Practical remarks: 1. Do you pray for it by praying for Him? Upon the mountains of Zion and Moriah, which are sometimes mentioned as one mountain, and sometimes as two. How amiable or desirable. The joyful tidings that are left indefinite in m e bhassēr , are afterwards more particularly described as a proclamation of peace, good, salvation, and also as containing the announcement “thy God reigneth,” i.e., has risen to a right royal sway, or seized upon the government ( מל ך in an inchoative historical sense, as in the theocratic psalms which commence with the same watchword, or like ἐβασίλευσε in Revelation 19:6, cf., Revelation 11:17). It contains, first and principally, the offer of parson to the guilty, of deliverance to the oppressed, of salvation to the lost. Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem; for Jehovah hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jerusalem. 2. Matthew 10:1-7; Romans 10:15). That bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation: The scene changes here in Jerusalem, and the prophet represents the watchmen on the lookout toward Babylon, as if expecting what, in an instant they see, namely, the swiftly coming messenger on the distant Judean hills. Observe how the message ends. Pulpit Commentary Homiletics. Whence they may best be heard, {as in 9:7} saying, as there, "Hearken unto me, that God may hearken unto you." Awake, awake, put on strength — God orders his church to do that which she entreated him to do, Isaiah 51:9.And because his word is with power, and what he commands he in certain cases effects, this is a prediction and promise what he should do, that she should awake or arise out of her low estate, and be strong and courageous. Then the exclamation: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet, , etc. The third turn (Isaiah 52:7-10) exults at the salvation which is being carried into effect. '"[10] As regards the exact time when that reign of God (through Christ) began, it was upon that occasion when Jesus Christ declared that, "All authority in heaven and upon earth has been given unto me" (Matthew 18:18-20). If there is narrow-mindedness in relation to the minister's means of obtaining books, and unholding his influence in the locality where his lot is cast, the church suffers. Prayer. The Gospel declares the reign of Jesus (Psa, &c.). (F. Delitzsch, D. D.). It further supposes that they have no way of conciliating the Divine favour, or of warding off the stroke of his indignation. Therefore he adds, lastly, that there will be none to preach till he be sent by God.” (Romans 10:15.). Isaiah 52:12 For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the LORD will go before you; and the God of Israel [will be] your rereward.. Ver. (C. R. Sumner, D.D.). Commentary on Isaiah 52:13-15 (Read Isaiah 52:13-15) Here begins that wonderful, minute, and faithful description of the office, character, and glory of the Messiah, which has struck conviction to many of the most hardened unbelievers. 3. While the message cannot be changed, let it be presented in varied forms, to the young, to the aged, in public, in private. 2. Commentary on Psalm 98. In vain the might and power of Babylon interposed; the dominion and empire of Babylon fell for ever, even in one hour, because the day for the redemption of Israel was fully come. 2. . 11. on Isaiah, Vol. Every member of the church should do something for Christ. The preaching of the Word of God by his fellow man. Whereas men before shuddered at the thought of death as the dark and dismal end of all things, we have now been taught to look upon it as the gate of a more glorious life. welcome the publishers of such tidings! III. Man united with the fallen apostate spirits in rebellion against God, &c. 3. [Luke 10:6-11] If any know not how they came by their peace, but are like the Israelitish women, quick of delivery, before ever the midwife (the minister) can come at them, they have cause to suspect their peace. The publication of this Gospel is to be free and extensive. Such a messenger coming with haste, the prophet says, would be a beautiful object. It is a glorious note of jubilee. how agreeable are the tidings which he brings! He come like a conqueror to save his people. Celebrate, O Judah, thy festivals; perform thy vows; That publisheth peace - This declaration is general, that the coming of such a messenger would be attended with joy. The bands of thy neck had been the bands of bondage. But to thousands it shall be spirit and life, solace and bliss. But there is pardon for the sinner, holiness for the depraved, comfort for the distressed, which will develop into heaven at last. AN INTERESTING DESCRIPTION OF THE MODE OF ITS PUBLICATION. The Prophet again confirms believers as to the certainty of the word of God, that they may be fully persuaded that they shall be restored to their former liberty, and may comfort their hearts by assured hope during that hard bondage. Nor will they ever be weary of this subject; such an inexhaustible fund is it of light, and happiness, and glory.]. And in his days, or from the time of his manifestation in the flesh, and entering upon his public ministry, God discovered and exercised his dominion over the world far more eminently than he ever had done from the beginning of the world until that time. (A. O that there might be no more occasion for that complaint, “Who hath believed our report?” Let the very feet of the messengers who bring the tidings be henceforth beautiful in our eyes.]. 