is quote 'posting private information?' Twitter suspended Project Veritas from its platform Thursday, citing repeated violations of their rules 'against posting private information'.. Yes, why, indeed? Socialism, Communism (and any other government scheme) will be outlawed under the new Constitution. James O’Keefe said this on Telegram: “Twitter has locked our accounts for reporting on Facebook.Asking people questions using a microphone and camera. Revealing it would be a federal crime. Just abandon it. Make that Rasputin SOB own this period of censorship and oppression personally—every single day. (Our justification is on a legal basis; theirs is on a lust for power.). Otherwise, accept the coming terror, bloodshed and chaos. You Mamma. Extrapolate it from there. In a video, O’Keefe said that Twitter highlighted a video from Project Veritas that showed the Facebook Vice President of Integrity Guy Rosen being questioned outside his home. What am I doing wrong? Vote Up 0 Vote Down Reply. This is very weak justification if you ask me. That really raises the blood pressure of Californians delightfully. Twitter on Thursday locked conservative activist James O’Keefe, out of his account after he tweeted out a video that allegedly violates the platform’s rules—the same week the platform allowed a celebrated left-wing activist to dox a conservative journalist. Share on GAB; Telegram Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe took off the gloves on Twitter today by replying to one of … Our public interest framework exists to enable the public to hear from elected officials and world leaders directly. Keep using the word “blacklist” as often as you can. Mock it. If he started his own ‘facebook’, he’d have MORE than 75,000,000 subscribers the first day. Reporters with microphones [and] … The video of Rosen is available on the Project Veritas website. In just over 2 weeks, freedom and democracy have been destroyed in our nation. So all those illegals, will in time, become blacks nightmare. The reporter on the ground never revealed the location, … Mccarthyism: The Rosetta Stone Of Liberal Lies: TWITTER SUSPENSION UPDATE, — Project Veritas Action (@PVeritas_Action) February 11, 2021. If he sold pillows, he’d sell MORE than 75,000,000 pillows on the first day. February 12, 2021 7:40 am. Any word against the narrative is goingb to get you tossed out. So what do Dems think is going to happen? Instead of McCarthyism, call it Dorseyism. This country has gladly submitted to tyranny. Right-wing activist James O’Keefe's organization Project Veritas was permanently suspended from Twitter on Thursday afternoon. Get inside access to The Daily Wire by becoming a member. After the Civil War, the North and South had more in common than the left and right do today. “We will continue to be transparent around our policies and their enforcement.”. Then tell us why we should cede a single square foot of OUR country to them in the first place. “The tweet in question arose when asking for comment from Facebook’s VP of Integrity about censorship,” the group said from their Telegram channel. On the other hand, citizens will have a choice of tax structures, depending on how generous with their money they feel. ” it will seriously break what’s left of the internet…”, Why?? It’s hillary clinton and nancy pelosi. Basically, they spied, edited, and showed footage deceptively without consent. To steal a slogan from another globalist slave labor employing monstrosity, who care only about return on investment, and certainly not you or anyone you love, “Just do it!”. Take the damn slave mask off. James O'Keefe calls out Twitter policies. “In an emailed statement to CNN Business, O’Keefe again said it was ‘false’ that the video contained private information and claimed Twitter told the group it could have its account reinstated if it deleted the tweet containing the video.”, CNN Business followed-up with Twitter about O’Keefe’s claim that he was told the account could potentially be reinstated. Yet the people keep using them and Congress doesn’t do squat. We have to leave the lunatics and fascists behind. The most ironic thing is that if Donald Trump were to start his own ‘twitter’, he’d have MORE than 75,000,000 subscribers the FIRST DAY. This is quite the Rubicon we’re crossing if Twitter wants to ban this particular piece of information.”, Twitter kicked off Project Veritas from the platform for breaking its “private information policy.”. It is built on a principle that the people have a right to hold power to account in the open.”, “However, we made it clear going back years that these accounts are not above our rules entirely and cannot use Twitter to incite violence, among other things,” the statement from Twitter added. – Do o really think American soldiers of the current crop will shoot their own families? But imagine what great lives we’ll then lead, and be able to pass along to new generations. Unfortunately, there are millions of people who use that leftist propaganda sewer as a source of news. Elon Musk is showing the way, with satellite Internet. Either way out would allow our half of the American population to have a platform. Twitter permanently banned the account of the James O’Keefe-founded undercover journalist group Project Veritas on Thursday for allegedly sharing “private information” without consent. The South was intent on enslaving blacks. This won’t be easy, but it will be a lot harder living in a Maoist America, where racist ChiComms govern you by proxy. “Project Veritas is appealing this decision, as no privacy was violated.”, “Twitter also confirmed that O’Keefe’s personal account had been locked temporarily for violating the same policy, and that O’Keefe would be required to remove the violative content before regaining permission to tweet,” CNN Business reported Thursday. In other words, whatever PDJT ventures into, he’ll have MORE than 75,000,000 subscribers or buyers on the first day. The longer we wait, the more our fate is sealed. De-platform and cancel them. O’Keefe eventually removed the tweet, which allowed him to take over his Twitter account. (Remember: the “president” has a kill switch that can turn off the Internet.). 1 month ago. If he started his own news channel, he’d have MORE than 75,000,000 subscribers the first day. BLM thug to Owen, about to crack his head open with a brick: “I’m gonna kill your m***********r!”, Owen to BLM thug: “I say: Did you intend to use that incorrectly spelled word?”, Guys: Check your spelling in the headlines, “In other words, whatever PDJT ventures into, he’ll have MORE than 75,000,000 subscribers or buyers on the first day.”. Fecesbook and Tw*tter are enemies of the people. Twitter crackdowns on the Right appear to have become increasingly common since the banning of President Donald Trump on Jan. 8. “After close review of recent Tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them — specifically how they are being received and interpreted on and off Twitter — we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence,” Twitter announced at the time, The Daily Wire reported. Project Veritas and its founder James O’Keefe are the latest victims of Twitter’s push to silence conservatives on the platform. We have to divorce. Cararo wasn’t shanghaied to the set of Mandalorian by a Disney press gang. He may think he does, but it’s not connected to anything. You’re doing it right. Skip, being a prisoner of these corrupt psychos is a CHOICE. This is very weak justification if you ask me. January 14, 2021. Political corruption would be punishable by hanging. Or we can wait as more of our side are deplatformed and silenced. Twitter Permanently Suspends Project Veritas, Locked James O’Keefe’s Account Posted by Mary Chastain Friday, February 12, 2021 at 5:00pm | 2/12/2021 - 5:00pm O’Keefe: “Does Twitter consider reporting information the public has a right to know private information? Not with the minds of 2 generations absolutely destroyed – and a third being worked on today. James O’Keefe said this on Telegram: “Twitter has locked our accounts for reporting on Facebook.Asking people questions using a microphone and camera. If he stated his own ‘amazon’ sales network, he’d have he’d have MORE than 75,000,000 subscribers the first day. Twitter restricted journalist James O’Keefe’s Twitter account, as well as that of his founding organization Project Veritas on Thursday morning, citing violation of “rules against posting private information.” This decision by Twitter comes after Project Veritas’s reporting on Facebook Vice President Guy Rosen saying the Big Tech platform intentionally “freezes,” via …

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