2. The blowing of the trumpet of the Gospel tells of restoration to the forfeited inheritance. The influences of the Spirit to illume, convince, guide, solace, meeten for heaven. III. Let him see it in the manner which reveals and perpetuates kindness. Sin was waxing every day stronger and spreading wider; goodness, on the other hand, was growing rarer and rarer. Whosoever he be that preacheth the gospel, that chief work of a minister. Isaiah 52:7-10 Commentary by Dirk G. Lange The text from Second Isaiah follows closely on Christmas Eve’s reading from First Isaiah though historically they are situated far apart. In this scene the message brought was the oncoming of the returning exiles to their spiritual Jerusalem. Now, the foundation of it is doctrine, by which the Lord has revealed himself to us, and for that purpose employs the agency and ministry of men. This reference to those "who bring good tidings and publish peace" is an oft recurring subject in Isaiah, as in Isaiah 40:9 and Isaiah 41:27, another signature declaring Isaiah as the author. The Targum is. III. Up to this time, when His people were in bondage, He appeared to have lost His dominion (Isaiah 63:19); but now He has ascended the throne as a Redeemer with greater glory than ever before (Isaiah 24:23). [That it is so treated, needs no proof: but how amazing that it should ever be slighted by those to whom it is sent! It needs the power of the Holy Ghost. It is a pledge of peace and of salvation with which the good news is concluded: “Thy God reigneth.” (R. W. Close, M.A. They were to shake off the past and live for the future. that condemned criminals should disregard the offers of pardon sent them by their prince! That satisfaction has been made for human sin. .—The image is reproduced, with variations, from Isaiah 40:9. This extends, indeed, to spiritual conversion; but let us not on that account depart from the literal sense, so as not to include also the benefit which the Lord conferred on the ancient people; for, when he restored the Jews to liberty, and employed the ministry of Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah, these things were fulfilled. Vignette 1 of 7. That thus the Divine dominion over man is re-asserted and re-established. 4 For thus saith the Lord GOD, My people went down aforetime into Egypt to sojourn there; and the Assyrian oppressed them without cause. Man is sinful, guilty. His apostles afterwards travelled and trudged on foot over hills and dales - what a compass fetched Paul! He states that he does not now speak of every kind of doctrine, but of that which is adapted to consolation, and therefore shews that “beautiful” and lovely is the approach of those who bring consolation from the mouth of God, which can not only alleviate our grief, but even impart to us abundant joy. What is the practical effect of the preacher's work in those that receive the truth? that bringeth good tidings of good; or, "that bringeth good tidings"F12מבשר טוב "evangelizantis bonum", Pagninus, Montanus, Junius & Tremellius; "qui nuntiat bonum", Cocceius. 2. (k) a "caro". It publishes peace. See a case in point, 2 Samuel 18:19-27; (note). But they certainly relate also to the deliverance announced to us under the Gospel-dispensation; for it is in this view that they are quoted by the Apostle Paul [Note: Romans 10:15.]. Some of you are, perhaps, not yet saved. As mentioned in yesterday’s commentary, Second Isaiah is prophesizing the return to Jerusalem out of the Babylonian exile. 11. Are the feet, which carry this welcome messenger; or the messenger himself. But all this is now changed, and most blessedly, for the better. That on the ground of that atonement salvation may be obtained by all that desire it. It is determined largely by position in society. that bringeth good tidings of good; or, "that bringeth good tidings" (l); for the original does not require such a tautology; it means the same good tidings as before, and which follow after: that publisheth salvation; by Jesus Christ, as wrought out by him for sinners, which is full, complete, and suitable for them, and to be had of him freely; and what better tidings than this? ], 2. Unclean— Nor any others, who are unholy. Of him; or, of them; for the singular number is oft put for the plural: although it may be here emphatically used, to signify, that although there were many messengers, yet one was the chief and Lord of the embassy, whose coming was more acceptable than the rest; which suits excellently to the Messiah, who is called the Messenger of the covenant, Malachi 3:1, and is oft said to be sent by God, as John 6:38 8:16,18, &c., to publish the glad tidings of salvation. Isaiah 52:1 Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean. The precious promises of the new covenant. (C. Caulfield, M.A.). It entails a condition where all things are in their proper relation to each other, with nothing left hanging, incomplete, or unfulfilled (peace, shalom); it entails a condition where creation purposes are realized (good, tob; cf. Whose heart should not burn within him at the thoughts of his privilege in being employed on such a ministration of love? The tidings of the deliverance from Babylon were joyful. Isaiah exulted in the good news that the Lord had just revealed. Their captivity had been a dry and a thirsty land. I. Read Isaiah 52 commentary using John Gill's Exposition of the Bible. The joyful tidings here to be proclaimed, "Thy God, O Zion, reigneth, "are the same that John the Baptist, the messenger of Christ, and Christ himself, published: "The kingdom of heaven is at hand.". . 9. fol. Is it our boast, and joy, and Song of Solomon 3. Of him that bringeth good tidings.] The people are waiting — waiting for the messenger who announces the return of the … Continue reading "Commentary on Isaiah 52:7-10" We shall take occasion from them to shew. How beautiful — How exceeding precious and acceptable; upon the mountains — Of Judea, to which these glad tidings were brought; are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings — Tidings, first, Of the release of the Jews from captivity in Babylon; and, secondly, Of the redemption and salvation of mankind by the Messiah. That bringeth good tidings of good - He announces that which is good or which is a joyful message. This honour will comprise. But the prophet, while thus describing in thrilling language the deliverance of his countrymen from bondage, rises to the contemplation of promises which far transcend the greatness of the most glorious earthly kingdom, and passes from the thought of Israel after the flesh to the eternal spiritual Israel, "whose people shall be all righteous, and inherit the land for ever"—the Church of God. Good tidings. By a beautiful figure, the very steps of the messenger hastening over the distant mountains are represented as inspiring us with joy. (m) Vajikra Rabba, sect. Adam Clarke Commentary. The beholder is supposed to be standing amidst the ruins of the desolated city, and the messenger is seen running on the distant hills. Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice — Partly to give notice to all people of these glad tidings, and partly by way of exultation, to sing forth the praises of God for this glorious season and exercise of mercy. ], "What does God"s rule entail? It is “good tidings,” “peace,” “good tidings-of good,” “salvation.” What a mine is there here for him who has eyes to see, a mind to understand, a soul to love, and a heart to overflow with gratitude! The message, the sermon, is not the end but the means. Shirhashirim Rabba, fol. 40-66, p368.]. Messengers coming over the mountains announce to Jerusalem the people’s redemption from Babylon, and the advent of Jehovah’s eternal kingdom. This being supposed, the prominent idea of the text is the man. The artist whose soul is seeing visions of the great creations of Raphael and Angelo, the general on the eve of a campaign for the emancipation of a people, the philanthropist pouring out his tears upon the miseries and sins of the world, will sleep on planks and find them soft as down, will eat coarse food and get good blood out of it, and so far forget themselves in their sublime consecrations and so populate with their holiest passions the thought-world and spirit-world within them as to realize Hawthorne’s parable of “the Great Stone Face,” and grow into the image of the mountain on which their gaze is fixed. Fully, and antitypically, the Gospel (Lu 2:10, 11), "beginning at Jerusalem" (Lu 24:47), "the city of the great King" (Mt 5:35), where Messiah shall, at the final restoration of Israel, "reign" as peculiarly Zion's God ("Thy God reigneth"; compare Ps 2:6). The duty of the Church to diffuse the Gospel to the ends of the earth. This was the apostle's request (Eph ; 2Th 3:1).The work of the ministry is spiritual, and it requires spiritual influences. 2. writers, ancient and modern; See Gill on Romans 10:15. good tidings — only partially applying to the return from Babylon. The messengers appointed to declare it. This passage is joyfully noisy. The Galatians welcomed Paul. [Romans 10:15] Of Mr John Dod it is written, and I know it to be true, that he was very evangelical, striving first to make men see their lost condition clearly - for, said he, sense of misery must go before sense of mercy - and then largely and excellently opening the promises, and the grace of God in Christ according to the gospel, looking at that as the most effectual preaching. It is his feet, his running, his haste, that attracts attention; an indication that he bears a message of joy, and that the nation is about to be restored. THE STATE IMPLIED in the words before us is to be collected from the view of their primary meaning. Did the Jews exult at a deliverance from a cruel yoke, and a restoration to their native country? The Hebrew prophets were strenuous men, living in the coils of battle, wrestling with great serpents, struggling up bare cliffs, and giving their lives for the ransom of the people; but we cannot doubt that they were happy men as well, because of the intellectual and spiritual glories in which their lives were set, and, their cheering and inspiring comradeship with the wonderful words of God. Isaiah 52:1-3. : Occasional Discourses, vol. Jerusalem was in ruins, her temple destroyed, its sacred vessels used for wine and debaucheries for the king of Babylon and his concubines. Paul, as has been already observed, applies it to the ministers of the gospel. The messenger"s feet were beautiful because they carried him and his message of peace, happiness, and salvation (cf. "Thy God reigneth." How much more must a sinner rejoice at his deliverance from death and hell, and his restoration to the forfeited inheritance of heaven! W.M. The bearer of this intelligence, primarily referred to in our text, acquired importance both from his mission and his qualifications. Not so with the warrior. Genesis 1:4; Genesis 1:10, etc. (g) Signifying that the joy and good tidings of their deliverance would make their affliction in the mean time more easy: but this is chiefly meant of the spiritual joy, as in Na 1:15, Ro 10:15. Some people find it hard to harmonize the fact of God's current reign upon earth with the presence of much evil in the world; but all such doubts fail when it is realized that, at the very darkest hours in the history of the Old Israel, as in this chapter, while the people were languishing in captivity, God was reigning then; and God through Christ is reigning now! are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings. Cherish affection to the minister for his work's sake. It proclaims a full and yet the only mode of deliverance to enslaved man; the only mode of reconciliation with an offended God.

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